Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

who stole what? You, obviously, never learned the history of your church or its legal system
The Jews stole Palestine (with British help.)

Explain how the methodology of race realism is flawed, using your own words.,

We've been over this. It ignores 400 years of systematic racism when manipulating test scores (on tests devised by white people for white people) to artificially measure intelligence.

I have explained why the assertions of race realism are valid, using my own words, and facts I find on the Internet.

And you have all the credibility of people who get on the internet and claim Bigfoot is real.


Show me where an established university supports your views.

If the Palestinians ever achieve their goals of destroying Israel and annihilating the Jews there, the Palestinians will celebrate on the mass graves of the Jews they killed for a few years. They they will discover that they are still poor., and incapable of creating and managing a successful society.

And? Besides the fact that many Arab states are wealthy, especially ones that have managed to avoid European exploitation.

That way, you will be safe when the native Americans blow up your house and kill your children.
Jeez, your "their land" lie is just as fresh as the first time you trotted it out.

I'm 1/8th Cherokee.
Most Americans, except the nastiest racists, admit that what we did to Native Americans was wrong.
Only the Zionists think this kind of behavior is acceptable in 2023.
We've been over this. It ignores 400 years of systematic racism when manipulating test scores (on tests devised by white people for white people) to artificially measure intelligence.
You are right. We have been over this. IQ tests were designed for whites. It quickly became obvious that Orientals tended to perform better than whites. For a century IQ tests have predicted academic and economic success within a fair degree of accuracy.

Despite two thousand years of persecution, culminating with the Holocaust, Ashkenazi Jews tend to perform even better than Orientals.

On every test of intelligence Ashkenazi Jews tend to perform better than Orientals, who tend to perform better than white Gentiles, who tend to perform much better than Negroes.
That way, you will be safe when the native Americans blow up your house and kill your children.
Jeez, your "their land" lie is just as fresh as the first time you trotted it out.
JoeB131 makes up his facts as he goes along, and rejects well documented facts that interfere with what he wants to believe.
Show me where an established university supports your views.
I can't, because universities have chosen to lie about what is obviously true.

Anti racists rely on force because they know that what they pretend to believe cannot survive critical scrutiny.

Show me a single university that proves that Negroes on the average are as intelligent as Orientals.

You can't, because they're not.
And? Besides the fact that many Arab states are wealthy, especially ones that have managed to avoid European exploitation.
Unless Arabs have oil under their sand they are poor. Poor Arabs are not exploited by Europeans; they are ignored by the Europeans, because they have nothing to sell to them.

Poor ghetto blacks are the same way. The vast majority of them lack the intelligence to learn marketable job skills.
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The Jews stole Palestine (with British help.)
No, they didn't.
I'm 1/8th Cherokee.
Most Americans, except the nastiest racists, admit that what we did to Native Americans was wrong.
Only the Zionists think this kind of behavior is acceptable in 2023.
so what? Many of the people killed on 10/7 were Muslim. And when the Native Americans come and massacre your family you can feel free to defend their right to do that. The people killed on 10/7 included staunch peace activists. Their politics didn't save their lives.
You are right. We have been over this. IQ tests were designed for whites. It quickly became obvious that Orientals tended to perform better than whites. For a century IQ tests have predicted academic and economic success within a fair degree of accuracy.

Actually, how many people actually get "IQ" tests? I'm guessing very few. As for tests like the SAT and ACT, 80% of colleges no longer require them.

Despite two thousand years of persecution, culminating with the Holocaust, Ashkenazi Jews tend to perform even better than Orientals.

Except... the Ashkenazi Jews didn't really encounter that much persecution, as much as they whine about it. Oh, the Holocaust was bad, to be sure, but before that they were poor people living in Ghettos, hardly "performing" well. The dumb ones died, the smart ones came to America. I guess we can call that "Natural Selection", but that would be harsh.

On every test of intelligence Ashkenazi Jews tend to perform better than Orientals, who tend to perform better than white Gentiles, who tend to perform much better than Negroes.

Which just shows the tests are garbage. We saw in the Varsity Blues scandal how they can be manipulated

I can't, because universities have chosen to lie about what is obviously true.

Anti racists rely on force because they know that what they pretend to believe cannot survive critical scrutiny.

Okay, so Hector the Cockroach is right and ALL the universities are lying. Got it.

Unless Arabs have oil under their sand they are poor. Poor Arabs are not exploited by Europeans; they are ignored by the Europeans, because they have nothing to sell to them.

Did you miss the part where most of the Arab World was under European Rule for a time? the countries that avoided European Rule ended up doing very well.
so what? Many of the people killed on 10/7 were Muslim. And when the Native Americans come and massacre your family you can feel free to defend their right to do that. The people killed on 10/7 included staunch peace activists. Their politics didn't save their lives.

