Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Let's get real...

In 1890, according to Censuses taken by the Ottomans, there were 43,000 Jews, 57,000 Christians and 432,000 Muslims in Palestine. They were less than 10% of the population at the time, and that was after a century of Zionist organizations in Europe trying to encourage resettlement.

Even by 1947, the non-Jewish population exceeded the Jewish population by 2-1.

The Zionists are squatters who displaced the indigenous population. There's a word for that, it's called Apartheid.
I have really bad news for you----"SQUATTERS" are people who have neither bought land or pay rent. The land upon which jews were developing farmng and lite industrial projects
in Palestine were doing so ON PURCHASED LAND-----It became easy for jews to own land
in Palestine-----despite the APARTHEID of the christian and the muslim realms that had afflicted the land for the prior centuries because jews were willing to PAY for it AND pay
taxes. The muslims were virtually universally SQUATTERS. Far from displacing arab muslims---the presence of jews and their various projects created a HUGE INCREASE
of arab migration into Palestine for the JOB OPPORTUNITIES. Even the little town of
RISHON L'TZION had a population of arabs ---nearby---living in shanty town huts
way back in 1882 ----and long into the 20th century
you'd find both

No, actually, I wouldn't. Jews were a small minority of the population in 1900. In fact, they haven't been the majority since the second century.

One could also argue who the real 'successors' or the Ancient Israelites were, since Christians and Muslims both have an equally good claim to the "God of Abraham".
No, actually, I wouldn't. Jews were a small minority of the population in 1900. In fact, they haven't been the majority since the second century.

One could also argue who the real 'successors' or the Ancient Israelites were, since Christians and Muslims both have an equally good claim to the "God of Abraham".
Not just that but I've noted how so many in the media keep touting Israel's right to 'defend itself' but what they are and have been doing is not "defense". Their Iron Dome is an example of defense but leveling everything in specific areas resulting in far more collateral damage in terms of civilian deaths than anywhere close to Hamas members is retribution and retaliation. That is no more defense than when the U.S. bombed Hiroshima & Nagasaki. So why the need to lie about it?
Israel is fighting a war with the Palestinian government of Gaza, Hamas. In wars things get broken and people, often innocent people, get killed. Hamas goes out of its way its way to increase Gazan civilian casualties, Israel goes out of its way to decrease innocent civilian casualties.
No, actually, I wouldn't. Jews were a small minority of the population in 1900. In fact, they haven't been the majority since the second century.

One could also argue who the real 'successors' or the Ancient Israelites were, since Christians and Muslims both have an equally good claim to the "God of Abraham".
Of course you could argue-----you do not even have to think----your material has
been laid out for you and AVAILABLE-----in mosques written by your fellow christian
"scholars" (that includes the koran)
Of course you could argue-----you do not even have to think----your material has
been laid out for you and AVAILABLE-----in mosques written by your fellow christian
"scholars" (that includes the koran)

Again, for me, it's a silly conversation because there is no God and never was.

But who is the "true believer" is a matter of perspective. The people who have lived there for thousands of years probably have a better claim than some European Squatters who adopted their religion.
Again, for me, it's a silly conversation because there is no God and never was.

But who is the "true believer" is a matter of perspective. The people who have lived there for thousands of years probably have a better claim than some European Squatters who adopted their religion.
who lived where for thousands of Years?. Are you VERY young? I will help----I have
actually tutored many hopeless cases----mostly in plane geometry but you have a clear
problem with THE HISTORY OF MAN. Try to think-----where did your family ---ancestors
etc. LIVE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS?. I know that my extended family did not live in
Pennsylvannia for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Based on the manner you post----I would suggest that it is likely that you have no written records of your great grandparents since
they were probably illiterate
No, actually, I wouldn't.
Then you aren't looking. You asked and said that you wouldn't find any Jews because " the Ancestors of all the current Zionists were living somewhere in Europe". But I and others have provided evidence that you are wrong. Your response is now just the petulant "no" without any evidence to support your absolutist position.
Jews were a small minority of the population in 1900. In fact, they haven't been the majority since the second century.
Since that wasn't what you earlier staked out as your position (" the Ancestors of all the current Zionists were living somewhere in Europe") injecting this piece of historical information is irrelevant.
One could also argue who the real 'successors' or the Ancient Israelites were, since Christians and Muslims both have an equally good claim to the "God of Abraham".
again, since no one was discussing who the successors or the ancient Israelis were, bringing this up is useless.
So if someone attacks your house with a machine gun it is defense to knock the bullets down but shooting back is retribution and revenge? And I can shoot back, I have to match caliber and number if bullets and if he fires at me from inside his house, I can't shoot back because he is forcing his family to stay in the hiuse as a shield. Makes perfect sense.
If someone attacks your house after 20 years of you attaking theirs, do they have that right? Because that's the situation in Israel. We have supported Netanyahu without question and Netanyahu is no better that Saddam. Call me what you want but we need to stop defending Israel when they are wrong. Netanyahu's strategy created the harm his own people endured. Now that is just simply the truth whether every Jew here wants to accept it or not.
I don't trust the Guardian on Israel. And you should post on afro Arabs suffering from racist Arab society at Palestinians.

