Zone1 Any billionaires who are devoutly religious?

I don't mean just going to religious services but also keeping their oath and abiding by G_ds instructions etc. Charity would be an easy representation, but also their particular works and character. If more public and unabashed, even better imo.
Matt 19:24--Its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Gods kingdom.
Some.say the eye of the needle was in reference to the large gates they had in the major towns. Apparently that was the name of the large key slot.
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And a couple lines later Jesus says with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Yes, and Jesus told the rich man--sell all you have and- give it- to your poor brothers--that was his way in, he couldn't do it. He didn't actually mean everything, because that man had to live as well. But one doesn't need to be rich and watch their brothers starve or live in the streets while they have enough to live 10,000 lifetimes and cant get enough. The bible says-a little bit of money( saved) is a protection.
Yes, and Jesus told the rich man--sell all you have and- give it- to your poor brothers--that was his way in, he couldn't do it. He didn't actually mean everything, because that man had to live as well. But one doesn't need to be rich and watch their brothers starve or live in the streets while they have enough to live 10,000 lifetimes and cant get enough. The bible says-a little bit of money( saved) is a protection.
Yes indeed. And each of us must carry our own cross and follow Jesus. Some folks have a cross that involves $. That's their cross to carry. Don't know about you, but I'm pretty busy carrying my own cross. Seems to me that micromanaging/speculating/judging my neighbor's cross is not really the best strategy for either of us.
Yes, and Jesus told the rich man--sell all you have and- give it- to your poor brothers--that was his way in, he couldn't do it. He didn't actually mean everything, because that man had to live as well. But one doesn't need to be rich and watch their brothers starve or live in the streets while they have enough to live 10,000 lifetimes and cant get enough. The bible says-a little bit of money( saved) is a protection.
The modern translations such as ESV and the NASB as well as the King James Translation declares "GIVE TO THE POOR" with no specific amount does not declare, GIVE in ALL to the poor. (Matthew 19:21) Therefore, one must search the scriptures to reveal what amount of giving is required as a proper Tithing. A man is judged by his own heart, as you can't lie to yourself and God, in what amount you can truly afford (2 Cor. 9:7) God demands you give from your heart.

In the O.T. the amount demanded of Israel as tithes was 10% (Deut. 14:22, Lev. 27:30, among others)........Tithing is not addressed in a literal fashion in the N.T. But it is addressed with an example of what amount is required in the History of 10%, being righteous. (Hebrews 7:1-28 Therefore, as adopted seeds/sons of Abraham (Gal. 3:28-29) 10% at a minimum should be laid aside as a righteous amount.........if you can't afford that, give as you have been blessed by some 1 dollar might be as great a tithing as 100 dollars. You must give as you have decided in your heart what you can afford (2 Cor. 2:9) The greatest command is to support and protect your family and then the brotherhood, for a man that does not care for his relatives and family is worse than an infidel........(1 Tim.5:8) example would be giving in public simply for the accolade when your own family might be suffering and doing without.

Why should anyone give to any Mega Church (God loves you but send your money to my address) when you do not even realize where your tithing might actually go? Its better to give locally where you can see who actually needs help.........

No one should give tithes for some TV preacher to purchase million dollar houses and private planes.....etc., Its a business an evil business that takes advantage of those who can least afford to be taken advantage of........the sick and the elderly who are expecting returns of their invested tithing as promised by some actor pretending to be a minister of God.
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Yes indeed. And each of us must carry our own cross and follow Jesus. Some folks have a cross that involves $. That's their cross to carry. Don't know about you, but I'm pretty busy carrying my own cross. Seems to me that micromanaging/speculating/judging my neighbor's cross is not really the best strategy for either of us.
I didn't judge any. I shared a bible truth. The bible has already judged.
The modern translations such as ESV and the NASB as well as the King James Translation declares "GIVE TO THE POOR" with no specific amount does not declare, GIVE in ALL to the poor. (Matthew 19:21) Therefore, one must search the scriptures to reveal what amount of giving is required as a proper Tithing. A man is judged by his own heart, as you can't lie to yourself and God, in what amount you can truly afford (2 Cor. 9:7) God demands you give from your heart.

