Antifa burning Bibles now


it's amusing to see the Left....The Rats....come out of the woodwork to reply to this thread

Poor little morons!;)
Its more amusing to see someone get worked up over a fable stolen and modified from the ancient Kemet mythology of Auset, Ausar, and Heru.
What is even funnier and more amusing is watching leftards defend the muslim faith and believe that by poking fun at Mooo-hummad and the koran is a big time "diss" to the third world, backward ass, diaper wearing pedos.
Read the thread. The muslim faith is based on the same myth from ancient Kemet.
No, islam was created by the catholic church to inflame hostilities towards the Hebrew tribes of Abraham and wanted islam to do their dirty work for them so they could have Jerusalem. It ended up biting them on the ass.
That was funny. You know you gotta provide a link for that claim. :lol:
You wouldn't believe it no matter what evidence I produced. If you notice how similar these cults are, you would see many common traits. Heretics = Protestants that will not bow to papal authority. Infidels= Those that are not muslim. Both have a city that the followers must make a pilgrimage to. Both cults have rituals that are strictly adhered to like the call to prayer for muslims and "mass" for catholics. Need I go on? Alberto Rivera, a former high ranking Jesuit priest revealed what the entire agenda was. Jesuits were the first to practice Communism in the 1600's and they are the ones that taught liberation theology. Marx and Engels both had Jesuit mentors as did Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.
So you dont have any proof?

The Jewish Roots of the Mass
Interesting. You have any supporting links?
Roberto Rivera's testimony is too detailed to be fraudulent and he was persecuted for bringing this forward. I take it that you are not very familiar with the history of the Jesuits? I only delved into their history about six years ago and they are easily the most diabolic of all secret societies that control other secret societies. So evil were the Jesuits that a papal bull was passed down in 1773 where the catholic church distanced themselves from it. They have been kicked out of 83 countries for creating division where there was none before and wherever the Jesuits are allowed to stay, they take over. Look at the SCOTUS, five out of the nine are Jesuit schooled. Joe Biden is a jesuit, Obama was surrounded by jesuit trained advisers. Remember Father Pfluger that preached at Reverend Wright's church that was so publicized in 2008 before the election? He was a jesuit.
The only thing I know about the Jesuits is that they are a secret society like the masons.
They are the military arm of the Vatican and they control all freemasonry and have other secret societies like Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta. You would be floored to learn how many "Knights of Malta" members were involved in the Kennedy assassination. They were alos complicit in the murder of Lincoln and why America had no diplomatic ties with the Vatican until Reagan sold us out by re-establishing ties with them in 1984. Cardinal Spellman was the highest ranking Jesuit in America when JFK was president and before JFK took office, Spellman was given intel briefings daily and it ended when JFK became president. They refer to the Vietnam War as "Spelly's War" for numerous reasons one of which was to control the opium trade within the Golden Triangle in Asia.
The Catholic Church has long been a hot bed of lying murdering scum so I will need to take a look at this information. Thanks.

it's amusing to see the Left....The Rats....come out of the woodwork to reply to this thread

Poor little morons!;)
Its more amusing to see someone get worked up over a fable stolen and modified from the ancient Kemet mythology of Auset, Ausar, and Heru.
What is even funnier and more amusing is watching leftards defend the muslim faith and believe that by poking fun at Mooo-hummad and the koran is a big time "diss" to the third world, backward ass, diaper wearing pedos.
Read the thread. The muslim faith is based on the same myth from ancient Kemet.
No, islam was created by the catholic church to inflame hostilities towards the Hebrew tribes of Abraham and wanted islam to do their dirty work for them so they could have Jerusalem. It ended up biting them on the ass.
That was funny. You know you gotta provide a link for that claim. :lol:
You wouldn't believe it no matter what evidence I produced. If you notice how similar these cults are, you would see many common traits. Heretics = Protestants that will not bow to papal authority. Infidels= Those that are not muslim. Both have a city that the followers must make a pilgrimage to. Both cults have rituals that are strictly adhered to like the call to prayer for muslims and "mass" for catholics. Need I go on? Alberto Rivera, a former high ranking Jesuit priest revealed what the entire agenda was. Jesuits were the first to practice Communism in the 1600's and they are the ones that taught liberation theology. Marx and Engels both had Jesuit mentors as did Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.
So you dont have any proof?

