Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Yup. Just this Friday evening, at services, I met two Jews who were born in Israel in the early 40s.
Hubby's family flight from shariah shit actually started in the 1930s---but they did not
get to "palestine" until the early 40s They were not FORCED out---they had to ESCAPE
The claim of European Jews in Israel is legitimate, and has been established by defeating Arab efforts to destroy Israel.
So when the Arabs defeat the Zionists, anything bad they do to them is fair game, eh?

That's what you tell yourself, because your little race theory doesn't work.

I've voted for a party led by a descendant of refugees from Kurdistan,
knowing their vote goes to a candidate who's a descendant of
refugees from Lithuania, both born in Israel.

Why you frame that as "inferiority" is for your doctor to answer.

Shhhh... check with Hector, he seems to think the Ashekazim are some kind of master race.

How come the antisemites never mention THAT side? Oh right….the people who were expelled were Jews, so shhhhhh……
Well, you keep leaving out the part where the Israelis attempted to seize the Suez Canal (Egypt's most important national asset) when that happened. Just like we interned thousands of Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor. Jews were expelled from Iran after the Shah was overthrown, and the Israelis had been propping up that monster for decades.
On your double standard?? LOL 😝
No double standard. You're just an idiot who wants to gripe about anti semitism when what your seeing is anti Netanyahuism and anti Likkudism.
Plus, the Arabs didn’t pay a single Jew one red cent for all the houses and land they stole. In one case (Egypt), the Arabs demanded all Jews leave within 24 hours in order to ethnically cleanse the country of all Juden, and forced them to sign documents leaving all their property to the Muslims who forced them out.

How come the antisemites never mention THAT side? Oh right….the people who were expelled were Jews, so shhhhhh……
Keep in mind, Lisa----the actions of the Muslims in Egypt in expelling jews and confiscating their property is CONSISTENT WITH SHARIAH----thus LEGAL
So when the Arabs defeat the Zionists, anything bad they do to them is fair game, eh?

Shhhh... check with Hector, he seems to think the Ashekazim are some kind of master race.

Well, you keep leaving out the part where the Israelis attempted to seize the Suez Canal (Egypt's most important national asset) when that happened. Just like we interned thousands of Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor. Jews were expelled from Iran after the Shah was overthrown, and the Israelis had been propping up that monster for decades.
at no point in time as defined by INFINITE TIME AND SPACE did Israel attempt to
SEIZE the Suez Canal
Yup. Just this Friday evening, at services, I met two Jews who were born in Israel in the early 40s.
Man, did you see those Ivy League College Presidents testifying before Congress yesterday? Frightening, absolutely frightening.
Man, did you see those Ivy League College Presidents testifying before Congress yesterday? Frightening, absolutely frightening.
That was HORRIFYING! They absolutely refused to say that the antisemites marching and screaming “Death to Jews!” - calling for a genocide, like the Holocaust - was unacceptable.

And the hypocrisy is disgusting. These leftists cry about the mistreatment, real or perceived, about blacks. Hispanics, gays, whoever is within their “protected minority.” At the same time, they refuse to condemn when their liberal students call to kill all Jews.

I sure wish the Democrat Jews would wake the hell up.
at no point in time as defined by INFINITE TIME AND SPACE did Israel attempt to
SEIZE the Suez Canal

Educate yourself.

On 26 July 1956, Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal Company, which prior to that was owned primarily by British and French shareholders. On 29 October, Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and the Egyptian Sinai. Britain and France issued a joint ultimatum to cease fire, which was ignored. On 5 November, Britain and France landed paratroopers along the Suez Canal. The Egyptian forces, before they were defeated, blocked all ship traffic by sinking 40 ships in the canal. It later became clear that Israel, France and Britain had conspired to plan the invasion. The three allies had attained a number of their military objectives, but the canal was useless. Heavy political pressure from the United States and the USSR led to a withdrawal. U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower had strongly warned Britain not to invade; he threatened serious damage to the British financial system by selling the U.S. government's pound sterling bonds. Historians conclude the crisis "signified the end of Great Britain's role as one of the world's major powers".[17][18][19][20][page needed]
Educate yourself.

