Anybody else hoping for a split decision in this fall's election?


So it goes
Gold Supporting Member
May 14, 2010
Arizona's Maricopa County
I hope the House returns to a GOP majority and I prefer the Senate in the hands of the Democrats. I'm not excited over Trump nor Biden, will settle for either (as if I had a choice to do otherwise). With the House being typically more partisan in nature than the Senate, it would give me great joy to see the Democrats kicked out. It has been nothing but nonsense from them over the years. Republicans haven't handled the House all that much better, but whenever there has been a Democrat as president they've kept a sharper eye on spending.

As for the Senate, without having to face elections every 2 years there generally has been more level heads in that chamber. Thus in my desire for a divided government I'll place the Democrats over here. An election night disaster for me would be one party controlling the presidency and both houses of congress. I see the good in gridlock as far outweighing the bad.

I know better than to try to sell any opinion here and imagine I pretty much stand alone on the matter. That's okay, just thought I'd check.
I don't know that it really matters. The Democrats didn't do what they promised when they had the White House, Senate and House and neither did the Republicans.
I hope the House returns to a GOP majority and I prefer the Senate in the hands of the Democrats. I'm not excited over Trump nor Biden, will settle for either (as if I had a choice to do otherwise). With the House being typically more partisan in nature than the Senate, it would give me great joy to see the Democrats kicked out. It has been nothing but nonsense from them over the years. Republicans haven't handled the House all that much better, but whenever there has been a Democrat as president they've kept a sharper eye on spending.

As for the Senate, without having to face elections every 2 years there generally has been more level heads in that chamber. Thus in my desire for a divided government I'll place the Democrats over here. An election night disaster for me would be one party controlling the presidency and both houses of congress. I see the good in gridlock as far outweighing the bad.

I know better than to try to sell any opinion here and imagine I pretty much stand alone on the matter. That's okay, just thought I'd check.

The Senate in D hands would be a catastrophe as we would see the libs pack the courts for Leftards. If Biden wins, but the GOP maintains control of the Senate, it would at least provide some breaks on Sleepy Joe's extremism.
I think that the American people may come to President Trump's assistance and give him majorities in both House and Senate. The American people have already shown their disdain for the overkill in the MSM who have made of themselves shills for communistic government. Right now, they are following the Marxist guidelines for takeover of a government by creating total chaos in our big cities by way of omeurta, spreading division, fear, and chaos.

Right now, I'm wondering what kind of lectures and acts the Democrat leadership learned in their Ivy League University castles in order to inflict this kind of sad killings, meanness, and destruction on the American public.

So sorry, Mr. My 2 cents, I'm not hoping for a split, I'm hoping that for the first time, the President we elected in 2016 will have the freedom to actually work on things that need to be worked on so our children's children will not be yoked with some Communist dictator who took all that power and tried to cancel our diversity of backgrounds, and kill all his enemies, which would be all of us in the Republican Party, and whoever the lockstep leftists decided to take out along with those of us who are proud to be Americans in the land of the free. It won't be free under Marxist blitzes that destroy our independence, brotherhood, and prosperity. Patriots throughout our 244-year history have fought the British in two wars, established ourselves as a unique nation, friendly to trade and producers of a total spectrum of benefits for ourselves and the whole world, welcoming the world's unwanted people as the poem says:


I hope the House returns to a GOP majority and I prefer the Senate in the hands of the Democrats. I'm not excited over Trump nor Biden, will settle for either (as if I had a choice to do otherwise). With the House being typically more partisan in nature than the Senate, it would give me great joy to see the Democrats kicked out. It has been nothing but nonsense from them over the years. Republicans haven't handled the House all that much better, but whenever there has been a Democrat as president they've kept a sharper eye on spending.

As for the Senate, without having to face elections every 2 years there generally has been more level heads in that chamber. Thus in my desire for a divided government I'll place the Democrats over here. An election night disaster for me would be one party controlling the presidency and both houses of congress. I see the good in gridlock as far outweighing the bad.

