Anyone else waiting on the long list of lawsuits after this is all over

1905 Supreme Court decision:

the liberty secured by the Fourteenth Amendment . . . consists, in part, in the right of a person ‘to live and work where he will.’" But it added: “in every well-ordered society . . . the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.
wonder how many constitutional lawyers and judges going to have a field day on some of these states . Most that come to mind is Michigan, NJ, and Calf
At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong.

‘New York litigators Norman Siegel and Steven Hyman told the National Law Journal that courts are likely to uphold government safety restrictions as long as they follow public health guidelines.

“The balance is between public health, public safety and individual rights to liberty,” said Siegel, the former head of the New York Civil Liberties Union who now works with Siegel Teitelbaum & Evans. “It makes it more difficult to challenge the restrictions or limitations on the individual right to liberty that are accruing all over the country today.”’

wonder how many constitutional lawyers and judges going to have a field day on some of these states . Most that come to mind is Michigan, NJ, and Calf WW2 there were many restraints--even on the news
..if you are in the military--you have MANY--GREAT restraints...they tell you when to get up/when to eat/when to sleep/where to go/what to wear etc etc

..depends on the situation
..the Consitution/laws books/etc are GUIDES--they can't have EVERY situation in them
wonder how many constitutional lawyers and judges going to have a field day on some of these states . Most that come to mind is Michigan, NJ, and Calf

I’m sure the Governors are well aware of what their legal powers are.

Now, think of the lawsuits if they failed to protect the public
to be enforced by reasonable regulations,
One man's trash is another man's treasure- reasonable is vague, intentionally ambiguous and highly subjective.
The use of force is never reasonable except in self defense. If regulations restrict one from going about his chosen pursuit due to a manufactured assertion that is the definition of UNreasonable. For an elected official to deem he/she or it has the moral authority to determine one person is better than another that is an egregious affront to the law and humanity. But, as we all know "reasonable regulations" and moral rarely meet and are never on the same sheet of music.
..the Consitution/laws books/etc are GUIDES--they can't have EVERY situation in them
Actually, the US Constitution is the rules elected to fed gov't idiots are to abide by.
All other matters, not enumerated, are left to the States.
1905 Supreme Court decision:

the liberty secured by the Fourteenth Amendment . . . consists, in part, in the right of a person ‘to live and work where he will.’" But it added: “in every well-ordered society . . . the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.
That says "reasonable regulations" -presuming in our system that there would be at least some legislative input- not capricious decrees by vainglorious Napoleon wannabees.
wonder how many constitutional lawyers and judges going to have a field day on some of these states . Most that come to mind is Michigan, NJ, and Calf

good luck with that.

The Constitution is so out dated in the areas of defining who can do what...I doubt there will be many victories.

Ambulance chasers are going to have a field day in GA and other places (again, not many victories perhaps) because the local Great Clips franchise is calling Tiffany back to work because the GDoH reopened hair salons the while the CDC guidelines advised against it.
The Constitution is so out dated in the areas of defining who can do what
No it's not. Reading comprehension is what's been, IMO, intentionally out dated.

Earlier this year...

the house impeached the blob

then they held onto the articles.

Why? Because nothing in the Constitution said they had to turn them over.

Now your amateur ass will make some crack about the democrats or Pelosi or both Or even career politicians. All of which ignores the issue all together. The Constitution is silent where it needs voice to eradicate chicanery and politicians taking advantage.
Now your amateur ass will make some crack about the democrats or Pelosi or both Or even career politicians. All of which ignores the issue all together. The Constitution is silent where it needs voice to eradicate chicanery and politicians taking advantage.
Are you suggesting you're a professional at something?
I actually think the whole of the District of Criminals is chicanery and crooks- I am a libertarian. I don't subscribe to left or right theology. I subscribe to what is in my signature in red- I did that hoping it wouldn't be missed by the "assumers" claiming to be something they aren't- most of which reverts back to my thought- a lack of reading comprehension is rampant- well, actually, reading comes before reading comprehension meaning you have to partake of what is made available to read.

The US Constitution is in simple English- it's when the alleged higher educated start their intentional misinterpreting the trouble begins- it appears the astute, pseudo intellectuals, over look that without word definition interpret doesn't exist- the authors were pretty fair linguist- they authored what they thought- what they thought was a key to establishing a fed gov't that wouldn't interfere in the lives of citizens by picking and choosing winners in the game of life- in fact they went to war over it and declared themselves independent of a centrally controlled (from distant entity) monarchy- a King, to be worshiped and forced adherence to his whims or desires, or, his cronies- of course the authors also understood that for the new gov't to work as intended men of virtue needed to be elected- enter interpreters intentionally misrepresenting their intentions- when the unelected engage in that practice it's called lying or bullshit- when politico's do it it's called political rhetoric and applauded by the ignorant who have been educated by a non-constitutional Mandate, Public Education- which again goes back to a lack of reading comprehension which is paramount to a proper education- brought to you by BOTH sides, financed by the same, publicly funded, Privately owned Bank which has granted an unlimited Credit Card to extend the US Hegemony World Wide, by either, hook, crook or Force- I'm pretty sure that wasn't the original intent of the Founders- what does your "expert ass" think?
Now your amateur ass will make some crack about the democrats or Pelosi or both Or even career politicians. All of which ignores the issue all together. The Constitution is silent where it needs voice to eradicate chicanery and politicians taking advantage.
Are you suggesting you're a professional at something?
I actually think the whole of the District of Criminals is chicanery and crooks- I am a libertarian. I don't subscribe to left or right theology. I subscribe to what is in my signature in red- I did that hoping it wouldn't be missed by the "assumers" claiming to be something they aren't- most of which reverts back to my thought- a lack of reading comprehension is rampant- well, actually, reading comes before reading comprehension meaning you have to partake of what is made available to read.

The US Constitution is in simple English- it's when the alleged higher educated start their intentional misinterpreting the trouble begins- it appears the astute, pseudo intellectuals, over look that without word definition interpret doesn't exist- the authors were pretty fair linguist- they authored what they thought- what they thought was a key to establishing a fed gov't that wouldn't interfere in the lives of citizens by picking and choosing winners in the game of life- in fact they went to war over it and declared themselves independent of a centrally controlled (from distant entity) monarchy- a King, to be worshiped and forced adherence to his whims or desires, or, his cronies- of course the authors also understood that for the new gov't to work as intended men of virtue needed to be elected- enter interpreters intentionally misrepresenting their intentions- when the unelected engage in that practice it's called lying or bullshit- when politico's do it it's called political rhetoric and applauded by the ignorant who have been educated by a non-constitutional Mandate, Public Education- which again goes back to a lack of reading comprehension which is paramount to a proper education- brought to you by BOTH sides, financed by the same, publicly funded, Privately owned Bank which has granted an unlimited Credit Card to extend the US Hegemony World Wide, by either, hook, crook or Force- I'm pretty sure that wasn't the original intent of the Founders- what does your "expert ass" think?

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