Zone1 Any billionaires who are devoutly religious?

Death is no more (is speaking of the resurrection from the grave promised to the Bride of Jesus, His Church -- 1 Cor. 15:12-14)........When Jesus returns to judge the quick (living) and the dead (2 Tim. 4:1-8).....then and only then will Hades (the realm of the dead awaiting final judgment -- Luke 16) give up its dead (Rev. 20:13).

Everyone will be judged, the living and the dead by the books (Rev. 20:12)....the book of life and the words of's life is compared to the words of Jesus and thus you will be judged for eternal life (of the spirit in heaven serving the Father...those unfit or not worthy are cast into the lake of fire known as Hell which is reserved for Satan and his disciples (Rev. 20:10)

When Jesus returns to meet His bride...the Church, it will be in the air at the final trump.........Jesus will never set foot on the earth again. Jesus is the first defeat death (1 Cor. 15:20) Then death shall be conquered at the last trump when the dead arise like Jesus Christ has risen from death (1 Cor. 15:23-24) Jesus returns the kingdom of God to His Father (God) At this time, after Jesus has conquered all and placed everything under His feet (1 Cor. 15:25). THE LAST ENEMY TO BE DESTROYED IS DEATH (1 Cor. 15:26)

Jesus is not returning to establish a kingdom..........His kingdom was established over 2000 years ago, when Jesus returns it will be to judge and to give the kingdom back to the Father when death is defeated.
Only the little flock = the bride.= 144,000 bought from the earth( Rev 14:3)--the only ones bought from the earth.
All have been judged--The dead have paid in full the wages of sin= death, they cannot be rejudged on those sins. The resurrected will get an opportunity to learn and apply Gods will. Then after satan is loosed for a little while-many will follow him again-then they will be judged for those sins and destroyed. The ones who remain faithful will get their names written in Gods book of life.
One is acquitted of all past sins at death. Romans 6:7-- Death is the judgement for sin. God does not try one 2 x for the same error.
Only the little flock = the bride.= 144,000 bought from the earth( Rev 14:3)--the only ones bought from the earth.
All have been judged--The dead have paid in full the wages of sin= death, they cannot be rejudged on those sins. The resurrected will get an opportunity to learn and apply Gods will. Then after satan is loosed for a little while-many will follow him again-then they will be judged for those sins and destroyed. The ones who remain faithful will get their names written in Gods book of life.
One is acquitted of all past sins at death. Romans 6:7-- Death is the judgement for sin. God does not try one 2 x for the same error.
Your cult is not much on reason and logic are they? :45: Have you ever heard of "worshiping in SPIRIT (your mind) and truth" Truth found only in one place, the The Word of God. (John 4:24, 17:17). You are not allowed to interpret scripture...the scriptures interpret private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). First your cult declares that Peter is a member of the 144K..........because he is a Jew, the only problem with that logic..........Peter had a wife (1 Cor. 9:5) he was not a Virgin as required by Revelation to be a member of the 144K (Rev. 14:1-5)

Revelation is written in a symbolic text, you can't decide to apply literalism with cherry picked passages (Rev. 1:1) 144K is a symbolic number that you are applying literalism. If you declare that passages of scriptures in (Rev. 7:4 and Rev. 14:1-3) are to be taken literally...........then you must literally conclude that all 144K are Jewish only because they come from tribes of Israelites as described in (Rev. 7:12), which includes a detailed list of what tribes and the numbers for each Jewish Tribe make up the total 144K. I am sure you and all your cult are descendants of these Jewish Tribes listed......with no ambiguity whatsoever. You circumcise your male children on the 8th day after birth, you offer burnt offerings each year to the Royal Priesthood of Levites that your guild has directing law from God.....and of course you stone adulterers....., IF NOT WHY NOT?

Taken Literally, the Book of Revelation lists the 144K to be saved by TRIBE (Rev. 7). If you take 7:4 literally then you must include the entire Chapter 7 as literal. Again........if not WHY NOT? :dunno: Why cherry pick 7:4 only and claim it applies to your cult and you are descendants of Israel in a literal fashion. As gentiles, you are adopted into the family of Abraham and made seeds of Abraham only through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ......where the Jews and Gentiles are now considered one and the same in Christ (Gal. 3:28-29)

Are you Jews descendant from any of these Jewish Tribes? :deal: 12K from the tribe of Judah were sealed. 12K from the tribe of Reuben. 12K from the tribe of Gad, 12K from the tribe of Asher. 12K from the tribe of Naphtali. 12K from the tribe of Manasseh. 12K from the tribe Simeon. 12K from the tribe of Levi. 12K from the tribe Issachar. 12K from the tribe of Zebulun. 12K from the tribe of Joseph. 12K from the tribe of Benjamin were sealed.

