Anti White movie

When I say 500 years, I'm including today. Stephen F Covey talks about the emotional bank account in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. You have an emotional bank account; with every slight, money is taken out. The bank effectively represent your relationship with that person. Kind of like in an RPG where you get points for every interaction or decision the NPC likes. White people have taken out of that bank account non stop for the past 500 years. You cannot force me to trust white people, respect and trust is earned.
Nobody is trying to force you. If you want to be a racist, as you choose to do, then a racist you will remain. And you are a racist and you do choose to be a racist.
The difference is that you make excuses for white racists. You aren't compelled by anti non white racism as you are white racism. How do I know? I've looked at hundreds of your comments,not one of them coming at even one of the racist comments on this site-which are in abundance. But you took the time to come over here and call a black man a "shithead" lol. That means you are fundamentally ok with racism, so as long as it isn't against white people. What you don't say is just as important as what you do say, which, let's be clear, I know that you use racial slurs in private anyways. How many videos did Fox news do about the Ahmaud trial? Not one. Yet they have time to talk about "racist trees" lol. Again, what you don't say is just as important as what you do. The right/white people don't mind racism, they perpetuate it, but they are also not concerned with any racism unless it's anti white. that makes you a racist and that's what I mean when I say you don't think white people can be racist. Conversely, any slight on the left is quickly labeled as racism, divisive, woke, etc.
Well another lying leftard blocked.
Beats me. The masses are brainwashed parrots but the leaders hate this country and all it stands for.

We all know WHAT they are doing, HOW they are getting it done, and that they are willing to destroy millions of humans to cover it all up..........

But WHHHYYYY???? What is their END GOAL with destroying millions of people and destroying this country altogether??
We all know WHAT they are doing, HOW they are getting it done, and that they are willing to destroy millions of humans to cover it all up..........

But WHHHYYYY???? What is their END GOAL with destroying millions of people and destroying this country altogether??

Their desire is the very opposite of attempts by civilization to create better condidtions for mankind.....

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln
Human life?
The Constitution?
Free voting for the people?

Even more.


We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.
“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”
This is one of the Reasons the Far Left & Left & Highly Educated Jewish Americans are blindly voting Democrat (Even if its suicidal ) & sad thing is eight out of every ten folks in this pic are DEMOCRATS
6. We've all seen the polls, and the predictions for November, but proof that there are a number of Democrats who see the light can be gleaned from this half-hearted 'praise' that Variety gave that insane production, "American Insurrection."

The Left would normally be expected to give praise and approval to this paranoid fabrication.....but:

"Working from a screenplay he co-wrote with Jarret Kerr, one of the lead players, Sullivan takes a chamber drama approach to depicting life in an America largely controlled by white supremacists whose goals and tactics might seem extreme even to Tucker Carlson (if not his loyal viewership).

Indeed, it’s easy to imagine someone taking another pass at the script and adapting it into a stage play set inside the secluded cabin where most of the interactions take place, and focused almost entirely on the central dramatis personae: two couples hoping to escape to Canada, a stranger who inadvertently complicates matters, and an Afghan war vet turned right-wing militiaman kept prisoner in a nearby barn.

Evidently, a charismatic right-wing zealot organized and encouraged groups of Proud Boyish militants that gradually coalesced into a coast-to-coast army known as The Volunteers, heavily armed haters dead set on corralling and controlling anyone who isn’t straight, Christian and, of course, white. (If anyone gets killed during this crackdown, well, you have to break some eggs to make an omelet.) The zealot — played by Toby Leonard Moore in TV clips — successfully ran for US President (on a ticket that included, no kidding, forgiving all student debts) and remains in power by employing The Volunteers as a national police force.

Or something like that."
View attachment 634049This is one of the Reasons the Far Left & Left & Highly Educated Jewish Americans are blindly voting Democrat (Even if its suicidal ) & sad thing is eight out of every ten folks in this pic are DEMOCRATS

Ten out of ten.

BTW.....I just saw a poll claiming that Jews still supporting Democrats is down to 63%

I suspect the actual number is quite a bit lower.
We all know WHAT they are doing, HOW they are getting it done, and that they are willing to destroy millions of humans to cover it all up..........

But WHHHYYYY???? What is their END GOAL with destroying millions of people and destroying this country altogether??
Why Nails Don't Pop Up After Being Thoroughly Hammered

The elitist oligarchic clique is safer if everybody else lives in misery. Don't fall for their self-serving lie that an oppressed populace would revolt. Totalitarianism takes away the pride necessary to stand up to the unAmerican heiristocracy.
Even more.


We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.
“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”
Promethean Scripture

If God created man in His own image, then humans are creators, too. Therefore, God couldn't have created such an anti-human mess like Nature as something in His image. He created us so we could re-create Nature for man's benefit, safety, and even pleasure.
I didn’t watch even a minutes worth of the series, “Dear White People.” But it did make me immediately wonder if any POC would mind it if some white writer, white producer and any network had written, produced and aired a series called “Dear People of Color” to “explain” how to be more tolerant of cultural differences?

I have a better working title. “To be White is not necessarily to be Wrong.” But it will never be commercially viable. I mean, who wants a woke narrative ruined by reality?
Promethean Scripture

If God created man in His own image, then humans are creators, too. Therefore, God couldn't have created such an anti-human mess like Nature as something in His image. He created us so we could re-create Nature for man's benefit, safety, and even pleasure.

The Left is bustin'-their-buttons proud of having killed God, and replaced Him with their version, the collectivization of man, and that would be government.

For Democrats, those of us who won't bent the neck and the knee to their god, are infidels.

And their aim for infidels is the same as the fundamentalists of a certain other religion.

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