Any Russian action in Syria against ISIS will be in accordance with Intl. law, Putin says


Nov 14, 2012
Russian President Putin rebuffed Obama´s and Hollande´s statements regarding the legitimate Presidency of Bashar Assad and implies that any participation in the US-led Anti-ISIS coalition´s operations requires the coalition to coordinate their attacks with the Syrian government.

"New York, SANA- Any Russian action in Syria against the terrorist organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) will be in accordance with international law, President Vladimir Putin said Monday, adding that the international alliance’s air strikes against this terrorist organization didn’t achieve any result.

In a press conference following his first face-to- face meeting with the U.S. President Barack Obama in nearly a year in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly’s 70th session, Putin said we discussed with president Obama
prospects of finding a solution to the crisis in Syria as a whole and fighting the terrorist organizations on the ground of this country in particular.

Asked if Russian aircraft could join the strikes against ISIS, the Kremlin Chief said, “We are thinking about it, and we don’t exclude anything, but if we do something, we will do it in full accordance with the norms of international law.”

Putin stressed that there are military jets from Australia, France, the US, carrying out airstrikes not only in Iraq where it is justified under international law, since there had
been a request from the Iraqi government, but in the case of Syrian territory it is illegal as there is no official request by the government of Damascus.

The US President, as well as the French (President Francois Hollande) are, are not citizens of the Syrian Republic, and therefore it is unlikely that they should be involved in determining the fate of another state’s management, Putin said commenting on Hollande and Obama statements on the Syrian leadership.

The joint information center that was created in Baghdad to coordinate the anti-terrorist efforts of regional powers, Putin noted, adding that this HQ is open for anyone who is interested in the fight against terrorism to join.

Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria have agreed to establish a joint information center in Baghdad to coordinate their operations against ISIS.

Moscow is considering other options in supporting those fighting terrorists on the ground in Syria, such as the Kurdish popular defence groups and, first of all, the Syrian national army which is done in parallel with the political issues, Putin said, ruling out any Russian ground troops’ participation in the battlefield operations in Syria for now.

The crisis in Syria is very deep and anti- terrorist fighting in this country must be
conducted in accordance with political processes and President Bashar al-Assad agrees on that and he talked directly to the Russian mass media about that.

Describing his meeting with President Obama as very constructive, practical and surprisingly frank, the Russian President told the press We found a lot of common ground, but there are differences as well."

Any Russian action in Syria against ISIS will be in accordance with Intl. law, Putin says
I am so upset with Obama over this. The pretense of trying to take out ISIS when what he has been doing is trying to take out Assad. Trump right again, let Putin take care of it.

We need to really distance ourselves from Israel. They are bad news.
This cat and mouse game of trying to install the Muslim Brotherhood everywhere must end. All it has done is allowed for the rising of ISIS. This is now like choosing between Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers.

I don't hate the middle east. Why the hell are we giving them monsters worse than they had?
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!

Putin will. When the leader of the Chechen terror group swore allegiance to ISIS he had to make his move.
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!

Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!

Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS. Haven't you heard?
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!

Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS. Haven't you heard?

ISIS is AL QAEDA with another name!

where have you been? under a mushroom??
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!

Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS. Haven't you heard?

ISIS is AL QAEDA with another name!

where have you been? under a mushroom??
Al-Qaeda Leader Declares War Against ISIS

Are you conservatives shocked to be finding out that some things aren't black and white?
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!

Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS. Haven't you heard?

ISIS is AL QAEDA with another name!

where have you been? under a mushroom??
Al-Qaeda Leader Declares War Against ISIS

Are you conservatives shocked to be finding out that some things aren't black and white?

Look .....blabber all you want.

It's ok now.

Hopefully Russia will take action.
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!

Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS. Haven't you heard?

ISIS is AL QAEDA with another name!

where have you been? under a mushroom??
Al-Qaeda Leader Declares War Against ISIS

Are you conservatives shocked to be finding out that some things aren't black and white?

Look .....blabber all you want.

It's ok now.

Hopefully Russia will take action.
Yeah it'll be nice to have at least one radical group wiped out if they succeed. Just remember to keep in mind you are also rooting for the success of Iran, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and a ruthless dictator in Assad.
Public in Russia not in favor of Russian troops onna ground in Syria...