More literalism? All the 144K must be virgin MALES if you take Revelation literally. Rev. 14:1-5 declares that none of the 144K have ever defiled themselves in sexual copulation with a female.

Imagine that 144K virgin Jewish Jehovah's witnesses will be the only ones saved. :huh1: No women allowed.
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Your cult is not much on reason and logic are they? :45: Have you ever heard of "worshiping in SPIRIT (your mind) and truth" Truth found only in one place, the The Word of God. (John 4:24, 17:17). You are not allowed to interpret scripture...the scriptures interpret private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). First your cult declares that Peter is a member of the 144K..........because he is a Jew, the only problem with that logic..........Peter had a wife (1 Cor. 9:5) he was not a Virgin as required by Revelation to be a member of the 144K (Rev. 14:1-5)

Revelation is written in a symbolic text, you can't decide to apply literalism with cherry picked passages (Rev. 1:1) 144K is a symbolic number that you are applying literalism. If you declare that passages of scriptures in (Rev. 7:4 and Rev. 14:1-3) are to be taken literally...........then you must literally conclude that all 144K are Jewish only because they come from tribes of Israelites as described in (Rev. 7:12), which includes a detailed list of what tribes and the numbers for each Jewish Tribe make up the total 144K. I am sure you and all your cult are descendants of these Jewish Tribes listed......with no ambiguity whatsoever. You circumcise your male children on the 8th day after birth, you offer burnt offerings each year to the Royal Priesthood of Levites that your guild has directing law from God.....and of course you stone adulterers....., IF NOT WHY NOT?

Taken Literally, the Book of Revelation lists the 144K to be saved by TRIBE (Rev. 7). If you take 7:4 literally then you must include the entire Chapter 7 as literal. Again........if not WHY NOT? :dunno: Why cherry pick 7:4 only and claim it applies to your cult and you are descendants of Israel in a literal fashion. As gentiles, you are adopted into the family of Abraham and made seeds of Abraham only through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ......where the Jews and Gentiles are now considered one and the same in Christ (Gal. 3:28-29)

Are you Jews descendant from any of these Jewish Tribes? :deal: 12K from the tribe of Judah were sealed. 12K from the tribe of Reuben. 12K from the tribe of Gad, 12K from the tribe of Asher. 12K from the tribe of Naphtali. 12K from the tribe of Manasseh. 12K from the tribe Simeon. 12K from the tribe of Levi. 12K from the tribe Issachar. 12K from the tribe of Zebulun. 12K from the tribe of Joseph. 12K from the tribe of Benjamin were sealed.

More literalism? All the 144K must be virgin MALES if you take Revelation literally. Rev. 14:1-5 declares that none of the 144K have ever defiled themselves in sexual copulation with a female.

Imagine that 144K virgin Jewish Jehovah's witnesses will be the only ones saved. :huh1: No women allowed.
how many different trinity religions are there? hundreds if not thousands-all with different truths--so tell us how can one worship in spirit and truth out of such confusion?
Peter is one of the 144,000-he was married thus not a virgin to women. It was symbolism--In the OT, King Jehosaphat failed to take down the high places( where they worshipped false religion and Gods) 1Kings 22:43-- And God called having things to do with false gods or false religions-immoral intercourse--That is what is meant by virgins in Revelation. those never went to a false religion or false god worship-- False religion is the harlot of Revelation= babylon the great. Harlots have immoral intercourse.
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how many different trinity religions are there? hundreds if not thousands-all with different truths--so tell us how can one worship in spirit and truth out of such confusion?
Peter is one of the 144,000-he was married thus not a virgin to women. It was symbolism--In the OT, King Jehosaphat failed to take down the high places( where they worshipped false religion and Gods) 1Kings 22:43-- And God called having things to do with false gods or false religions-immoral intercourse--That is what is meant by virgins in Revelation. those never went to a false religion or false god worship-- False religion is the harlot of Revelation= babylon the great. Harlots have immoral intercourse.
My personal opinion..........if your cult could translate prophesies as you claim..........your cult would not have predicted a historically documented 8 failed prophecies predicting the end of the age/world. Your cult succeeds in nothing but promoting atheism in the general public due to all the failed BS cult activities you endorse.

8 Times The Jehovah's Witnesses Were Wrong About The End Of The World - Godless Mom

So you admit that Peter was married and one of the 144K? chose to ignore the Book of Revelation and claim that the declaration in Revelation that declares all the 144K must be virgins is symbolism in order to twist the scriptures to meet your cults doctrine? :th_spinspin: Fact you are still not addressing the fact the scriptures in Revelation define all 144K as JEWS and tribal members of Israel. If only Jews are to be saved........did Jehovah lie, and is your cult not worshiping in vain if you are not MALE, VIRGIN, JEWS? :deal:

Fact: You declare the number 144K to be literal..........but the demand of these 144K to remain virgins is symbolic? And up is down and south is north? How can you justify this spin of the scriptures when the 144K and the the demand they remain virgin are found in the same passage of scripture? You cannot, you are twisting the scriptures to your own destruction, as Peter declared about those who are unlearned or unstable (2 Peter 3:16)

Here is the exact language, book, chapter and verse that requires all the 144K to remain virgins. "No one could learn the song except the 144K, who had been redeemed from the earth. For they have not defiled themselves with women, FOR THEY ARE VIRGINS." -- Rev. 14:3-4

Again if the 144K is taken literally........why not the demand they remain, virgin MALES?

