Antifa mob beaten down

Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
No they are not. But they sure are doing a lot of murdering around the country.
No, you need to retreat back to your closet and shut the door. You are annoying, talking about something you have no clue wtf it is. You make these idiotic statements about shit you know nothing about, and label others with it. What the hell is wrong with you? If you are going to make arguing points, at least produce something intelligent to argue about. You are so boring, pedaling your lies and ignorance.
Nothing intelligent yet. Lol! Boy, what a loser.
Judging by the number of American flags flying in my neighborhood, Antifa or BLM would get the same if they showed up here.
Which would be murder. This is what the Right supports now; ‘Dangerous’: Right-wing defends teenage Trump fan who killed 2 protesters And handing out water bottles to the murderers.

Videos Show Law Enforcement Fraternizing With Armed Group 15 Minutes Before Fatal Kenosha Shooting You guys are doing a damn good job, then they went and murdered two people.
self defense is not murder --SORRY
After the teenager murdered before, there is no such thing as self defense. How can people be this fucking stupid?
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
These days, all we see are trump goons violating peoples constitutional rights, and murdering them.

You people consider stopping people from torching Federal buildings and private businesses as “violating people’s constitutional rights”. Even Biden is telling the Democrat thugs and terrorists to cease since he thinks it is hurting him in the polls.
That's you saying that. I never did.
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
Violence is a tool of the left. Everybody know it. Those who disagree are lying
You are just too fucking ignorant; The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States
Too bad everyone doesn't treat those assholes like those folks did. Kick their ass.
Don't worry. This is only the beginning. Before it's over there won't be a fucking Antifa puke who will ever show their head again.
Once the shooting starts no one will be able to stop it.
There never was ANTIFA to begin with because it never existed. There are people protesting against fascism. Are you a supporter of fascism?
Does that mean anti-fascism?
Judging by the number of American flags flying in my neighborhood, Antifa or BLM would get the same if they showed up here.
Why would a peaceful BLM march be pushed out?
They are communists. They are there to intimidate whites. They are racist scum
You are still too fucking ignorant to know what Communism is. This board of Right-wingers does not understand what Communism is. How pitiful is that?
Good to see these anti American scum get what they deserve...a good beating.

An Antifa mob who invaded a suburban neighborhood were pushed out by residents, leading to a ‘mosh pit’ fight with one neighbor using an American flag to keep a goon from pulling a knife.

The mob targeted a pro-police rally in a residential area of Ft. Collins, Colo., on Saturday, which was livestreamed.

I LOVE it! I LOVE the video.

View attachment 373539

Full video below, everyone should watch it and listen to the commentary...."We are currently marching the Antifa Commie bastards out of our neighbourhood" MEGA! "Bye Bye Commie Scum" MEGA!

If peoples should meet Antifa Communist Filth anywhere, make sure to kick them in the head, in the HEAD and THIS includes the Antifa Commie girls.

I told you real Americans wouldnt put up with this shit.

Real Americans hate Fascism.
Good to see these anti American scum get what they deserve...a good beating.

An Antifa mob who invaded a suburban neighborhood were pushed out by residents, leading to a ‘mosh pit’ fight with one neighbor using an American flag to keep a goon from pulling a knife.

The mob targeted a pro-police rally in a residential area of Ft. Collins, Colo., on Saturday, which was livestreamed.

I LOVE it! I LOVE the video.

View attachment 373539

Full video below, everyone should watch it and listen to the commentary...."We are currently marching the Antifa Commie bastards out of our neighbourhood" MEGA! "Bye Bye Commie Scum" MEGA!

If peoples should meet Antifa Communist Filth anywhere, make sure to kick them in the head, in the HEAD and THIS includes the Antifa Commie girls.

I told you real Americans wouldnt put up with this shit.

I am literally LOVING it!

So, you love Fascism?
Good to see these anti American scum get what they deserve...a good beating.

An Antifa mob who invaded a suburban neighborhood were pushed out by residents, leading to a ‘mosh pit’ fight with one neighbor using an American flag to keep a goon from pulling a knife.

The mob targeted a pro-police rally in a residential area of Ft. Collins, Colo., on Saturday, which was livestreamed.

Love it! Wonder what CNN will say about that, "Mostly Violent FT. Collins, CO Residents Ambush ANTIFA"
Are you a Fascist?
You don't even know what Communism is.
Actually it is you who has no clue what Communism is.

All you can do is parrot :

You don't even know what Communism is.
You don't even know what Communism is.
You don't even know what Communism is.

Just like you guys keep parroting:

Orange Man Bad
Orange Man Bad
Orange Man Bad

Because that's what the Fake News MSM tells you Leftist Parrots to say ....

And, just like the faithful good Lil' Leftist Sheeple you guys are .......

You follow the orders from the Left without missing a beat.

