antifa cowards cancel event out of fear of the Hells Angels !

after antifa threatens to hurt anyone getting in their way in a planned protest in CA they suddenly back down out of fear from real bad asses when the Hells Angels accept their challenge ! Rumors: Bikers allegedly throw Antifa out of the city in Placerville, California - Biker News
It's your premise that the Hells Angels are any better in any way than antifa?
I'm confused about the Hells Angels. I grew up in Oakland and they have a club right in the middle of the Mexican neighborhood of Oakland. Never heard a peep out of them. Worked with one as an adult and he was one of the coolest white people I have ever met. Then I hear that they are racists WTF?
antifa cowards cancel event out of fear of the Hells Angels !

Hell's Angels are Republicans?

No surprise there ...
antifa cowards cancel event out of fear of the Hells Angels !

Hell's Angels are Republicans?

No surprise there ...
The one I worked with couldnt fucking stand republicans. He was usually mellow until the topic turned to politics and he would go the fuck off on repubs.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Yea just wanted you to know that nobody actually believes your bullshit but you get a smiley sticker on your "I sounded like a badass" calendar today.
You wouldnt want me to believe that if you were not triggered so again thanks.

Nigga bullshit never triggered me, nigga. I just laugh and then realize why Chauvin did what he did.

Why don't you go to work you black mother fucker? Get one of those millions of Obama jobs he so said created for you black son of a bitches?

Chauvin is a short, slightly built man who took on a criminal twice his size. He needs to walk on this case. He did what he did because it needed doing.
the guy was cuffed and chauvin had 3 other cops with him.......and he pulled him out of the car....why?....
This isn't a rumor. Yucaipa townsfolk perform some very effective whupass on antifa soybois.

A small gang of Antifa thugs tried to stir up trouble in Yucaipa, California – but it turns out they messed with the wrong town. Video shows citizens turning out in large numbers to chase the thugs out of town.

“They just beat the ever-loving snot out of three or four guys,” said an unidentified man who was filming the beat down. “The Antifa guys are not doing well at all here. They’re getting the **** kicked out of them.”

after antifa threatens to hurt anyone getting in their way in a planned protest in CA they suddenly back down out of fear from real bad asses when the Hells Angels accept their challenge ! Rumors: Bikers allegedly throw Antifa out of the city in Placerville, California - Biker News
It's your premise that the Hells Angels are any better in any way than antifa?

Yes, the Hells Angels are better than Antifa. The former are just drug dealing criminals; the latter are part of the globalist marxist network that is trying to destroy our country.
Read this;

It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Yea just wanted you to know that nobody actually believes your bullshit but you get a smiley sticker on your "I sounded like a badass" calendar today.
You wouldnt want me to believe that if you were not triggered so again thanks.

Nigga bullshit never triggered me, nigga. I just laugh and then realize why Chauvin did what he did.

Why don't you go to work you black mother fucker? Get one of those millions of Obama jobs he so said created for you black son of a bitches?

Chauvin is a short, slightly built man who took on a criminal twice his size. He needs to walk on this case. He did what he did because it needed doing.
the guy was cuffed and chauvin had 3 other cops with him.......and he pulled him out of the car....why?....
He was attempting to kick the windows out of the police car.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.
Bullshit. Fake news.^^^^ Asslips forgets to mention that at that point he woke up from his dream.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.
Your stories would be more amusing if they werent so sad. I feel embarrassed for you.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Yea just wanted you to know that nobody actually believes your bullshit but you get a smiley sticker on your "I sounded like a badass" calendar today.
You wouldnt want me to believe that if you were not triggered so again thanks.

Nigga bullshit never triggered me, nigga. I just laugh and then realize why Chauvin did what he did.

Why don't you go to work you black mother fucker? Get one of those millions of Obama jobs he so said created for you black son of a bitches?

Chauvin is a short, slightly built man who took on a criminal twice his size. He needs to walk on this case. He did what he did because it needed doing.
the guy was cuffed and chauvin had 3 other cops with him.......and he pulled him out of the car....why?....
He was attempting to kick the windows out of the police car.
Is there some video of that? I havent seen that footage.
Northern California is a haven for biker gangs. At least it always have been.
I would love to see Antifa sent through a biker meat grinder.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)
Nah, he is just pointing out how desperate you are to be something you arent. The fact that you thought someone would even believe it just shows how dumb you are. Even a 14 year old would have better instincts.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Yea just wanted you to know that nobody actually believes your bullshit but you get a smiley sticker on your "I sounded like a badass" calendar today.
You wouldnt want me to believe that if you were not triggered so again thanks.

Nigga bullshit never triggered me, nigga. I just laugh and then realize why Chauvin did what he did.

Why don't you go to work you black mother fucker? Get one of those millions of Obama jobs he so said created for you black son of a bitches?

Chauvin is a short, slightly built man who took on a criminal twice his size. He needs to walk on this case. He did what he did because it needed doing.
the guy was cuffed and chauvin had 3 other cops with him.......and he pulled him out of the car....why?....
He was attempting to kick the windows out of the police car.
Is there some video of that? I havent seen that footage.
It wouldnt matter if you saw the video. You would still side with him because he is a black criminal.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.
bullshit are a pussy ... you have always been an angry little pussy .... and remember this pussy matter what happens ... even if you get your way as far as wanting whites to bow you and kiss your diseased infested ass you will always be a pussy.
Another triggered victim. Dont hyperventilate trog. I know youre mad I knocked a white biker on his ass but honestly it wasnt like it was that hard. Left hook to the jaw and the sorry fucker hit the pavement.
You dont really think that story is working, do you? You knocked out a biker gang member and then he ran away? Is that your story? Yikes!
that is some cringe worthy shit right there.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Yea just wanted you to know that nobody actually believes your bullshit but you get a smiley sticker on your "I sounded like a badass" calendar today.
You wouldnt want me to believe that if you were not triggered so again thanks.

Nigga bullshit never triggered me, nigga. I just laugh and then realize why Chauvin did what he did.

Why don't you go to work you black mother fucker? Get one of those millions of Obama jobs he so said created for you black son of a bitches?

Chauvin is a short, slightly built man who took on a criminal twice his size. He needs to walk on this case. He did what he did because it needed doing.
the guy was cuffed and chauvin had 3 other cops with him.......and he pulled him out of the car....why?....
He was attempting to kick the windows out of the police car.
is that what you think,heard or know?...
after antifa threatens to hurt anyone getting in their way in a planned protest in CA they suddenly back down out of fear from real bad asses when the Hells Angels accept their challenge ! Rumors: Bikers allegedly throw Antifa out of the city in Placerville, California - Biker News
According to rumors on social media.....?

So it must be true!!

after all, tRumplings never lie, well hardly ever, ok, so not that often, well yeah they lie an awful lot but not every time, oh hell it's almost certainly a lie isn't it.
If they do, they still trail the lies of Progs that spew from their Propaganda artists every day by large margins. We got three parent families and more that are uplifted as better then the traditional families. Traditional families are even mocked.

You children are lead by one of the most prolific liars of all time.
after antifa threatens to hurt anyone getting in their way in a planned protest in CA they suddenly back down out of fear from real bad asses when the Hells Angels accept their challenge ! Rumors: Bikers allegedly throw Antifa out of the city in Placerville, California - Biker News
It's your premise that the Hells Angels are any better in any way than antifa?
Hells Angels are violent yes ...but they dont hate America ,they dont burn the flag ,and they dont assault old veterans in wheelchairs for wearing a maga hat ! and they are not cowards like antifa ,and other communist extremest yes .... they are better than antifa !

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