In the O.T. the amount demanded of Israel as tithes was 10% (Deut. 14:22, Lev. 27:30, among others)........Tithing is not addressed in a literal fashion in the N.T. But it is addressed with an example of what amount is required in the History of 10%, being righteous. (Hebrews 7:1-28 Therefore, as adopted seeds/sons of Abraham (Gal. 3:28-29) 10% at a minimum should be laid aside as a righteous amount.........if you can't afford that, give as you have been blessed by some 1 dollar might be as great a tithing as 100 dollars. You must give as you have decided in your heart what you can afford (2 Cor. 2:9) The greatest command is to support and protect your family and then the brotherhood, for a man that does not care for his relatives and family is worse than an infidel........(1 Tim.5:8) example would be giving in public simply for the accolade when your own family might be suffering and doing without.

Why should anyone give to any Mega Church (God loves you but send your money to my address) when you do not even realize where your tithing might actually go? Its better to give locally where you can see who actually needs help.........

No one should give tithes for some TV preacher to purchase million dollar houses and private planes.....etc., Its a business an evil business that takes advantage of those who can least afford to be taken advantage of........the sick and the elderly who are expecting returns of their invested tithing as promised by some actor pretending to be a minister of God.
Jesus said--give it to your poor brothers--not to the church. A religious institution does survive on $$, so one must give to them as well. ALL tv preachers are false blind guides seeking $$$$$.
The churches fail the poor 98% and fail Jesus at the same time. They have food pantries to give a temp fix which fixes little. and fail the poor and Jesus by failing 100% at every one of them by not teaching them the permanent fix along with the temp fix. That is-Matt 6:33--Keep on seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his ( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenence, covering, spirituality( Matt 6)= a promise from Jesus that his Father would provide all those things if needed if one applied that teaching. Any real teacher that has Jesus would teach that without fail.
I didn't judge any. I shared a bible truth. The bible has already judged.
Yeah. Good for you. I'm pointing out, by sharing Bible truths, that the premise of this thread is judging billionaires for being billionaires.
Jesus said--give it to your poor brothers--not to the church. A religious institution does survive on $$, so one must give to them as well. ALL tv preachers are false blind guides seeking $$$$$.
The churches fail the poor 98% and fail Jesus at the same time. They have food pantries to give a temp fix which fixes little. and fail the poor and Jesus by failing 100% at every one of them by not teaching them the permanent fix along with the temp fix. That is-Matt 6:33--Keep on seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his ( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenence, covering, spirituality( Matt 6)= a promise from Jesus that his Father would provide all those things if needed if one applied that teaching. Any real teacher that has Jesus would teach that without fail.
I will leave to your cult the feeding of the millions of deadbeats in this nation that are to good to work for a living but depend upon OP (other peoples) money. You can serve the deadbeats if you wish. But my first mission is to the Brotherhood of Christ and My Family. I will have compassion on whom I wish to have compassion.......those who I can see are actually in need. Its not charity or giving from the heart if you are forced by penalty of fine and or imprisonment to fed those who are just to lazy to fed themselves. If 10% is good enough should be good enough for BIG BROTHER.

FYI: The brotherhood is the church. i.e, brothers in Christ, in the kingdom of God/Heaven), all members of the Christ's church world wide are the brotherhood. The Term appears only twice in the N.T. of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2: 17,5:9). Those not Called out from the world are not Brothers......they are servants to the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). As Jesus declared the world hates you (members of the church, i.e, the kingdom of God) but remember it hated Me first. ".........if ye were of this world, the world would love its own; but I have chosen you out of this world, therefore the world hates you." -- John 15:19

Do you really want to fund a world that hates you, or would you serve God best by ministering to the needs of the brotherhood and the truly needy in your own local community? :huh1:

Jesus Christ declared, "THE POOR WILL BE AMONG YOU ALWAYS" (John 12:8)........always is a long time Forever until the end of time. Why will the poor always be on earth? Because poverty can't be eliminated by acts of legislation.....sometimes people simply decide (judge) to be poor by the poor judgments they make in life........sometimes people are poor because of sickness, or injury.......sometimes poverty is prompted by mother nature and natural disasters. Its impossible to eliminate povert as its part of the human condition. Over 22 Trillion has been spent on a supposed war on poverty since the 60s.......the poverty index has barely moved. In fact there has been 2x more US TAX DOLLARS spent on poverty than all the costs of every war the US has ever engaged..........which totals around 7 Trillion dollars adjusted for inflation.

God ahead....enable the do nothings. As for Me...........and my family we will serve the Lord.