The Jewish Roots of the Mass
Interesting. You have any supporting links?
Roberto Rivera's testimony is too detailed to be fraudulent and he was persecuted for bringing this forward. I take it that you are not very familiar with the history of the Jesuits? I only delved into their history about six years ago and they are easily the most diabolic of all secret societies that control other secret societies. So evil were the Jesuits that a papal bull was passed down in 1773 where the catholic church distanced themselves from it. They have been kicked out of 83 countries for creating division where there was none before and wherever the Jesuits are allowed to stay, they take over. Look at the SCOTUS, five out of the nine are Jesuit schooled. Joe Biden is a jesuit, Obama was surrounded by jesuit trained advisers. Remember Father Pfluger that preached at Reverend Wright's church that was so publicized in 2008 before the election? He was a jesuit.
The only thing I know about the Jesuits is that they are a secret society like the masons.
BTW, take a look at how many Jesuit schooled men were in control of the CIA. Skull and Bones is another Jesuit controlled secret society. One of the many sordid and disgusting rites the neophytes have to perform is the skull-fucking of an effigy of Madame Pompadour, that was a fierce enemy of the Jesuits as she was a major player in getting them kicked out of France. Truth is stranger than fiction.
trump is evil. You are being deceived.

thank you IM-2----do you have any idea why your BLM brothers wanted to burn a bible?
I think the question you need to answer is why have white christians supported and defended trump. Perhaps when you can honestly answer that question you will understand that your brethren started burning the bible beginning with the moral majority.

So the next time you feel the need to get worked up over king james interpretation of God think about your support of a serial liar who works to divide and confuse then remember that it was the lord who told us that satan is the author of LIES and CONFUSION.

you are DESPERATE IM------btw king james did not write the bible-------and some guy named "satan" did not invent lies
The bible most christians quote was commissioned by king james the murdering psychopath.

really-----king James? I know nothing about him ----PSYCHOPATH?

Apparently, had a real problem with witches.

View attachment 370100

mother-in-law problems?

it's amusing to see the Left....The Rats....come out of the woodwork to reply to this thread

Poor little morons!;)
Its more amusing to see someone get worked up over a fable stolen and modified from the ancient Kemet mythology of Auset, Ausar, and Heru.
What is even funnier and more amusing is watching leftards defend the muslim faith and believe that by poking fun at Mooo-hummad and the koran is a big time "diss" to the third world, backward ass, diaper wearing pedos.
Read the thread. The muslim faith is based on the same myth from ancient Kemet.
No, islam was created by the catholic church to inflame hostilities towards the Hebrew tribes of Abraham and wanted islam to do their dirty work for them so they could have Jerusalem. It ended up biting them on the ass.
That was funny. You know you gotta provide a link for that claim. :lol:
You wouldn't believe it no matter what evidence I produced. If you notice how similar these cults are, you would see many common traits. Heretics = Protestants that will not bow to papal authority. Infidels= Those that are not muslim. Both have a city that the followers must make a pilgrimage to. Both cults have rituals that are strictly adhered to like the call to prayer for muslims and "mass" for catholics. Need I go on? Alberto Rivera, a former high ranking Jesuit priest revealed what the entire agenda was. Jesuits were the first to practice Communism in the 1600's and they are the ones that taught liberation theology. Marx and Engels both had Jesuit mentors as did Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.
So you dont have any proof?

