Any men or women that need counseling step into my office

Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
When a man gets a hair cut, no one notices or says a word. But, when a woman gets a hair cut, everyone notices, and remarks that they look either younger or older. Your thoughts?
You reply as expected.

So did you. Why do you think that is?
Women expect to be complemented on their appearance. Most men don't. I know if my wife get's a hairdo or a new outfit, I damn better give her the comment she wants. If not, ....
Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
When a man gets a hair cut, no one notices or says a word. But, when a woman gets a hair cut, everyone notices, and remarks that they look either younger or older. Your thoughts?
You reply as expected.

So did you. Why do you think that is?
Women expect to be complemented on their appearance. Most men don't. I know if my wife get's a hairdo or a new outfit, I damn better give her the comment she wants. If not, ....

Exactly. You sir are not just a man ,but a Gentleman. Finally took all day, but I finally found one. I was beginning to fear the worst for my gender.


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Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
Hey, why do women take a 10 minute conversation and a friendly smile as a flirt? It happens all the time.

My husband complains about this. He says he can't even make eye contact or say "hello" or he says women think he is hitting on them. Why do you think that? Do they slap you?
Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
When a man gets a hair cut, no one notices or says a word. But, when a woman gets a hair cut, everyone notices, and remarks that they look either younger or older. Your thoughts?

Because most people think women are more affected by flattery of their looks. I think people think women care more about their looks then men, so, they feel they need to "affirm" them. They figure men don't really care.
JR, how can I become a chick-magnet like you? ...... :cool:

I'm not a chick magnet. I simply put in the effort to make contact and get to know them, because i want to get to know them. Most women will know if you are genuinely interested or not by your first sentence to them. Don't fuck that up. Women LOVE it when a man cares about their day or is there for them when they are down, or simply cares and respects them enough to OPEN THE FUKING DOOR!!!

I'm sorry but i need to make a statement here................. If you can't open the door for all women prior to you walking through the joint then you DESERVE to be single the REST of your lives. Period.

Not all women like or care about that... I don't.

I do want someone to not be bored with me though. If they are bored early one, they will be bored forever.

I'm 51 but never married until I was 39. I've realized in my 12 years of marriage that, I never want to marry again. Not because of him, but because of ME. My attention span is too short, and I only really feel "in love" for the first few weeks. I'm too selfish for the "hard part" and I know that about myself now..... probably why I never got married until I was 39.......
Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
Hey, why do women take a 10 minute conversation and a friendly smile as a flirt? It happens all the time.

For the same reason why the majority of woman open their mouths and talk all the damn time. They think the world resolves around them. ;) With that said, men should always flirt and treasure women and be gentleman to them always, and spoil them rotten. Then if you ever marry one at that time you'll realize there's something called responsibility with a family, and you'll have to tell her the words women hate, "we have a budget."
No those pants do not make your butt look bigger, but your butt sure makes them pants look bigger....
Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
When a man gets a hair cut, no one notices or says a word. But, when a woman gets a hair cut, everyone notices, and remarks that they look either younger or older. Your thoughts?
You reply as expected.

So did you. Why do you think that is?
Women expect to be complemented on their appearance. Most men don't. I know if my wife get's a hairdo or a new outfit, I damn better give her the comment she wants. If not, ....

I don't like getting complimented on my hair or outfit (I want to look good and have people notice) but, if they TELL me I'm always wondering if they REALLY mean it (men or women) ... but I can tell how they LOOK at me if they like it or not... THAT'S what I like. THE LOOKS from others!
JR, how can I become a chick-magnet like you? ...... :cool:

I'm not a chick magnet. I simply put in the effort to make contact and get to know them, because i want to get to know them. Most women will know if you are genuinely interested or not by your first sentence to them. Don't fuck that up. Women LOVE it when a man cares about their day or is there for them when they are down, or simply cares and respects them enough to OPEN THE FUKING DOOR!!!

I'm sorry but i need to make a statement here................. If you can't open the door for all women prior to you walking through the joint then you DESERVE to be single the REST of your lives. Period.

Not all women like or care about that... I don't.

I do want someone to not be bored with me though. If they are bored early one, they will be bored forever.

I'm 51 but never married until I was 39. I've realized in my 12 years of marriage that, I never want to marry again. Not because of him, but because of ME. My attention span is too short, and I only really feel "in love" for the first few weeks. I'm too selfish for the "hard part" and I know that about myself now..... probably why I never got married until I was 39.......
I've been married 3 times and get frustrated trying to deal with a mate that is uncooperative to the greater good of the family...So I will have no more, unless it's a 16 year old Mexican or Asian woman...
JR, how can I become a chick-magnet like you? ...... :cool:

I'm not a chick magnet. I simply put in the effort to make contact and get to know them, because i want to get to know them. Most women will know if you are genuinely interested or not by your first sentence to them. Don't fuck that up. Women LOVE it when a man cares about their day or is there for them when they are down, or simply cares and respects them enough to OPEN THE FUKING DOOR!!!

I'm sorry but i need to make a statement here................. If you can't open the door for all women prior to you walking through the joint then you DESERVE to be single the REST of your lives. Period.

Not all women like or care about that... I don't.

I do want someone to not be bored with me though. If they are bored early one, they will be bored forever.

I'm 51 but never married until I was 39. I've realized in my 12 years of marriage that, I never want to marry again. Not because of him, but because of ME. My attention span is too short, and I only really feel "in love" for the first few weeks. I'm too selfish for the "hard part" and I know that about myself now..... probably why I never got married until I was 39.......
I've been married 3 times and get frustrated trying to deal with a mate that is uncooperative to the greater good of the family...So I will have no more, unless it's a 16 year old Mexican or Asian woman...

