Any form of brexit will leave the UK worse off

Before the EU, Britain controlled most of the world, but after EU, it's going to be Mad Max and the Apocolypse.
There is a 50 year gap in your narrative.During that time when we were bailed out by the IMF and the country was on a 3 day working week. The EU has been good for the UK.

I would suspect that one of the stipulations of the IMF bailout and the EU, was allowing your country to be overrun by ̶i̶m̶m̶i̶g̶r̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ invaders.

So now you have what you got.
When has the UK been over-run ? Have you ever been here ?

For $200 Tommy:

What is the most popular given first name to a newborn boy child in the UK today? Think hard now. Is it...?

1. Muhammad

2. Mohammad

3. Muhammed

4. Mohammed

5. Mohamed

6. Susan

And don't use the first thing that pop up when you search. Use a more "official" source..
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Before the EU, Britain controlled most of the world, but after EU, it's going to be Mad Max and the Apocolypse.
There is a 50 year gap in your narrative.During that time when we were bailed out by the IMF and the country was on a 3 day working week. The EU has been good for the UK.

I would suspect that one of the stipulations of the IMF bailout and the EU, was allowing your country to be overrun by ̶i̶m̶m̶i̶g̶r̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ invaders.

So now you have what you got.
When has the UK been over-run ? Have you ever been here ?

For $200 Tommy:

What is the most popular given first name to a newborn boy child in the UK today? Think hard now. Is it...?

1. Muhammad

2. Mohammad

3. Muhammed

4. Mohammed

5. Mohamed

6. Susan

Its Oliver actually. Get back on topic you trolling twat.
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Theresa May was on Wednesday forced to concede that any form of Brexit would leave Britain worse off and that her negotiated deal with Brussels would only mitigate the economic damage of leaving the EU.

Government economists calculated that Britain would be 3.9 per cent worse off in 15 years’ time than if it had remained in the EU in the unlikely event that Mrs May’s negotiated deal was approved by MPs next month.

They concluded there was almost no value in the UK having an independent trade policy — one of the biggest Brexit “wins” claimed by Tory Eurosceptics — and that EU migrants boosted prosperity for British people.

Their findings also warned the public finances would be significantly stronger if Britain remained in the EU.

So these are the governments own figures. We were promised the earth by the lying bastard brexits and we will be worse off.It needs to be stopped before this country collapses.
Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!
Army ‘on standby to help police' in case of No Deal Brexit chaos

It will be ok. The army will be on the streets to keep order.

Is your army allowed to play with guns?
This spells it out in simple terms. Even a right winger would understand this.

Plan for deal with citizens using a Democracy to their mutual advantage...

1. Allow a referendum and lobby hard against it. Use 3rd Party groups to make it seem like the government is neutral on the outcome.

2. If the vote goes against you ... play for time. It might take 3 to 4 years for the outcome of the referendum to be enacted. During this time, pay lip service to enacting the referendum while actually doing nothing.

4. Use that time to install fear in the voters. Tell them the outcome of their referendum will be a disaster for them personally and the country as a whole. Economic forecasts and arcane prediction models are the best tools for this.

5. As the deadline for enacting gets closer, step up the scare mongering. Make dire predictions of unintended consequences. Make sure to pretend you'll follow the will of the people, just make sure they know you're doing it despite their best interests.

6. Give them the options of changing their minds. After all, they didn't know what they were doing last time. It's only fair they get a chance to change their minds in light of all these scary new predictions.

7. Find a legal loophole to allow a retraction of the referendum, if the population still stubbornly insists on having their own way. Mass unrest related to the referendum and military intervention are tried-and-true methods of achieving this.

Repeat steps 1 to 7 until the citizens no longer insist on having a say in how their country is run.
Plan for deal with citizens using a Democracy to their mutual advantage...

1. Allow a referendum and lobby hard against it. Use 3rd Party groups to make it seem like the government is neutral on the outcome.

2. If the vote goes against you ... play for time. It might take 3 to 4 years for the outcome of the referendum to be enacted. During this time, pay lip service to enacting the referendum while actually doing nothing.

4. Use that time to install fear in the voters. Tell them the outcome of their referendum will be a disaster for them personally and the country as a whole. Economic forecasts and arcane prediction models are the best tools for this.

5. As the deadline for enacting gets closer, step up the scare mongering. Make dire predictions of unintended consequences. Make sure to pretend you'll follow the will of the people, just make sure they know you're doing it despite their best interests.

6. Give them the options of changing their minds. After all, they didn't know what they were doing last time. It's only fair they get a chance to change their minds in light of all these scary new predictions.

7. Find a legal loophole to allow a retraction of the referendum, if the population still stubbornly insists on having their own way. Mass unrest related to the referendum and military intervention are tried-and-true methods of achieving this.

Repeat steps 1 to 7 until the citizens no longer insist on having a say in how their country is run.
Why did you miss out point 3 ? Did Putin tell you to do that ?

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