Antifa burning Bibles now

All lives matters not just black lives
All lives won't matter UNTIL Black Lives Matter.
And here for the dumb asses is your terroristic threat
You still havent explained why you think thats "terroristic" Can you do that?
It's terroristic when you apply the rioting that the terrorist BLM attempt
What? What kind of retard are you? Please explain what youre talking about. BLM isnt rioting.
lol fucking moron
That doesnt really prove your claim. Let me know when you can do that.
Nope fucking moron is what you are
Please use sites that are legitimate. These will not do.

" Overall, we rate LifeSiteNews far right biased based on story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks. "

" Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to four failed fact checks. "
Well son you can't use any source that is mainstream media
Thanks for admitting you cant prove your claim.
Your ability to go "nuh uh" in the face of frankly kinda derp. You'll never learn anything.
"Understanding the Past Helps us to Understand what's going on Now: WW2 Nazism = today's SOCIALISTS."

Wake up! all of you from the Left! Wake up!

trump is evil. You are being deceived.
you're ignorant and blind to what true evil is
You're so blind to it you actually support it.
Says the clown that supports racism.
right back at you racist
Here's a racist slogan Black lives matters repeatedly says
"No lives will matter until black lives matters"
That's not only racist it's terroristic
Whats racist or "terroristic" about it?
All lives matters not just black lives if only black lives matter it's fucking racist to say it.
and continued threats of rioting until blacks get a free hand at killing whites without penalty is terroristic

The name Black Lives Matter doesn't infer no other life matters except to white race baiting racists. There is nothing in the BLM mission that talks about killing anyone and most of the rioting has been done by whites.
it's racist to put one race above another
Then tell your other white people to stop being racist.
you need to stop being a racist before you tell others to stop being a racist
I'm Black. I cant be a racist. Now tell your white people to stop being racist.

most retarded statement of the day.
While I agree your post is retarded, you've said more retarded shit today than your last post. I guarantee you that.
You no longer have that protection of being black and not being a racist
Your own words shows that you are a racist
You always make claims but are unable to prove them. I already told you Black people simply cannot be racist.
I make factual states you on the other hand makes unsupported biasis claims.
You have never made a factual statement. You only repeat talking points like a parrot. No original thought.
It's fucking factual their are tons of news sources verifying the riot damages and injured police officers
I think you meant "there" not "their" you retard. However the riots are not done by BLM you idiot. Thats just wanting it to be true.

Squirm your way out of that, you worm.
On the 1st very short page of results: Armed White Residents Stare Down BLM Protesters in Indiana
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
you're ignorant and blind to what true evil is
You're so blind to it you actually support it.
Says the clown that supports racism.
right back at you racist
Here's a racist slogan Black lives matters repeatedly says
"No lives will matter until black lives matters"
That's not only racist it's terroristic
Whats racist or "terroristic" about it?
All lives matters not just black lives if only black lives matter it's fucking racist to say it.
and continued threats of rioting until blacks get a free hand at killing whites without penalty is terroristic

The name Black Lives Matter doesn't infer no other life matters except to white race baiting racists. There is nothing in the BLM mission that talks about killing anyone and most of the rioting has been done by whites.
it's racist to put one race above another
Then tell your other white people to stop being racist.
you need to stop being a racist before you tell others to stop being a racist
I'm Black. I cant be a racist. Now tell your white people to stop being racist.

most retarded statement of the day.
While I agree your post is retarded, you've said more retarded shit today than your last post. I guarantee you that.
You no longer have that protection of being black and not being a racist
Your own words shows that you are a racist
You always make claims but are unable to prove them. I already told you Black people simply cannot be racist.
I make factual states you on the other hand makes unsupported biasis claims.
You have never made a factual statement. You only repeat talking points like a parrot. No original thought.
It's fucking factual their are tons of news sources verifying the riot damages and injured police officers
I think you meant "there" not "their" you retard. However the riots are not done by BLM you idiot. Thats just wanting it to be true.
sidestep bitch regardless how you divert and no matter how mainstream media changes the narrative what is constant and unchanging the cost of for repairs because of the riots
The cost for personal injuries
The police reports
They declared war on the USA, what’s their flag?
Doesn't matter. They're against the US and all of us.
Is green hair and tattoos a flag? I can't be certain of that. I can observe behaviors and take action accordingly.
Shooting mortars into a federal courthouse? That's pretty much a capital crime (if occupied) or one punishable by over 50 years in prison.
I said nothing about burning the bible. I said trump is evil. And that's because trump IS evil.
Sometimes in order to beat evil, a person has to be evil themselves, especially when who they are going against has no interest in learning another language. When you multiply a positive times a negative, the product is never a positive.

