Antifa Violently Assaults Bystanders at Detransition Awareness Rally

The difference between me and you is I believe one should live their fucking life the way they wish and be left alone. If they want to transition than good for them and if they want to transition back than also good for them. It is called freedom.
All depends on their age right ? Lately it seems that the parents are creating confusion in their small children, and that should be considered child abuse and/or child endangerment.
The difference between me and you is I believe one should live their fucking life the way they wish and be left alone. If they want to transition than good for them and if they want to transition back than also good for them. It is called freedom.
So long as they are of age of consent, not mentally impaired, pay all the related co$t$ themselves, don't force others against their will, and don't demand acceptance or accolades for their abnormality, than yeah. They are free to be stupid.
So long as they are of age of consent, not mentally impaired, pay all the related co$t$ themselves, don't force others against their will, and don't demand acceptance or accolades for their abnormality, than yeah. They are free to be stupid.
And if it was exactly like you explained above, then it is that they wouldn't be stupid, but parent's or their influences putting their thumb on the scale, otherwise helping them to become stupid is the huge problem going on more and more in these latter day's, and not to forget the new hollyweird influence that celebrates or lift's up violent gang's, violence in sketchy video games, bad habits, bad messaging, and bad character once developed and etc, is otherwise now a day's being seen or looked upon as the coolest and the trendiest thing to be, when instead it's just a total deception going on, so their target is the young one's and their idiot parents who are weak and easily influenced, otherwise if they are brainwashed or living in a confused state in their live's because of it all or because of their surroundings and influences they look too for guidance.

It's all the work of the devil, and he's raging in these latter day's or times in hopes to take as many as he can to hell with him. His time is short and he knows it.
Glad the cops went home safe. WTF were they even doing there?

Once the terrorists started assaulting people the cops should have waded into them with both feet.
The democrat party brown shirts from the antifa wing attacked a group of peaceful people....for the crime of wanting to stop the madness and simply be who they are.....

A recent example of the insane leftist hatred against detransitioners occurred Friday in Sacramento, Calif., when a mob of Antifa protestors paraded around, screaming their hatred for detransitioners to the skies during a Detransition Awareness Day rally. Oh, and the Antifa protesters also brutally assaulted three bystanders. Because, you know, love is love and leftists want to stop hate.

Frontlines journalist Kalen D’Almeida tweeted a video he shot and a summary of his experience, saying, “Militant anarchists & communists brutally assaulted a man with a weapon splitting his head open giving him a concussion.” D’Almeida added that “I was also assaulted. Hit in the face with a long rod leaving me with a cut on my face. My camera man Charlie was also assaulted and his camera was damaged by a strike from a blunt object attack.” That makes at least three victims of Antifa violence.

The democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, are becoming more and more violent............and the DOJ under the democrats is ignoring them......
Glad the cops went home safe. WTF were they even doing there?

Once the terrorists started assaulting people the cops should have waded into them with both feet.
The evil one's minion's have crippled the police responses in this country, and he through them has crippled common sense in this country, and he Is raging in these last days.. It's time to wake up if you have been asleep, because the hour's are ticking down faster and faster. The signs are as plain as the day is short, and if living in sin the signs are as the day is long.
A “de-transitioning rally”? These people need hoses and dogs turned on them.

This anti-trans bullshit had to stop. The right is now attacking trans children. They’re gonna be killing trans people soon.
The killing is all yours as confused kids commit suicide when the peace they are promised after tranny surgeries never arrives
The democrat party brown shirts from the antifa wing attacked a group of peaceful people....for the crime of wanting to stop the madness and simply be who they are.....

A recent example of the insane leftist hatred against detransitioners occurred Friday in Sacramento, Calif., when a mob of Antifa protestors paraded around, screaming their hatred for detransitioners to the skies during a Detransition Awareness Day rally. Oh, and the Antifa protesters also brutally assaulted three bystanders. Because, you know, love is love and leftists want to stop hate.

Frontlines journalist Kalen D’Almeida tweeted a video he shot and a summary of his experience, saying, “Militant anarchists & communists brutally assaulted a man with a weapon splitting his head open giving him a concussion.” D’Almeida added that “I was also assaulted. Hit in the face with a long rod leaving me with a cut on my face. My camera man Charlie was also assaulted and his camera was damaged by a strike from a blunt object attack.” That makes at least three victims of Antifa violence.

The democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, are becoming more and more violent............and the DOJ under the democrats is ignoring them......
The Democrat Party itself are brown shirts for Satan.
If the peaceful conservatives had fought back and beat the crap out of the leftists trump haters like Mac1958 would blame the conservatives for extremism
If the peaceful conservatives had fought back and beat the crap out of the leftists trump haters like Mac1958 would blame the conservatives for extremism
We have to remember that, to at least some on the left wing, opinions are violence and actual violence is acceptable in order to silence them.
We have to remember that, to at least some on the left wing, opinions are violence and actual violence is acceptable in order to silence them.
More than some leftists feel that way

We are witnessing the complete breakdown of civil society
They don't do that no more.

They stand around doing nothing for 90 minutes while terrorists shoot little kids.
And it's all because of political correctness and woke ideology that has been adopted at high levels in this country. Oh what's her name that got sacked in Chicago finally was a great example of the idiocy, then we have the Kim Gardner episode - Gardner is facing calls for her resignation. The acute criticism of her office stems from a car crash earlier this month that left Janae Edmondson, a 17-year-old girl from Tennessee, seriously injured. Both of her legs were amputated.

Not hard to see what's happening, because the deep state force has gotten strong, and that is a sign to behold in these time's as well.

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