Any recomendatons for Netflix movies or shows to watch?

This is a movie, I don't know if it's on Netflix, but if they have it, you should see Crash.
Do it for me.
I enjoy all of the Marvel series on Netflix, but I don't know if you are into that sort of thing. :dunno:

I watched Daredevil, and Jessica Jones...but they were slow, drab, and Luke Cage was so boring I stopped watching halfway through.... I managed to get through Iron Fist but again, really boring....and the Defenders.....boring....
I share your thoughts on these Marvel shows. But I did rather enjoy the Punisher. Give that a try.

Actually, I did..... it was okay....didn't like making the vets into victims though.
Any recomendatons for Netflix...

Yeah, Hulu or anything else. Netflix is about to become Deep State Indoctrination media, christened by Obama.

What does this mean?

The Obama's have partnered with Netflix to provide content (world wide) from the Obama's (capitalist) production company, Higher Ground. They will convince the world, and our stupids that America is a selfish country and should belong to everyone. They will convince our youth from cradle to grave < (google Obama's "Julia" ) to vote the UN agenda.

We are witnessing the transition from a sovereign nation to Hemisphere 1. < A UN controlled, up for sale, land of riches to be had by the highest bidder. Not unlike Russia now owning our former uranium mines. And instead of Nestle just draining Lake Erie for pennies on the dollar, they will own Lake Erie and pay nothing at all. Or Saudi Arabia sucking the life out of our aquafirs to water the wheat they grow, and ship to their livestock, on land that used to belong to American farmers.

Our children, like the Pope, will believe that we should be controlled by the UN, for our own good. They will learn that in school, in college, and on Netflix.
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I have to admit.... I have netflix but watch very little of it...... thinking about just ending my subscription..... the movies aren't that great and the British cop shows aren't interesting...
The Sinner was pretty good

That was pretty good too

The Mind Hunter series about the genesis of profiling was good

Yeah....that was a good series, but I hate it when they throw in the sex scenes just to have sex scenes....

I watched parts of Game of Thrones on Youtube.....and I have to say, that show has some really fine moments that show they don't need the over the top sex scenes to be a good show...

That was pretty good too

The Mind Hunter series about the genesis of profiling was good

Yeah....that was a good series, but I hate it when they throw in the sex scenes just to have sex scenes....

I watched parts of Game of Thrones on Youtube.....and I have to say, that show has some really fine moments that show they don't need the over the top sex scenes to be a good show...

Oh, well, you probably won't like Altered Carbon then.

Its a good play on immortality but it does have a great deal of nudity (full frontal) and sex. I kind of like that about that show. LOL
This is a movie, I don't know if it's on Netflix, but if they have it, you should see Crash.
Do it for me.

Is that the movie where everyone is a racist?
Yeah, sorta. Did you see it?
I remember it more as a gun movie. Some pretty memorable gun solutions in that movie.

Guns? That wasn't really the take away with that film.....but it was okay......
I only remember two scenes from that movie, and they were both about guns. The blanks, and the cop and the rabbits foot.
It's really old, but the first two seasons of Copper were good, and might appeal to a guy.

That was pretty good too

The Mind Hunter series about the genesis of profiling was good

Yeah....that was a good series, but I hate it when they throw in the sex scenes just to have sex scenes....

I watched parts of Game of Thrones on Youtube.....and I have to say, that show has some really fine moments that show they don't need the over the top sex scenes to be a good show...

You haven't seen much Game of Thrones if you think the show doesn't have over the top sex scenes. :lol:

That was pretty good too

The Mind Hunter series about the genesis of profiling was good

Yeah....that was a good series, but I hate it when they throw in the sex scenes just to have sex scenes....

I watched parts of Game of Thrones on Youtube.....and I have to say, that show has some really fine moments that show they don't need the over the top sex scenes to be a good show...

You haven't seen much Game of Thrones if you think the show doesn't have over the top sex scenes. :lol:

No, what I meant was, I watched moments of the show on youtube and those moments were great.... I have seen the entire first season and some episodes flipping through the cable channels..... and the over the top sex scenes that they put into the show are really unnecessary..... they add nothing to the story... the moments on youtube show that the series can be good without the lazy fall back to sex.

That was pretty good too

The Mind Hunter series about the genesis of profiling was good

Yeah....that was a good series, but I hate it when they throw in the sex scenes just to have sex scenes....

I watched parts of Game of Thrones on Youtube.....and I have to say, that show has some really fine moments that show they don't need the over the top sex scenes to be a good show...

You haven't seen much Game of Thrones if you think the show doesn't have over the top sex scenes. :lol:

No, what I meant was, I watched moments of the show on youtube and those moments were great.... I have seen the entire first season and some episodes flipping through the cable channels..... and the over the top sex scenes that they put into the show are really unnecessary..... they add nothing to the story... the moments on youtube show that the series can be good without the lazy fall back to sex.

HBO is known for putting a lot of sex scenes into their productions. :)

Some of them actually do help progress the story, but a lot are simple titillation. :dunno:
Evil Genius: The True Story of America's Most Diabolical Bank Heist.

It's a 4 part series about a bank robbery perpetrated by a pizza delivery guy with a bomb locked around his neck.

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