The Jewish Roots of the Mass
Interesting. You have any supporting links?
Roberto Rivera's testimony is too detailed to be fraudulent and he was persecuted for bringing this forward. I take it that you are not very familiar with the history of the Jesuits? I only delved into their history about six years ago and they are easily the most diabolic of all secret societies that control other secret societies. So evil were the Jesuits that a papal bull was passed down in 1773 where the catholic church distanced themselves from it. They have been kicked out of 83 countries for creating division where there was none before and wherever the Jesuits are allowed to stay, they take over. Look at the SCOTUS, five out of the nine are Jesuit schooled. Joe Biden is a jesuit, Obama was surrounded by jesuit trained advisers. Remember Father Pfluger that preached at Reverend Wright's church that was so publicized in 2008 before the election? He was a jesuit.
The only thing I know about the Jesuits is that they are a secret society like the masons.
They are the military arm of the Vatican and they control all freemasonry and have other secret societies like Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta. You would be floored to learn how many "Knights of Malta" members were involved in the Kennedy assassination. They were alos complicit in the murder of Lincoln and why America had no diplomatic ties with the Vatican until Reagan sold us out by re-establishing ties with them in 1984. Cardinal Spellman was the highest ranking Jesuit in America when JFK was president and before JFK took office, Spellman was given intel briefings daily and it ended when JFK became president. They refer to the Vietnam War as "Spelly's War" for numerous reasons one of which was to control the opium trade within the Golden Triangle in Asia.
The Catholic Church has long been a hot bed of lying murdering scum so I will need to take a look at this information. Thanks.
It's worse than even I could imagine. It's one deep rabbit hole to go down. The jesuits are tied to the black nobility of thirteen blood-line families as are many of the popes tied them.

it's amusing to see the Left....The Rats....come out of the woodwork to reply to this thread

Poor little morons!;)
Its more amusing to see someone get worked up over a fable stolen and modified from the ancient Kemet mythology of Auset, Ausar, and Heru.
What is even funnier and more amusing is watching leftards defend the muslim faith and believe that by poking fun at Mooo-hummad and the koran is a big time "diss" to the third world, backward ass, diaper wearing pedos.
Read the thread. The muslim faith is based on the same myth from ancient Kemet.
No, islam was created by the catholic church to inflame hostilities towards the Hebrew tribes of Abraham and wanted islam to do their dirty work for them so they could have Jerusalem. It ended up biting them on the ass.
That was funny. You know you gotta provide a link for that claim. :lol:
You wouldn't believe it no matter what evidence I produced. If you notice how similar these cults are, you would see many common traits. Heretics = Protestants that will not bow to papal authority. Infidels= Those that are not muslim. Both have a city that the followers must make a pilgrimage to. Both cults have rituals that are strictly adhered to like the call to prayer for muslims and "mass" for catholics. Need I go on? Alberto Rivera, a former high ranking Jesuit priest revealed what the entire agenda was. Jesuits were the first to practice Communism in the 1600's and they are the ones that taught liberation theology. Marx and Engels both had Jesuit mentors as did Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.
So you dont have any proof?

The Jewish Roots of the Mass
Interesting. You have any supporting links?
Roberto Rivera's testimony is too detailed to be fraudulent and he was persecuted for bringing this forward. I take it that you are not very familiar with the history of the Jesuits? I only delved into their history about six years ago and they are easily the most diabolic of all secret societies that control other secret societies. So evil were the Jesuits that a papal bull was passed down in 1773 where the catholic church distanced themselves from it. They have been kicked out of 83 countries for creating division where there was none before and wherever the Jesuits are allowed to stay, they take over. Look at the SCOTUS, five out of the nine are Jesuit schooled. Joe Biden is a jesuit, Obama was surrounded by jesuit trained advisers. Remember Father Pfluger that preached at Reverend Wright's church that was so publicized in 2008 before the election? He was a jesuit.
The only thing I know about the Jesuits is that they are a secret society like the masons.
BTW, take a look at how many Jesuit schooled men were in control of the CIA. Skull and Bones is another Jesuit controlled secret society. One of the many sordid and disgusting rites the neophytes have to perform is the skull-fucking of an effigy of Madame Pompadour, that was a fierce enemy of the Jesuits as she was a major player in getting them kicked out of France. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Skull and Bones is the organization i am familiar with. Someone told me about them years ago but I never looked very deep.
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil -- God
trump is evil. Burning those bibles was wrong. There is a difference. Jesus entered the church, saw the moneychangers, then proceeded to wreak havoc on church property. You guys are superficial. Everything is about symbols to you. trump used the military to clear the streets of protesters so he could pose with an upside down bible for show. That you call good. Heed the words in your own post.
You Marxists burn bibles,churches and religious symbols. If you could kill Christians you would ( and probably do). Dont even try to pretend you speak for God.