Selfish people should NEVER get married. Or have kids. Unfortunately it happens (I admit I'm one of them) - I'm a great fun date, but terrible mate.
JR, how can I become a chick-magnet like you? ...... :cool:

I'm not a chick magnet. I simply put in the effort to make contact and get to know them, because i want to get to know them. Most women will know if you are genuinely interested or not by your first sentence to them. Don't fuck that up. Women LOVE it when a man cares about their day or is there for them when they are down, or simply cares and respects them enough to OPEN THE FUKING DOOR!!!

I'm sorry but i need to make a statement here................. If you can't open the door for all women prior to you walking through the joint then you DESERVE to be single the REST of your lives. Period.

Not all women like or care about that... I don't.

I do want someone to not be bored with me though. If they are bored early one, they will be bored forever.

I'm 51 but never married until I was 39. I've realized in my 12 years of marriage that, I never want to marry again. Not because of him, but because of ME. My attention span is too short, and I only really feel "in love" for the first few weeks. I'm too selfish for the "hard part" and I know that about myself now..... probably why I never got married until I was 39.......
I've been married 3 times and get frustrated trying to deal with a mate that is uncooperative to the greater good of the family...So I will have no more, unless it's a 16 year old Mexican or Asian woman...

Selfish people should NEVER get married. Or have kids. Unfortunately it happens (I admit I'm one of them) - I'm a great fun date, but terrible mate.
I vowed growing to never have kids or get married as I wanted a career in performing arts, but darn if nature didn't take over...
Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
Hey, why do women take a 10 minute conversation and a friendly smile as a flirt? It happens all the time.

My husband complains about this. He says he can't even make eye contact or say "hello" or he says women think he is hitting on them. Why do you think that? Do they slap you?
I can relate to what he goes through. No, they don't slap me since they're the ones hitting on me. They think that I'm flirting, and they flirt back, big time.
Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
When a man gets a hair cut, no one notices or says a word. But, when a woman gets a hair cut, everyone notices, and remarks that they look either younger or older. Your thoughts?
You reply as expected.

So did you. Why do you think that is?
Women expect to be complemented on their appearance. Most men don't. I know if my wife get's a hairdo or a new outfit, I damn better give her the comment she wants. If not, ....

I don't like getting complimented on my hair or outfit (I want to look good and have people notice) but, if they TELL me I'm always wondering if they REALLY mean it (men or women) ... but I can tell how they LOOK at me if they like it or not... THAT'S what I like. THE LOOKS from others!
And I bet you get plenty of "LOOKS". ( I'm peeking at you now )
JR, how can I become a chick-magnet like you? ...... :cool:

I'm not a chick magnet. I simply put in the effort to make contact and get to know them, because i want to get to know them. Most women will know if you are genuinely interested or not by your first sentence to them. Don't fuck that up. Women LOVE it when a man cares about their day or is there for them when they are down, or simply cares and respects them enough to OPEN THE FUKING DOOR!!!

I'm sorry but i need to make a statement here................. If you can't open the door for all women prior to you walking through the joint then you DESERVE to be single the REST of your lives. Period.

Not all women like or care about that... I don't.

I do want someone to not be bored with me though. If they are bored early one, they will be bored forever.

I'm 51 but never married until I was 39. I've realized in my 12 years of marriage that, I never want to marry again. Not because of him, but because of ME. My attention span is too short, and I only really feel "in love" for the first few weeks. I'm too selfish for the "hard part" and I know that about myself now..... probably why I never got married until I was 39.......
Very well said. We're on the same page of the playbook. I appreciate your honesty. I admire a person who tells it like it is.
Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
When a man gets a hair cut, no one notices or says a word. But, when a woman gets a hair cut, everyone notices, and remarks that they look either younger or older. Your thoughts?
You reply as expected.

So did you. Why do you think that is?
Women expect to be complemented on their appearance. Most men don't. I know if my wife get's a hairdo or a new outfit, I damn better give her the comment she wants. If not, ....

thats your wife. you dont give compliments to girls that are not your wife or you are not dating. but if you do never compliment their looks- its cheesy overdone and boring. every guy and their dog tries it and it gets them nowhere. compliments= nice=trying too hard= boring. women are not logical.
Or couples men and women. No charge. We all know you got issues and I have 15 years of professional experience.
When a man gets a hair cut, no one notices or says a word. But, when a woman gets a hair cut, everyone notices, and remarks that they look either younger or older. Your thoughts?
You reply as expected.

So did you. Why do you think that is?
Women expect to be complemented on their appearance. Most men don't. I know if my wife get's a hairdo or a new outfit, I damn better give her the comment she wants. If not, ....

I don't like getting complimented on my hair or outfit (I want to look good and have people notice) but, if they TELL me I'm always wondering if they REALLY mean it (men or women) ... but I can tell how they LOOK at me if they like it or not... THAT'S what I like. THE LOOKS from others!
I think there are central tendencies associated with gender that are genetic but individual differences go from one extreme to the other. So much of the characteristics we associate with gender are learned from our parents and peers as children. Males are expected to be independent, assertive, and competitive; females are expected to be more passive, sensitive, and supportive. This list goes on and on till we form the stereotype of the normal male and normal female. However, very few people actually have all these "normal" characteristics. IMHO, our society puts far too much emphasis on being normal which is rarely associated greatness.
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