God bless you and our current leader always!!!


Where in the Bible does it say that to defeat evil you have to be evil? Jesus said repeatedly that only the Light could overcome the darkness. How is not learning another language "evil"? And we're not talking about mathematical equations here so that isn't even relevant.

In fact, your entire post is a desperate attempt to rationalize your support for a man who has co-opted your faith, and replaced Jesus, as the central figure of your faith. That's the danger of evil leaders. You think that they're your saviours, and by the time you realize who they really are, you're just as corrupt and evil as they are.

Trump isn't destroying the left, he's destroyed the right. The religious right is finished as a political force. You've aligned yourselves with criminals, and NAZI's. You're cheering Trump's attempts to prosecute his "enemies". You stood silently by as he kidnapped and even killed refugee babies, ripped nursing babies from their mother's arms.

No one can call themselves a "Christian" and be taken seriously, if you support this murderous and hateful President. Where are you gonna to go after the election when Trump is jailed, and you have no one who supports your hatred of your fellow human beings, to vote for.

You said you couldn't support anyone who believes that women should have the right to exercise their God-given "free will", in the matter of abortion, so welcome to wandering in the wilderness. Just as the Isrealites were condemned to wander the desert for 40 years for the sin of idol worship, the "religious right" are going to wander in the desert for a long, long time, and maybe you'll start reading the Bible and actually living accord to the word of Jesus, and remember that His Kingdom is not of this world.

And the church says AMEN!

Burning flags, burning Bibles, in protest is fine, it shows the low IQ and lack of depth of those that would do such a thing.

I hope BLM can separate from the riot trash in Portland. They tried to in Seattle, yet, it helped hurt the brand.
When you support trump you can't talk about anyone's IQ. The white supremacists will continue causing problems in these protests as long as people like you blame it on BLM.

You are not comprehending what I am saying, first off never voted for Trump nor will I. My opinion anyone that is voting for Democrat or Republican for President is brain dead. The two choices are terrible and 2016 for the worst two choices of all time.

I didn’t blame BLM, again your comprehension is suffering. They are trying to separate BLM from the rift raft, Seattle it was Antifa, Portland it is anarchist, antifa and white supremacists rioting. Like I have said I have no issue with BLM, I think the peaceful protests speak volumes, our city is having them every Sunday and the are peaceful, I’m good with that.
I said nothing about burning the bible. I said trump is evil. And that's because trump IS evil.
Sometimes in order to beat evil, a person has to be evil themselves, especially when who they are going against has no interest in learning another language. When you multiply a positive times a negative, the product is never a positive.

God bless you and our current leader always!!!


Where in the Bible does it say that to defeat evil you have to be evil? Jesus said repeatedly that only the Light could overcome the darkness. How is not learning another language "evil"? And we're not talking about mathematical equations here so that isn't even relevant.

In fact, your entire post is a desperate attempt to rationalize your support for a man who has co-opted your faith, and replaced Jesus, as the central figure of your faith. That's the danger of evil leaders. You think that they're your saviours, and by the time you realize who they really are, you're just as corrupt and evil as they are.

Trump isn't destroying the left, he's destroyed the right. The religious right is finished as a political force. You've aligned yourselves with criminals, and NAZI's. You're cheering Trump's attempts to prosecute his "enemies". You stood silently by as he kidnapped and even killed refugee babies, ripped nursing babies from their mother's arms.

No one can call themselves a "Christian" and be taken seriously, if you support this murderous and hateful President. Where are you gonna to go after the election when Trump is jailed, and you have no one who supports your hatred of your fellow human beings, to vote for.