In Fact: Jesus chastised those who followed after Him after the miracle of the fish and loaves that feed over 5000 people. He declared they followed Him only because they wanted to be fed again, not because of the signs (miracles) that confirmed the word of God......Jesus declared His mission was to help save the human soul........not feed the flesh as the flesh will decay, its best to feed your Spirit/Soul with the truth from Heaven (John 6:26-27)

Jesus' purpose in coming to earth as God Incarnate was to TEACH THE TRUTH, i.e, bear witness to the truth from God, not to feed the poor (John 18:37), those of the truth hears His voice.


We are to have compassion to everyone in need.......but our first service is to our relatives and family (i.e, the Brotherhood)
"But anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than a non-believer." -- 1 Tim. 5:8
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And a couple lines later Jesus says with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

and then follows up with this; "So use your worldly wealth to gain friends for yourself so that when money is a thing of the past (when you die) you may be received into an eternal abode."
Yes, and Jesus told the rich man--sell all you have and- give it- to your poor brothers--that was his way in, he couldn't do it.

The man based his wealth not just on money but on his strict adherence since childhood to a literal application of the divine commands. This is why the man asked him what else can he do

What Jesus said was "If you want to go all the way and be perfect" sell off all that crap he had been indoctrinated into believing, give to the poor, which was not necessarily about money, then follow him, the way that Jesus taught to follow the law, (not follow him around destitute).

The many possessions that he didn't want to part with were the many people of his following. He must have been a popular sect leader, a well respected and admired rabbi or something.

It was exactly as if Jesus told you to give up all of the crap that has addled your mind and start over after all the time and money wasted and many people that you have vested in your cult.

Could you do it?

Face your many possessions and admit that you have misled them whether as a result of great errors in your own speculations or whether you have been misled yourself and then tell them to follow the teachings (give to the poor) of a smart ass that people think is out of his mind?
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I will leave to your cult the feeding of the millions of deadbeats in this nation that are to good to work for a living but depend upon OP (other peoples) money. You can serve the deadbeats if you wish. But my first mission is to the Brotherhood of Christ and My Family. I will have compassion on whom I wish to have compassion.......those who I can see are actually in need. Its not charity or giving from the heart if you are forced by penalty of fine and or imprisonment to fed those who are just to lazy to fed themselves. If 10% is good enough should be good enough for BIG BROTHER.

FYI: The brotherhood is the church. i.e, brothers in Christ, in the kingdom of God/Heaven), all members of the Christ's church world wide are the brotherhood. The Term appears only twice in the N.T. of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2: 17,5:9). Those not Called out from the world are not Brothers......they are servants to the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). As Jesus declared the world hates you (members of the church, i.e, the kingdom of God) but remember it hated Me first. ".........if ye were of this world, the world would love its own; but I have chosen you out of this world, therefore the world hates you." -- John 15:19

Do you really want to fund a world that hates you, or would you serve God best by ministering to the needs of the brotherhood and the truly needy in your own local community? :huh1:

Jesus Christ declared, "THE POOR WILL BE AMONG YOU ALWAYS" (John 12:8)........always is a long time Forever until the end of time. Why will the poor always be on earth? Because poverty can't be eliminated by acts of legislation.....sometimes people simply decide (judge) to be poor by the poor judgments they make in life........sometimes people are poor because of sickness, or injury.......sometimes poverty is prompted by mother nature and natural disasters. Its impossible to eliminate povert as its part of the human condition. Over 22 Trillion has been spent on a supposed war on poverty since the 60s.......the poverty index has barely moved. In fact there has been 2x more US TAX DOLLARS spent on poverty than all the costs of every war the US has ever engaged..........which totals around 7 Trillion dollars adjusted for inflation.

God ahead....enable the do nothings. As for Me...........and my family we will serve the Lord.

In Fact: Jesus chastised those who followed after Him after the miracle of the fish and loaves that feed over 5000 people. He declared they followed Him only because they wanted to be fed again, not because of the signs (miracles) that confirmed the word of God......Jesus declared His mission was to help save the human soul........not feed the flesh as the flesh will decay, its best to feed your Spirit/Soul with the truth from Heaven (John 6:26-27)

Jesus' purpose in coming to earth as God Incarnate was to TEACH THE TRUTH, i.e, bear witness to the truth from God, not to feed the poor (John 18:37), those of the truth hears His voice.


We are to have compassion to everyone in need.......but our first service is to our relatives and family (i.e, the Brotherhood)
"But anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than a non-believer." -- 1 Tim. 5:8
He cured many and fed many as well. Well of course one needs to take care of family. Jesus was talking to the rich who had abundance they did not need.
Which Lord do you serve? Which Lord will you call on to be saved?
He cured many and fed many as well. Well of course one needs to take care of family. Jesus was talking to the rich who had abundance they did not need.
Which Lord do you serve? Which Lord will you call on to be saved?