Then you attempt to :th_spinspin:by justifying your mis-translations by quoting a literal passage from the O.T.?

And you claim to SPEAK FOR GOD in defining what is literal and what is symbolic? The Book of Revelation relates to the N.T. covenant of grace not the Law and the Prophets as it was communicated to John by an angel sent to John by Jesus Christ, of the things to SHORTLY TAKE PLACE (Rev. 1)

The Law and the Prophets are nailed to the Cross of Jesus Christ (Col. 2:14) Today........"there is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile, male nor female, bond or free......;all are one in Christ Jesus and heirs to the promise made to father Abraham. (Gal. 3:28-29) God speaks to us today.........not through 144K Jewish Tribal members, but through Jesus Christ.

"Long ago, at many times and many ways, God spoke to our fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, but in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through Whom He also created the world." He now sets on the right hand of the Father in which of the angels did God say, "You are My Son......have I begotten You? (Heb. 1:1-5)

In Revelation its Jesus speaking to John through an angel..........the O.T. Jews alone are no longer husbanded to God as the Prophet Jer. declared, a New Covenant would come to Israel and then to the world (Jer. 31:31-34).
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If the Sacrifice of Jesus had nothing to do with the forgiveness of sin or the kingdom of God.....why did John the Baptist declare, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world ....." -- John 1:29

Sin, is disobedience to the law" See 1 John 3:4-10 The law has always been in effect on earth.

Why did John say that Jesus would take away the sin of the world? Because people were following the Law according to the Talmud, what Jesus called "the traditions of men" ever since the death of Moses who said, "after my death people will turn aside from the way I taught to follow the law" which placed them under a curse, the death. Jesus, by teaching the only right way to understand and comply with the figurative words and hidden subjects of the law which actually reflects divine wisdom and fulfills the promise of life alluded to by his command to "eat my flesh" internalize my teaching, and "drink my blood", do it, ended sin, death and all of its consequences, freeing the dead, slaves to sin, from "the burden of the law".

This is how Jesus removed the sin of the world for all who listened to and acted on his words.

"Life" is in the blood, in the doing. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, Jewish or Gentile.

The only thing that became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus teaching the right way to follow the law, originally taught by Moses, removing sin, was the wrong way to follow the law.

Jesus became Sin for all the nations on earth.


The Jewish Messiah, Jesus, put a curse on the nations. Apparently, it still works like a charm!

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them" Jeremiah 25:15


"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"

Not to worry! I heard that at the resurrection, "The dead in Christ" will be the first to rise.

But thats just what I heard. It remains to be seen.
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It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a billionaire to enter the Kingdom of God.
WRONG AGAIN. Surprise. Why
Sin, is disobedience to the law" See 1 John 3:4-10 The law has always been in effect on earth.

Why did John say that Jesus would take away the sin of the world? Because people were following the Law according to the Talmud, what Jesus called "the traditions of men" ever since the death of Moses who said, "after my death people will turn aside from the way I taught to follow the law" which placed them under a curse, the death. Jesus, by teaching the only right way to understand and comply with the figurative words and hidden subjects of the law which actually reflects divine wisdom and fulfills the promise of life alluded to by his command to "eat my flesh" internalize my teaching, and "drink my blood", do it, ended sin, death and all of its consequences, freeing the dead, slaves to sin, from "the burden of the law".

This is how Jesus removed the sin of the world for all who listened to and acted on his words.

"Life" is in the blood, in the doing. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, Jewish or Gentile.

The only thing that became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus teaching the right way to follow the law, originally taught by Moses, removing sin, was the wrong way to follow the law.


The Jewish Messiah, Jesus, put a curse on the nations. Apparently, it still works like a charm!

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them" Jeremiah 25:15


"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"

Not to worry! I heard that at the resurrection, "The dead in Christ" will be the first to rise.

But thats just what I heard. It remains to be seen.
Why :th_spinspin: and attempt to deflect by answering a question not asked?

Sin is not the answer to the question........sin and death because of sin have existed since Adam, the first man. The answer is the scriptural fact there was no permanent solution to sin and eternal life (death is defeated) until the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the lamb of God. Jesus Christ BECAME SIN for the entire world even though He sinned not (2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Peter 2:22).

