Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Jews are accomplished at earning the resentment of those who lack the IQ power to compete with them academically and economically.

That's why they lived in Ghettos because they were so accomplished?

Here's why Jews were resented by their fellow Europeans.

1) The Bible EXPLICITLY says they killed Jesus. And despite the attempts by Vatican 2 and your interfaith Pancake Breakfast to walk that back, that's pretty much what the Bible says. (For the record, I don't think Jesus actually existed, so this is kind of a bum rap.)

2) They never really assimilate into whatever country they belong to. The sad thing about human nature is we always take it out on the other. When you insist on being the "other", you aren't accepted, and you will often be blamed for things you didn't do (such as blood libel or they were poisoning the wells during the Black Plague).

3) They often took jobs that earned the resentment of the people they lived with such as Tax Collectors and Money Lenders. An extreme example is Spain, where the good Catholics spent 800 years resisting the Muslims, but the Jews were happy to be tax collectors and bureaucrats. Oops, they drove the Muslims out and look who is still here! Someone SHOULD have expected the Spanish Inquisition!

Now, for the record, ALL OF THIS WAS WRONG. It just doesn't justify what the Zionist Entity is doing to the Palestinian people.
I almost certainly served longer than you. And the key to your statement is the word “needlessly”. Civilians are always killed in wars and always have been. The Allies even killed French civilians in large numbers during WWII in bombing raids. Until we were hampered by ROEs that forbade harm to civilians, we actually WON wars. In Iraq and Afghanistan our troops couldn’t return fire if there was even a chance of civilian casualties.

No, you probably didn't. And there's a big difference between French Civilians being killed during the liberation of France.

We killed nearly a million Iraqis, most of them civilians. If you think that we just weren't killing enough people to win, you are delusional.
Don’t be an idiot. We have no Jews who are like neo-Nazis on this forum that I know of.

No, you have extreme Zionists like yourself who call for the murder of Palestinians and don't see a shred of irony.

And NO…..pointing out that preferences in hiring or college admissions based on race is NOT racist. It’s the very opposite of racist. Those who insist that skin color be a factor in handing out promotions, such as Claudine Gay said, are the ones who are racist.

Claudine Gay has accomplished more than you ever will, Lisa. We already have white preferences in admissions through Legacies, Athletics, Dean's Preference, and Children of Staff. When you eliminate THOSE white privileges (which account for 42% of admissions to Harvard, compared to 16% of blacks) we can come back and talk. Conversely, when you get rid of Nepotism and the Old Boy network in hiring, then you can get back to me about diversity hires.

I'd rather work with an inept diversity hire than an inept relative of the boss.

So stop resenting Jews because they achieve despite the venomous hatred directed their way.

yes, telling people you are better than they are will ALWAYS make them love you. Trust me, this works, you should keep doing that! :rolleyes:

The perps who caused it are the HAMAS terrorists.

Why do you cry more for a Palestinian kid covered in dust crying for its mother more than the Israeli baby cooked alive in an oven, or the Israeli babies who had their heads sawed off, or the toddlers burned alive, or the women raped to death, or the hostages starved and beaten?
Well, first, half of these claims are bullshit even the IDF has walked back.

Secondly, the Palestinians have been systematically abused and killed by the Zionists for 75 years. They are doing EXACTLY what an oppressed people would do under such circumstances. One man's Terrorist is another man's Freedom Fighter.

The Jewish victims have been intentionally tortured. Yet you don’t mention them at all.

Thats because you have double standards….a blatant clue of antisemitism.
If the Jews stayed in Europe, they wouldn't have an issue.
Historical facts aren’t fears.
JoeB is your typical far-leftist: antisemitism is sweeping college campuses, with calls to kill all Jews, and the leftist presidents refuse to condemn them….and Joe reverts to Islamophobia.
JoeB is your typical far-leftist: antisemitism is sweeping college campuses, with calls to kill all Jews, and the leftist presidents refuse to condemn them….and Joe reverts to Islamophobia.

No one is obligated to get your co-religionists out of a mess they got themselves into.

