Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Are Jewish landlords the only landlords who won't repair the heat. Are Jews the only people who drive blacks out of their rental units through gentrification?
There’s the double standards that reveal antisemitism. Everyone does it, and they condemn only the Jews.

And P.S. Making it appear that ALL Jewish landlords do this is also antisemitic. My grandmother, may she RIP, owned a small apartment building, and she kept everything in good repair.
Are Jewish landlords the only landlords who won't repair the heat. Are Jews the only people who drive blacks out of their rental units through gentrification?

I wouldn't know. Sounds like it, given the complaints of black folks.

You see, I used to be a landlord in a poorer neighborhood. I tended to be very quick to respond to complaints about problems in the building I owned. (Of course, I lived in the building, so there was that.)

There’s the double standards that reveal antisemitism. Everyone does it, and they condemn only the Jews.

Everybody does it doesn't make it okay, Lisa.
I wouldn't know. Sounds like it, given the complaints of black folks.

You see, I used to be a landlord in a poorer neighborhood. I tended to be very quick to respond to complaints about problems in the building I owned. (Of course, I lived in the building, so there was that.)

Everybody does it doesn't make it okay, Lisa.
selective prosecution is unlawful
Very true. Probably has to do with the fact that many slumlords are Jewish. Many of the businesses that won't cater to blacks are owned by Jews in places like New York. Same reason why blacks resent Indians in the Midwest and Koreans on the West Coast.

Perhaps. Or perhaps they would be horrified that once Jews were considered "White", they engaged in some of the worst behavior of white people.

Because Jews are a privileged class. The purpose of DEI is to make sure underrepresented populations get access to college and benefits.

The problem is that not only are Jews "white enough" now, they are demonstrating the worst qualities of White people.
Where do you get the idea that Jews "are demonstrating the worst qualities of white people?"

Most slumlords are not Jewish. And why would anyone want to be a slumlord? It is more rewarding to rent to affluent people who pay their rents on time, and who take care of their rental units.

No matter how rich a Jew becomes he usually has a collective memory of the ghetto, the shtetl, and the lower east side of Manhattan. They care about the misery of those left behind. And they care about the misery of non Jews.

That is the reason most Jews vote Democrat. It is the reason Jews have always been active in the civil rights movement.

Jews owe their wealth and privilege to superior intelligence. No one gave them anything. They have always succeeded against the odds.
I wouldn't know. Sounds like it, given the complaints of black folks.
I document my assertions. You don't. The Jews you describe are very different from the Jews I have known. They are also different from the Jews I have read about.

When I discuss Jews on the U.S. Message Board I do not mention the admirable Jews I have known all my life. I quote statistics about Jewish intelligence, Jewish success, and Jewish prosperity. Resentment of Jewish superiority is the reason for Jew hate.

It is easy for me to document that your favorite minority has a very high crime rate. I have been looking for statistics comparing the crime rates of Jews with those of white Gentiles. I have not found any. If you have, post them.
Where do you get the idea that Jews "are demonstrating the worst qualities of white people?"
Dealing with them on a regular basis.

Most slumlords are not Jewish. And why would anyone want to be a slumlord? It is more rewarding to rent to affluent people who pay their rents on time, and who take care of their rental units.
You make these kinds of statements and it makes me realize that you aren't that old and not very worldly.

Let me tell you how it works in the real world, Sonny!

Thanks to changes in government housing policy, the government stopped (mis)managing housing projects and just decided to give everyone a voucher. If you are an unethical landlord, you simply qualify your dwelling to the bare minimum and collect your check every month.

In the last condo association I lived in, because they foolishly didn't enact an "Owner-occupied" rule after the Stock Market crash, some fairly unethical people snapped up a lot of the units and turned them into section 8 housing, where you had six people living in a one-bedroom. (And before you go off on one of your racist rants, most of these people were white trash).

No matter how rich a Jews becomes he usually has a collective memory of the ghetto, the shtetl, and the lower east side of Manhattan. They care about the misery of those left behind.