You said you couldn't support anyone who believes that women should have the right to exercise their God-given "free will", in the matter of abortion, so welcome to wandering in the wilderness. Just as the Isrealites were condemned to wander the desert for 40 years for the sin of idol worship, the "religious right" are going to wander in the desert for a long, long time, and maybe you'll start reading the Bible and actually living accord to the word of Jesus, and remember that His Kingdom is not of this world.

And the church says AMEN!

Burning flags, burning Bibles, in protest is fine, it shows the low IQ and lack of depth of those that would do such a thing.

I hope BLM can separate from the riot trash in Portland. They tried to in Seattle, yet, it helped hurt the brand.
The biggest indicator of low IQ is if you support Drumpf. Only someone thats racist, retarded, or brain dead is unable to see he is an incompetent fuckup.

The biggest indicator is if anyone votes for either of the candidates. I could never vote for Trump or Biden. I’ll do what I did last election and find a good candidate, not voting for dumb or dumber.
Thats not exactly an intelligent choice. You have to vote for dumb or dumber or you will definitely get one of the two by taking votes away from one or the other. There are plenty of good candidates. The problem is the none of them are going to get elected so if you vote for them you are wasting your vote. Until the day comes that people stop voting based on party and stop being fans of one party or the other, we will be in this situation. In this specific case Drumpf has got to fucking go.

I have turned the corner and will wait for the rest of the country to wake up.
Good luck. Its good to have principles.
How would you know?
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
you're ignorant and blind to what true evil is
You're so blind to it you actually support it.
Says the clown that supports racism.
right back at you racist
Here's a racist slogan Black lives matters repeatedly says
"No lives will matter until black lives matters"
That's not only racist it's terroristic
Whats racist or "terroristic" about it?
All lives matters not just black lives if only black lives matter it's fucking racist to say it.
and continued threats of rioting until blacks get a free hand at killing whites without penalty is terroristic

The name Black Lives Matter doesn't infer no other life matters except to white race baiting racists. There is nothing in the BLM mission that talks about killing anyone and most of the rioting has been done by whites.
it's racist to put one race above another
Then tell your other white people to stop being racist.
you need to stop being a racist before you tell others to stop being a racist
I'm Black. I cant be a racist. Now tell your white people to stop being racist.

most retarded statement of the day.
While I agree your post is retarded, you've said more retarded shit today than your last post. I guarantee you that.
You no longer have that protection of being black and not being a racist
Your own words shows that you are a racist
Blacks never did have that protection.

You don't get to be part of a race that oppressed black people overtly for 349 years and covertly for 52 without being held to account. That's what you're calling black racism. And that's like calling a person who killed an armed person who was trying to invade that persons home a murderer.
trump is evil. You are being deceived.

you are ok with burning bibles?

I feel sorry for you
I said nothing about burning the bible. I said trump is evil. And that's because trump IS evil.
You need some Jesus. Evil is not good, and good is not evil.
Trump is not evil, he is a sinner. You are a sinner as well, and unqualified to judge Trump. If you knew God, you would know that. All you know is racism and hate and derp.

What makes you so qualified to judge Trump? Oh ye that yearns for an undeserved reparation check for nothing?

This is your life, IM2
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
you're ignorant and blind to what true evil is
You're so blind to it you actually support it.
Says the clown that supports racism.
right back at you racist
Here's a racist slogan Black lives matters repeatedly says
"No lives will matter until black lives matters"
That's not only racist it's terroristic
Whats racist or "terroristic" about it?
All lives matters not just black lives if only black lives matter it's fucking racist to say it.
and continued threats of rioting until blacks get a free hand at killing whites without penalty is terroristic

The name Black Lives Matter doesn't infer no other life matters except to white race baiting racists. There is nothing in the BLM mission that talks about killing anyone and most of the rioting has been done by whites.
it's racist to put one race above another
Then tell your other white people to stop being racist.
you need to stop being a racist before you tell others to stop being a racist
I'm Black. I cant be a racist. Now tell your white people to stop being racist.

most retarded statement of the day.
While I agree your post is retarded, you've said more retarded shit today than your last post. I guarantee you that.
You no longer have that protection of being black and not being a racist
Your own words shows that you are a racist
Blacks never did have that protection.