Asmaa al-Ghoul, "Black Palestinians shrug off racism, Al Monitor, November 4, 2013.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — “Hey, chocolate,” “Hey, cappuccino,” “Hey, Galaxy [brand of chocolate],” “Hey, brown one” and “Hey, black one,” are jocular expressions used by some in Gaza when a man, woman or child of African descent passes by. Sometimes the racism is expressed nonverbally through looks. Gazans, however, seem unaware of this racism.

Al-Monitor met with political activist Samah al-Rawagh, 33, at her home and asked her whether she experienced any discrimination due to her skin color. She made light of the matter. Yet, when her father Ahmad al-Rawagh, 80, recounted incidents he had experienced involving racism, Samah was shocked. “That’s the first time I’ve heard such stories from you,” she said.

“I struggled a lot to overcome the difficulties caused by the color of my skin. I always had to doubly prove myself at school, at work and in life, because I’m dark-skinned,” Ahmad said...

Ahmad remembers when he was a teacher in the late 1950s, and one of his colleagues invited everyone, except him, to a wedding. “That day, I felt embarrassed, and I decided that no one in my family would go through such an experience,” he said...

Samah agreed with her father and added, “I never felt that the color of my skin made me different from others. I always had the best toys and clothing. I studied in a private school, and I felt that people liked me. Sometimes, I heard comments that bothered me, but this is the first time I’ve heard about my father’s suffering.”

Samah did not deny that she has been hearing more discriminatory words recently, but she denied that it is about hate. “I hear phrases such as ‘Hey, Galaxy.’ But I sometimes feel that it’s banter, rarely for the purpose of harassing me,” she said...

"Africans first entered Palestine during the Islamic conquests, specifically when Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab entered Jerusalem, accompanied by a number of Africans. African communities from Chad, Nigeria, Sudan and Senegal came in the late 19th century, either for worship or to participate in the resistance," Bakhit noted in an interview with Al-Monitor.

According to Gaza Through History, a book by Ibrahim Sakik, wealthy families in the Gaza Strip participated in the slave trade hundreds of years ago. Another book, Delighting in the Wealth of Gaza's History, notes that some of the residents of the Palestinian village of Berbera were dark-skinned people who came from Morocco.

The "black neighborhood"

Next to the Rawagh family’s home there is an entire area on Jala Street inhabited by dark-skinned Gazans. The people and taxi drivers refer to it as the “black neighborhood” or the “dark-skinned neighborhood."

Mohammed Abu Rashed, 13, who is a talented soccer player and dreams of becoming like Lionel Messi, recounted his experience to Al-Monitor. “At school, they say ‘Hey, chocolate,’ but I don’t pay attention to them.” His friend Ahed, 17, interrupted and said, “Liar. We do get bothered.” ...

Abed al-Rawagh, 21, who works at a grocery store at the neighborhood’s entrance, told Al-Monitor that racism affects his business. “I don’t feel discriminated against until a white girl or woman comes to buy from the grocery store. As soon as she sees me, she changes her mind about buying and leaves. There’s a widespread belief that a black man would harm her. That offends me.”..

