antifa cowards cancel event out of fear of the Hells Angels !

It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Yea just wanted you to know that nobody actually believes your bullshit but you get a smiley sticker on your "I sounded like a badass" calendar today.
You wouldnt want me to believe that if you were not triggered so again thanks.

Nigga bullshit never triggered me, nigga. I just laugh and then realize why Chauvin did what he did.

Why don't you go to work you black mother fucker? Get one of those millions of Obama jobs he so said created for you black son of a bitches?
Dang! You really upset aint you? :laughing0301:
you are the one who is going to be upset the day after the election ....i'll bet you dont even vote.

He can't vote he's still on parole.
I don't live there.

I did live very close to Placerville for a dozen or more years.

It's biker country.

Antifa was exhibiting wisdom not usually associated with them when they backed down.

I also understand the biker's heartache at Antifa hkaving done so.

It was going to be a fun-filled weekend.

It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Want to see what happens when a lone white dude gets fucked with by a lone black dude?

That's why you nags have to fight in gangs. One on one they get their asses whooped.
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It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Yea just wanted you to know that nobody actually believes your bullshit but you get a smiley sticker on your "I sounded like a badass" calendar today.
You wouldnt want me to believe that if you were not triggered so again thanks.

Nigga bullshit never triggered me, nigga. I just laugh and then realize why Chauvin did what he did.

Why don't you go to work you black mother fucker? Get one of those millions of Obama jobs he so said created for you black son of a bitches?

Chauvin is a short, slightly built man who took on a criminal twice his size. He needs to walk on this case. He did what he did because it needed doing.
the guy was cuffed and chauvin had 3 other cops with him.......and he pulled him out of the car....why?....
He was attempting to kick the windows out of the police car.
is that what you think,heard or know?...

Hell's Angels is all over the Foothills, that happened in my backyard.
Nice to see them local boys preserve California History.
They are as American as apple pie and sawed off pump shotguns.
after antifa threatens to hurt anyone getting in their way in a planned protest in CA they suddenly back down out of fear from real bad asses when the Hells Angels accept their challenge ! Rumors: Bikers allegedly throw Antifa out of the city in Placerville, California - Biker News
ANTIFA know that they will have to depend on the cops to keep the peace. When these bikers get intoxicated, that they all be acting ignorant. That only the police can calm things down. And George Soros can't afford to pay his paid agitators hospital bills. And ANTIFA are being paid by someone to riot.
When that time the shoot out at Twin Peaks. I saw the Hells Angels the day before. Looking like they were on a mission. Like they were going to a brawl. But the media said that it was another biker gang that were involved in the shoot out. But I've seen them the day before riding in the rain looking like they were upset about something.

Pity the Pantifa weaklings cancel the event......

I would have loved to watch the spectacle between them and the Hell Angels! ;)

It would have been very gratifying! oh yeah!
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Want to see what happens when a lone white dude gets fucked with by a lone black dude?

That's why you nags have to fight in gangs. One on one they get their asses whooped.

Hahaha you go Grandpa
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Want to see what happens when a lone white dude gets fucked with by a lone black dude?

That's why you nags have to fight in gangs. One on one they get their asses whooped.

yes.....Asclepias got his black racist ass thoroughly kicked by the old man .
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.
bullshit are a pussy ... you have always been an angry little pussy .... and remember this pussy matter what happens ... even if you get your way as far as wanting whites to bow you and kiss your diseased infested ass you will always be a pussy.
Another triggered victim. Dont hyperventilate trog. I know youre mad I knocked a white biker on his ass but honestly it wasnt like it was that hard. Left hook to the jaw and the sorry fucker hit the pavement.
Bullshit, pussies can't hit.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Yawn. We get it, you're a legend in your own mind.
It says rumors in the title. Fake news
they chicken shitted out ! the Hells Angels would eat antifa ,the black panthers and any other radical communist hate group ... i have some advice for you ...if you see a real white biker gang member do not ! i will repeat ! do not ask them to apologize for their white privilege !
The last white biker gang member I met I ended up knocking him on his ass and watched him take off running for his apartment. Not really impressed with them.

Cool story bro. We both know it didn't happen but you sounded badass for about 3 seconds, so you should feel good about yourself.
The fact that it triggered you to respond lets me know the barb reached its target. :)

Yea just wanted you to know that nobody actually believes your bullshit but you get a smiley sticker on your "I sounded like a badass" calendar today.
You wouldnt want me to believe that if you were not triggered so again thanks.

Nigga bullshit never triggered me, nigga. I just laugh and then realize why Chauvin did what he did.

Why don't you go to work you black mother fucker? Get one of those millions of Obama jobs he so said created for you black son of a bitches?
Dang! You really upset aint you? :laughing0301:
you are the one who is going to be upset the day after the election ....i'll bet you dont even vote.
I'll be ecstatic and yes I will vote from the comfort of my home. 6 times or more.
So you admit you're a scum fraud?
they suddenly back down out of fear from real bad asses when the Hells Angels accept their challenge
Motorcyclists who come right out and say they're real bad-asses and Hell's Angels are not the real threat in this matter.
Those ANTIFA thugs are tough guys when bullying the weak, but they run like babies when someone strong stands up to them
These guys are too smooth and professional in federal court, something the Hell's Angels are not.

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