On 26 July 1956, Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal Company, which prior to that was owned primarily by British and French shareholders. On 29 October, Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and the Egyptian Sinai. Britain and France issued a joint ultimatum to cease fire, which was ignored. On 5 November, Britain and France landed paratroopers along the Suez Canal. The Egyptian forces, before they were defeated, blocked all ship traffic by sinking 40 ships in the canal. It later became clear that Israel, France and Britain had conspired to plan the invasion. The three allies had attained a number of their military objectives, but the canal was useless. Heavy political pressure from the United States and the USSR led to a withdrawal. U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower had strongly warned Britain not to invade; he threatened serious damage to the British financial system by selling the U.S. government's pound sterling bonds. Historians conclude the crisis "signified the end of Great Britain's role as one of the world's major powers".[17][18][19][20][page needed]
yeah so? not news-----I was conscious at the time
So when the Arabs defeat the Zionists, anything bad they do to them is fair game, eh?

Shhhh... check with Hector, he seems to think the Ashekazim are some kind of master race.

As long as the United States supports Israel, Israel will thrive. Jews will praise the Lord. We'll pass the ammunition.
As long as the United States supports Israel, Israel will thrive. Jews will praise the Lord. We'll pass the ammunition.
That’s our challenge. The antisemites are trying to simultaneously stop American support for Israel while demonizing American Jews - with the students at liberal universities calling for the genocide of Jews and the progressive presidents of these hate-mongering institutions refusing to condemn it.

IOW, if the anti-Jew atmosphere now feeling like Germany, circa 1939, keeps devolving toward Germany 1941, and the antisemites succeed in destroying the one safe harbor for Jews, we have nowhere to flee to.
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We'll pass the ammunition.

In the mean time, the average American people who are being held up at the barrel of a government gun to pay for all of the ammunition being popped off all over the world are trying to decide whether to put food on the table for their families or to put gas in their car to go to work.

If they wanna have their wars, then fine. That's their business. But average Americans are suffering under the policy you're invoking.

Why do you hate average Americans? Why do you want to rob them of any semblance of prosperity at the barrel of a government gun? Why, Santee Claus? Why?
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In the mean time, the average American people who are being held up at the barrel of a government gun to pay for all of the ammunition being popped off all over the world are trying to decide whether to put food on the table for their families or to put gas in their car to go to work.

If they wanna have their wars, then fine. That's their business. But average Americans are suffering under the policy you're invoking.

Why do you hate average Americans? Why do yo uwant to rob them of any semblance of prosperity at the barrel of a government gun?
I do not hate average Americans. Why do you believe that two plus two equals five?
I do not hate average Americans.

Oh. I see. So you want to force average Americans onto the hook for all of this ammunition being popped off all over the world, and you wanna put them on the hook for it at the barrel of a government gun, while their prosperity has already been reduced to rubbles by the very same government gun to the point that they're having to choose betwen putting gas in their cars to get to work or to put food on their tables to feed their families...because you love them?

Is that what you're saying, Santee Claus?

Why do you believe that two plus two equals five?

When I see a spade, I call it one. That's how I do...
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I'll tell you what, folks. And this is just my own personal observation. ''Conservatism'' these days? It's been reduced to just another empty pronoun that people invoke.

There doesn't seem to be any real grasp of what it actually means. Or any real regard for what it actually means, for that matter. I'm collectively speaking, of course. It certainly wouldn't be fair to paint the entire canvas with such a broad brush. But if you really pay attention to what people say, its easy enough to tell.

Ah well. Such is the nature of ''The Beast.''

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That is how blacks thank Jews for contributing to the civil rights movement.
Sad, isn’t it? At yet we still have liberal Jews bemoaning racism while ignoring or downplaying the unbelievable antisemitism raging throughout the world.

Please vote R, or at least not for the D. The progressives are allowing the Holocaust to re-emerge right before our eyes.
As long as the United States supports Israel, Israel will thrive. Jews will praise the Lord. We'll pass the ammunition.

But the question is, can it? The problem is as much as the Zionist entity is trying to sugar-coat it, what they are doing to the Palestinians is unacceptable to most decent-minded people. Even decent-minded Jews.

