Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

^^^ says the person who’s gunning for “reparations.”

Why can’t you admit that the antisemitism we are seeing at liberal campuses is horrifying?
Because he doesn’t think so. His racist views only accept that there is only one race that is discriminated against.
Because he doesn’t think so. His racist views only accept that there is only one race that is discriminated against.
He’s mad that Jews are being threatened with death, with liberals on campus inciting violence against them. It makes it harder for him to push his reparations hustle if a different minority is being so much more targeted with evil and bigotry.
Say it ain't so


Please report to room 101
You do not believe in free speech for the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton are suppressed.

They just shouldn't be given academic precedence, because they've been debunked. If they want to go around saying the world is flat, they have a right to do that, I guess... but no one should take them seriously.

Do you support the Biden Regime's efforts to shut down the speech of countless millions of people on X.

Elon Musk has violated numerous business regulations, so they are going after him.

In his book Redating the New Testament John Robinson prevents a plausible argument that the entire New Testament was written before the Jewish uprising of 66 to 73 AD. This is because there is no specific mention of that uprising anywhere in the New Testament. The Gospel According to St. John refers to buildings in the present tense that we know from other sources were destroyed during the uprising.

Except it's not really plausible. Most of it was written AFTER the fall of the Temple. We know this because Jesus goes on about how the Temple could be destroyed and rebuilt.

Romans killed presumed Messiah's. Jews did not.
Actually, no, they were usually executed for heresy or treason, especially by the Herodians.
A study shows some alarming data about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion staff, which average 45 staff members per institution and are made of up leftist anti-Israel and pro-Communist bigots. (Even more ironic is that they are overrepresented by POC who ostensibly seek to eradicate bigots.)

I remember Obama sending Holder into Ferguson --- he made things thermoculearly WORSE
Because Obama and Holder are racist.Obama hates being Black
Unless it's calling for the genocide of Jews, right?

Except no one has called for that.

The Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race in existence does not mean that the races are equal in average characteristics important to civilization.

Yeah, for a supposedly superior race, they do a lot of whining.

Most of the bombing raids happened long before D Day. I believe that after D Day, the only notable bombing of France that killed civilians were the raids on Cherbourg, and they were only necessary because Monty screwed up and didn't take the city as planned.

The bombing was to soften up targets before the invasion. They had a good purpose. Unlike what the Zionists are doing in Gaza, where they are just terrorizing people for shits and grins.

If thousands of students marches en masse, screaming to genocide ant other minority, there would be hell to pay. The degree to which leftists excuse outright death calls of Jews, is stuff of Germany, circa 1938.

I wonder when the “No Jews allowed” signs will go up on stores.

Oh, please, no one is calling for your death. "I'm going to just die if I can't get what I want" is what a teenage girl says, not an adult woman.

^^^ says the person who’s gunning for “reparations.”

Why can’t you admit that the antisemitism we are seeing at liberal campuses is horrifying?
Because it isn't. Anti-Zionism isn't anti-Semitism.
Actually, no, they were usually executed for heresy or treason, especially by the Herodians.
LOL, no. You just keep making stuff up and it is funny to watch. Are you relying on the two references to Herodians in the gospels? Are the gospels now your historical resources, fully accurate? Do the gospels mention what you claim?
LOL, no. You just keep making stuff up and it is funny to watch. Are you relying on the two references to Herodians in the gospels? Are the gospels now your historical resources, fully accurate? Do the gospels mention what you claim?

Actually, the Flavius Josephus records the messiahs that the Herodians offed. There were a lot of them. Declaring yourself the Messiah was a pass time.
Yeah, for a supposedly superior race, they do a lot of whining.
I have never noticed that at all. Jews are humble about their achievements.

It is your favorite race that whines, and blames whites for their problems.
They just shouldn't be given academic precedence, because they've been debunked. If they want to go around saying the world is flat, they have a right to do that, I guess... but no one should take them seriously.
Again I ask: How have they been debunked? Where is there evidence of intrinsic racial equality?
Except it's not really plausible. Most of it was written AFTER the fall of the Temple. We know this because Jesus goes on about how the Temple could be destroyed and rebuilt.
There are a few allusions, but no specific descriptions, like there are of the destruction of the First Temple.
Actually, the Flavius Josephus records the messiahs that the Herodians offed. There were a lot of them. Declaring yourself the Messiah was a pass time.
can you give me a citation in which Josephus mentions the Herodians and how they executed a messianic claimant for heresy. I looked through Antiquities and The War of the Jews and found nothing. I did read in the pseudo-Tertullian "cum his etiam Herodianos,
qui Christum Herodem esse dixerunt" which certainly would not support your statement.
Actually, the Flavius Josephus records the messiahs that the Herodians offed. There were a lot of them. Declaring yourself the Messiah was a pass time.
I own and have read the complete works of Josephus, translated by William Whiston, A.M. Where does Joesephus record messiahs killed by Herodians?

The index has no mention of "Messiah." There are plenty of mentions of Herod the Great and his family, but no mention of any of them executing those presumed to be messiah's.
Not a call for genocide.

I guess the big question is, why can't the Israelis treat the Arabs as equals in their own country?
Israelis DO treat Arabs as equals in Israel. That's why Arabs can vote, hold a variety of governmental positions, lead the banks etc.
Again I ask: How have they been debunked? Where is there evidence of intrinsic racial equality?
Their universities have denounced them. They've been debunked.

I own and have read the complete works of Josephus, translated by William Whiston, A.M. Where does Joesephus record messiahs killed by Herodians?

The index has no mention of "Messiah." There are plenty of mentions of Herod the Great and his family, but no mention of any of them executing those presumed to be messiah's.

Josephus mentions a dozen or more “messiah” figures beginning with Hezekiah/Ezekias c. 45 BCE whom the young Herod defeated whom he variously labels as “brigands” (ληστής) or “imposters” (γόης)—though he calls Judas the Galilean a “wise man” (σοφιστής) and credits him with the founding a the “fourth philosophy” (Jewish Antiquities18.23). Several of these figures are said to have worn the “diadem” (διάδημα)—which indicates royal or “messianic” claims and aspirations.

Hezekiah/Ezekias, defeated by Herod in 47 BCE (Jewish War 1.204-205)

• Judas (aka Theudas) son of Ezekias, 4 BCE/death of Herod (Jewish War 2.56; Acts 5:36)

• Simon of Perea, 4 BCE/death of Herod (Jewish War 2.57-59)

• Athronges the Shepherd, 4 BCE/death of Herod (Jewish War 2:60-65)

• Judas the Galilean, 6 CE/Archaelaus removed (Jewish War 2.118)

• Theudas, c. 44 CE (Jewish Antiquities 20.97; Acts 5:36?)

• James and Simon, c. 46 CE, sons of Judas the Galilean, crucified by Tiberius Alexander, nephew of Philo, who was Procurator 46-48 CE (Jewish Antiquities 20.102)

• “The Egyptian” c. 50s CE (Jewish Antiquities 20.169-171; Jewish War 2.261-263; Acts 21:38)

• Eleazar son of Dineus/Deinaeus, c. 52 CE under Felix (Jewish War 2.253; Jewish Antiquities 20:161)

• Menachem, son of Judas the Galilean, 66 CE (Jewish War 2:433-448)

• Eleazar son of Jairus (ben Yair), commander of Masada, was of the family (γένος) of Menachem (Jewish War 2.447)

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