Bakhit, who lives in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, recalled an incident with one of the security services in Gaza after the split in 2007. “The policeman looked inside a taxi and ordered the two dark-skinned men inside, us, to step out. So my brother and I stepped out, and we headed to the search location. After they made sure that we weren’t suspects, we went back to the car. I felt very insulted


Here is more about Arab Palestinian racism against blacks:
View attachment 867763
Palestinisn Authority's media racist cartoon against Condoleeza Rice (Aug/2006)
  • Anti-black racism was out in the open, when former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, has been the subject of some viciously racial personal attacks.
In July, 2006, media outlets controlled by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party the past few days have been using racist rhetoric in their reports, referring to the American representative as the "black woman," "raven," "colored dark skinned black lady" and "black spinster."

In Aug 2006, an anti-black racist 'monkey' Cartoon in Palestinian Authority's controlled Press Al Quds. From The New York Times:
"Her comment that the Israel-Lebanon war represented the “birth pangs of a new Middle East”— coming at a time when television stations were showing images of dead Lebanese children — sparked ridicule and even racist cartoons. A Palestinian newspaper, Al Quds," which "depicted Ms. Rice as pregnant with an armed monkey, and a caption that read, “Rice speaks about the birth of a new Middle East."

In addition, the Palestinian media has used racist terms including "black spinster" and "colored dark skin lady."

  • Tamano Shata to Arab-Islamic MK Ahmad Tibi: "You are a racist, you constantly mention that I came from Ethiopia." You're "the chief racist."

  • Reporter (in 2019) 'The thing that drives Palestinians crazy most at checkpoints - that an Ethiopian soldier checks on them.' A "slave" as they see them.

  • In Oct, 2021, it was explained why foster families are not so common among Arabs (Israeli Arabs or "Palestinian" Arabs). It's because of their darker skin.
While no society is perfect...nor is the US, and Israel is multiracial .

Here are some good looking BLACK ISRAELI Jews in the heroic IDF
View attachment 867767
There is racism against ethipoians in Israel. I get tired of whites who find pictures of a very few blacks then use that to dismiss racism.

There is racism against black jews in America and in this very forum, there is at least one overtly racist jew posting daily
If someone attacks your house after 20 years of you attaking theirs, do they have that right?
What right? To defend yourself? Do you think that somewhere around year 9, you lose the right to defend yourself? What day -- is it nine years and a day? A month? At what point is a person no longer allowed to defend himself.

I mean, your hypothetical has no connection to the Hamas situation as Israel pulled out of Gaza 16 years ago and didn't attack until Gaza fired rockets (though that began very soon after withdrawl).
What right? To defend yourself? Do you think that somewhere around year 9, you lose the right to defend yourself? What day -- is it nine years and a day? A month? At what point is a person no longer allowed to defend himself.

I mean, your hypothetical has no connection to the Hamas situation as Israel pulled out of Gaza 16 years ago and didn't attack until Gaza fired rockets (though that began very soon after withdrawl).
Yes my hypothetical does. Why don't you talk about the illegal settlements and the Israeli settler violence against Palestinians that has gone on during the reign of Netanyahu? Ha? Why is this not something defenders of Israel want to recognize? A population with no Army suddenly decides to attack a nuclear power just because they chose Oct 7 to be the day they decided to start erasing Jews? Nah, there's more to it and it's time we looked deeper than this simplistic opinion those like you express.
Yes my hypothetical does. Why don't you talk about the illegal settlements and the Israeli settler violence against Palestinians that has gone on during the reign of Netanyahu? Ha? Why is this not something defenders of Israel want to recognize? A population with no Army suddenly decides to attack a nuclear power just because they chose Oct 7 to be the day they decided to start erasing Jews? Nah, there's more to it and it's time we looked deeper than this simplistic opinion those like you express.
You ignorant person, the various Palestinian terrorist groups have been attacking Israel, Jews and westerners in general for over fifty years. Hamas and Hezbollah regularly launch bombardment rockets into Israel, that's why the Iron Dome system was designed and emplaced. You are either the most ignorant person I have ever meant, or more likely, just willfully ignoring the historical truth.
Yes my hypothetical does.
No, it doesn't.
Why don't you talk about the illegal settlements and the Israeli settler violence against Palestinians that has gone on during the reign of Netanyahu?
"Illegal"? Not really. Settler violence is bad but it isn't a function of the government policy and is policed and prosecuted.
A population with no Army
They have an army -- a sizable one, and they have weapons, tactics and their are a functionary of the elected government.
this has been in the planning stages for a while (at least Hamas says so -- you might know better)
decides to attack a nuclear power just because they chose Oct 7 to be the day they decided to start erasing Jews?
actually, yes -- their planning indicates that.
Nah, there's more to it and it's time we looked deeper than this simplistic opinion those like you express.
well, once you ignore what the perpetrators say about their own activities, you can come up with anything.
who lived where for thousands of Years?. Are you VERY young? I will help----I have
actually tutored many hopeless cases----mostly in plane geometry but you have a clear
problem with THE HISTORY OF MAN. Try to think-----where did your family ---ancestors
etc. LIVE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS?. I know that my extended family did not live in
Pennsylvannia for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Based on the manner you post----I would suggest that it is likely that you have no written records of your great grandparents since
they were probably illiterate

