Any Conservatives Interested in Moving to Russia?

So long as you skip the large urban areas, Southern California, and everything between Richmond and Manchester it ain’t so bad.
I guess so but the bastards won't leave you, normal people, be. Kamala comes and you'll have to say goodbye to your relatively dissent ways of life and I'm afraid she comes.
Putin is offering a really sweet deal to any conservatives who are tired of America and European progressive policies. He is offering a chance to move and live in Russia. I was wondering if any conservatives on the forum have given it much thought?

Some possible drawbacks I see though...
... Russia's economy is collapsing due to war
...Would you be able to have same job and level of income that you have here, probably not is currently being bombed
....possible nuclear war outbreak
Language barrier? Duh
Here is a “Christian” man who moved to Russia with his family to escape the decadent west (Canada) and its awful LBGT rights. He posted a video complaining about not having any money (Putin stole their cash as soon as they got there), being trapped, and wanting to go home but that video has disappeared from their YouTube channel. In its place came a video of what comes across as a hostage video.

Don’t worry he is in Putin’s Russia. He and his family can survive by eating cats and other pets.
Here is a “Christian” man who moved to Russia with his family to escape the decadent west (Canada) and its awful LBGT rights. He posted a video complaining about not having any money (Putin stole their cash as soon as they got there), being trapped, and wanting to go home but that video has disappeared from their YouTube channel. In its place came a video of what comes across as a hostage video.

Don’t worry he is in Putin’s Russia. He and his family can survive by eating cats and other pets.
Fuckface, they are building themselves a house these days and are happy at last. Look up a little #57
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Putin is offering a really sweet deal to any conservatives who are tired of America and European progressive policies. He is offering a chance to move and live in Russia. I was wondering if any conservatives on the forum have given it much thought?

Some possible drawbacks I see though...
... Russia's economy is collapsing due to war
...Would you be able to have same job and level of income that you have here, probably not is currently being bombed
....possible nuclear war outbreak
Just as interested as you shitlibs are interested in moving the fuck to China.

Russia imposes price controls in response to rising ...

View attachment 1011671
bofit › monitoring › weekly
Dec 18, 2020 — Under the price control agreements, which run until April 1 next year, producers and sellers agree to markedly lower their prices of these items ...

President Vladimir Putin publicly announced price measures last week, whereupon the government acted swiftly in dealing with the high prices of these staples.
Sugar and sunflower oil producers, along with large retail chains, have been directed to sign price control agreements with the government (represented by the industry and trade ministry and the agriculture ministry).
Under the price control agreements, which run until April 1 next year, producers and sellers agree to markedly lower their prices of these items still this month and keep them stable in the following months.

And that’s what Kamalalkfa wants so congrats on backing a Marxist
You are not freedom. You use people with "gripes" to push your loony eventual Communist ways. There are many different views from many people. When people of power offer a seduction, there are many strings attached. We are slowly peeling our wealth away. Putin is a potential adversary. He is not the enemy in this situation. The West is not pre–WW 2 Europe. It has a military that is competitive. All I have to do is warn. That is required from my education and what was taught from religion as a child. You are vengeance. And just like "gripes" of people there are many who others messed with and see it as justice no matter if the people affected are innocent. Go after the people who mess with others. And there is a fuzzy line with that. It is not either/or. So, there are working people who do, near retired people who do, and retired people got away with it. Perhaps a new Progressive law would allow people to accuse those who messed with them in the past. More than one and others who did not in any situation including work many times you will find one or more who witnessed it. Punishment can then be meted out. To accomplish total power, something like this must be instituted. The guilty would worry for what they have done.
Don’t put your blame on me.
You forgot that Putin is also offering an all-expense paid vacation to the countryside - of Ukraine!

Heck, he is even throwing in free guns & ammo!!!! That's a sweet deal, amIright, MAGAs?
Are you not going because you won't pass the background check for your Putin issued firearm?

Emirite Harris groupie?
So? Putin isnt our friend. Just because we can see reasons why Putin felt like he had to invade, doesnt make us his fucking friend. No one in the US hates commies more than conservatives. "Commie" is the most common insult used against dems in fact. We fucking HATE commies!!!

Libs can't think that deep dude. You're wasting your time.
Putin is offering a really sweet deal to any conservatives who are tired of America and European progressive policies. He is offering a chance to move and live in Russia. I was wondering if any conservatives on the forum have given it much thought?

Some possible drawbacks I see though...
... Russia's economy is collapsing due to war
...Would you be able to have same job and level of income that you have here, probably not is currently being bombed
....possible nuclear war outbreak
Projecting again I see.

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