Anti White movie

The difference is that you make excuses for white racists. You aren't compelled by anti non white racism as you are white racism. How do I know? I've looked at hundreds of your comments,not one of them coming at even one of the racist comments on this site-which are in abundance. But you took the time to come over here and call a black man a "shithead" lol. That means you are fundamentally ok with racism, so as long as it isn't against white people. What you don't say is just as important as what you do say, which, let's be clear, I know that you use racial slurs in private anyways. How many videos did Fox news do about the Ahmaud trial? Not one. Yet they have time to talk about "racist trees" lol. Again, what you don't say is just as important as what you do. The right/white people don't mind racism, they perpetuate it, but they are also not concerned with any racism unless it's anti white. that makes you a racist and that's what I mean when I say you don't think white people can be racist. Conversely, any slight on the left is quickly labeled as racism, divisive, woke, etc.
You’re a liar. Because I have called out white racist commentary right here at USMB. Therefore, the balance of your post is irrelevant. I already know all I need to know about you. You’re a racist simpleton piece of shit and you are dishonest. Gfy. :fu:
Ain't no generalizing, it's basic history lol. Fuckin' clown. But tell me this: If generalizing makes someone racist, Are 50% of white people racist? Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture

Let's see you rationalize your way out of this one. bahahah
European people created American culture. It's only logical that less of those people will make American culture stronger. Ask Nigerians or Indians or Pakis if they became minorities in their country would that weaken their culture. Of course it would. It isn't racist it is factual. You are welcome I should charge you by the hour.
You’re a liar. Because I have called out white racist commentary right here at USMB. Therefore, the balance of your post is irrelevant. I already know all I need to know about you. You’re a racist simpleton piece of shit and you are dishonest. Gfy. :fu:
Nah no you didn't. You can care less about racism unless it's against whites. You came to my post on Jordan Peterson to tell me I was an idiot, then you come to a thread of a white nationalist to again tell me I'm an idiot, instead of checking the white nationalist OP and the other racists commenting. It's clear you can care less about white racism. Actions speak as loud as words.
Nah no you didn't. You can care less about racism unless it's against whites. You came to my post on Jordan Peterson to tell me I was an idiot, then you come to a thread of a white nationalist to again tell me I'm an idiot, instead of checking the white nationalist OP and the other racists commenting. It's clear you can care less about white racism. Actions speak as loud as words.
Yes. Yes I did. And you remain a simple minded racist and an exposed liar. :fu:
Nah no you didn't. You can care less about racism unless it's against whites. You came to my post on Jordan Peterson to tell me I was an idiot, then you come to a thread of a white nationalist to again tell me I'm an idiot, instead of checking the white nationalist OP and the other racists commenting. It's clear you can care less about white racism. Actions speak as loud as words.
You are an idiot. I will point out your idiocy wherever I see it rear it’s ugly head. The fact that you are now a known liar makes it even more fun.
Yep, and I’m one of them

if migration patterns continue at this pace America will decline

illegal aliens do not belong here at all

and legal immigrants need time to assimilate into our white way of doing things
American way ( half these folks who think they are “ White” are not as their Great Grandparents lied about the Wandering Armenian Jew and the Kiowa Comanche in the woodpile )
Nah no you didn't. You can care less about racism unless it's against whites. You came to my post on Jordan Peterson to tell me I was an idiot, then you come to a thread of a white nationalist to again tell me I'm an idiot, instead of checking the white nationalist OP and the other racists commenting. It's clear you can care less about white racism. Actions speak as loud as words.
Feel free to migrate to a nation led by dark people; the nations that dark people are fleeing from.
You are an idiot. I will point out your idiocy wherever I see it rear it’s ugly head. The fact that you are now a known liar makes it even more fun.
Bro, you literally add nothing to the conversation, all you have to say is call people idiot over and over. Do you have a 76 IQ? Don't just show up empty handed to the cookout, nigga, looking to take a plate and dip out. Put some aluminum foil together and bring me a hot fuckin' meal. You feel me?
Generally whites; mostly conservatives.
I am a conservative at least so you did include me in the "you guys". With that said, I find the democrats much more racist. Just look at Biden's many comments along with voting against school integration. The democrats have done a great job of fooling us, but their actions speak volumes. This is why I like Candice Owens, Officer Tatum, etc. They refuse to be fooled by the left. Also, blacks are far from immune from dishing out racism.

Americans believe blacks are more racist than whites, Hispanics and Asians in this country.
75% of American Adults think the term “racism” refers to any discrimination by people of one race against another
Eighteen percent (18%) say most white Americans are racist. But 25% believe most black Americans are racist.
Other minority Americans view blacks as much more racist than whites, Hispanics and Asians.
I am a conservative at least so you did include me in the "you guys". With that said, I find the democrats much more racist. Just look at Biden's many comments along with voting against school integration. The democrats have done a great job of fooling us, but their actions speak volumes. This is why I like Candice Owens, Officer Tatum, etc. They refuse to be fooled by the left. Also, blacks are far from immune from dishing out racism.

I am a conservative at least so you did include me in the "you guys". With that said, I find the democrats much more racist. Just look at Biden's many comments along with voting against school integration. The democrats have done a great job of fooling us, but their actions speak volumes. This is why I like Candice Owens, Officer Tatum, etc. They refuse to be fooled by the left. Also, blacks are far from immune from dishing out racism.

It's not the same. Whites have not been oppressed for 500 years.
Bro, you literally add nothing to the conversation, all you have to say is call people idiot over and over. Do you have a 76 IQ? Don't just show up empty handed to the cookout, nigga, looking to take a plate and dip out. Put some aluminum foil together and bring me a hot fuckin' meal. You feel me?
You’re a dishonest racist idiot.
It's not the same. Whites have not been oppressed for 500 years.
In 500 Years in America, Blacks Have Never Been Treated Worse Than They Deserve

Racial inferiority is factual, so any White person who resents being called "racist" is a race deserter. It's a loaded term that intimidates weaklings who worship the power of those who force this unnatural and destructive equality fantasy on us. Your sponsors must be held accountable, because your history proves you won't fight back unless you are allowed to by a totalitarian ruling class of race traitors.

Slavery was punishment; the same goes for all the other healthy and logical discrimination. Humanoids who act like wild animals need to be tamed. The best solution now is to secede and deport all the criminal races to the Blue-State Union. You're too disgusting to have around even in a deservedly inferior status.
Got you. So you are okay with being racist toward whites that had nothing to do with what happened to blacks in the past.
When I say 500 years, I'm including today. Stephen F Covey talks about the emotional bank account in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. You have an emotional bank account; with every slight, money is taken out. The bank effectively represent your relationship with that person. Kind of like in an RPG where you get points for every interaction or decision the NPC likes. White people have taken out of that bank account non stop for the past 500 years. You cannot force me to trust white people, respect and trust is earned.

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