I know better than to try to sell any opinion here and imagine I pretty much stand alone on the matter. That's okay, just thought I'd check.
I cannot see the House changing hands in November election, but like you, I like the idea of not having House, Senate and Presidency in Democrat hands at the same time and I figure Biden will win the Presidential election, so we'll take what we get. There is a higher possibility the Dems could pick up the Senate, but would not put money on it. I suspect there are a lot of people that prefer neither side had a trifecta.
I think that the American people may come to President Trump's assistance and give him majorities in both House and Senate. The American people have already shown their disdain for the overkill in the MSM who have made of themselves shills for communistic government. Right now, they are following the Marxist guidelines for takeover of a government by creating total chaos in our big cities by way of omeurta, spreading division, fear, and chaos.

Right now, I'm wondering what kind of lectures and acts the Democrat leadership learned in their Ivy League University castles in order to inflict this kind of sad killings, meanness, and destruction on the American public.

So sorry, Mr. My 2 cents, I'm not hoping for a split, I'm hoping that for the first time, the President we elected in 2016 will have the freedom to actually work on things that need to be worked on so our children's children will not be yoked with some Communist dictator who took all that power and tried to cancel our diversity of backgrounds, and kill all his enemies, which would be all of us in the Republican Party, and whoever the lockstep leftists decided to take out along with those of us who are proud to be Americans in the land of the free. It won't be free under Marxist blitzes that destroy our independence, brotherhood, and prosperity. Patriots throughout our 244-year history have fought the British in two wars, established ourselves as a unique nation, friendly to trade and producers of a total spectrum of benefits for ourselves and the whole world, welcoming the world's unwanted people as the poem says:

Well. for once we agree on something..even if it's going to be on opposite sides of the aisle. :) After the good Obama years (especially after the mess Bush Jr left) and after the absolute abortion of Trump for the last 3.5+ coupled with the compete Republican sellout of their principles and values, I'm OK with the Democrats ruling the roost for at least the next 4 years. Republicans have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they cannot govern. Trump had a Republican majority for 2 years and got bupkus accomplished. I'm hoping if the Republicans suffer a bloodbath in November, they'll take time to re-group and think about returning to their roots. And if it does happen, the funny part is you "patriots" will have no one to blame but yourselves. You sold out to a fraud and a charlatan. If this is the end for your ideology, at least for the next few years, I'm not gonna cry. You did this to yourselves.
The Senate in D hands would be a catastrophe as we would see the libs pack the courts for Leftards. If Biden wins, but the GOP maintains control of the Senate, it would at least provide some breaks on Sleepy Joe's extremism.
Yes sir. IF Biden wins, GOP control of both House and Senate by GOP wouldn't upset me a bit, especially in regard to the Supreme Court and the budget.

I'm hoping that for the first time, the President we elected in 2016 will have the freedom to actually work on things that need to be worked on
I would assume gaining both houses would have to go much better for Trump than it did in 2017/2018. If that is indeed the case he best make hay while the sun shines. For I'll also assume it will be Mission Impossible for him once he becomes a lame duck after the 2022 mid-term elections.
The Senate in D hands would be a catastrophe as we would see the libs pack the courts for Leftards. If Biden wins, but the GOP maintains control of the Senate, it would at least provide some breaks on Sleepy Joe's extremism.
Yes sir. IF Biden wins, GOP control of both House and Senate by GOP wouldn't upset me a bit, especially in regard to the Supreme Court and the budget.

I'm hoping that for the first time, the President we elected in 2016 will have the freedom to actually work on things that need to be worked on
I would assume gaining both houses would have to go much better for Trump than it did in 2017/2018. If that is indeed the case he best make hay while the sun shines. For I'll also assume it will be Mission Impossible for him once he becomes a lame duck after the 2022 mid-term elections.
President Trump is a good man who endured the lies of lying liars for his entire political career, which has not been long, for sure. Even so, President Trump merely tells the truth when wrongly accused, but the MSM doesn't like conservatives, they favor Democrats, and in particular generous quid pro quos for agreeing with a Party that funds itself with extorting free money from third world countries receiving the foreign aid bestowed on them by Congress for sundry purposes. Biden and his handlers simply determined the amount they wanted, made sure the generosity to the thrid world country was given with the understanding the extortionist would walk away with at least a third of that several-billion-dollar bundle, and then the Democrat Party takes the extortioner and places him into the presidential candidate role, where their passed laws protect people running for President (except for Donald Trump), so that's why they settled on Joe, because he brought home the bacon for the party, and they don't want anyone to know that we figured their modus operandi out.
I think that the American people may come to President Trump's assistance and give him majorities in both House and Senate. The American people have already shown their disdain for the overkill in the MSM who have made of themselves shills for communistic government. Right now, they are following the Marxist guidelines for takeover of a government by creating total chaos in our big cities by way of omeurta, spreading division, fear, and chaos.