"God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation feareth Him and worketh righteousness is accepted with Him......" -- Acts 10:34-35. Romans 2:11 states the exact same thing. In Fact Acts 10 deals with a somewhat wealthy household that were not yet Christians ...........the house of Cornelius, a Roman Citizen and Centurion (leader of 100 Roman soldiers known as the Italian Cohort. What saved this Gentile? Peter delivered the TRUTH that was responsible for this gentiles conversion into the kingdom of God (Acts 10:34).....what was that truth? "........Truly I (Peter) understand, God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him does what is right is acceptable to Him (God).

Read the passages of the fish and the loaves in context........Jesus was speaking to those who were following Him after the signs and wonders He preformed...the miracle of the fish and the loaves. He charged them with following after Him because their stomachs were filled, clearly they did not concern themselves with feeding the spirit, the very mission of Jesus deliver truth from Heaven. (John 6:26-27, John 18:37)

Jesus was clear when He was asked by "Judas Iscariot"......why did you allow this woman to spend money on an ointment to wash Your feet when the money spent, the 300 Denari could have been given to the poor? Jesus responded, "Leave her alone that she make keep it, it can be used for the day of My burial ( Jesus realized that Judas was not really concerned about the poor....he was actually concerned about the money bag he was in charge of...because Judas was a thief at heart and it was money that he could not steal because it was spent on Jesus......." Jesus went on to say, "The poor you will have amongst you ALWAYS........but you do not always have Me (meaning that Jesus knew that His death was near. -- John 12:4-8

Does this not warn against thieves which appear as sheep, part of the flock, when in reality they are ravaging wolves inside. Beware of false prophets who declare........God loves you but send your money to my address (Matthew 7:15). Such as some of the CULTS pretending to be doing God's work but in reality all the monies collected go not to feed the poor but to purchase mega church buildings, funneling the membership tithes to some central location hundreds or thousands of miles away from the people who actually need help.

Rich and poor have nothing to do with salvation (God is not a respecter of person, the same rain falls on the rich as well as the poor .......Salvation is about observing the TRUTH that Jesus Christ delivers. A Christian hears the Truth Jesus is presenting (John 18:37) Its TRUTH that sets one free.......not the feeding of the flesh which will decay and return to the dust from which it came. (John 8:32)
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Billionaires are in fact beholden to the dollar...above ALL else. Easy one.
Indeed, when the LOVE OF MONEY....becomes your god, you are without hope. Its not the billions..........its using the wealth that one is blessed with righteously. Wealth is a tool.........and as with any tool it can be weaponized by a hard heart.
"God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation feareth Him and worketh righteousness is accepted with Him......" -- Acts 10:34-35. Romans 2:11 states the exact same thing. In Fact Acts 10 deals with a somewhat wealthy household that were not yet Christians ...........the house of Cornelius, a Roman Citizen and Centurion (leader of 100 Roman soldiers known as the Italian Cohort. What saved this Gentile? Peter delivered the TRUTH that was responsible for this gentiles conversion into the kingdom of God (Acts 10:34).....what was that truth? "........Truly I (Peter) understand, God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him does what is right is acceptable to Him (God).

Read the passages of the fish and the loaves in context........Jesus was speaking to those who were following Him after the signs and wonders He preformed...the miracle of the fish and the loaves. He charged them with following after Him because their stomachs were filled, clearly they did not concern themselves with feeding the spirit, the very mission of Jesus deliver truth from Heaven. (John 6:26-27, John 18:37)

Jesus was clear when He was asked by "Judas Iscariot"......why did you allow this woman to spend money on an ointment to wash Your feet when the money spent, the 300 Denari could have been given to the poor? Jesus responded, "Leave her alone that she make keep it, it can be used for the day of My burial ( Jesus realized that Judas was not really concerned about the poor....he was actually concerned about the money bag he was in charge of...because Judas was a thief at heart and it was money that he could not steal because it was spent on Jesus......." Jesus went on to say, "The poor you will have amongst you ALWAYS........but you do not always have Me (meaning that Jesus knew that His death was near. -- John 12:4-8

Does this not warn against thieves which appear as sheep, part of the flock, when in reality they are ravaging wolves inside. Beware of false prophets who declare........God loves you but send your money to my address (Matthew 7:15). Such as some of the CULTS pretending to be doing God's work but in reality all the monies collected go not to feed the poor but to purchase mega church buildings, funneling the membership tithes to some central location hundreds or thousands of miles away from the people who actually need help.