Through one man's sin, death entered the world, ADAM........but the remedy for sin did not come until the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ where sin and death are defeated .....not by the Law but by the GRACE of GOD in sacrificing His only begotten Son for the sins of the World (John 3:16, Romans 5:12-17)

Under the Law and the Prophets....aka the Mosaic Covenant, sin was carried over from season to season by the burnt sacrifices offered to the Levites Royal Priesthood. Jesus Christ ended the need for animal blood sacrifices every year. "For if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of defiled persons with burnt ashes of a heifer, can sanctify for the purification of the flesh (season to season) -- Heb. 9:13-15 then, "Jesus.......has appeared ONCE FOR ALL at the end of the ages (as demonstrated in Acts 2...the last days of mankind began in the 1st century) TO PUT AWAY SIN BY THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF." -- Heb. 9:26

Does man have the capacity to live a sinless life? According to Moses when he delivered the LAW to Israel he declared they had the ability to keep the Law. (Deut. 30:11-14). But the sad fact is the O.T. declares that none are worthy of salvation (Rom. 3:10, where the author was quoting from the O.T.) because no one abided by the precepts of the Law.........the Jews were continually breaking the Law of Moses even though they were husbanded by the God of Creation (Jer. 31:31-34)...and thus, because of man continuing in sin a New Covenant was to be forthcoming, where the law is written in the heart of God's servants, not on stone. And, the Grace of God abounds.......not the letter of the law as none are worthy under the Law, all men chose to sin and if you declare you have no are a liar........the truth in not in you. -- 1 John 1:8
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I think john huntsman senior was,,

Yes he was. A very active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When I was doing my student teaching at BYU, his daughter was in one of my classes. Very active family. I'm sure there are many. But, Democrats like to belittle capitalism and anyone who gets rich in a capitalist free market system with liberty and freedom from tyranny.
Does man have the capacity to live a sinless life?

Yes, or else Jesus was a liar. There can be no freedom from sin, no escaping the death for noncompliance, except by fulfilling the laws demands as Moses and Jesus taught people to do. In your eyes I may be a sinner, just like Jesus was a sinner in the eyes of the religious authorities and if the law is to be taken literally they were right, but in light of the teaching of Jesus I always so exactly as God commands. I am not a sinner. I never sin. Its really easy.

In fact Jesus died trying to teach his people how to live a sinless life by obeying the divine commands in the only way that fulfills the promise of eternal life in the sanctuary of God on earth, the same way that Moses originally taught to follow the law before he died.

According to Moses when he delivered the LAW to Israel he declared they had the ability to keep the Law. (Deut. 30:11-14)
yes, like both Moses and Jesus said, its easy. Its easy enough for anyone with the intelligence of the least intelligent 8 year old to understand and fulfill.

There is no mysterious reason why God said that the flesh (teaching) of unclean creatures (people) defiles and contaminates (the mind) when considering the deeper implications, yet when taken literally it is incomprehensible why God would give a crap about what anyone on earth ate or how what you flush down the toilet could possibly defile and contaminate anyone especially since those who do eat pork have no ill effects but the ill effects of eating the teaching of unclean people that do not ruminate is made painfully obvious by all people who "just believe" in the ridiculous by ignoring reality and their own inner turmoil about pretending.

Like yourself.

Sin is disobedience to the law. Period. The only way to do without sin is by complying with the divine commands as intended to be understood and fulfilled by God, as revealed by Jesus.

No one who does not do what is right is righteous. Jesus appeared to do away with sin. The sinner has not seen and does not know him. God would never ask that people conform to any law that is impossible to do. Your beliefs are absurd, even reprehensible, human sacrifice and all. Take responsibility for your own shit. You should be ashamed of yourself. Even if its a delusion, you would let an innocent man, Jesus, die a horrible death because of something stupid that you did so that you wouldn't have to pay the price for your own sins? Damn.

I am sure that God is very impressed by your love for Jesus.

I am.
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My personal opinion..........if your cult could translate prophesies as you claim..........your cult would not have predicted a historically documented 8 failed prophecies predicting the end of the age/world. Your cult succeeds in nothing but promoting atheism in the general public due to all the failed BS cult activities you endorse.

8 Times The Jehovah's Witnesses Were Wrong About The End Of The World - Godless Mom

So you admit that Peter was married and one of the 144K? chose to ignore the Book of Revelation and claim that the declaration in Revelation that declares all the 144K must be virgins is symbolism in order to twist the scriptures to meet your cults doctrine? :th_spinspin: Fact you are still not addressing the fact the scriptures in Revelation define all 144K as JEWS and tribal members of Israel. If only Jews are to be saved........did Jehovah lie, and is your cult not worshiping in vain if you are not MALE, VIRGIN, JEWS? :deal:

Fact: You declare the number 144K to be literal..........but the demand of these 144K to remain virgins is symbolic? And up is down and south is north? How can you justify this spin of the scriptures when the 144K and the the demand they remain virgin are found in the same passage of scripture? You cannot, you are twisting the scriptures to your own destruction, as Peter declared about those who are unlearned or unstable (2 Peter 3:16)

Here is the exact language, book, chapter and verse that requires all the 144K to remain virgins. "No one could learn the song except the 144K, who had been redeemed from the earth. For they have not defiled themselves with women, FOR THEY ARE VIRGINS." -- Rev. 14:3-4

Again if the 144K is taken literally........why not the demand they remain, virgin MALES?

