Anybody Have All Of Their Christmas Shopping Finished Already?

I finished my Xmas MOVIES already ...

I dread shopping for presents for other people and would gladly do away with the entire tradition of gift giving.

My best buddy and I came to that conclusion.
Why buy them something that you know they want when they could buy it themselves with the money they didnt spend on presents?

What happened to the season of giving?
The older I get, the shorter my list gets every year.

I used to buy boxed C'mas cards. Now I just buy about 4-5 nice cards at the Hallmark store and sometimes put a gift cert in them if I'm having a good year.

Otherwise, it's just a nice C'mas card in the mail.
What happened to the season of giving?

I'm giving him a break on Christmas shopping.
And he's giving me the same.
We still each other stuff,if I find a good deal on pocket knives I'll pick him up one while I'm getting one for myself and he does the same for me.
In fact he made the swing away pot hanger on the fire pit. He was making one so he just made an extra.

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