You should know normal thinking Americans are not only hilariously laughing at you ....

But, will be voting against you psychos in November.
Judging by the number of American flags flying in my neighborhood, Antifa or BLM would get the same if they showed up here.
Which would be murder. This is what the Right supports now; ‘Dangerous’: Right-wing defends teenage Trump fan who killed 2 protesters And handing out water bottles to the murderers.

Videos Show Law Enforcement Fraternizing With Armed Group 15 Minutes Before Fatal Kenosha Shooting You guys are doing a damn good job, then they went and murdered two people.

Poor baby
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
These days, all we see are trump goons violating peoples constitutional rights, and murdering them.

You people consider stopping people from torching Federal buildings and private businesses as “violating people’s constitutional rights”. Even Biden is telling the Democrat thugs and terrorists to cease since he thinks it is hurting him in the polls.
That's you saying that. I never did.

That’s me stating a fact.
Judging by the number of American flags flying in my neighborhood, Antifa or BLM would get the same if they showed up here.
Why would a peaceful BLM march be pushed out?
They are communists. They are there to intimidate whites. They are racist scum
You are still too fucking ignorant to know what Communism is. This board of Right-wingers does not understand what Communism is. How pitiful is that?
As usual, 'trial by video' has trumped 'innocent before proven guilty'. Here's an idea: How about the Antifa and BLM pukes stay in their basements? Then the "right wingers" won't feel the need to defend businesses. And then there will be no need for trial by video. See how that works?
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
These days, all we see are trump goons violating peoples constitutional rights, and murdering them.

You people consider stopping people from torching Federal buildings and private businesses as “violating people’s constitutional rights”. Even Biden is telling the Democrat thugs and terrorists to cease since he thinks it is hurting him in the polls.
That's you saying that. I never did.

That’s me stating a fact.
Something you cannot back up with documentation. Therefore, as always, you are nothing more than a liar.
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
Violence is a tool of the left. Everybody know it. Those who disagree are lying
You are just too fucking ignorant; The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States

The Left called the takeover of Seattle a “summer of love”, the firebombings and ripping drivers from their cars in Portland as “peaceful protests” and lootings in Chicago and St. Louis as “reparations”. Congressional Democrats refused to acknowledge the violence by ANTIFA. Now, 60 days before the election and Democrats are calling for the violence to stop. Too Late.
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
These days, all we see are trump goons violating peoples constitutional rights, and murdering them.

You people consider stopping people from torching Federal buildings and private businesses as “violating people’s constitutional rights”. Even Biden is telling the Democrat thugs and terrorists to cease since he thinks it is hurting him in the polls.
That's you saying that. I never did.

That’s me stating a fact.
Something you cannot back up with documentation. Therefore, as always, you are nothing more than a liar.
Then prove I’m a liar.
Judging by the number of American flags flying in my neighborhood, Antifa or BLM would get the same if they showed up here.
Why would a peaceful BLM march be pushed out?
They are communists. They are there to intimidate whites. They are racist scum
You are still too fucking ignorant to know what Communism is. This board of Right-wingers does not understand what Communism is. How pitiful is that?
As usual, 'trial by video' has trumped 'innocent before proven guilty'. Here's an idea: How about the Antifa and BLM pukes stay in their basements? Then the "right wingers" won't feel the need to defend businesses. And then there will be no need for trial by video. See how that works?
We don't know who or what ANTIFA is. So, there is no need for something that doesn't exist to be in a basement. I asked who they were, who was their president, who was funding them, where are their offices, and these Trump liars keep lying by making all this shit up. I understand though that there are folks out there who are anti-fascist. Are you a supporter of Fascism?
Domestic terrorists are only successful in the big cities run by Democrats who let them burn down their cities. That said, I was very encouraged by a predominantly Black group of citizens in a Chicago neighborhood that pushed back on BLM from destroying their neighborhood.
Get a clue who the majority of domestic terrorists are; You live your life engulfed in lies.

Get a clue. Optics are everything. Not seeing a whole lot of white supremacists burning Looting and Murdering these days. Not seeing white supremacists pulling drivers out of their cars and beating them. Not seeing white supremacists assaulting whites for not saying “BLM”.
Violence is a tool of the left. Everybody know it. Those who disagree are lying
You are just too fucking ignorant; The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States

The Left called the takeover of Seattle a “summer of love”, the firebombings and ripping drivers from their cars in Portland as “peaceful protests” and lootings in Chicago and St. Louis as “reparations”. Congressional Democrats refused to acknowledge the violence by ANTIFA. Now, 60 days before the election and Democrats are calling for the violence to stop. Too Late.
What violence? You mean the murders by Right-wing militia? "Congressional Democrats refused to acknowledge the violence by ANTIFA", because they don't know what that is, and neither do you.

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