I have a habit of not saving people from fights they started.
That's why they lived in Ghettos because they were so accomplished?

Here's why Jews were resented by their fellow Europeans.

1) The Bible EXPLICITLY says they killed Jesus. And despite the attempts by Vatican 2 and your interfaith Pancake Breakfast to walk that back, that's pretty much what the Bible says. (For the record, I don't think Jesus actually existed, so this is kind of a bum rap.)

2) They never really assimilate into whatever country they belong to. The sad thing about human nature is we always take it out on the other. When you insist on being the "other", you aren't accepted, and you will often be blamed for things you didn't do (such as blood libel or they were poisoning the wells during the Black Plague).

3) They often took jobs that earned the resentment of the people they lived with such as Tax Collectors and Money Lenders. An extreme example is Spain, where the good Catholics spent 800 years resisting the Muslims, but the Jews were happy to be tax collectors and bureaucrats. Oops, they drove the Muslims out and look who is still here! Someone SHOULD have expected the Spanish Inquisition!

Now, for the record, ALL OF THIS WAS WRONG. It just doesn't justify what the Zionist Entity is doing to the Palestinian people.
The Jewish method of execution was stoning. The Roman method was crucifixion. Jesus was crucified.

Money lending genetically selected the Ashkenazim for superior intelligence. Jews who could not leaned the skills left the faith or did not get married and had no children.

As soon as Jews were given equal rights during and after the French Revolution they assimilated and excelled in fields requiring superior intelligence.
The Jewish method of execution was stoning. The Roman method was crucifixion. Jesus was crucified.
For someone who claims to be a "Christian", you don't know your own scriptures very well.

Pontius Pilate wanted to let Jesus go. He left his fate up to the Jewish Mob. "Hey, you can crucify Jesus or Barabas, who is a murderer", and the Jewish mob cried out to kill Jesus.

Money lending genetically selected the Ashkenazim for superior intelligence. Jews who could not leaned the skills left the faith or did not get married and had no children. No. Money lending happened because the Church declared usury to be a sin. (Except when the Church engaged in it, of course, see the Knights Templar).

You realize the fastest way to earn resentment is to claim you are smarter than everyone else, right? Is this why Jamal stuffed you into the locker?

As soon as Jews were given equal rights during and after the French Revolution they assimilated and excelled in fields requiring superior intelligence.

Except...not really. Well after the French Revolution, most Jews still lived in Ghettos. Most of the Jewish population of Europe was incredibly poor. The rich Jews bought their way out, the poor Jews went to the camps.

You might even call it... natural selection, if you totally lacked any humanity....oh, wait, I forgot who I was talking to for a second.
It is completely different!
For someone who claims to be a "Christian", you don't know your own scriptures very well.

Pontius Pilate wanted to let Jesus go. He left his fate up to the Jewish Mob. "Hey, you can crucify Jesus or Barabas, who is a murderer", and the Jewish mob cried out to kill Jesus.
Non Fundamentalist Bible scholars usually agree that the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion whitewashes Pontius Pilate to avoid offending the Roman rulers.

The Jews who yelled "Crucify him!" did not represent all Jews for all time, all Jews living at the time, or even all Jews in Jerusalem at the time.

They were probably a rent a mob hired by the Saducees. The Saducees were a Temple elite who owed their wealth to expensive sacrifices offered at the Temple of Jerusalem. Jesus threatened their source of income by offering an inexpensive way to worship God.

In the Gospel According to St. Matthew 11:28-30 (KJV) Jesus says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Jesus threatened the legitimacy of the Roman Empire and the Herodian Dynasty because it could not claim descent from King David in the male line.
And we have blacks with anti-white, anti asian, anti-jew anti ... Your point? The black woman that tried to burn down MLK's house was a black nationalist that hope to spake race wars. Do you find that frightening?
No, we actually don't. And that black woman has nothing to do with this discussion. I don't find that frightening since she has been caught and blacks don't have the ability to pass laws with majorities that allow for race wars to start. So you racists can drop all your bs false equivalences because there ain't all that many blacks talking about a race war and burning down Kings house would not get blacks to start one. Meanwhile dirt like you threatens race war over your imagination that whites ate losing something they don't own in the first place.

