Antifa mob beaten down

You would be paying for a sport that doesn't exist against people who do not exist, because you are too ignorant to know what Communism is. You simply do not know. You would also be paying to watch innocent civilians being beaten for exercising their constitutional rights. Do you love this country or hate it?
LMAO ...

Dude ... you really need to ride the Pink Unicorn back to your Safe Space.
No, you need to retreat back to your closet and shut the door. You are annoying, talking about something you have no clue wtf it is. You make these idiotic statements about shit you know nothing about, and label others with it. What the hell is wrong with you? If you are going to make arguing points, at least produce something intelligent to argue about. You are so boring, pedaling your lies and ignorance.
Too bad everyone doesn't treat those assholes like those folks did. Kick their ass.
Don't worry. This is only the beginning. Before it's over there won't be a fucking Antifa puke who will ever show their head again.
Once the shooting starts no one will be able to stop it.
There never was ANTIFA to begin with because it never existed. There are people protesting against fascism. Are you a supporter of fascism?
That's in Germany. We aren't in Germany. Are you a supporter of Fascism? Yes or no? Stop being a coward. Answer the fucking question loser.
This is how this goes:

You ask someone if he supports fascism. They, of course, say no.


You know -- the group you claim doesn't exist.
People exist, an organized group of people with a president, office, uniforms, etc. do not.

I never said anything about opposing ANTIFA because it doesn't exist. You invented that lie, not me. I asked, why do you oppose people who oppose Fascism?
I invented the lie? My goodness, I'm a powerful man. Must be all that white privilege.

Meanwhile, there are indeed people loosely organized around a banner, tending to wear all black and hiding their faces. Do they pay dues? No, no need. They're being bankrolled by people in suits.

Meanwhile, I oppose them because they use fascist tactics. They use violence and intimidation to effect political change.

They're domestic terrorists.

Why do you support domestic terrorists?
No, you need to retreat back to your closet and shut the door. You are annoying, talking about something you have no clue wtf it is. You make these idiotic statements about shit you know nothing about, and label others with it. What the hell is wrong with you? If you are going to make arguing points, at least produce something intelligent to argue about. You are so boring, pedaling your lies and ignorance.
What is it that George Soros wants?

Actions speak louder than words.

What is it that George Soros wants?

Actions speak louder than words.

George Soros is one of the biggest funders of this Marxist Revolution.

Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
Violence is a tool of the left. Everybody know it. Those who disagree are lying
Too bad everyone doesn't treat those assholes like those folks did. Kick their ass.
Don't worry. This is only the beginning. Before it's over there won't be a fucking Antifa puke who will ever show their head again.
Once the shooting starts no one will be able to stop it.
There never was ANTIFA to begin with because it never existed. There are people protesting against fascism. Are you a supporter of fascism?
That's in Germany. We aren't in Germany. Are you a supporter of Fascism? Yes or no? Stop being a coward. Answer the fucking question loser.
"There never was ANTIFA to begin with because it never existed." That's exactly what you posted ASSHOLE!
Fucking get to a rehab.
Fucking get to proving it. Lol! You can't.
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
These days, all we see are trump goons violating peoples constitutional rights, and murdering them.
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
Violence is a tool of the left. Everybody know it. Those who disagree are lying
Documented data proves you are wrong; Present an intelligent argument or get lost.
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
These days, all we see are trump goons violating peoples constitutional rights, and murdering them.

You people consider stopping people from torching Federal buildings and private businesses as “violating people’s constitutional rights”. Even Biden is telling the Democrat thugs and terrorists to cease since he thinks it is hurting him in the polls.
Judging by the number of American flags flying in my neighborhood, Antifa or BLM would get the same if they showed up here.
Which would be murder. This is what the Right supports now; ‘Dangerous’: Right-wing defends teenage Trump fan who killed 2 protesters And handing out water bottles to the murderers.

Videos Show Law Enforcement Fraternizing With Armed Group 15 Minutes Before Fatal Kenosha Shooting You guys are doing a damn good job, then they went and murdered two people.
Killing in self-defense is not murder.

You guys sure are sad that a Commie pedo was killed.
What self defense? Where is your documentation of that?
The videos of the domestic terrorists trying to kill the kid.

Look, I know you're sad that a white kid wasn't murdered.

Tough shit.
If you can't document what you are talking about, you aren't talking about anything. Get it?
It's funny when you imply you'd seriously consider anything I could present.

Meanwhile, we're left with the inescapable fact that you're angry a white boy wasn't murdered. dump pos...a White boy WAS murdered.
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Judging by the number of American flags flying in my neighborhood, Antifa or BLM would get the same if they showed up here.
Which would be murder. This is what the Right supports now; ‘Dangerous’: Right-wing defends teenage Trump fan who killed 2 protesters And handing out water bottles to the murderers.