This kind of writing makes me wonder about your sanity, honestly.
My family has been traced back to the 16th Century in Germany. It was a requirement back in the bad old days to make sure there were no Jews in your family tree.

Then you aren't looking. You asked and said that you wouldn't find any Jews because " the Ancestors of all the current Zionists were living somewhere in Europe". But I and others have provided evidence that you are wrong. Your response is now just the petulant "no" without any evidence to support your absolutist position.

Oh, please stop trying to weasel out of it. Point is, the Zionists are European immigrants, not native people, and you know it.

It's a colonial state.

Since that wasn't what you earlier staked out as your position (" the Ancestors of all the current Zionists were living somewhere in Europe") injecting this piece of historical information is irrelevant.

Except it's relevant... Most of the intial leaders of the Zionist Entity were Europeans. Most of the current ones are grandchildren or children of European immigrants.

Now, that would be fine, if everyone had equal political rights, but that's simply not the case, hence the apartheid thing.
Oh, please stop trying to weasel out of it. Point is, the Zionists are European immigrants, not native people, and you know it.
No, and I have shown that you are wrong. While there was a group of people who immigrated, there are Jews who lived there earlier, and, as shown, Jews are indigenous and are also Zionists so your claim fails on its face.
It's a colonial state.
So you should complain to the British, or the Ottomans, or the Mameluks or one of the other colonial powers that controlled and populated the area.

Except it's relevant... Most of the intial leaders of the Zionist Entity were Europeans. Most of the current ones are grandchildren or children of European immigrants.
and the "Palestinians" are immigrants and not indigenous.
Now, that would be fine, if everyone had equal political rights, but that's simply not the case, hence the apartheid thing.
Israeli Arabs don't have political rights? They have seats in Parliament and a place in the government and on the Supreme Court.
There is racism against ethipoians in Israel. I get tired of whites who find pictures of a very few blacks then use that to dismiss racism.

There is racism against black jews in America and in this very forum, there is at least one overtly racist jew posting daily
Next time post about BLACK MUSLIMS killing and enslaving BLACK CHRISTIANS
There is racism against ethipoians in Israel. I get tired of whites who find pictures of a very few blacks then use that to dismiss racism.

There is racism against black jews in America and in this very forum, there is at least one overtly racist jew posting daily
If you mean ME, why is it when you quote racist posts, mine is never there? That’s because I’ve never said anything racist. It’s just that your resentment for Jews has you attacking me.

And NO, pointing out the overrepresentation of blacks in advertising, when they comprise just 14% of the population, is not racist. To the contrary, it is oppossing corporations rejecting the majority of applicants (for advertising jobs) based on their (white) skin color. YOU are supporting race-based decisions when they go against whites.

Anyway, this is not the thread for you make false accusations against Jews. The topic is how DIE staff are promoting antisemitism.
And NO, pointing out the overrepresentation of blacks in advertising, when they comprise just 14% of the population, is not racist. To the contrary, it is oppossing corporations rejecting the majority of applicants (for advertising jobs) based on their (white) skin color. YOU are supporting race-based decisions when they go against whites.

Um, how am I being oppressed when there are black people (or any people) on advertisements?

I usually don't give it a second thought. If it's a product I'm interested in, I don't care who is holding it... not sure why you do.

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