Actually, the one thing you can say about Jews, whether it be in Palestine or this country, is that the are like abused children who have gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.

That is the reason most Jews vote Democrat. It is the reason Jews have always been active in the civil rights movement.

Yes, but they are slowly drifting Republican now that they've gotten affluent enough aren't they?

Jews owe their wealth and privilege to superior intelligence. No one gave them anything. They have always succeeded against the odds.

Oh, please. They "succeed" because they don't limit themselves to Christian ethics about cheating people.

For instance, when I was a landlord, I had a Hispanic single mom I rented to. when she had a medical issue, I not only cut her slack on her rent, but I helped retrain her to use a computer so she could take a different job.

Mr. Jew would have hit her with an eviction notice the first month she was late on the rent.
When I discuss Jews on this board, I don't talk about admirable ones because none of the ones I met were. I mean, not as sleazy as Mormons, mind you, but fucked up religions give you fucked up results.
I have known a lot of admirable Mormons too. when I was 19 years old I was proselytized for six months by two Mormon missionaries. On the basis of my investigation of Mormonism I concluded that Joseph Smith was a religious charlatan. I was saddened by my discoveries about him, the Book of Abraham, and the Book of Mormon. Mormons deserve better.

I admire Mormons because they are high on the good statistics, and low on the bad statistics.
Again, America has a high crime rate because we tolerate poverty, racism, gun proliferation, and fail to provide treatment for addiction or mental illness.
Many countries have lower standards of living than the United States, and lower crime rates too.

Once I lived in a neighborhood that was enriched by the immigration of Vietnamese war refugees. Most were poor to the point of destitution. They were also good people. They took any job they could find. Vietnamese teenagers did not spend their days harassing their teacher. They respected their teachers, and tried to learn, although few were fluent in English. They did not spend their nights getting into trouble. They did their homework.

I would often get off work at 10:00 pm and walk through what was becoming Little Saigon. I was perfectly safe. I would not have been if the neighborhood was inhabited by your favorite minority.
Um, okay, but I think we've already kind of established you don't have much life experience.
What I have established is that you do not do much reading. Every opinion you have is based on your narrow life experiences.
When I discuss Jews on this board, I don't talk about admirable ones because none of the ones I met were. I mean, not as sleazy as Mormons, mind you, but fucked up religions give you fucked up results.
But when you discuss people you have met, you inevitably ascribe their behaviors to their religious identity as if there is a causal relationship. The fact that there are "admirable ones" means that this is about individuals, not group identity and can't be attributed to religious teaching or else all who received the same teaching would end up the same.

Maybe it is best to judge individuals based on what they do and not why you think they are who they are.
We deal with you on a regular basis right here on the U.S. Message Board. You give us nothing to like and admire, just unfounded hatred for the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population.
Um, sorry, when you respond to valid criticism with WHY DO YOU HATE ME, that's the attitude of a five year old who has been given a time out.

The Zionist Apologists on this board make all kinds of excuses for their bad behavior, rather than address the bad behavior.

I have known a lot of admirable Mormons too. when I was 19 years old I was proselytized for six months by two Mormon missionaries. On the basis of my investigation of Mormonism I concluded that Joseph Smith was a religious charlatan. I was saddened by my discoveries about him, the Book of Abraham, and the Book of Mormon. Mormons deserve better.

No, they don't. Some people WANT to be scammed. That's the reason we haven't been able to eradicate the scourge that is religion. We know how the universe works, we just don't want to give up the idea that there is a God, because of our fear of death.

I admire Mormons because they are high on the good statistics, and low on the bad statistics.
Yawn... your obsession with "Statistics" is kind of silly. Stats can tell you effect, they can't tell you cause.
Many countries have lower standards of living than the United States, and lower crime rates too.
Which isn't what I was addressing, but again, addressing underlying causes would ruin your world view.
Once I lived in a neighborhood that was enriched by the immigration of Vietnamese war refugees.
It's easy to get people to behave if they know they'll be shipped back to a third-world shithole if they misbehave.