Right now, I'm wondering what kind of lectures and acts the Democrat leadership learned in their Ivy League University castles in order to inflict this kind of sad killings, meanness, and destruction on the American public.

So sorry, Mr. My 2 cents, I'm not hoping for a split, I'm hoping that for the first time, the President we elected in 2016 will have the freedom to actually work on things that need to be worked on so our children's children will not be yoked with some Communist dictator who took all that power and tried to cancel our diversity of backgrounds, and kill all his enemies, which would be all of us in the Republican Party, and whoever the lockstep leftists decided to take out along with those of us who are proud to be Americans in the land of the free. It won't be free under Marxist blitzes that destroy our independence, brotherhood, and prosperity. Patriots throughout our 244-year history have fought the British in two wars, established ourselves as a unique nation, friendly to trade and producers of a total spectrum of benefits for ourselves and the whole world, welcoming the world's unwanted people as the poem says:

Well. for once we agree on something..even if it's going to be on opposite sides of the aisle. :) After the good Obama years (especially after the mess Bush Jr left) and after the absolute abortion of Trump for the last 3.5+ coupled with the compete Republican sellout of their principles and values, I'm OK with the Democrats ruling the roost for at least the next 4 years. Republicans have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they cannot govern. Trump had a Republican majority for 2 years and got bupkus accomplished. I'm hoping if the Republicans suffer a bloodbath in November, they'll take time to re-group and think about returning to their roots. And if it does happen, the funny part is you "patriots" will have no one to blame but yourselves. You sold out to a fraud and a charlatan. If this is the end for your ideology, at least for the next few years, I'm not gonna cry. You did this to yourselves.
There will be no bloodbath. President Trump has the best case, and he doesn't use fake devices his loyal opposition uses. He uses the truth, and he has the best reputation for caring for the American people, their welfare, their safety, and he will do what it takes to bring a good outcome for the people of the USA. :woohoo:
I hope the House returns to a GOP majority and I prefer the Senate in the hands of the Democrats. I'm not excited over Trump nor Biden, will settle for either (as if I had a choice to do otherwise). With the House being typically more partisan in nature than the Senate, it would give me great joy to see the Democrats kicked out. It has been nothing but nonsense from them over the years. Republicans haven't handled the House all that much better, but whenever there has been a Democrat as president they've kept a sharper eye on spending.

As for the Senate, without having to face elections every 2 years there generally has been more level heads in that chamber. Thus in my desire for a divided government I'll place the Democrats over here. An election night disaster for me would be one party controlling the presidency and both houses of congress. I see the good in gridlock as far outweighing the bad.

I know better than to try to sell any opinion here and imagine I pretty much stand alone on the matter. That's okay, just thought I'd check.
I would agree with that IF we didn't have one party (the Democrats) all but owning most of the media. Democrats wield far too much power because they stuffed the DC bureaucracy with leftists, populated journalism with leftists and call anyone who disagrees with them a 'racist.' IOW fuck that, I hope It's a clean sweep, Trump for POTUS, the senate and the house both republican. It's clearly about time. BTW I NEVER thought Trump was that conservative or truly attached to any political party.
I hope the House returns to a GOP majority and I prefer the Senate in the hands of the Democrats. I'm not excited over Trump nor Biden, will settle for either (as if I had a choice to do otherwise). With the House being typically more partisan in nature than the Senate, it would give me great joy to see the Democrats kicked out. It has been nothing but nonsense from them over the years. Republicans haven't handled the House all that much better, but whenever there has been a Democrat as president they've kept a sharper eye on spending.

As for the Senate, without having to face elections every 2 years there generally has been more level heads in that chamber. Thus in my desire for a divided government I'll place the Democrats over here. An election night disaster for me would be one party controlling the presidency and both houses of congress. I see the good in gridlock as far outweighing the bad.

I know better than to try to sell any opinion here and imagine I pretty much stand alone on the matter. That's okay, just thought I'd check.
Oh, absolutely.