That’s our challenge. The antisemites are trying to simultaneously stop American support for Israel while demonizing American Jews - with the students at liberal universities calling for the genocide of Jews and the progressive presidents of these hate-mongering institutions refusing to condemn it.

Except all the demonstrations I've seen the ire is focused on the Israeli government, as it should be.

Here's the real problem that Israel has, and I'm surprised it's taken this long. In the modern era, we have all agreed that imperialism and colonialism are wrong. That all over the world, we support the rights of self-determination of ethnic minorities, whether they be the Kurds, or the Uighurs and Tibetans in China, or the Ukraine fighting for its independence from Russia.

Yet Israel is at the end of the say, a Colonial, Imperial, and Apartheid state.

Back when I was in College and was a Young Republican (because, heck, I didn't know any better) there was this smarmy liberal Jew who wanted to impress the black kids with how down with the struggle in South Africa he was. And he went on a rant about how the Afrikaners were mistreating the blacks. To which I slapped him back with, "Well, how is that any different than what the Israelis are doing with the Palestinians?" It was absolutely hilarious to watch him sputter as the mood in the room changed.

OW, if the anti-Jew atmosphere now feeling like Germany, circa 1939, keeps devolving toward Germany 1941, and the antisemites succeed in destroying the one safe harbor for Jews, we have nowhere to flee to.

Being a little hysterical now, aren't we? By 1939, Germany had passed the Nuremberg Laws that stripped German Jews of their citizenship and prohibited them from having sex with Germans. (As an aside, Germans were also required to provide family ancestry charts proving they had no Jews in their bloodline, which is why I can trace my family on my father's side back to the 16th Century). Jews were required to wear Yellow Stars to identify themselves.


So what horrible thing is happening to you now? Kids in the colleges didn't change their minds about the conflict because of the 10-7 attacks, despite all the histrionics?
Back to topic… is unreal how the DEI STAFF, comprised primarily of people of color who are supposedly sensitive to bigotry, are helping enable the spread of antisemitism.
That is how blacks thank Jews for contributing to the civil rights movement.

Naw, they aren't thanking them for that. They are thanking them for every Jewish slumlord who won't repair the heat, or every Gentrification that is driving them out of their homes.

Sad, isn’t it? At yet we still have liberal Jews bemoaning racism while ignoring or downplaying the unbelievable antisemitism raging throughout the world.

Please vote R, or at least not for the D. The progressives are allowing the Holocaust to re-emerge right before our eyes.

Oh, fucking please. The Democrats are the ones who want to give the Zionist Entity a bunch of money. It's Republicans who are holding up that money because they want to cut funding to the Ukraine because Ukraine made the Orange Shitgibbon look bad.

Biden has given Bibi everything he's asked for. If anything, Biden is saving Bibi from himself, because every dead Palestinian Child they drag out of a rubble that used to be a school just makes them look worse.

Check out this map. This map is the countries that voted FOR a cease-fire, and look who voted against it. The US, Guatemala (because the Zionists armed their dictator), Paraguay (same reason), and a few countries in Central Europe. Most of the rest of the world voted for a cease-fire or at least abstained.

The truth is that poll after poll shows that antisemitic beliefs are more common among blacks. It’s a simple fact.

Very true. Probably has to do with the fact that many slumlords are Jewish. Many of the businesses that won't cater to blacks are owned by Jews in places like New York. Same reason why blacks resent Indians in the Midwest and Koreans on the West Coast.

I agree. Those Jewish boys who gave up their lives for the right of blacks are turning over in their graves. So is MLK.

Perhaps. Or perhaps they would be horrified that once Jews were considered "White", they engaged in some of the worst behavior of white people.

Back to topic… is unreal how the DEI STAFF, comprised primarily of people of color who are supposedly sensitive to bigotry, are helping enable the spread of antisemitism.

Because Jews are a privileged class. The purpose of DEI is to make sure underrepresented populations get access to college and benefits.

The problem is that not only are Jews "white enough" now, they are demonstrating the worst qualities of White people.
Naw, they aren't thanking them for that. They are thanking them for every Jewish slumlord who won't repair the heat, or every Gentrification that is driving them out of their homes.
Are Jewish landlords the only landlords who won't repair the heat. Are Jews the only people who drive blacks out of their rental units through gentrification?

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