Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Only the ones who live within the 1967 bounderies. And they deny refugees the right to return.

Israel is an apartheid state.

Deal with it.
you mean "only the ones who are citizens". Many countries have different laws for citizens and non-citizens. Deal with it.
Galileo was denounced. So was Charles Darwin. Denouncing is not the same as disproving.
Galileo was only denounced for saying his model contradicted the bible. No one had a problem with heliocentrism. The church actually commissioned

Same with Darwin. It wasn't scientists who denounced him, it was the church.

Academia has rejected, debunked and denounced "race realism" for the garbage it is.
Not a call for genocide.

I guess the big question is, why can't the Israelis treat the Arabs as equals in their own country?
If I was an Israeli it certainly would sound like a call for genocide. So would this:


The answer to your question is that the land does not belong to the Palestinians any more. It belongs to the Jews.

The Palestinians are the only nation in history that persists in demanding unconditional surrender from the nation that has defeated them time and time again, and which is currently defeating them big time in Gaza. :yes_text12:
Academia has rejected, debunked and denounced "race realism" for the garbage it is.
The truth of race realism is obvious to anyone who has had extensive experience with the three major races.

Scientific truth is not determined by denunciation but by observation, experiment, and measurement.

As more is learned about human genetics and human evolution, and as your favorite race continues to disappoint optimistic predictions of its potential, The truth of race realism will become increasingly obvious. It will become increasingly difficult to suppress the truth.
Then Israel needs to give the West bank and Gaza complete independence and treat them like sovereign nations.
Israel left Gaza in 2005. It elected its own government and it had enough money and aid to run itself as a seperate country. It responded by attacking Israel. If it wants to be independent then it has to live with the independent decisions it makes.
Except no one has called for that.

Yeah, for a supposedly superior race, they do a lot of whining.

The bombing was to soften up targets before the invasion. They had a good purpose. Unlike what the Zionists are doing in Gaza, where they are just terrorizing people for shits and grins.

Oh, please, no one is calling for your death. "I'm going to just die if I can't get what I want" is what a teenage girl says, not an adult woman.

Because it isn't. Anti-Zionism isn't anti-Semitism.
Nope, the allies dropped tens of thousands of tons of bombs on French ports all during the occupation to first destroy the invasion barges and then the twins, before the "Channel Dash" and later to first delay the construction, then try to destroy the U Boat Pens. Many of those bombs killed French civilians. There were very few, if any, French civilians in the vicinity of the Atlantic Wall fortifications.
Only the ones who live within the 1967 bounderies. And they deny refugees the right to return.

Israel is an apartheid state.

Deal with it.
Few of the refugees are still alive, and they left voluntarily before Israel ever existed forfeiting their potential citizenship. What you are proposing is like the descendants of the Eastern European diaspora of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries being able to claim citizenship in the countries their grand parents emigrated from.
Not a call for genocide.

I guess the big question is, why can't the Israelis treat the Arabs as equals in their own country?
whose "own country"? have you ever examined the issue of "equals" in the Levant or
South east asia or ANYWHERE in the world?
If I was an Israeli it certainly would sound like a call for genocide. So would this:
Um, the Jews leave Palestine and go back where they came from. No Genocide.
The answer to your question is that the land does not belong to the Palestinians any more. It belongs to the Jews.
Until the Palestinians take it back, anyway. Demographics are not the Zionist's friend. The Arabs have a high birth rate, the Jews are having abortions.
The Palestinians are the only nation in history that persists in demanding unconditional surrender from the nation that has defeated them time and time again, and which is currently defeating them big time in Gaza.

If you've had to keep defeating someone for 75 years, then you aren't defeating them. You are just delaying the inevitable.

The truth of race realism is obvious to anyone who has had extensive experience with the three major races.
Nope. It's just a way for failed white people to feel better about themselves.
Hey, Hector, here's how you can feel better about yourself. Try being a decent human being.

Scientific truth is not determined by denunciation but by observation, experiment, and measurement.

Except no one has gotten the results the Race Realists have gotten, and their methodology is flawed. The problem with Race Realists, much like creationists, is that they started with a conclusion and then tried to fit the evidence around it.

As more is learned about human genetics and human evolution, and as your favorite race continues to disappoint optimistic predictions of its potential, The truth of race realism will become increasingly obvious. It will become increasingly difficult to suppress the truth.

