Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

If we talk about new soil and territory in Europe today, we can think primarily only of Russia and its vassal border states.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume II, Chapter XIV "Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy"

Hitler's mistake was in trying to displace nations as evolved as Germany. The Israelis do not make that mistake in the Near East.

No, Hitler's mistake was trying to take on everyone.

God's Chosen people deserve to live everywhere they want to live. We in the United States already benefit from the superior intelligence of the Jews. Nevertheless, many Jews prefer to live in the land God gave them.

If they were so beneficial, they wouldn't be whining about how they aren't loved on College campuses.

And on and on. According to the Official Story, since the end of apartheid, the people of South Africa have lived happily ever after. Every now and then the truth leaks out.

Not the point. No one wants to live under the domination of another people. No blacks are saying, "We wish we still lived as second class citizens in our own country."
What I have noticed about Jo3eB131 is his willingness to disregard facts that are inconsistent with what he wants to believe. It is impossible to have a rational debate with him about anything.
I have him ignore.


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Absolutely. And the leftists try to squash anyone who points out the overlap between targeting Israel for condemnation and the antisemitism driving it by insisting it’s only ISRAEL they hate, not Jews.
In the current political environment Israel needs all the friends Israel can get. By condemning leftists when you are really condemning Jew haters you alienate leftists who support Israel. There are Jew haters on both political extremes.
Then you cannot refute BoeB131's preposterous arguments.
I’ve tried, but he seems to get off on harassing a Jew girl. He once called Judaism my “fucking religion” directly to me. So I decided not to lower myself to engage with such a blatant antisemite.

It‘s like teaching a pig to sing.
In the current political environment Israel needs all the friends Israel can get. By condemning leftists when you are really condemning Jew haters you alienate leftists who support Israel. There are Jew haters on both political extremes.
Nope, that doesn’t play anymore. The Jew-haters are MUCH more prevalent on the left. You don’t see rightists marching by the tens of thousands calling to kill all Jews, or rightist college administrators refusing to condemn calls to genocide Jews, or rightist professors making Jews stand in the corner or say how exhilarating it was to learn Jews were massacred, or rightists in Congress calling to defind the Iron Dome (to enable HAMAS rockets to kill more Jews).

You are one of the very rare leftists on this forum who is siding with Israel. Most of the support comes from my fellow Republicans.


The University of Pennsylvania’s president resigned after an outcry over her responses in Congress to questions on antisemitism.

Saturday, December 9, 2023 4:54 PM ET
Ms. Magill is the first president of a major university to leave office as part of the fallout from the protests that have engulfed campuses since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza.

Good. Now I hope they force the resignation of President Claudine Gay of Harvard. She refused to condemn antisemitism at Harvard. She is a caricature of the affirmative action beneficiary. She is a specialist in black studies, but nothing else. She is the first president of Harvard who never wrote a book, and who will not be required to attend faculty meetings. The administrators of Harvard do not want to stress her intellectual abilities.
You gloat about Jew hate on college campuses, just as you gloat about the holocaust.

Not at all.

You see, all the whining about Hate, the thing is, you never ask 'Why do they hate me?"

There are very few people IRL who dislike me, much less hate me. For the ones who do, the first question I ask is, "Is their dislike justified by things I've done?" In some cases, it's true, and I try to make amends. In other cases, I'm in the right and fuck them.

The Jews don't seem to have this level of introspection.

They are hated on College Campuses because young, idealistic people look at their policies against the Palestinians and are horrified, as they should be.

I saw one of these articles that whined that Jews only represent 20% of the student body at elite campuses due to DEI. Um? Really? You are only 3% of the population, you should consider 20% a gift.

In the current political environment Israel needs all the friends Israel can get. By condemning leftists when you are really condemning Jew haters you alienate leftists who support Israel. There are Jew haters on both political extremes.