Then you attempt to :th_spinspin:by justifying your mis-translations by quoting a literal passage from the O.T.?

And you claim to SPEAK FOR GOD in defining what is literal and what is symbolic? The Book of Revelation relates to the N.T. covenant of grace not the Law and the Prophets as it was communicated to John by an angel sent to John by Jesus Christ, of the things to SHORTLY TAKE PLACE (Rev. 1)

The Law and the Prophets are nailed to the Cross of Jesus Christ (Col. 2:14) Today........"there is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile, male nor female, bond or free......;all are one in Christ Jesus and heirs to the promise made to father Abraham. (Gal. 3:28-29) God speaks to us today.........not through 144K Jewish Tribal members, but through Jesus Christ.

"Long ago, at many times and many ways, God spoke to our fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, but in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through Whom He also created the world." He now sets on the right hand of the Father in which of the angels did God say, "You are My Son......have I begotten You? (Heb. 1:1-5)

In Revelation its Jesus speaking to John through an angel..........the O.T. Jews alone are no longer husbanded to God as the Prophet Jer. declared, a New Covenant would come to Israel and then to the world (Jer. 31:31-34).
I don't define any of the bible. These have Jesus-Matt 24:45= his real teachers on earth, that is who i was taught by. Yes they made errors, but have corrected them and repented of doing them. Fact-Dan 12:4--certain truth were hidden until these last days--yet those teachings are in every translation, taught on in error by every religion ever claiming to be christian, until it was the proper time for God to reveal those hidden truths through these-Matt 24:45- thus corrections were made in front of all creation. Tell us what corrections your teachers have made here in these last days? All of creation saw the JW,s make corrections-at the proper time.
Yes, or else Jesus was a liar. There can be no freedom from sin, no escaping the death for noncompliance, except by fulfilling the laws demands as Moses and Jesus taught people to do. In your eyes I may be a sinner, just like Jesus was a sinner in the eyes of the religious authorities and if the law is to be taken literally they were right, but in light of the teaching of Jesus I always so exactly as God commands. I am not a sinner. I never sin. Its really easy.

In fact Jesus died trying to teach his people how to live a sinless life by obeying the divine commands in the only way that fulfills the promise of eternal life in the sanctuary of God on earth, the same way that Moses originally taught to follow the law before he died.

yes, like both Moses and Jesus said, its easy. Its easy enough for anyone with the intelligence of the least intelligent 8 year old to understand and fulfill.

There is no mysterious reason why God said that the flesh (teaching) of unclean creatures (people) defiles and contaminates (the mind) when considering the deeper implications, yet when taken literally it is incomprehensible why God would give a crap about what anyone on earth ate or how what you flush down the toilet could possibly defile and contaminate anyone especially since those who do eat pork have no ill effects but the ill effects of eating the teaching of unclean people that do not ruminate is made painfully obvious by all people who "just believe" in the ridiculous by ignoring reality and their own inner turmoil about pretending.

Like yourself.

Sin is disobedience to the law. Period. The only way to do without sin is by complying with the divine commands as intended to be understood and fulfilled by God, as revealed by Jesus.

No one who does not do what is right is righteous. Jesus appeared to do away with sin. The sinner has not seen and does not know him. God would never ask that people conform to any law that is impossible to do. Your beliefs are absurd, even reprehensible, human sacrifice and all. Take responsibility for your own shit. You should be ashamed of yourself. Even if its a delusion, you would let an innocent man, Jesus, die a horrible death because of something stupid that you did so that you wouldn't have to pay the price for your own sins? Damn.

I am sure that God is very impressed by your love for Jesus.

I am.
Why is not surprising that you must call Jesus a Liar, and you wonder why God allowed Rome to wipe Israel from the face of the map in 70AD, just as prophesied by Jesus Christ in Matthew 23:36 and Matthew 24:15. History actual proves such to be true. Israel still does not exist on earth as it did under the Law and the Prophets. No, Royal Priesthood, No Tribal IDs, No land of Promise, No Temple.......governed by politican's.......without a King appointed by God. Its a fake knock off created by UN resolutions (181, 273)....not God in 1947-49.

