Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Actually, under Mosaic law, Jesus was a blasphemer. Most Jews would have wanted to murder him for trying to shoe-horn Greek Philosophy into Judaic law.
Hillel combined Greek philosophy with Judaism, and was not believed to be a blasphemer.

Claiming to be the Messiah was not regarded as blasphemy because someone was believed to be the Messiah.
The Jew and faithful follower of Jesus, John, was anti-Jewish?
I doubt the author of the Gospel of John knew Jesus personally, or was Jewish.

Hillel combined Greek philosophy with Judaism, and was not believed to be a blasphemer.

Claiming to be the Messiah was not regarded as blasphemy because someone was believed to be the Messiah.

Actually, they executed a whole shitload of Messiahs over the years.
Uh, yeah, we have this funny idea called "Free Speech".
You do not believe in free speech for the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton are suppressed.

You are pleased, and mistake that suppression for disproving.
I doubt the author of the Gospel of John knew Jesus personally, or was Jewish.

Actually, they executed a whole shitload of Messiahs over the years.
In his book Redating the New Testament John Robinson prevents a plausible argument that the entire New Testament was written before the Jewish uprising of 66 to 73 AD. This is because there is no specific mention of that uprising anywhere in the New Testament. The Gospel According to St. John refers to buildings in the present tense that we know from other sources were destroyed during the uprising.

Romans killed presumed Messiah's. Jews did not.
No, we actually don't. And that black woman has nothing to do with this discussion. I don't find that frightening since she has been caught and blacks don't have the ability to pass laws with majorities that allow for race wars to start. So you racists can drop all your bs false equivalences because there ain't all that many blacks talking about a race war and burning down Kings house would not get blacks to start one. Meanwhile dirt like you threatens race war over your imagination that whites ate losing something they don't own in the first place.
puerile insults. I accept your concession
This thread was started by a person who claims to be Jewish but whose every post is filled with neo nazi rhetoric. Then when called on it, the person whines about anti semitism. Now if that's not pimping anti semitism or anti semitism hustling, then there is no such thing.
The Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior race in existence does not mean that the races are equal in average characteristics important to civilization.
No, you probably didn't. And there's a big difference between French Civilians being killed during the liberation of France.

We killed nearly a million Iraqis, most of them civilians. If you think that we just weren't killing enough people to win, you are delusional.
Most of the bombing raids happened long before D Day. I believe that after D Day, the only notable bombing of France that killed civilians were the raids on Cherbourg, and they were only necessary because Monty screwed up and didn't take the city as planned.
No, you probably didn't. And there's a big difference between French Civilians being killed during the liberation of France.

We killed nearly a million Iraqis, most of them civilians. If you think that we just weren't killing enough people to win, you are delusional.
Objective studies put that number at less than 300,000 ,most of which were killed by other Iraqis.
"An investigation by Beth Osborne Daponte estimated total civilian fatalities at about 3,500 from bombing, and some 100,000 from the war's other effects.[258][259][260] In 2002, Daponte estimated the total number of Iraqi deaths caused directly and indirectly by the Gulf War to be between 142,500 and 206,000, including 100,000–120,000 military deaths, 20,000–35,000 civilian deaths in civil war and 15,000–30,000 refugee deaths.[261]"
So let's read some more "anti semitism."

Barbra Streisand Under Fire Over Israel-Gaza Statement​

Barba Streisand is facing criticism after sharing a statement surrounding the ongoing war in Gaza.

On October 7, Hamas launched an attack on Israel, which it said was retribution for worsening conditions for Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

Streisand is Jewish. So this whining about anti semitism when what you are seeing is Anti-Netanyahuism or anti Likudism is disingenuous. But disingenuous is what the right excells at and it is why this bs hearing was called by the right wing do nothing for the American people but grandstand and dogwhistle congress.
Streisand is a liberals liberal. She is so far left that she doesn't make right turns when she drives.
All hate speech. Nobody is calling for any genocide except for Netanyahu and you appear to support that.
“Death to Jews!!”

Sounds like hate speech, and a call to genocide Jews. All screamed by leftists. And tolerated by the leftist, antisemitic presidents of U of Penn, Harvard, and MIT.
If thousands of students marches en masse, screaming to genocide ant other minority, there would be hell to pay. The degree to which leftists excuse outright death calls of Jews, is stuff of Germany, circa 1938.

I wonder when the “No Jews allowed” signs will go up on stores.

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