Poll: Most Russians Oppose Sending Troops to Syria
September 29, 2015 - A recent poll found that Russians said they backed their country’s policy in Syria but were much less supportive of the idea of sending Russian troops to fight there.
The poll was conducted September 18-21 by the independent Levada Center in 46 of Russia’s 85 regions. Asked whether they supported the Russia government’s policy toward Syria, 39 percent of the respondents said that they supported it fully or to a significant extent, while 11 percent said they definitely or to a certain extent disapproved. Thirty–three percent of those polled said they were not interested in the Russian government’s policy toward Syria, while 17 percent said they had difficulty answering the question.


Russian soldiers march during the Victory Parade marking the 70th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, in Red Square in Moscow

Asked what goals their government was pursuing in backing Bashar al-Assad’s government, 39 percent of the respondents said “protecting Russian interests in the Middle East, providing security for Russian companies in the region”; 28 percent said “trying to strengthen Russia’s position in the world, its authority and independence from the West”; 22 percent said trying to halt the spread in the influence of the Islamic State group and radical Islam and protect Russia’s southern borders; 19 percent said protecting the remaining pro-Russian regimes in the Middle East; 14 percent said “protecting Syria’s population from Islamic terrorists and extremists"; 19 percent said they had a hard time answering the question. (More than one answer was allowed).

Asked what kind of aid to Syria’s government they supported, 67 percent of the respondents said “political and diplomatic,” 55 percent said “humanitarian,” 43 percent said “military-technical (consultations, weaponry),” 41 percent said “economic,” 21 percent said taking in and assisting refugees, and 14 percent said “direct military support (sending troops).” (More than one answer was allowed). Russia has been sending aircraft and other military equipment into Syria in an apparent effort to support the Assad government. That support directly conflicts with the U.S. position that Assad has lost legitimacy and needs to step down.

Poll: Most Russians Oppose Sending Troops to Syria
Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS. Haven't you heard?

ISIS is AL QAEDA with another name!

where have you been? under a mushroom??
Al-Qaeda Leader Declares War Against ISIS

Are you conservatives shocked to be finding out that some things aren't black and white?

Look .....blabber all you want.

It's ok now.

Hopefully Russia will take action.
Yeah it'll be nice to have at least one radical group wiped out if they succeed. Just remember to keep in mind you are also rooting for the success of Iran, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and a ruthless dictator in Assad.

Not necessarily. Putin and Bibi were shaking hands not many days ago! :funnyface:

Iran and Hezbollah is another story.
Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS. Haven't you heard?

ISIS is AL QAEDA with another name!

where have you been? under a mushroom??
Al-Qaeda Leader Declares War Against ISIS

Are you conservatives shocked to be finding out that some things aren't black and white?

Look .....blabber all you want.

It's ok now.

Hopefully Russia will take action.
Yeah it'll be nice to have at least one radical group wiped out if they succeed. Just remember to keep in mind you are also rooting for the success of Iran, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and a ruthless dictator in Assad.

Not necessarily. Putin and Bibi were shaking hands not many days ago! :funnyface:

Iran and Hezbollah is another story.
So? Russia and Iran are coordinating attacks, and Russia just armed Hezbollah with guns, tanks, and ammo a couple days ago. As they've been arming Iran for decades.

And Assad has recently armed Al Qaeda. What fun.
I agree with Putin about Assad. We have no right to do a coup there. The Syrians can return if they so desire and can rebuild the country, with Assad.

Also Iran is doing nothing wrong and frankly neither is Hezbollah.
I agree with Putin about Assad. We have no right to do a coup there. The Syrians can return if they so desire and can rebuild the country, with Assad.

Also Iran is doing nothing wrong and frankly neither is Hezbollah.
My only hope is that the U.S. stays out of there.
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!

Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Being al-Nusra.
Putin is correct in saying that the current deadly instability in the Middle East is due to the US interference and crazy desire to overthrow previously stable areas in favor of their mad Utopian rush to install democracy, which resulted in the Arab spring and the current wave of terrorism.

Obama's fight against ISIS has been a complete joke and has had no real results apart from destroying the occasional truck at the cost of billions of dollars.

Hopefully Putin will take the fight against Islamic State seriously by taking proper meaningful ,aggressive action.

Show Barry from Honolulu how things get done!
Yeah go Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah! You can do it!

Take AQ out of there. Fighting with Al Nusra.
Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS. Haven't you heard?

ISIS is AL QAEDA with another name!

where have you been? under a mushroom??
Al-Qaeda Leader Declares War Against ISIS

Are you conservatives shocked to be finding out that some things aren't black and white?
This isn´t war on terror. Islamist terrorists fighting Islamist terrorists for competing caliphates does not make them good guys.

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