Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

That is a reason it is a mistake to promote democracy in the Arab world. We and Israel benefit when Arab countries are governed by unpopular, corrupt dictators, who are nevertheless cunning enough to stay in power.

"I'm all for democracy unless you vote for something I don't want!" Yup, you really are a Republican, aren't you?

Hey, we supported an unpopular, corrupt dictator in Iran for decades... how did that work out for us again?
We supported Saddam for decades. How did that turn out for us again?

We should not be the reason those dictators stay in power. That was the mistake we made with the Shah of Iran. Nevertheless, we should not support efforts to overthrow them.

Except we are the reason they stay in power... until they aren't and their people absolutely fucking hate us.

Now, if we were sensible... we'd wash our hands of the whole region, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY the Zionist Entity. We'd take the hundreds of billions we invest there and instead spend it on renewable energy. Instead, we try to keep the Arabs happy so they don't cut off the oil and we try to keep the Zionists happy because Jews have an outsized influence in our government.

Our mouths are writing checks our asses can't cash.

We do not support Israel because it is in our interest. We support Israel because it is the only civilized country in the Near East, and because the Jews are God's Chosen People. I say that as a Christian.

There is no God.
If the Jews were his chosen people, he wouldn't have let Hitler turn half of them into bars of soap.
We need to disabuse ourselves of this notion there is a magic fairy in the sky who likes some people more than others.

Nope, guy, your sad race obsession is kind of pathetic. I mean, I know Jamal did a number on you, but you need to get over it. I'm sure he feels bad about stuffing you into that locker now that he's a mature man.
I have never known anyone named Jamal. He does not sound anyone I would want to know. He sounds like an illegitimate child raised on welfare who has no idea who his father is. He sounds like a walking, breathing argument for replacing welfare support for unmarried mothers with free abortion at any stage of pregnancy.

Tell us about the more intelligent, better paid Jew who replaced you, and who performed your job faster, better, and with less effort than you could.
We supported Saddam for decades. How did that turn out for us again?
During the Iran - Iraq we supported the side that was losing. When that side began to win, we shifted our support to the other side. We gave both sides satellite intelligence so that they could hit their targets accurately. We benefited ourselves and Israel by keeping the war going as long as possible.

That is the way to deal with a war between two Muslim countries.

When Saddam got too uppity we knocked him back down. In the process we discredited him as a Arab nationalist leader, and a Sunni religious leader. At that point we should have re established a clandestine alliance with him to keep Iran in check.

Lord Palmerston 1784–1865 British statesman; Prime Minister, 1855–8, 1859–65 said appropriately:​

  1. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.
    speech, House of Commons, 1 March 1848
Tell us about the more intelligent, better paid Jew who replaced you, and who performed your job faster, better, and with less effort than you could.
You work on the assumption that I ever get terribly attached to a job. A gig is a gig, man. Never get so comfortable with a place you aren't ready to leave in five minutes.

The only time I ever got upset about losing a job was when the Jew who ran the place ran it into the ground. But I don't even blame him, because the industry was doomed anyway due to market forces. I was in a better job in a year. And a better one after that.

Post-military, each job I've had was an improvement over the last. Better pay, more responsibility, better job title.

I felt more pity for the Jew Manager than anger, to be honest. He came into a job every day where he had to park his car outside his office window so no one would Key it, because his entire staff hated him, his bosses hated him but couldn't break his contract without closing down the entire branch (which is what they eventually did, before the whole company went belly up.) He sexually harassed one employee and then had to beg her to drop the complaint so he could keep his job. His brother was a Hollywood producer who had more success and it ate him alive.
If the Jews were his chosen people, he wouldn't have let Hitler turn half of them into bars of soap.

That did not work out well for Nazi Germany, did it?

GermanCity 1.jpg

GermanCity 2.jpg

The Jews have always out lived their enemies.
During the Iran - Iraq we supported the side that was losing. When that side began to win, we shifted our support to the other side. We gave both sides satellite intelligence so that they could hit their targets accurately. We benefited ourselves and Israel by keeping the war going as long as possible.