A Staunch Peace Activist wouldn't live in the Zionist Entity to start with.
Actually, how many people actually get "IQ" tests? I'm guessing very few. As for tests like the SAT and ACT, 80% of colleges no longer require them.
Universities don’t use them because the Jews score higher than average and the blacks lower than average, and it makes it harderfor the DIE staff to justify rejecting many better Jewish students in favor of many poorer black students.
Except... the Ashkenazi Jews didn't really encounter that much persecution, as much as they whine about it. Oh, the Holocaust was bad, to be sure, but before that they were poor people living in Ghettos, hardly "performing" well. The dumb ones died, the smart ones came to America. I guess we can call that "Natural Selection", but that would be harsh.
yup….typical leftist. Deny the thousands of years of horrible persecution Jews have faced while overstating every little thing - like an Aunt Jemima logo - as being racist.

Okay, so Hector the Cockroach is right and ALL the universities are lying. Got it.
The universities lie because they don’t want to admit that Jews, on average, are smarter than their favored minority, on average, and then it’s hard to defend rejecting better students based on religion.
Universities don’t use them because the Jews score higher than average and the blacks lower than average, and it makes it harder for the DIE staff to justify rejecting many better Jewish students in favor of many poorer black students.

No, they are rejecting them because they realize that they can be easily gamed. The Jewish kid isn't smarter, his parents can just afford tutoring and an SAT Coach.

yup….typical leftist. Deny the thousands of years of horrible persecution Jews have faced while overstating every little thing - like an Aunt Jemima logo - as being racist.

Were Jews enslaved for generations?
Were laws passed to keep them from marrying the Goyim?
Did they encounter anything like debt peonage?
Did they have to ride on the back of the bus?

You see, I'll freely admit that the Holocaust was a bad thing. But the rest of it... just not that bad. Frankly, being a peasant in Europe sucked no matter what your religion was for most of history.

The universities lie because they don’t want to admit that Jews, on average, are smarter than their favored minority, on average, and then it’s hard to defend rejecting better students based on religion.

Except no one is doing that, are they? You see, unless you got a name like "Moshe Goldstein" most people aren't going to know you are Jewish. There isn't a checkbox for religion on any form I ever saw when I went to college. (In fact, the only institution that ever asked me my religion was the Army, which I checked "Catholic" when I first enlisted at 18).

Oh, yeah, telling people you are smarter than they are will really endear you to them. Trust me on this one.
Actually, how many people actually get "IQ" tests? I'm guessing very few. As for tests like the SAT and ACT, 80% of colleges no longer require them.
When I was in elementary school everyone was given an IQ test in the second grade.

Colleges did not stop requiring the SAT and the ACT because they were invalid predictors of academic success, but because blacks tended to perform poorly in them.
No, they are rejecting them because they realize that they can be easily gamed. The Jewish kid isn't smarter, his parents can just afford tutoring and an SAT Coach.
How many times do I need to post this chart? Blacks from affluent families that can afford SAT coaches tend to perform less well than whites from poor families that cannot afford SAT coaches.

SAT 3.gif
How many times do I need to post this chart? Blacks from affluent families that can afford SAT coaches tend to perform less well than whites from poor families that cannot afford SAT coaches.

How many blacks do you think make over 200K a year? I'm guessing it's not a very big pool.

When I was in elementary school everyone was given an IQ test in the second grade.

An IQ test for an 8 year old.. that's about the stupidest thing I ever heard. Good thing we stopped doing that.

Colleges did not stop requiring the SAT and the ACT because they were invalid predictors of academic success, but because blacks tended to perform poorly in them.

My niece got a 1600 on her SAT and flunked out her first year of university. She's still trying to get back on track. The SAT just proves that if you have affluence, you are more likely to get resources.
How many blacks do you think make over 200K a year? I'm guessing it's not a very big pool.
You do not understand charts and averages. There are blacks who make over 200K a year. The chart I posted proves that their children tend to perform less well than children from poor white families.
My niece got a 1600 on her SAT and flunked out her first year of university. She's still trying to get back on track. The SAT just proves that if you have affluence, you are more likely to get resources.
If what you say is true, your niece is an interesting exception to the rule, but the rule prevails.
You do not understand charts and averages. There are blacks who make over 200K a year. The chart I posted proves that their children tend to perform less well than children from poor white families.

It proves nothing of the sort, but keep telling yourself that.

Again, how many people did they actually survey to get those numbers? Then you can get back to me.
If what you say is true, your niece is an interesting exception to the rule, but the rule prevails.

Nope, she shows the problem with her whole generation, really. They never had to work minimum wage jobs, they weren't held to any standards in High School, so yeah, they test well because she grew up in a town that had enough resources to teach to the test, but when they get to a college and are expected to perform, many of them don't.

Only 52% of people who start college get a degree. The numbers are even worse for community colleges.
Did you miss the part where most of the Arab World was under European Rule for a time? the countries that avoided European Rule ended up doing very well.
The best predictor of Arab prosperity is having oil under their sand. This oil is drilled using devices invented in the West to fuel vehicles invented in the West.

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