You don't get to be part of a race that oppressed black people overtly for 349 years and covertly for 52 without being held to account. That's what you're calling black racism. And that's like calling a person who killed an armed person who was trying to invade that persons home a murderer.
You fucking lying sack of shit no black American has been oppressed since the 70's
You're a racist piece of shit your words give you away
This election in November is GOOD vs EVIL

Vote for President Trump!:yes_text12:
A vote for Drumpf is a vote for an incompetent fuckup. I cant really call him evil even though his fuckups have a supernatural quality to them.
So? Leftards believe that Jesuit Joe " the pedo" Biden is the only choice to make? Do tell? I do know that he is the choice of the commies because they believe he will be a "pushover" being that he is two sandwiches short of a picnic lunch.
I think someone put it best when they said in all seriousness that they would vote for a tuna fish sandwich before they voted for Drumpf. Biden is already light years ahead of Drumpf by virtue of being able to breath when he talks. Anyone that actually votes for Drumpf or believes he is good for anything is retarded or willfully ignorant.
wow...there you have the "peaceful" protesters on Portland burning Bibles... they also burnt American flags ....and they claim they are peaceful?


View attachment 370105
It would be such a shame if they fell out of the helicopter into the Tiger shark-infested waters on the way there...NOT!
They declared war on the USA, what’s their flag?
Nobody has declared war on this country.
You fuck heads are killing police.......burning businesses..........looting .....raping............

You are everything the Founding Fathers warned us about.........Face it.........your movement Sucks hairy balls.........and you only do it in safe zones.....other places doesn't work out well........because other places don't put up with your shit.

2:35 ..........does this Black mans life matter to you........go there and look
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
you're ignorant and blind to what true evil is
You're so blind to it you actually support it.
Says the clown that supports racism.
right back at you racist
Here's a racist slogan Black lives matters repeatedly says
"No lives will matter until black lives matters"
That's not only racist it's terroristic
Whats racist or "terroristic" about it?
All lives matters not just black lives if only black lives matter it's fucking racist to say it.
and continued threats of rioting until blacks get a free hand at killing whites without penalty is terroristic

The name Black Lives Matter doesn't infer no other life matters except to white race baiting racists. There is nothing in the BLM mission that talks about killing anyone and most of the rioting has been done by whites.
it's racist to put one race above another
Then tell your other white people to stop being racist.
you need to stop being a racist before you tell others to stop being a racist
I'm Black. I cant be a racist. Now tell your white people to stop being racist.

most retarded statement of the day.
While I agree your post is retarded, you've said more retarded shit today than your last post. I guarantee you that.
You no longer have that protection of being black and not being a racist
Your own words shows that you are a racist
Blacks never did have that protection.

You don't get to be part of a race that oppressed black people overtly for 349 years and covertly for 52 without being held to account. That's what you're calling black racism. And that's like calling a person who killed an armed person who was trying to invade that persons home a murderer.
You fucking lying sack of shit no black American has been oppressed since the 70's
You're a racist piece of shit your words give you away
That's the truth! No blacks have been oppressed since the 70s.
The beginning of the 70s.
Everything was fine until Obama, The first term wasn't so bad, but now look where we are!
I will not take up arms against decent black Americans, but I will against pieces of shit!
It won't be all the younger blacks standing with me, but most of the older ones will be.
Maybe some of the better younger ones, too.
Oh! And all the other Americans, too. Bitches. We will kick your ass to Kingdom Come, you fucking piece of shit commies!
What, bitch? You think blacks don't know how hard their ancestors worked to build up a life for them and the country.
Go fuck yourself with that.
Blacks have been here since day 1..yeah.."minority"..yet still valid.
That is total bullshit calling a 7th generation black American "African American"; that is an incredibly bad insult to intelligence and history. Oh! And also my black American brethren! Grah!!!
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"Understanding the Past Helps us to Understand what's going on Now: WW2 Nazism = today's SOCIALISTS."

So now the past helps us to understand what's going on now. This means I can say that the racial wealth gap is due to past laws and policies.

1920 -the n word
2020 - black culture.

Same racism said differently.

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