That was stupid. We ended up making both countries stronger. Iraq became a threat to the entire region, and Iran, well, every year, Bibi comes to Congress trying to scare us into fighting their war for them. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. "Oooh, look, they are going to get a bomb any minute now!" Of course, the little shit has been saying that since the 1990's.

When Saddam got too uppity we knocked him back down. In the process we discredited him as a Arab nationalist leader, and a Sunni religious leader. At that point we should have re established a clandestine alliance with him to keep Iran in check.

Who's "We", Paleface? Your chickenshit ass never served one day in the military. I was in during the Gulf War, but thankfully didn't go (my unit was on standby), which I'm happy for given how badly some of those guys were fucked up by either chemical weapons that got released, fumes from burning oil fields or anthrax injections that were properly vetted.

Hold on, Roger Waters had a song about people like you.

We took out Saddam because the Jews insisted on it. It was a huge fuckup, because now Iran is in control of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. And the Jews want us to take them out, too.

Lord Palmerston 1784–1865 British statesman; Prime Minister, 1855–8, 1859–65 said appropriately:​

  1. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.
    speech, House of Commons, 1 March 1848

Um, the British Empire is gone, it failed. We shouldn't emulate them.
Psalm 14:1 KJVThe fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, There is none that doeth good.

Here's how I know there's no God.

My mom got cancer. She was a well-liked teacher in our parish. Everyone prayed for her to get better.

She didn't.

No God.

That did not work out well for Nazi Germany, did it?
Yup, the Godless Red Army took care of them. Because they didn't wait for an imaginary sky man, they took care of business.
Yup, the Godless Red Army took care of them. Because they didn't wait for an imaginary sky man, they took care of business.

Before the House of Commons, June 18, 1940, Churchill warned:

"I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization...

The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war."

This is similar to Franklin D. Roosevelt's comment, September 1, 1941:

"PRESERVATION OF THESE rights is vitally important now, not only to us who enjoy them - but to the whole future of Christian civilization."
both my parents got cancer. We all prayed. They both died. God decided it was time.

Same fact pattern, different conclusion drawn.
Before the House of Commons, June 18, 1940, Churchill warned:

"I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization...
HItler and Mussolini equally believed Jesus was on their side, and the Pope supported them.

This is similar to Franklin D. Roosevelt's comment, September 1, 1941:

"PRESERVATION OF THESE rights is vitally important now, not only to us who enjoy them - but to the whole future of Christian civilization."

Again, politicians are very good at getting people to act against their own interests by invoking the sky man... but it doesn't mean there is a sky man.
both my parents got cancer. We all prayed. They both died. God decided it was time.

Same fact pattern, different conclusion drawn.
Yes, but mine is based on logic and reason.

The universe is random. Good people suffer, bad people prosper.

The jews who survived the Holocaust should have realized there is no sky pixie, and just assimilated into whatever country would have them.

Instead, they decided to engage in a 75 year war over a strip of desert with a third world people who equally believe the Sky Pixie gave them that land.

I am sorry to hear about that.
No, you aren't. Spare me your fake sympathy.

Point is, trying to appease an imaginary sky man is foolish. Yet here we are, sitting on the brink of destruction (when Iran gets a nuke, all bets are off) because some idiots are provoking a whole region by stealing land because God told them to.
I remember Obama sending Holder into Ferguson --- he made things thermoculearly WORSE
Because Obama and Holder are racist.Obama hates being Black
No he didn't. None of what you say is true. But the again, you're responding to a neo nazi.
Palestinians have a different understand of the phrase "from the river to the sea" than some Jews tell us.
Um, the British Empire is gone, it failed. We shouldn't emulate them.
The British Empire was the most humane empire in history. It's legacy consists of representative democracy, well functioning economies, and the British Commonwealth.


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