Its simple (Gal. 5:4), read it be enlightened by one of the most educated men who ever studied the Law and the Prophets (Paul/Saul of Tarsus, who studied under the great Rabbi "Gamaliel -- Acts 22:3)

Prove that Jesus was lying. .........its the scriptures where truth is found, (John 17:17) not your personal interpretations, as private interpretation is forbidden, the scriptures are self interpreted, by the scribes and Holy Men who were inspired by the Spirit of God to record them (2 Peter 1:20-21)

You have presented no scripture to back up your ad hominem opinions......NONE. The scriptures declare....clearly with no ambiguity whatsoever that if you attempt to justify yourself under the Law and the have fallen from Grace. -- Gal. 5:4 If you attempt to live by just one precept under the Law and the must follow the entire law or you are guilty of breaking the entire Law. (James 2:10) I am sure you practice total orthodox Jewish make burnt offering sacrifices to Levites Royal Priesthood........if not, why not? Because Israel and its tribes were scattered across the globe in 70 AD by the Roman Empire.........Biblical Israel nor its tribal IDs have never returned to earth under the terms of the Law and the Prophets.

In Fact: According to the O.T. God foretold of the requirement for a NEW COVENANT because Israel continued breaking God's laws even through God was a husband to Israel. (Jer. 31;31-34) Yet you claim.....against the scriptures of Jeremiah that anyone can live by the Law and Justify their sinful lives. When God also declared that NO, NOT ONE IS both testaments.....the O.T. Ps. 14, 53, and the N.T. Romans 3:10.

Either you believe that all scripture is inspired of God (Both O.T. and N.T)......or you don't. (2 Tim. 3:16) If you do not, there is no hope outside of Jesus Christ, and His grace that resulted from His blood sacrifice. "I am the way, the truth, the life, no man cometh to the Father but by Me." (John 14:16)

Jesus was a Jew......born of a woman, born under the Law. (Gal. 4:4) He was born a Jew, lived as a Jew and died under the terms of the LAW of MOSES......the only man on earth (the first born, to live His live from cradle to grave under the law without sin) -- Heb. 4:15. Jesus declared Himself to be the Son of God (Matthew 28:18-20) making Him equal to God as the 3rd member of the Godhead ".......fullness of the Godhead, bodily." -- Col. 2:9

Jesus did not find it robbery to be equal with God...........(Phil. 2:5-18)
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Why is not surprising that you must call Jesus a Liar, and you wonder why God allowed Rome to wipe Israel from the face of the map in 70AD, just as prophesied by Jesus Christ in Matthew 23:36 and Matthew 24:15. History actual proves such to be true. Israel still does not exist on earth as it did under the Law and the Prophets. No, Royal Priesthood, No Tribal IDs, No land of Promise, No Temple.......governed by politican's.......without a King appointed by God. Its a fake knock off created by UN resolutions (181, 273)....not God in 1947-49.

Its simple (Gal. 5:4), read it be enlightened by one of the most educated men who ever studied the Law and the Prophets (Paul/Saul of Tarsus, who studied under the great Rabbi "Gamaliel -- Acts 22:3)

Prove that Jesus was lying. .........its the scriptures where truth is found, (John 17:17) not your personal interpretations, as private interpretation is forbidden, the scriptures are self interpreted, by the scribes and Holy Men who were inspired by the Spirit of God to record them (2 Peter 1:20-21)

You have presented no scripture to back up your ad hominem opinions......NONE. The scriptures declare....clearly with no ambiguity whatsoever that if you attempt to justify yourself under the Law and the have fallen from Grace. -- Gal. 5:4 If you attempt to live by just one precept under the Law and the must follow the entire law or you are guilty of breaking the entire Law. (James 2:10) I am sure you practice total orthodox Jewish make burnt offering sacrifices to Levites Royal Priesthood........if not, why not? Because Israel and its tribes were scattered across the globe in 70 AD by the Roman Empire.........Biblical Israel nor its tribal IDs have never returned to earth under the terms of the Law and the Prophets.

In Fact: According to the O.T. God foretold of the requirement for a NEW COVENANT because Israel continued breaking God's laws even through God was a husband to Israel. (Jer. 31;31-34) Yet you claim.....against the scriptures of Jeremiah that anyone can live by the Law and Justify their sinful lives. When God also declared that NO, NOT ONE IS both testaments.....the O.T. Ps. 14, 53, and the N.T. Romans 3:10.

