Anyone diggin the lower gas and oil prices?

Releases oil one day, next day prices sharply rise. If you need a link to connect those two you don't belong here.

Increasing supply is supposed to lower the prices, not raise them. It backfired on Obama and I don't know the reasons why. However, basic economic analysis will tell you that increasing supply will lower the price of something.

Tell us why that temporarily increasing supply increased prices.
The Democrats and their "New Norm" can go straight to Hell. That doesn't excuse their shocking incompetence. Do they really think the American People will buy that shit in 2012? Their "New Norm" B.S. aint gonna save them. They have failed miserably. Period,end of story.
do you have any evidence showing what Obama did raised prices?

beyond your opinion?

Nothing beyond common sense. The same thing you would have used had he been successful and you wanted to attribute it to him. Releases oil one day, next day prices sharply rise. If you need a link to connect those two you don't belong here.

so just your opinion and no actual facts.
Got it. Im moving on then.

Like I said, you don't belong here. So.... Yea, move along
Oh hell yea,, I'm thrilled with $3.50 per gallon gasoline, and our local power company has petitioned the state to increase prices to compensate for obiedoode's promise to pick on the coal companies.. Yay team.. NOw I gotta ask my self Higher groceries, Higher energy costs, Higher unemployment, Higher gas prices,,,, Am I better off than I was four years ago??? Hell NO I'm NOT.
so um what would you like obama to do to "fix " this issue? nationalize it so we can regulate what we pump out of the ground and the price of it?

Should he Nuke china o they stop expanding?

Pull back our troops from overseas?

Really what would you like him to do?

We would like him to get the HELL outta Dodge. Thanks for asking.
Releases oil one day, next day prices sharply rise. If you need a link to connect those two you don't belong here.

Increasing supply is supposed to lower the prices, not raise them. It backfired on Obama and I don't know the reasons why. However, basic economic analysis will tell you that increasing supply will lower the price of something.

Tell us why that temporarily increasing supply increased prices.

I think you've taken my quote out of context. I agree with your analysis.

Personally I think maybe Wallstreet and the speculators intentionally drove the prices up as a way of "sticking it to Obama" for interfering in what they consider to be a free market.
Oh hell yea,, I'm thrilled with $3.50 per gallon gasoline, and our local power company has petitioned the state to increase prices to compensate for obiedoode's promise to pick on the coal companies.. Yay team.. NOw I gotta ask my self Higher groceries, Higher energy costs, Higher unemployment, Higher gas prices,,,, Am I better off than I was four years ago??? Hell NO I'm NOT.

It's the Democrat "New Norm" so get over it. Man,i can't wait till 2012. The Dems gots to go.
It's their "New Norm" so get used to it. Like so many other disgraces from the Democrats. They just call it a "New Norm" and think they're gonna get away with it. I guess we'll see what people think about their "New Norms" in 2012. See Ya on Election Day.

So, Dems are responsible for high gas prices?

Please do tell.

If the Dems hadn't blocked it we could be getting a million barrels a day from ANWR. The drilling moratorium Obama has in place has certainly affected oil supply. Need I go on?
It's their "New Norm" so get used to it. Like so many other disgraces from the Democrats. They just call it a "New Norm" and think they're gonna get away with it. I guess we'll see what people think about their "New Norms" in 2012. See Ya on Election Day.

So, Dems are responsible for high gas prices?

Please do tell.

If the Dems hadn't blocked it we could be getting a million barrels a day from ANWR. The drilling moratorium Obama has in place has certainly affected oil supply. Need I go on?

I didn't think you would get a response outa this.
one diggin the lower gas and oil prices?

No not really. They have used our reserves to bring the prices down. Just like they gave away my Social Security. That was a stupid move in my opinion.

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