What I have established is that you do not do much reading. Every opinion you have is based on your narrow life experiences.
You can't learn about life from a book, little boy. I figured that out about 40 years ago.
But when you discuss people you have met, you inevitably ascribe their behaviors to their religious identity as if there is a causal relationship. The fact that there are "admirable ones" means that this is about individuals, not group identity and can't be attributed to religious teaching or else all who received the same teaching would end up the same.

Maybe it is best to judge individuals based on what they do and not why you think they are who they are.

Not really... Religion will mess up your head. When you have religions like Judaism and Mormonism that see themselves as the "chosen" and the rest of us as "gentiles," you are going to get some pretty bad behavior.

It will be a great day when "God" is put on the same scrapheap of history as Zeus and Odin, but until we get there, we are going to have people who act like assholes because their magic friend in the sky told them they could.
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Not really... Religion will mess up your head. When you have religions like Judaism and Mormonism that see themselves as the "chosen" and the rest of us as "gentiles," you are going to get some pretty bad behavior.
two problems with that -- the first is that the concept of "chosen" in Judaism has to do with being chosen for additional obligations and the second is that, if you look at the history of the word "gentile" it developed from people's need to call themselves something to mean "not Jewish" not something Jews chose to call anyone else.
You can't learn about life from a book, little boy. I figured that out about 40 years ago.
What I have learned about reading about the Jews confirms the positive opinion I have of them that is based on personal experience.
JoeB131's life has not worked out as he planned. Like other Jew haters he takes out his anger on the most successful 0.2% of the human population.
Did you miss the part about "staying on topic".

Life is what happens in the way of your carefully laid plans... when you group up, you'll find this out, hopefully.

I'm pretty happy in my life. Professionally, romantically... things simply couldn't be better, in case you are interested.

What I have learned about reading about the Jews confirms the positive opinion I have of them that is based on personal experience.
I'm happy for you, I guess. And some day you'll even grow up. My experiences have been different.

two problems with that -- the first is that the concept of "chosen" in Judaism has to do with being chosen for additional obligations and the second is that, if you look at the history of the word "gentile" it developed from people's need to call themselves something to mean "not Jewish" not something Jews chose to call anyone else.

That's nice, but the point is, we see the result of that kind of thinking in Palestine, don't we? Jews have certain rights and privileges, the "goyim" do not.
I wish they would prosecute Jewish slumlords... but they don't.
who is "they" and for what do you want "jewish slumlords" prosecuted
as opposed to Lutheran slumlords?
Did you miss the part about "staying on topic".

Life is what happens in the way of your carefully laid plans... when you group up, you'll find this out, hopefully.

I'm pretty happy in my life. Professionally, romantically... things simply couldn't be better, in case you are interested.

I'm happy for you, I guess. And some day you'll even grow up. My experiences have been different.

That's nice, but the point is, we see the result of that kind of thinking in Palestine, don't we? Jews have certain rights and privileges, the "goyim" do not.
can you expand on that idea in context, JOE? While you are at it, please define the boundaries of "PALESTINE" as you understand it
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"Zone 1": Clean Debate Zone (CDZ) / Introduce Yourself (Welcome Threads) / The Lounge / Announcements / Race Relations-Racism / Religion and Ethics:

Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter.
No insults, name calling, or putting down other posters (flaming). Consider it a lesson in civics."
Thank you! I intentionally put this thread on antisemitism being spread on liberal college campuses in a Zone 1 thread so as to keep the antisemites from flooding in to engage in their Jew-hate, and I appreciate your efforts to try to keep the topic civil.
That's nice, but the point is, we see the result of that kind of thinking in Palestine, don't we? Jews have certain rights and privileges, the "goyim" do not.
that may be how you want to tie your personal reflections on Jews you have met with the foreign policy of a secular government 7000 miles away but that doesn't make it relevant, correct or useful.

"goyim" means "nations." It has developed into a term used for non-Jews but since there are non-Jews in the israeli government and throughout Israeli society, I'm not sure of its relevance here.

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