You can't imagine this because the histories in this nation of the people you switch with are not the same. Those colleges are protesting the policies of the Israeli government.
So let's read some more "anti semitism."

Barbra Streisand Under Fire Over Israel-Gaza Statement​

Barba Streisand is facing criticism after sharing a statement surrounding the ongoing war in Gaza.

On October 7, Hamas launched an attack on Israel, which it said was retribution for worsening conditions for Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

Streisand is Jewish. So this whining about anti semitism when what you are seeing is Anti-Netanyahuism or anti Likudism is disingenuous. But disingenuous is what the right excells at and it is why this bs hearing was called by the right wing do nothing for the American people but grandstand and dogwhistle congress.
You can't imagine this because the histories in this nation of the people you switch with are not the same. Those colleges are protesting the policies of the Israeli government.
They’re screaming Death to Jews, and Jewish students are being harassed and bullied. That is NOT protesting Israeli policies - it is virrulent antisemitism, plain and simple.

You libtards would be raising the roof if college students were calling for the genocide of blacks, but because the hatred is being spewed toward Jews, you deny it.

The fact of the matter is that the BITCH at Harvard refused to condemn calls by her students to kill Jews. Shame on her, and she needs to be fired. Same with the other bitch who is still in her position.
Non Fundamentalist Bible scholars usually agree that the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion whitewashes Pontius Pilate to avoid offending the Roman rulers.

Probably more complicated than that. For instance, the Gospel of John is probably the most openly anti-Jewish, because it was written at a time when the Jews and Christians had clearly become different sects. But you see, I don't think ANY of this shit actually happened. I think it was all made up by later religious thinkers, who cherry picked the version of the Gospels that most complied with their theology.

The Jews who yelled "Crucify him!" did not represent all Jews for all time, all Jews living at the time, or even all Jews in Jerusalem at the time.

They were probably a rent a mob hired by the Saducees. The Saducees were a Temple elite who owed their wealth to expensive sacrifices offered at the Temple of Jerusalem. Jesus threatened their source of income by offering an inexpensive way to worship God.

Actually, under Mosaic law, Jesus was a blasphemer. Most Jews would have wanted to murder him for trying to shoe-horn Greek Philosophy into Judaic law.

I wasn't arguing which fairy tale is true, though. I was pointing out that European Christians had a dislike for Jews because for 1800 years, their ministers and priests were saying they killed their God man. And then the Holocaust happened, and everyone wanted to make nice at the interfaith pancake breakfast.

In the Gospel According to St. Matthew 11:28-30 (KJV) Jesus says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Jesus threatened the legitimacy of the Roman Empire and the Herodian Dynasty because it could not claim descent from King David in the male line.

Actually, not really. Besides the claims of being descended from David being bogus (Luke and Matthew give two completely different genealogies of Jesus, and they BOTH trace back through Joseph, who was not the Baby-Daddy according to the bible), the Romans didn't really care about the politics of one little province other than it's efficiency in the Empire. Herod Archleaus was deposed by the Romans because he was incompetent. Herod Agrippa was promoted by the Romans because he was good at keeping order. They finally got rid of the Herods and just turned it into another province.
They’re screaming Death to Jews, and Jewish students are being harassed and bullied. That is NOT protesting Israeli policies - it is virrulent antisemitism, plain and simple.

You libtards would be raising the roof if college students were calling for the genocide of blacks, but because the hatred is being spewed toward Jews, you deny it.

Well, first I haven't seen a protest yet that said, "Death to Jews". There was a demonstration in my town's square in support of Palestine, and it was very respectful and on point.

The fact of the matter is that the BITCH at Harvard refused to condemn calls by her students to kill Jews. Shame on her, and she needs to be fired. Same with the other bitch who is still in her position.
Uh, yeah, we have this funny idea called "Free Speech".

And you calling anyone the b-word is kind of ironic.

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