Oh, please don't try to reason with Lisa; she sees a conspiracy against white folks in posters at the mall.
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Good. Now I hope they force the resignation of President Claudine Gay of Harvard. She refused to condemn antisemitism at Harvard. She is a caricature of the affirmative action beneficiary. She is a specialist in black studies, but nothing else. She is the first president of Harvard who never wrote a book, and who will not be required to attend faculty meetings. The administrators of Harvard do not want to stress her intellectual abilities.


Gay grew up the child of Haitian immigrants who came to the United States over fifty years ago and met in New York City as students. Her mother studied nursing and her father studied engineering.[10] Gay spent much of her childhood first in New York City, and then in Saudi Arabia, where her father worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,[11] while her mother was a registered nurse.[11] Gay is a cousin of writer Roxane Gay.[10]

Gay attended Phillips Exeter Academy, a private boarding school in Exeter, New Hampshire,[12] and then attended Stanford University, where she studied economics. She received the Anna Laura Myers Prize for best undergraduate thesis in economics and graduated in 1992.[11] Gay then earned her Ph.D. in 1998 from Harvard University, where she won the university's Toppan Prize for the best dissertation in political science.

And what are your academic credentials? Oh, that's right, Academia is a big conspiracy to keep the white man down.
Nope, that doesn’t play anymore. The Jew-haters are MUCH more prevalent on the left. You don’t see rightists marching by the tens of thousands calling to kill all Jews, or rightist college administrators refusing to condemn calls to genocide Jews, or rightist professors making Jews stand in the corner or say how exhilarating it was to learn Jews were massacred, or rightists in Congress calling to defind the Iron Dome (to enable HAMAS rockets to kill more Jews).

You are one of the very rare leftists on this forum who is siding with Israel. Most of the support comes from my fellow Republicans.

The problem is even most leftist Jews are embarassed by Bibi and the Zionist Entity.

Zionism is crazy Uncle Moshe who rants about Hitler to your Goyim friends at your Bat Mitzvah.
Who backs a terrorist organization?
MANY here do OPENLY. Do I need to name them? Many more do subtly. They have many ways. Casting DOUBT and suspicion about Israel without evidence. Spreading conspiracy theories without evidence. Never condemning Hamas (,have you?).
MANY here do OPENLY. Do I need to name them? Many more do subtly. They have many ways. Casting DOUBT and suspicion about Israel without evidence. Spreading conspiracy theories without evidence. Never condemning Hamas (,have you?).

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Just ask Ronnie Ray-gun.


You see, these guys were FREEDOM FIGHTERS when they were fighting the Russians. Those dirty, stinking commies were teaching girls how to READ! Of course, when they turned on us and started blowing up our stuff, then we called them "Terrorists!"

I can't get worked up about Hamas because for the last 15 years, Bibi empowered Hamas so he didn't have to deal with the Palestinian Authority and Abbas. "Why I can't reach an agreement with Fatah when they don't speak for all Palestinians".

Maybe instead of whining about how "College Students don't like us blowing up women and children", they should be asking themselves "Why did we encourage a terrorist group instead of working with moderates?"
MANY here do OPENLY. Do I need to name them? Many more do subtly. They have many ways. Casting DOUBT and suspicion about Israel without evidence. Spreading conspiracy theories without evidence. Never condemning Hamas (,have you?).
A few on the extreme here (most of them just doing it to get a rise out of people like you). The "evidence" as it were of the Israeli government's actions toward Palestinians both in Gaza and the West Bank is pretty well documented. A systemic policy of taking their land and their homes (to give to settlers), their livelyhoods, the IDF providing cover for said settlers for straight up murder. If you think 10/7 happened in a vacuum, you aren't paying attention.

Gay grew up the child of Haitian immigrants who came to the United States over fifty years ago and met in New York City as students. Her mother studied nursing and her father studied engineering.[10] Gay spent much of her childhood first in New York City, and then in Saudi Arabia, where her father worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,[11] while her mother was a registered nurse.[11] Gay is a cousin of writer Roxane Gay.[10]

Gay attended Phillips Exeter Academy, a private boarding school in Exeter, New Hampshire,[12] and then attended Stanford University, where she studied economics. She received the Anna Laura Myers Prize for best undergraduate thesis in economics and graduated in 1992.[11] Gay then earned her Ph.D. in 1998 from Harvard University, where she won the university's Toppan Prize for the best dissertation in political science.