This country is so fucked up and polarized at this moment, that if one party has too much power this will all just get worse.

A mixed government is pretty important right now, a time when the lunatics are running the asylum.
I agree with the OP: divided government is better than all the power being invested in one party. That ain't democracy.

Here in California, the Dems have complete control in the state legislature (and the governorship).

For all intents and purposes, the Republican Party does not exist here.


I would prefer the federal Senate to stay Republican. It may then block some of President Biden's more wokish bills.
I hope the House returns to a GOP majority and I prefer the Senate in the hands of the Democrats. I'm not excited over Trump nor Biden, will settle for either (as if I had a choice to do otherwise). With the House being typically more partisan in nature than the Senate, it would give me great joy to see the Democrats kicked out. It has been nothing but nonsense from them over the years. Republicans haven't handled the House all that much better, but whenever there has been a Democrat as president they've kept a sharper eye on spending.

As for the Senate, without having to face elections every 2 years there generally has been more level heads in that chamber. Thus in my desire for a divided government I'll place the Democrats over here. An election night disaster for me would be one party controlling the presidency and both houses of congress. I see the good in gridlock as far outweighing the bad.

I know better than to try to sell any opinion here and imagine I pretty much stand alone on the matter. That's okay, just thought I'd check.
/—-/ Odd that you see no difference between Dementia Joe and Trump.
I think that the American people may come to President Trump's assistance and give him majorities in both House and Senate. The American people have already shown their disdain for the overkill in the MSM who have made of themselves shills for communistic government. Right now, they are following the Marxist guidelines for takeover of a government by creating total chaos in our big cities by way of omeurta, spreading division, fear, and chaos.

Right now, I'm wondering what kind of lectures and acts the Democrat leadership learned in their Ivy League University castles in order to inflict this kind of sad killings, meanness, and destruction on the American public.

So sorry, Mr. My 2 cents, I'm not hoping for a split, I'm hoping that for the first time, the President we elected in 2016 will have the freedom to actually work on things that need to be worked on so our children's children will not be yoked with some Communist dictator who took all that power and tried to cancel our diversity of backgrounds, and kill all his enemies, which would be all of us in the Republican Party, and whoever the lockstep leftists decided to take out along with those of us who are proud to be Americans in the land of the free. It won't be free under Marxist blitzes that destroy our independence, brotherhood, and prosperity. Patriots throughout our 244-year history have fought the British in two wars, established ourselves as a unique nation, friendly to trade and producers of a total spectrum of benefits for ourselves and the whole world, welcoming the world's unwanted people as the poem says:

Well. for once we agree on something..even if it's going to be on opposite sides of the aisle. :) After the good Obama years (especially after the mess Bush Jr left) and after the absolute abortion of Trump for the last 3.5+ coupled with the compete Republican sellout of their principles and values, I'm OK with the Democrats ruling the roost for at least the next 4 years. Republicans have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they cannot govern. Trump had a Republican majority for 2 years and got bupkus accomplished. I'm hoping if the Republicans suffer a bloodbath in November, they'll take time to re-group and think about returning to their roots. And if it does happen, the funny part is you "patriots" will have no one to blame but yourselves. You sold out to a fraud and a charlatan. If this is the end for your ideology, at least for the next few years, I'm not gonna cry. You did this to yourselves.
Well, you did make it half through your first sentence before your little paragraph started gnawing on the toenails of the best of good Presidents in history who gall your bladder because they did good and not bad. :auiqs.jpg: But it's okay, we know how greatly you lefties cannot resist taking one successful self-fulfilling prophecy and trying to make it the truth for suckers to believe. *sigh*
President Trump merely tells the truth when wrongly accused, but the MSM doesn't like conservatives, they favor Democrats, and in particular generous quid pro quos for agreeing with a Party that funds itself with extorting free money from third world countries receiving the foreign aid bestowed on them by Congress for sundry purposes.

Do you have documented evidence that Democrats are extorting free money from third world countries in a quid pro quo for the foreign aid they receive?