it's amusing to see the Left....The Rats....come out of the woodwork to reply to this thread

Poor little morons!;)
Its more amusing to see someone get worked up over a fable stolen and modified from the ancient Kemet mythology of Auset, Ausar, and Heru.
What is even funnier and more amusing is watching leftards defend the muslim faith and believe that by poking fun at Mooo-hummad and the koran is a big time "diss" to the third world, backward ass, diaper wearing pedos.
Read the thread. The muslim faith is based on the same myth from ancient Kemet.
No, islam was created by the catholic church to inflame hostilities towards the Hebrew tribes of Abraham and wanted islam to do their dirty work for them so they could have Jerusalem. It ended up biting them on the ass.
That was funny. You know you gotta provide a link for that claim. :lol:
You wouldn't believe it no matter what evidence I produced. If you notice how similar these cults are, you would see many common traits. Heretics = Protestants that will not bow to papal authority. Infidels= Those that are not muslim. Both have a city that the followers must make a pilgrimage to. Both cults have rituals that are strictly adhered to like the call to prayer for muslims and "mass" for catholics. Need I go on? Alberto Rivera, a former high ranking Jesuit priest revealed what the entire agenda was. Jesuits were the first to practice Communism in the 1600's and they are the ones that taught liberation theology. Marx and Engels both had Jesuit mentors as did Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.
So you dont have any proof?

The Jewish Roots of the Mass
Interesting. You have any supporting links?
Roberto Rivera's testimony is too detailed to be fraudulent and he was persecuted for bringing this forward. I take it that you are not very familiar with the history of the Jesuits? I only delved into their history about six years ago and they are easily the most diabolic of all secret societies that control other secret societies. So evil were the Jesuits that a papal bull was passed down in 1773 where the catholic church distanced themselves from it. They have been kicked out of 83 countries for creating division where there was none before and wherever the Jesuits are allowed to stay, they take over. Look at the SCOTUS, five out of the nine are Jesuit schooled. Joe Biden is a jesuit, Obama was surrounded by jesuit trained advisers. Remember Father Pfluger that preached at Reverend Wright's church that was so publicized in 2008 before the election? He was a jesuit.
The only thing I know about the Jesuits is that they are a secret society like the masons.
BTW, take a look at how many Jesuit schooled men were in control of the CIA. Skull and Bones is another Jesuit controlled secret society. One of the many sordid and disgusting rites the neophytes have to perform is the skull-fucking of an effigy of Madame Pompadour, that was a fierce enemy of the Jesuits as she was a major player in getting them kicked out of France. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Skull and Bones is the organization i am familiar with. Someone told me about them years ago but I never looked very deep.
Check out the alumni on Skull And Bones on Wikipedia. It's the Who's Who" of the D.C Beltway insider's club and the big names in banking and Wall Street.

trump is evil. You are being deceived.

you are ok with burning bibles?

I feel sorry for you
I said nothing about burning the bible. I said trump is evil. And that's because trump IS evil.

