Zone1 Any billionaires who are devoutly religious?

They never false prophecised--They erred by trying to put a date on a real prophecy that God made. They have repented of that. There have been no prophecys since the book of Revelation was written.
Not one can understand the deep things in the bible without being taught by the teachers who have Jesus. Proof--tell us all who is the 7 headed beast with 10 horns and the 2 horned beast of Rev 13? And what is Babylon the great?
After thought: "1" ONCE is a mistake...........but 8 times? Really? That's like telling the police that your weapon went off accidentally (8 times) and killed another, it was just an error, I repent. Where do you assume your residence would be located in short order? The Gray Bar Hotel. If you ERR more then once.......that is not something that is innocent, there has to be a deep cognitive connection toward PREMEDITATED ACTION.:disbelief:

And then you have the PREMEDITATED GALL to suggest that the same organization that made these 8 accidental prophesies is the only organization that can properly teach the truth in relation to the Holy Scriptures? :huh1:

I think this DEAD HORSE has been beaten enough...................:dig: time to bury it.
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was not false was an error?:huh1: LMAO :th_spinspin: The god you worship is ok with making errors and is not omniscient? I could have told ya you know who God declares is the god of this world and the father of false/lies, errors? Satan: (2 Cor. 4:4, John 8:44)

I once knew a JW that was always correct...........never wrong about anything, I pointed out an error he had committed, turns out He was not wrong, he was merely mistaking.

SYNONYMOUS: Words that mean the same thing............false/error. Up is down, north is south, you tripped over a stone...........the sun was in your eyes.

ERRONEOUS/FALSE adjective: there are over 300 synonyms for ERRONEOUS/FALSE. Among them are. UNTRUTHFUL, FALLACIOUS, DISHONEST...etc.

Then you have the antonyms of erroneous: meaning the opposite of, such as the opposite of your supposed errors? TRUE, ACCURATE, FACTUAL, CORRECT....................
God didn't make the errors. Imperfect men did. They err they do not do things dishonestly. There is 0 doubt the trinity scholars know 100% the word was not called God capitol G in the last line at John 1:1--That Greek word ends in v for God. Small g god ends in g like the word got=0 doubt. Thats who you believe, because they know.
After thought: "1" ONCE is a mistake...........but 8 times? Really? That's like telling the police that your weapon went off accidentally (8 times) and killed another, it was just an error, I repent. Where do you assume your residence would be located in short order? The Gray Bar Hotel. If you ERR more then once.......that is not something that is innocent, there has to be a deep cognitive connection toward PREMEDITATED ACTION.:disbelief:

And then you have the PREMEDITATED GALL to suggest that the same organization that made these 8 accidental prophesies is the only organization that can properly teach the truth in relation to the Holy Scriptures? :huh1:

I think this DEAD HORSE has been beaten enough...................:dig: time to bury it.
When Gods words in Ezekial come true= They will have to know i am YHWH(Jehovah) you will see different then but then its to late. Its in Ezekial about 20 x--hard to know truth when ones religion uses altered translations.

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