That is a Federal Crime and if true I would love to have it explained as true and then would expect Trump and Barr to Immediately prior to the election bring Federal Charges in real courtroom against those Democrats suspected of receiving money from foreign sources all unreported to the IRS the Federal Election Committee.

if you have nothing then quit lying.
I think that the American people may come to President Trump's assistance and give him majorities in both House and Senate. The American people have already shown their disdain for the overkill in the MSM who have made of themselves shills for communistic government. Right now, they are following the Marxist guidelines for takeover of a government by creating total chaos in our big cities by way of omeurta, spreading division, fear, and chaos.

Right now, I'm wondering what kind of lectures and acts the Democrat leadership learned in their Ivy League University castles in order to inflict this kind of sad killings, meanness, and destruction on the American public.

So sorry, Mr. My 2 cents, I'm not hoping for a split, I'm hoping that for the first time, the President we elected in 2016 will have the freedom to actually work on things that need to be worked on so our children's children will not be yoked with some Communist dictator who took all that power and tried to cancel our diversity of backgrounds, and kill all his enemies, which would be all of us in the Republican Party, and whoever the lockstep leftists decided to take out along with those of us who are proud to be Americans in the land of the free. It won't be free under Marxist blitzes that destroy our independence, brotherhood, and prosperity. Patriots throughout our 244-year history have fought the British in two wars, established ourselves as a unique nation, friendly to trade and producers of a total spectrum of benefits for ourselves and the whole world, welcoming the world's unwanted people as the poem says:

Well. for once we agree on something..even if it's going to be on opposite sides of the aisle. :) After the good Obama years (especially after the mess Bush Jr left) and after the absolute abortion of Trump for the last 3.5+ coupled with the compete Republican sellout of their principles and values, I'm OK with the Democrats ruling the roost for at least the next 4 years. Republicans have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they cannot govern. Trump had a Republican majority for 2 years and got bupkus accomplished. I'm hoping if the Republicans suffer a bloodbath in November, they'll take time to re-group and think about returning to their roots. And if it does happen, the funny part is you "patriots" will have no one to blame but yourselves. You sold out to a fraud and a charlatan. If this is the end for your ideology, at least for the next few years, I'm not gonna cry. You did this to yourselves.
There will be no bloodbath. President Trump has the best case, and he doesn't use fake devices his loyal opposition uses. He uses the truth, and he has the best reputation for caring for the American people, their welfare, their safety, and he will do what it takes to bring a good outcome for the people of the USA. :woohoo:

He's incompetent and a fraud. He will be remembered by history as the worst President this country has ever elected. 150K people and counting dead..from his inaction. He uses divisive rhetoric to gin people like yourselves up while at the same time looking down his nose at you and mocking you...because he thinks you supporters are morons. And he's right. I'm sorry, Republicans have had their chance, and have continually blown it. Let's see what the Democrats can do with a majority for the next 4 years...or maybe 8. The road for Republicans doesn't get any easier in 2022. I believe they have just about the same amount of Senate seats up for re-election as they do this year.
President Trump merely tells the truth when wrongly accused, but the MSM doesn't like conservatives, they favor Democrats, and in particular generous quid pro quos for agreeing with a Party that funds itself with extorting free money from third world countries receiving the foreign aid bestowed on them by Congress for sundry purposes.

Do you have documented evidence that Democrats are extorting free money from third world countries in a quid pro quo for the foreign aid they receive?

That is a Federal Crime and if true I would love to have it explained as true and then would expect Trump and Barr to Immediately prior to the election bring Federal Charges in real courtroom against those Democrats suspected of receiving money from foreign sources all unreported to the IRS the Federal Election Committee.

if you have nothing then quit lying.
/-----/ Do you have documented evidence that Democrats are extorting free money from third world countries in a quid pro quo for the foreign aid they receive?
democRATs have taught us that the mere appearance of impropriety is all that is needed to destroy a person's career, family, and public image. So we don't need no stinking evidence. The charges are all we require to pronounce democRATs guilty as sin.
There's a nearly zero chance of a Republican house. If anything, it's likely the Dems will gain seats there.

It is conceivable the Republicans could retain the senate.

Trump is toast.

So, there would still be divided government that way. Democratic president and house, Republican senate.
The charges are all we require to pronounce democRATs guilty as sin.

When right wing partisan idiots declare their political opponents to be guilty of a crime but can’t back it up with legal charges brought to bear on them, it just proves that partisan idiots are nothing but idiots who think they can lie and it causes no harm to their opponents.

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