Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Israeli Arabs don't have political rights? They have seats in Parliament and a place in the government and on the Supreme Court.

Every invader can find a Quisling... not sure what your point here is.
Every invader can find a Quisling... not sure what your point here is.
you are calling the 20% of the population which is succeeding "a quisling"? LOL
you really don't know how Israeli society works, do you?
you are calling the 20% of the population which is succeeding "a quisling"? LOL
you really don't know how Israeli society works, do you?

Um, first, if Israel weren't an apartheid state, Arabs/Muslims would be the majority.

Secondly, I know how the Zionist Entity works just fine. Pissing off One Billion Muslims on the American taxpayer's dime.
Um, first, if Israel weren't an apartheid state, Arabs/Muslims would be the majority.
That's an interesting viewpoint. Can you show that it is true? Can you show me that Israel is denying citizenship to anyone? Can you show me how your argument leads to the definition of apartheid?
Secondly, I know how the Zionist Entity works just fine. Pissing off One Billion Muslims on the American taxpayer's dime.
No, no you don't. You know how you imagine it, but really don't understand how daily life there works. And those Muslims have been angry at Jews from well before there was a state of Israel. But if it works for you to put it at the doorstep of the modern state, fell free.
Next time post about BLACK MUSLIMS killing and enslaving BLACK CHRISTIANS
No, we'll stay on topic. And the fact is that Netanyahu and the Likkud Party are evil and need to be removed.
No, it doesn't.

"Illegal"? Not really. Settler violence is bad but it isn't a function of the government policy and is policed and prosecuted.

They have an army -- a sizable one, and they have weapons, tactics and their are a functionary of the elected government.

this has been in the planning stages for a while (at least Hamas says so -- you might know better)

actually, yes -- their planning indicates that.

well, once you ignore what the perpetrators say about their own activities, you can come up with anything.
I ignore nothing. Hamas is evil, but the guy who has empowered Hamas is just as evil and that's Netanyahu. Netanyahu empowered them, ignored their buildup and now is trying to convince the rest of the world to engage in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians he has always wanted. That makes him worse than Hamas. And he didn't mind if innocent Israelis died in the process.

So f--- Benjamin Netanyahu.
This kind of writing makes me wonder about your sanity, honestly.
My family has been traced back to the 16th Century in Germany. It was a requirement back in the bad old days to make sure there were no Jews in your family tree.

Oh, please stop trying to weasel out of it. Point is, the Zionists are European immigrants, not native people, and you know it.

It's a colonial state.

Except it's relevant... Most of the intial leaders of the Zionist Entity were Europeans. Most of the current ones are grandchildren or children of European immigrants.

Now, that would be fine, if everyone had equal political rights, but that's simply not the case, hence the apartheid thing.
Actually you are wrong----more than 50% of jews in Israel have DEFINITE family
background in Shariah shit holes----that proportion INCREASES every year because
jews marry each other------regardless of where great grandma was born. Your pure-bred
GERMAN BACKGROUND is your problem----most jews do not play that game. In fact,
I never met even one----not even Iranians
I ignore nothing. Hamas is evil, but the guy who has empowered Hamas is just as evil and that's Netanyahu. Netanyahu empowered them, ignored their buildup and now is trying to convince the rest of the world to engage in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians he has always wanted. That makes him worse than Hamas. And he didn't mind if innocent Israelis died in the process.

So f--- Benjamin Netanyahu.
"we don't know dem----nevah like dem----da joooos done it"
No, we'll stay on topic. And the fact is that Netanyahu and the Likkud Party are evil and need to be removed.
EVIL is cutting off toddlers’ heads, burning children alive, cooking a baby to death, raping women until they die from internal trauma, and stabbing men to death in front of their children.

But you reserve your venom for the Israelis.
EVIL is cutting off toddlers’ heads, burning children alive, cooking a baby to death, raping women until they die from internal trauma, and stabbing men to death in front of their children.

But you reserve your venom for the Israelis.
Listen; he sees NOTHING WRONG with BLACKS ENSLAViNG their own. I actually had a conversation with a Black IMBECILE who said it wasn’t racist because it was based on Religion.
Listen; he sees NOTHING WRONG with BLACKS ENSLAViNG their own. I actually had a conversation with a Black IMBECILE who said it wasn’t racist because it was based on Religion.
He sees nothing wrong with ANYTHING blacks do.
Listen; he sees NOTHING WRONG with BLACKS ENSLAViNG their own. I actually had a conversation with a Black IMBECILE who said it wasn’t racist because it was based on Religion.
You're wrong, but this thread is not about that. It is about antisemitism and it was started by a racist Jew. So you're trying to deflect from the topic of Jewish racism and the Israeli governments complicity in the rise of Hamas. So don't try talking for me and stay on the thread topic.
That's an interesting viewpoint. Can you show that it is true? Can you show me that Israel is denying citizenship to anyone? Can you show me how your argument leads to the definition of apartheid?
Yes, I can. But as a rule, I don't post links when idiots demand them because they pretend they didn't see it or attack the source.

Hey, look, here's a link from AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, where they call what the Zionist Entity does as Apartheid

This is apartheid.

Amnesty International’s new investigation shows that Israel imposes a system of oppression and domination against Palestinians across all areas under its control: in Israel and the OPT, and against Palestinian refugees, in order to benefit Jewish Israelis. This amounts to apartheid as prohibited in international law.

