Anybody have people close to them dying from the jab yet?

Calling a shot "the jab" sounds stupid to me.
I agree, but it doesn't surprise me. Usually there is a name for every controversial matter.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I just learned that my cousin who was a nurse was not vaccinated already when she succumbed to the sickness earlier this year. Why she never got the needle, I have no idea. With her being a nurse, I am sure that she had her reasons. One thing that I know wasn't a favor towards her was the unfortunate fact that she was a heavy set woman. How much did she weigh exactly? She was somewhere over 250 pounds.
No one I have in my inner circle has even taken the first shot. Several got covid at one point or another and all did just fine.
I've got people close to me with new heart problems and pancreas problems. They aren't blaming the jab. I think its confirmation bias but I don't say anything.

Neither government or media will allow for any information about people dying from vaccine to get out.

Simple test...

Google "died suddenly" or "died unexpectedly " and you'll find endless articles of people dropping like a flies.

We all know why its happening, and why they trying to hide it.
No one has died from the jab, but hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from Covid.
Is that true or you heard it on CNN?

Brother-in-law, niece, nephew, none of whom lived with each other, got it. All vaccinated, all recovered from mild cases. I think that’s the takeaway, not extremely rare instances that may not have anything to do with the vaccine.

This is part where you claim that those rare side effects have been linked to climate change.

By the way, why are you calling it vaccine?
A friend died from a car accident. Witnesses said he was slumped over the steering wheel before leaving the road and hitting a tree. The autopsy revealed an enlarged heart in a man with no previous history of heart disease. He had received the COVID vaccine about two months prior to his death. A lot of people are experiencing, I think it's called, *cardiomyopathy* from the vaccine. Can't know for sure if it was related to the vaccine.
I don't know anyone who had a bad reaction to the vaccines, other than a sore arm or a couple days not feeling well. Wife and I had the Moderna vaccine. Her parents had the Pfizer vaccine. We'll get the booster in a couple weeks.
The dirty little secret about the vaccine is that it can enlarge a man’s you know what. Which is why certain groups of people are vaccine resistant, they don’t need it. Now you know.
The dirty little secret about the vaccine is that it can enlarge a man’s you know what. Which is why certain groups of people are vaccine resistant, they don’t need it. Now you know.
Now we know what? That you’re a nut? Old news, old news!
My sister-in-law got the vaccine a couple of months ago.

Then suddenly 2 weeks ago her car was hit by a hit-and-run driver. It was totaled. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt.

See what that damn vaccine does!
Now, switch it around and have her be unvaxxed and actually die, and the hospital rules her death from COViD (earning the hospital a big fat $50,000+ check from Uncle Sam), and you have reality.
My sister-in-law got the vaccine a couple of months ago.

Then suddenly 2 weeks ago her car was hit by a hit-and-run driver. It was totaled. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt.

See what that damn vaccine does!
You got it all wrong. That was just sexism, caused by global warming.

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