Rich and poor have nothing to do with salvation (God is not a respecter of person, the same rain falls on the rich as well as the poor .......Salvation is about observing the TRUTH that Jesus Christ delivers. A Christian hears the Truth Jesus is presenting (John 18:37) Its TRUTH that sets one free.......not the feeding of the flesh which will decay and return to the dust from which it came. (John 8:32)
You should listen to Jesus who teaches--It will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Gods kingdom. He was basically telling the rich, if you remain rich its impossible for you to enter Gods kingdom. Its impossible for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Obviously being rich is not righteous.
He was basically telling the rich, if you remain rich its impossible for you to enter Gods kingdom.

Nonsense. There are many wealthy people who have done nothing evil to become wealthy however many evil ones there may be. But I'm sure you would like to relieve all those unfortunate souls who have been vested into your cult of all of their hard earned money.

So they all can get into Hebbin, after they die of course. What a guy! Did you sell off everything that you owned and give all the money that you made to the poor? Ahem....No?

As far as Jesus telling the rich, he clearly said to "use your worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, (like Jesus who held the keys to heaven and hell), so that when money is a thing of the past (when you die) you will be received into an eternal abode, (receive an eternal body).

You have been a very very naughty boy, perjuring yourself in the name of Jesus daily. :eusa_liar:

If you want to be forgiven for your sins and enter Gods kingdom, just send me all of your cash.

Is that really your sales pitch? :auiqs.jpg:
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You should listen to Jesus who teaches--It will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Gods kingdom. He was basically telling the rich, if you remain rich its impossible for you to enter Gods kingdom. Its impossible for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Obviously being rich is not righteous.
You don't think its bigoted in the least to be jealous of someones wealth and declare they are going to hell because they are more successful than you? :huh1: do you know what rests in the heart of every rich person? You cannot.......judge not least you judge righteously (John 7:24)
God's kingdom...aka......the Kingdom of Heaven.......aka......the church given to Jesus by the Father presents instruction and methods for ALL NATIONS to enter His Kingdom.....the church that Christ is now in reign over in heaven (as Lord and Christ -- Acts 2:36) at the right hand of the Father. (Matthew 16, 28:18-20, ). God has spoken to us in these last days through the knowledge presented to Jesus Christ, who communicates from heaven through the Holy Spirit of Truth which ends with the relevations found in the Holy Scriptures. He no longer uses prophets and scribes as in the Law and the prophets. (Hebrews 1:1-4) The wall created by the physical law has been removed via the cross of the Christ (Eph. 2:14-17) You want to talk to the your Bible.

For instance....the Holy Scriptures tell us that God is no respecter of person, God shows no partiality regardless of social status, wealth, lack of wealth. I can present over a dozen passages of scripture declaring the same thing (Romans 2:11, Acts 10:34, .........there is no respect or favorites in the Kingdom of God......all are equal once transmitted into the kingdom through Jesus (Gal. 3:28-29) Jew, no Greek/ male, no female, no free.....all are equal as brothers in Christ

According to your logic.........Jesus Christ should have denied using the Grave chamber of the Rich Man (Joseph -- Matt.27:57) because he was rich....strange is it not when the scriptures declare, "..........who also himself was a disciple of Jesus)....but I thought the rich man could not please Jesus? :eusa_boohoo: When you prejudge anyone because of social status, gender, race, culture....wealth etc., YOU CONDEMN YOURSELF (Rom. 2:1-29)

God has no respect of person and He is not Bigoted in the least because some people make better judgments/decisions than others and have an easier time in this reality called life. Its the LOVE OF MONEY/WEALTH (1 Tim. 6:10) that is the root of evil.....not the tool that is called money that in actuality belongs to the Government not the individual. control is an allusion, its fleeting..........the concern is the worship of something that is created (money) rather than worshiping the Creator, who controls all aspects of this physical realm.......we exist through GRACE, there is no promise of a tomorrow for anyone, we are at the mercy of God's longersuffering grace.

Life is to short to concern one'self with making personal judgements based upon bigotry. You can'r prove that ALL RICH men cannot enter the kingdom of God.......there are examples in the scriptures of wealthy individuals doing just that, finding favor with God.
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