Laws, policies and practices which are intended to maintain a cruel system of control over Palestinians, have left them fragmented geographically and politically, frequently impoverished, and in a constant state of fear and insecurity.

No, no you don't. You know how you imagine it, but really don't understand how daily life there works. And those Muslims have been angry at Jews from well before there was a state of Israel. But if it works for you to put it at the doorstep of the modern state, fell free.

Except that's not really true, either. Jews actually lived peacefully in many Arab nations (as opposed to Christian nations, who were doing inquisitions and pogroms and holocausts) up until the Zionist Entity stole their land. Lisa558 likes to whine how Egypt threw them all out in 1957, but leaves out the part where the Zionist Entity conspired with Britain and France in 1956 to seize control of the Suez Canal.
EVIL is cutting off toddlers’ heads, burning children alive, cooking a baby to death, raping women until they die from internal trauma, and stabbing men to death in front of their children.

But you reserve your venom for the Israelis.
Yes, that's pretty bad.

So is bombing hospitals, schools, forcing people off their own land so you can build Jewish Settlements, etc.


It's time for America to wash her hands of this mess.
Actually you are wrong----more than 50% of jews in Israel have DEFINITE family
background in Shariah shit holes----that proportion INCREASES every year because
jews marry each other------regardless of where great grandma was born. Your pure-bred
GERMAN BACKGROUND is your problem----most jews do not play that game. In fact,
I never met even one----not even Iranians

Funny you should mention that. I'm only German on my father's side. On my mother's side, I'm Irish, Dutch, English and Cherokee. No one in my family speaks German (I speak a little, very badly, my Mandarin is actually better than my German, and my wife can tell you my Mandarin isn't that hot.) I married a Chinese woman, my other siblings married non-german ethnicities.

On the other hand, most of the Jews in the Zionist Entity are from the millions who emigrated from Europe, and they are still trolling the former USSR, trying to find more of them.

The point remains, the Jews of Israel are colonists and invaders, the Palestinians are the indigenous people. Israel is an apartheid state.
Yes, I can. But as a rule, I don't post links when idiots demand them because they pretend they didn't see it or attack the source.

Hey, look, here's a link from AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, where they call what the Zionist Entity does as Apartheid

This is apartheid.

Amnesty International’s new investigation shows that Israel imposes a system of oppression and domination against Palestinians across all areas under its control: in Israel and the OPT, and against Palestinian refugees, in order to benefit Jewish Israelis. This amounts to apartheid as prohibited in international law.

Laws, policies and practices which are intended to maintain a cruel system of control over Palestinians, have left them fragmented geographically and politically, frequently impoverished, and in a constant state of fear and insecurity.
We can ignore, for a moment, Amnesty's shown practice of being biased against Israel, but there is no reason to ignore the law. Your accusation amounts to "Israel has different rules for citizens and non-citizens." Yes, this is true. This isn't apartheid, though. Seriously -- people need to learn the laws before they throw words around.
Except that's not really true, either. Jews actually lived peacefully in many Arab nations (as opposed to Christian nations, who were doing inquisitions and pogroms and holocausts) up until the Zionist Entity stole their land. Lisa558 likes to whine how Egypt threw them all out in 1957, but leaves out the part where the Zionist Entity conspired with Britain and France in 1956 to seize control of the Suez Canal.
then you don't know kid-east history either. While Jews did live among various Muslim governments they were still second class citizens and were subject to laws the limited them. In the mid-east, they were also subject to violence and attacks. Would you like a list of violence against Jews before 1948? How about before 1930? Or before 1900? I have the list.
We can ignore, for a moment, Amnesty's shown practice of being biased against Israel, but there is no reason to ignore the law. Your accusation amounts to "Israel has different rules for citizens and non-citizens." Yes, this is true. This isn't apartheid, though. Seriously -- people need to learn the laws before they throw words around.

Except that the "NON-CITIZENS" are the indigenous people of that land. ''

So if China invaded part of America, and decided that only Chinese and those Americans who were favored by the CCP were "Citizens", would that make it okay for them to abuse the rest of us?

then you don't know kid-east history either. While Jews did live among various Muslim governments they were still second class citizens and were subject to laws the limited them. In the mid-east, they were also subject to violence and attacks. Would you like a list of violence against Jews before 1948? How about before 1930? Or before 1900? I have the list.
Yes, the Jews piss people off no matter where they go.

I still think a Jew in Egypt had a better life than a Jew in Germany in the 1930's though.
Except that the "NON-CITIZENS" are the indigenous people of that land. ''
actually, not.

If you start with an error, your conclusions will be erroneous.

Yes, the Jews piss people off no matter where they go.
So you have gone from "lived peacefully" to, once that is disproven, placing the blame on the victims. Got it. isn't. Criticism of Israeli government policies and its leaders again, IS NOT antisemitism, which is the inference this article is trying to draw. Don't really expect much else from a right wing think tank.
Anti Zionism is anti Judaism. Anyone who has read the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, as I of course have, knows that for the Jews possession of the Land of Israel is as important as personal salvation is for Christians.

Consequently, we should let the Children of Israel have the land God gave them, and tell the Palestinians to move. Yes, I am in favor of ethnic cleansing, but I would let the Christians stay.

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