Either you believe that all scripture is inspired of God (Both O.T. and N.T)......or you don't. (2 Tim. 3:16) If you do not, there is no hope outside of Jesus Christ, and His grace that resulted from His blood sacrifice. "I am the way, the truth, the life, no man cometh to the Father but by Me." (John 14:16)

Jesus was a Jew......born of a woman, born under the Law. (Gal. 4:4) He was born a Jew, lived as a Jew and died under the terms of the LAW of MOSES......the only man on earth (the first born, to live His live from cradle to grave under the law without sin) -- Heb. 4:15. Jesus declared Himself to be the Son of God (Matthew 28:18-20) making Him equal to God as the 3rd member of the Godhead ".......fullness of the Godhead, bodily." -- Col. 2:9

Jesus did not find it robbery to be equal with God...........(Phil. 2:5-18)
Israel religion is apostocised to this day. Jesus cannot be equal to God-Jesus has a God just like all created beings. Your translations are crap, filled with errors, and altered, all by satans will. His religions use them because real translation exposes them as false religionssssss.
Why is not surprising that you must call Jesus a Liar,

Ahem, Pay attention. If what you say is true, that no one can be without sin, then Jesus is being called a liar by you. Sinners cannot enter the kingdom of God yet Jesus said to the Pharisees, "Tax gatherers and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of God before you"

How is that possible without a sacrificial death unless they learned from Jesus how not to sin?

Israel still does not exist on earth as it did under the Law and the Prophets. No, Royal Priesthood, No Tribal IDs, No land of Promise, No Temple......

Thats the thing. The kingdom of God is not dependent on real estate, royalty, or any temple made by human hands. Yet here I am in the sanctuary of God slaughtering he-goats without blemish for the expiation of sin in full view of everyone whatever anyone professes to believe.
Jesus was a Jew......born of a woman, born under the Law. (Gal. 4:4) He was born a Jew, lived as a Jew and died under the terms of the LAW of MOSES......the only man on earth (the first born, to live His live from cradle to grave under the law without sin) -- Heb. 4:15. Jesus declared Himself to be the Son of God (Matthew 28:18-20) making Him equal to God as the 3rd member of the Godhead ".......fullness of the Godhead, bodily." -- Col. 2:9

Jesus did not find it robbery to be equal with God...........(Phil. 2:5-18)

Interesting that the only support for your delusory beliefs is from the writings of Paul who was a rabid anti Christian, a guilt ridden, self loathing, masochistic, homophobic, misogynist who openly contradicted Jesus on many key issues related to salvation and the identity of Jesus.

The only explanation for Paul writing's that would exonerate him to me if he truly was a convert is if he was tortured into writing those letters from a Roman prison where most of his letters originated because they perfectly reflect the beliefs of the existing Mythraic religion that originated in Babylon. The secret "mystery religion" of the Roman government and military. It was an anti-female religion with seven sacraments including, a belief in a trinity, a ceremonial meal where 'believers' share in the divine nature of Mithras by eating bread and drinking the blood of a bull, and a priesthood that consisted of celibate men only.

Mithras was born of a virgin on December 25, Magi were present at his birth, he was a mediator between heaven and earth, he was called the light of the world, practiced baptism, was worshipped on Sunday, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, had a last supper., etc.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.
Jesus did not find it robbery to be equal with God...........(Phil. 2:5-18)

I will tell you something. Try to hear.


In the very day you first admitted that you were a sinner and worthless piece of shit and got down on your knees to worship Jesus, a man, as if he was God, you died and descended into the netherworld, Hades, the realm of the dead, where you remain tormented day and night by reality which contradicts your irrational beliefs like a consuming fire that will never go out.

This is how Rome has used the power of death for defying Divine law to subjugate the nations

Thats why you think the Kingdom is yet to come. You have been banished from it, abandoned by God to your irrational delusions about a trinity that became a man who died for your sins.

You have your reward already! You don't even have the sense to abhor human sacrifice, like some barbaric lower beast, but you do have the unmitigated audacity to demonize all who don't believe and criticize the Jewish people and the ancient practice of animal sacrifice?


Unless you repent, you will never enter the existing Kingdom of God.
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Only the little flock = the bride.= 144,000 bought from the earth( Rev 14:3)--the only ones bought from the earth.
All have been judged--The dead have paid in full the wages of sin= death, they cannot be rejudged on those sins. The resurrected will get an opportunity to learn and apply Gods will. Then after satan is loosed for a little while-many will follow him again-then they will be judged for those sins and destroyed. The ones who remain faithful will get their names written in Gods book of life.
One is acquitted of all past sins at death. Romans 6:7-- Death is the judgement for sin. God does not try one 2 x for the same error. ignore the truth to twist the scriptures to your own destruction. Your nonsense has been debunked by the Word of God ad nasuem. :deal: Which actually points out the truth about your cult, as demonstrated by your long history of FALSE PROPHESIES via history actual. 8 times at least your cult has made false prophesies. You have lost all respect as any type of righteous religion. You exhibit all the sings of a false anti-christ doctrine as described in detail in the Holy Scriptures. You simply resume your :th_spinspin:

1. You deny the deity of Jesus Christ as being the Son of God.......anit-Christ doctrine (1 John 2:22-23). When the scriptures prove that Jesus has been made both "LORD" and "CHRIST" to sit on king David's throne in heaven at the right hand of the Father (Matthew 28:18-19, Act 2:36) You deny that Chirst was born of God (Luke 1:31-35), God was not His Father and Christ was not His "only begotten Son", you declare that Jesus was part of the created instead of being THE CREATOR who made the World (Col. 1:16-20)