That’s it? Lol! Nothing about the violence or the rioting, flag burning, bible burning. Fact is the feds have left, this is on the Left and the left is evil. The left is taking a good cause BLM and ruining it with violence. I agree with the BLM message, I disagree with violence of the left and Antifa, the terrorist organization.
trump is evil. You are being deceived.

you are ok with burning bibles?

I feel sorry for you
I said nothing about burning the bible. I said trump is evil. And that's because trump IS evil.

That’s it? Lol! Nothing about the violence or the rioting, flag burning, bible burning. Fact is the feds have left, this is on the Left and the left is evil. The left is taking a good cause BLM and ruining it with violence. I agree with the BLM message, I disagree with violence of the left and Antifa, the terrorist organization.
You seem to be reasonable if not wrong most of the time. It was always curious to me why right wing whites say they disagree with violence but thats exactly what they have used for centuries even quoting the bible and under the false honor of the flag. How do you guys square that?
Don't care.
Once again left wing white privilege rears it's ugly head...of course you don't care, you/white liberals pretend to rail against something despicable and point the finger at others [in this case book burning] until you/white liberals are found to be the culprit and then its "who cares"...[got your race card at the ready?]....
Not sure how trump will be regarded in history, but as for the present he has done a magnificent job exposing the real privilege class in this country and how they have been responsible for the countries divisions through duplicitous claims.
you are ok with burning bibles?
If you run out of rolling papers, WTF is a dude or dudette supposed to do? :dunno:

It's kinda the go to substitute when you run out of Zig Zags.

You're right.. Obama's actions bankrupted Sears so there's no more Sears Roebuck catalogs to be had...Burning bibles further complicates the problem for tem.... :oops8:
Last edited:
trump is evil. You are being deceived.

you are ok with burning bibles?

I feel sorry for you
I said nothing about burning the bible. I said trump is evil. And that's because trump IS evil.

That’s it? Lol! Nothing about the violence or the rioting, flag burning, bible burning. Fact is the feds have left, this is on the Left and the left is evil. The left is taking a good cause BLM and ruining it with violence. I agree with the BLM message, I disagree with violence of the left and Antifa, the terrorist organization.
You seem to be reasonable if not wrong most of the time. It was always curious to me why right wing whites say they disagree with violence but thats exactly what they have used for centuries even quoting the bible and under the false honor of the flag. How do you guys square that?

Backhanded compliments? You want dialogue or just sniping?
trump is evil. You are being deceived.

you are ok with burning bibles?

I feel sorry for you
I said nothing about burning the bible. I said trump is evil. And that's because trump IS evil.

That’s it? Lol! Nothing about the violence or the rioting, flag burning, bible burning. Fact is the feds have left, this is on the Left and the left is evil. The left is taking a good cause BLM and ruining it with violence. I agree with the BLM message, I disagree with violence of the left and Antifa, the terrorist organization.
You seem to be reasonable if not wrong most of the time. It was always curious to me why right wing whites say they disagree with violence but thats exactly what they have used for centuries even quoting the bible and under the false honor of the flag. How do you guys square that?

Backhanded compliments? You want dialogue or just sniping?
It wasnt back handed. Though I dont agree with you on most things you dont seem to be totally brain dead like most right wing posters.
Don't care.
Once again left wing white privilege rears it's ugly head...of course you don't care, you/white liberals pretend to rail against something despicable and point the finger at others [in this case book burning] until you/white liberals are found to be the culprit and then its "who cares"...[got your race card at the ready?]....
Not sure how trump will be regarded in history, but as for the present he has done a magnificent job exposing the real privilege class in this country and how they have been responsible for the countries divisions through duplicitous claims.

You have to wonder how they willfeel when the same [people they are cheering along come after them?
A Murkin flag and a bible huh?
That's two of the three implements used to launch the Ku Klux Klan at Stone Mountain on Thanksgiving 1915. The third implement was an unsheathed sword.

Course, the Klan didn't burn those things. They burned a cross. First one.

The radical wing of the Democrat Party. Some things never change.


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