Anyone else notice an increase in terror arrests?

Under Bush every case that was brought forward the left claimed was fabricated to distract us from something or other. Jillian was the biggest screechier of them all on that claim.
Obama is handing out visas to his Muslim friends like they were candy corn. And citizens of America are going to die because of it. Death to America means death to Americans. Obama is the terrorist's best friend. He bows down to them, while we wait for the next project of his Muslim Spring buddies.
Obama looks back fondly at the ringing of the Muslim prayer bell, while we look forward to another Boston Marathon......
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how can terror arrests be up and yet nothing is being done? but you are right in soon a cell will get by them.....someone who has gone over and come back....we will see attacks like those in other countries...lone wolves attacking the boston marathon brothers....

it is a hard call...religious freedoms including islam? or trying to learn from past mistakes..the internment of japanese americans...will that be repeated with muslims? will it come to that?
Here's the deal, all the massive (competing?) named and unnamed "intelligence agencies" and covert agencies couldn't come up with the two maniacs who plotted to bomb the Boston Marathon even after Russian intelligence agencies allegedly warned them of the plot. Now we get a rash of arrests of freaking idiots who might make the mistake of tweeting certain words but probably never had the real intent.
Ya I mean just cause one of the women had the means and had researched that specific means to make a bomb, must be all made up right?
The article does not mention if these two women are US citizens (either by birth, or naturalization). It's a shame that the US media has become so afraid of itself that it can not tell the truth about people who want to kill Americans, here or abroad.
1) Congress about to cut funding to Federal terrorist watch agencies
2) Agents are sent posing as muslims befriend disaffected muslim youth.
3) Agent radicalizes young muslim with jihadist ideas.
4) Next agent supplies muslim with fake bomb.
5) Muslim youth is arrested for attempted bomb plot.
6) Media conference is held by agency about latest foiled terror plot.
7) Congress increases funding to Federal watch agencies.
8) Cycle is repeated as needed.
1) Congress about to cut funding to Federal terrorist watch agencies
2) Agents are sent posing as muslims befriend disaffected muslim youth.
3) Agent radicalizes young muslim with jihadist ideas.
4) Next agent supplies muslim with fake bomb.
5) Muslim youth is arrested for attempted bomb plot.
6) Media conference is held by agency about latest foiled terror plot.
7) Congress increases funding to Federal watch agencies.
8) Cycle is repeated as needed.
Sure thing you lying loon, you openly support terrorism and want to obscure it coming to our shores. You have started threads on a new Muslim American flag and changing the Constitution to allow Muslim rule.
2 NYC women arrested on charges they plotted to build bomb - Yahoo News

It would appear ISIS is active in the US and it is only a matter of time before a group does not get caught.
The wishful thinking of the Right.

After all, Dickless Cheney has been telling his terrorist allies that we are more vulnerable now than when he was getting pleasure torturing prisoners.

How ridiculous. You can't help but force the divide can you? Nobody, Republican or Democrat cheered when planes were flown into our buildings. No wishful thinking of the right when Boston was attacked. That's just political bullshit and you need to stop playing righty/lefty.
There is a big big difference between rational, and wishing. In fact, the right wishes Obama would quit inviting terrorists into America that can cause us ALL harm. The right wishes that in this time of upheaval that our borders were secure so that we all, regardless of party affiliation, could rest a little easier. No one wants an attack you dumbass.

Seeing the obvious, and wishing are two entirely different things. When our new bff's Iran chants death to Americans, they mean it. We wish you would wake up to reality for a change and take them seriously. What in the lefty hell makes you think that 2 attacks were enough to satiate their hatred?
2 NYC women arrested on charges they plotted to build bomb - Yahoo News

It would appear ISIS is active in the US and it is only a matter of time before a group does not get caught.

It will be only a matter of time that ISIS commits a major terrorist act on Ameican soil. And after they've massacred hundreds of not thousands of innocent Americans, Oblahblah will get on TV and tell us this has nothing to do with Islam, and anybody who insults Islam will be arrested by his hired mafia thug, Holder.

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