And what are your academic credentials? Oh, that's right, Academia is a big conspiracy to keep the white man down.
All of her credentials sound like the result of affirmative action.

I am not applying for a job as the President of Harvard. She sounds like the least qualified president in the history of the university.
Not at all.

You see, all the whining about Hate, the thing is, you never ask 'Why do they hate me?"

There are very few people IRL who dislike me, much less hate me. For the ones who do, the first question I ask is, "Is their dislike justified by things I've done?" In some cases, it's true, and I try to make amends. In other cases, I'm in the right and fuck them.

The Jews don't seem to have this level of introspection.

They are hated on College Campuses because young, idealistic people look at their policies against the Palestinians and are horrified, as they should be.

I saw one of these articles that whined that Jews only represent 20% of the student body at elite campuses due to DEI. Um? Really? You are only 3% of the population, you should consider 20% a gift.

Oh, please don't try to reason with Lisa; she sees a conspiracy against white folks in posters at the mall.
There is no legitimate reason to dislike Jews. Jews are disliked for reasons to admire them.
All of her credentials sound like the result of affirmative action.

Anything to explain your failures in life, bud.

I am not applying for a job as the President of Harvard. She sounds like the least qualified president in the history of the university.

Well, no it's pretty clear you don't understand how academia works, and why guys like Murray are a joke.

There is no legitimate reason to dislike Jews. Jews are disliked for reasons to admire them.
If you admire arrogant twits who think the world owes them, I guess. I don't admire that, not sure why you should.

Oh, saw a big demonstration today in our town square in support of Palestine. I'm sure that gives you the sads.
Well, no it's pretty clear you don't understand how academia works, and why guys like Murray are a joke.
Too frequently in the current intellectual environment academia works by suppressing well documented assertions about average racial differences in intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy.

Those who advocate diversity, equity, and inclusion try to ignore these differences. When they cannot they blame them on four hundred years of slavery and discrimination, even though American Negroes are better off economically than Negroes in black majority, black run countries in Africa and the Caribbean.

Race is an issue, where the more one denies the findings of science, the more enlightened one is said to be.

This cannot last forever. Eventually it will again be safe to discuss intrinsic racial differences.

In Marriage and Morals, published in 1929 Bertrand Russell wrote:

"In extreme cases, there can be little doubt of the superiority of one race to another. North America, Australia, and New Zealand certainly contribute more to the civilization of the world than they would do if they were still peopled by aborigines.

"It seems on the whole fair to regard Negroes as on the average inferior to white men, although for work in the tropics they are indispensable, so that their extermination (apart from questions of humanity) would be highly undesirable.

"But when it comes to discriminating among the races of Europe, a mass of bad science has to be brought in to support political prejudice. Nor do I see any valid ground for regarding the yellow races as in any degree inferior to our noble selves. In all such cases, racial eugenics is merely an excuse for Chauvinism."
Too frequently in the current intellectual environment academia works by suppressing well documented assertions about average racial differences in intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy.

Those who advocate diversity, equity, and inclusion try to ignore these differences. When they cannot they blame them on four hundred years of slavery and discrimination, even though American Negroes are better off economically than Negroes in black majority, black run countries in Africa and the Caribbean.

You mean places that are poorer and also suffered slavery, discrimination, and economic exploitation?

Race is an issue, where the more one denies the findings of science, the more enlightened one is said to be.

This cannot last forever. Eventually it will again be safe to discuss intrinsic racial differences.

Except science has rejected your racism years ago, which is why all your heroes have been denounced by the institutions that gave them jobs.

In Marriage and Morals, published in 1929 Bertrand Russell wrote:
If you are going to have to go back nearly 100 years to find someone who agrees with you, then you are serving weak sauce.

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