2. Your cult continually makes predictions that least 8 times since your cult was created.........not in the 1st century AD but in the 19th century AD. What do the scriptures declare about making false prophecy? O.T. scripture describes false prophets and the signs thereof.........your cult fits perfectly with 2 of the conditions that point out false prophets. (A.) your prophesies do not come true. (B.) your cult continually attempts to declare that another God should be worshiped instead of the Christ of prophecy ............your false translation for God........JEHOVAH. (Deut. 13:1-3, Deut. 18:21-22, Jer. 14:14, Ez. 22:28,1 John 4:1-2,)

The most egregious Charge against your cult........your pathological Narcissism, when your prideful leaders claim that no one is capable of reading the truth in the Holy Scriptures themselves and must be directed by JW leadership and their Watchtower organization. {The Watchtower; Sept. 15, 1910 pg. 298}

You are not a member of a religious have been indoctrinated into a CULT. No different than the Branch Davidians or the Jim Jones cult. What's next........waiting on a Comet to rapture your 144K Virgin Jewish Males?
Last edited: ignore the truth to twist the scriptures to your own destruction. Your nonsense has been debunked by the Word of God ad nasuem. :deal: Which actually points out the truth about your cult, as demonstrated by your long history of FALSE PROPHESIES via history actual. 8 times at least your cult has made false prophesies. You have lost all respect as any type of righteous religion. You exhibit all the sings of a false anti-christ doctrine as described in detail in the Holy Scriptures. You simply resume your :th_spinspin:

1. You deny the deity of Jesus Christ as being the Son of God.......anit-Christ doctrine (1 John 2:22-23). When the scriptures prove that Jesus has been made both "LORD" and "CHRIST" to sit on king David's throne in heaven at the right hand of the Father (Matthew 28:18-19, Act 2:36) You deny that Chirst was born of God (Luke 1:31-35), God was not His Father and Christ was not His "only begotten Son", you declare that Jesus was part of the created instead of being THE CREATOR who made the World (Col. 1:16-20)

2. Your cult continually makes predictions that least 8 times since your cult was created.........not in the 1st century AD but in the 19th century AD. What do the scriptures declare about making false prophecy? O.T. scripture describes false prophets and the signs thereof.........your cult fits perfectly with 2 of the conditions that point out false prophets. (A.) your prophesies do not come true. (B.) your cult continually attempts to declare that another God should be worshiped instead of the Christ of prophecy ............your false translation for God........JEHOVAH. (Deut. 13:1-3, Deut. 18:21-22, Jer. 14:14, Ez. 22:28,1 John 4:1-2,)

The most egregious Charge against your cult........your pathological Narcissism, when your prideful leaders claim that no one is capable of reading the truth in the Holy Scriptures themselves and must be directed by JW leadership and their Watchtower organization. {The Watchtower; Sept. 15, 1910 pg. 298}

You are not a member of a religious have been indoctrinated into a CULT. No different than the Branch Davidians or the Jim Jones cult. What's next........waiting on a Comet to rapture your 144K Virgin Jewish Males?
They never false prophecised--They erred by trying to put a date on a real prophecy that God made. They have repented of that. There have been no prophecys since the book of Revelation was written.
Not one can understand the deep things in the bible without being taught by the teachers who have Jesus. Proof--tell us all who is the 7 headed beast with 10 horns and the 2 horned beast of Rev 13? And what is Babylon the great?
They never false prophecised--They erred by trying to put a date on a real prophecy that God made. They have repented of that. There have been no prophecys since the book of Revelation was written.
Not one can understand the deep things in the bible without being taught by the teachers who have Jesus. Proof--tell us all who is the 7 headed beast with 10 horns and the 2 horned beast of Rev 13? And what is Babylon the great?

was not false was an error?:huh1: LMAO :th_spinspin: The god you worship is ok with making errors and is not omniscient? I could have told ya you know who God declares is the god of this world and the father of false/lies, errors? Satan: (2 Cor. 4:4, John 8:44)

I once knew a JW that was always correct...........never wrong about anything, I pointed out an error he had committed, turns out He was not wrong, he was merely mistaking.

SYNONYMOUS: Words that mean the same thing............false/error. Up is down, north is south, you tripped over a stone...........the sun was in your eyes.

ERRONEOUS/FALSE adjective: there are over 300 synonyms for ERRONEOUS/FALSE. Among them are. UNTRUTHFUL, FALLACIOUS, DISHONEST...etc.

Then you have the antonyms of erroneous: meaning the opposite of, such as the opposite of your supposed errors? TRUE, ACCURATE, FACTUAL, CORRECT....................
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