Videos Show Law Enforcement Fraternizing With Armed Group 15 Minutes Before Fatal Kenosha Shooting You guys are doing a damn good job, then they went and murdered two people.
self defense is not murder --SORRY
Judging by the number of American flags flying in my neighborhood, Antifa or BLM would get the same if they showed up here.
Which would be murder. This is what the Right supports now; ‘Dangerous’: Right-wing defends teenage Trump fan who killed 2 protesters And handing out water bottles to the murderers.

Videos Show Law Enforcement Fraternizing With Armed Group 15 Minutes Before Fatal Kenosha Shooting You guys are doing a damn good job, then they went and murdered two people.
Killing in self-defense is not murder.

You guys sure are sad that a Commie pedo was killed.
What self defense? Where is your documentation of that?
The videos of the domestic terrorists trying to kill the kid.

Look, I know you're sad that a white kid wasn't murdered.

Tough shit.
If you can't document what you are talking about, you aren't talking about anything. Get it?
It's funny when you imply you'd seriously consider anything I could present.

Meanwhile, we're left with the inescapable fact that you're angry a white boy wasn't murdered. dump pos...a White boy WAS murdered.

You talking about the Trump supporter murdered in Portland?
What is it that George Soros wants?

Actions speak louder than words.

George Soros is one of the biggest funders of this Marxist Revolution.

That is not a picture of George Soross, dude.

Soros never wore a Nazi uniform, but he did aid and abet the Nazis as they rounded up other Jews and confiscated their property.

George Soros, a Hungarian Jew, actually aided and abetted the Nazis by confiscating the property of Jews being shipped to death camps. It is not surprising, then, that the mobs being bused into Washington with Soros funds have adopted the Nazi salute.
George Soros is a convicted felon. He was convicted of insider trading in France in 2002. The court ordered Soros to pay restitution of $2.9 million, which is small change when his wealth is calculated at $8 billion.
Soros funds left wing extremist organizations and movements like the anti-Kavanaugh mob actions in Washington, D.C., and Black Lives Matter. According to writer Michael Qazvini of the Daily Wire, “Soros has already admitted responsibility for perpetuating the migrant crisis in Europe, insisting that “national borders are an obstacle” to the influx of Muslim men pouring in without following proper security protocols. Despite aggressive efforts to maintain a low-profile, this is not the first time that Soros has found himself in the midst of leftist demagoguery.”
George Soros has funded both the Obama and Hillary Clinton campaigns. He opposes the war on drugs, opposes national borders, and opposes the State of Israel. Soros has created shadow networks that promote anti-American socialist and communist sentiments that undermine U.S. policies.
Soros once wrote, “I fancied myself as some kind of god. If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.” George Soros is rather insane, in the manner of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.
Soros also declared, in 1994 to the New York Times, “”I am sort of a deus ex machina. I am something unnatural. I’m very comfortable with my public persona because it is one I have created for myself. It represents what I like to be as distinct from what I really am. You know, in my personal capacity I’m not actually a selfless philanthropic person. I’ve very much self-centered [emphasis mine].” Soros demonstrates a narcissistic personality disorder exhibited by a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
Democratic Socials of America (DSA), the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and George Soros control the Democratic Party. George Soros funded the mobs in Washington, D.C. during the Judge Kavanaugh hearings. The mobs chillingly confronted only Republicans. Not one Democrat said anything about the mobs because Democrats were not targeted. Indeed, the mobs and Democrats were allies.
I would not be surprised at all if Democrats started saluting George Soros Hitler style, yelling Heil Soros.
Too bad everyone doesn't treat those assholes like those folks did. Kick their ass.
Don't worry. This is only the beginning. Before it's over there won't be a fucking Antifa puke who will ever show their head again.
Once the shooting starts no one will be able to stop it.
There never was ANTIFA to begin with because it never existed. There are people protesting against fascism. Are you a supporter of fascism?
That's in Germany. We aren't in Germany. Are you a supporter of Fascism? Yes or no? Stop being a coward. Answer the fucking question loser.
This is how this goes:

You ask someone if he supports fascism. They, of course, say no.


You know -- the group you claim doesn't exist.
People exist, an organized group of people with a president, office, uniforms, etc. do not.

I never said anything about opposing ANTIFA because it doesn't exist. You invented that lie, not me. I asked, why do you oppose people who oppose Fascism?
I invented the lie? My goodness, I'm a powerful man. Must be all that white privilege.

Meanwhile, there are indeed people loosely organized around a banner, tending to wear all black and hiding their faces. Do they pay dues? No, no need. They're being bankrolled by people in suits.

Meanwhile, I oppose them because they use fascist tactics. They use violence and intimidation to effect political change.

They're domestic terrorists.

Why do you support domestic terrorists?
You don't know what domestic terrorism is. If you did, you would know that the Right-wing in this country own that label based on the facts.

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