My favorite race would probably be Asians, given who I married.

Race realism is junk science. When we correct the cultural and social inequalities of our society, then we will see equal results.
Israel left Gaza in 2005. It elected its own government and it had enough money and aid to run itself as a seperate country. It responded by attacking Israel. If it wants to be independent then it has to live with the independent decisions it makes.

Ah, this is the kind of thing I've come to expect from members of your religion. You screw someone and THEN act like you did them a solid.

The Gaza Strip is only 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. The reason the Zionists gave it back is they don't want to live there, and they had to station more troops than settlers they were protecting. (Same reason they gave the Sinai back.)

Few of the refugees are still alive, and they left voluntarily before Israel ever existed forfeiting their potential citizenship. What you are proposing is like the descendants of the Eastern European diaspora of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries being able to claim citizenship in the countries their grand parents emigrated from.

Actually, my ideal proposal would be the One State Solution. Everyone has an equal vote. The problem with that is that the Zionists would lose most of their privileges and wouldn't want to live there anymore.

Yes, it's unlikely they'd be welcomed back to Europe, as they pretty much antagonized everyone they lived next to... but it's been 80 years and many of them feel really bad about it.

Or maybe we can just give them one of the Empty Rectangles we pass off as states. I honestly don't know why the Dakotas or Wyoming are states, we could give one of them to the Zionists, everyone wins.

If they did the Gazans would have starved in the dark. They got ALL their power and most of their food and water from Israel at no charge.
So the Jews take all the best land, hold needed services over their heads, and then wonder why they are resented?
Ah, this is the kind of thing I've come to expect from members of your religion. You screw someone and THEN act like you did them a solid.

The Gaza Strip is only 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. The reason the Zionists gave it back is they don't want to live there, and they had to station more troops than settlers they were protecting. (Same reason they gave the Sinai back.)
That's precisely the kind of ignorant spewing I have come to cherish. I spent time in Gaza. It was very nice and the one guard we saw was vastly outnumbered by the people who lived there. You simply don't know what you are talking about. And, of course, tie it to religion if you want even though it is unrelated because that stokes your hatred so well.
That's precisely the kind of ignorant spewing I have come to cherish. I spent time in Gaza. It was very nice and the one guard we saw was vastly outnumbered by the people who lived there. You simply don't know what you are talking about. And, of course, tie it to religion if you want even though it is unrelated because that stokes your hatred so well.

Not at all. I was brought up Catholic. Even though I stopped being a practicing Catholic a long time ago, I still have a pretty Catholic ethics system.

I wouldn't steal most of someone's land, and then act like I did them a favor by letting them keep the shittiest part of it.
Not at all. I was brought up Catholic. Even though I stopped being a practicing Catholic a long time ago, I still have a pretty Catholic ethics system.

I wouldn't steal most of someone's land, and then act like I did them a favor by letting them keep the shittiest part of it.
who stole what? You, obviously, never learned the history of your church or its legal system
Except no one has gotten the results the Race Realists have gotten, and their methodology is flawed. The problem with Race Realists, much like creationists, is that they started with a conclusion and then tried to fit the evidence around it.
Explain how the methodology of race realism is flawed, using your own words.,

I have explained why the assertions of race realism are valid, using my own words, and facts I find on the Internet.
If you've had to keep defeating someone for 75 years, then you aren't defeating them. You are just delaying the inevitable.

Demographics are not the Zionist's friend. The Arabs have a high birth rate, the Jews are having abortions.
Demographics are not the Zionist's friend. The Arabs have a high birth rate, the Jews are having abortions.
If the Palestinians ever achieve their goals of destroying Israel and annihilating the Jews there, the Palestinians will celebrate on the mass graves of the Jews they killed for a few years. They they will discover that they are still poor., and incapable of creating and managing a successful society.
Not at all. I was brought up Catholic. Even though I stopped being a practicing Catholic a long time ago, I still have a pretty Catholic ethics system.

I wouldn't steal most of someone's land, and then act like I did them a favor by letting them keep the shittiest part of it.
That way, you will be safe when the native Americans blow up your house and kill your children.
Jeez, your "their land" lie is just as fresh as the first time you trotted it out.

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