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Anyone Else's Family Blowing Up Over Politics?

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A part of my family is made up of right wing nut bags. They can calmly discuss how the new stop sign in town is a leftist/communist plot to take away their rights while talking about how their preacher's sermon on lying and adultery made allowances for grabbing pussy and birthers.

We are all sinners in the sight of God. That does not preclude a sinner from being a leader who does good things for people of faith.

Odd that I never heard that one time from a right winger before the great orange pussy grabber was elected.
A part of my family is made up of right wing nut bags. They can calmly discuss how the new stop sign in town is a leftist/communist plot to take away their rights while talking about how their preacher's sermon on lying and adultery made allowances for grabbing pussy and birthers.

We are all sinners in the sight of God. That does not preclude a sinner from being a leader who does good things for people of faith.

Odd that I never heard that one time from a right winger before the great orange pussy grabber was elected.

Then you haven't paid attention.
A part of my family is made up of right wing nut bags. They can calmly discuss how the new stop sign in town is a leftist/communist plot to take away their rights while talking about how their preacher's sermon on lying and adultery made allowances for grabbing pussy and birthers.

We are all sinners in the sight of God. That does not preclude a sinner from being a leader who does good things for people of faith.

Odd that I never heard that one time from a right winger before the great orange pussy grabber was elected.

Then you haven't paid attention.
A part of my family is made up of right wing nut bags. They can calmly discuss how the new stop sign in town is a leftist/communist plot to take away their rights while talking about how their preacher's sermon on lying and adultery made allowances for grabbing pussy and birthers.

We are all sinners in the sight of God. That does not preclude a sinner from being a leader who does good things for people of faith.

Odd that I never heard that one time from a right winger before the great orange pussy grabber was elected.

Then you haven't paid attention.

Oscar Schindler comes immediately to mind.
Odd that I never heard that one time from a right winger before the great orange pussy grabber was elected.

And though you go to sleep at night reciting this BS, none of it is true.

he was also a "Russian Colluder"....
his SCOTUS picks "rapists"....
"he relieved himself on prostitutes in germany"

NONE ever proven true....actually proven false....yet falsehoods you live and will die by.

If that is not insanity, never mind....it is
A part of my family is made up of right wing nut bags. They can calmly discuss how the new stop sign in town is a leftist/communist plot to take away their rights while talking about how their preacher's sermon on lying and adultery made allowances for grabbing pussy and birthers.

We are all sinners in the sight of God. That does not preclude a sinner from being a leader who does good things for people of faith.

Odd that I never heard that one time from a right winger before the great orange pussy grabber was elected.

Then you haven't paid attention.

Oscar Schindler comes immediately to mind.
You got something more recent? Or a republican? Perhaps someone less than 75 years ago?
Many of you have probably read my posts making reference to my older sister, who is the token leftist bully in my family (Mom has admitted that she fell on her head as a baby). This is a woman who threw an all-day screaming tantrum at our 80-year-old mother, threatening to throw her out of the house with nowhere to live, simply because Mom rather mildly defended Trump's Presidency. Everyone in the family basically avoids talking about politics or social issues anywhere that she might overhear, simply because we know that she'll immediately butt in and turn the event - whatever it might be - into an ugly screaming match, and no one considers the hassle to be worth it.

Well, no one until my oldest son, Nick.

My daughter, Nick's older sister, posted a shot of a Tweet on her Facebook, showing a chart with the differences between the two parties on certain subjects, obviously with a right-wing perspective.

Mind you, my daughter doesn't especially like my sister, and basically never talks to her, and never responds to anything she says or does on Facebook. This never stops my sister from feeling the need to interject into any politics-related post my daughter makes. This time, she felt the need to comment dismissively, about how it was all "kid information" (I assume this is in contrast to the deep, insightful analyses she posts about "Orange Man BAAAD!").

Nick happened to see this conversation (He's usually the only 24-year-old in North America who avoids Facebook). This was his response:

I feel it's very succinct. It's still important to the overall political sphere to remember what each side is advocating for outside of their presidential candidate, especially since Trump's saying the same things he's always said and nobody has any idea what Biden's actually saying.

Sis gave an almost boilerplate, hypocritical leftist answer:

The information given is not true or valid. It is skewed based on someone's misinterpretation and prejudice. There needs to be objectivity.

This from a woman who routinely re-posts attack articles from Vox.com.

Nick proceeded to write a lengthy essay back, basically telling my sister that she's a biased bully trying to silence anyone who disagrees with her bigoted perspective, and to back off of his "beloved older sister", as he put it. Now I'm just waiting for the family shit to hit the fan . . . although she may need a thesaurus to figure out that she's just been told. I didn't even know Facebook allowed posts that long. My favorite part was this:

And speaking of prejudices, this is coming from you, who responded to someone's post by referring to it as kid information, fundamentally devaluing them and their opinion by dismissing it off-hand as something you consider inferior and generally beneath you, and refuse to consider the position they find themselves in which leads them to believe that which they do as it objectively is. No, rather you refer to it as either idiocy or a malicious attempt to do exatly what you've just done to my beloved older sister, since you can't believe someone extremely intelligent and capable is able to view things in a different way than you view them.

Mind you, I'm proud of my kids, and I'm very proud that my son can verbally open up a can of whoop-ass on anyone, and that he's so energized AND thoughtful about the upcoming election. But . . . hoo BOY, is this about to get ugly.

Not sure any family fights quite the way mine does, but is anyone else's family re-enacting the Civil War over the upcoming election?
Has your Son made the realization that he will NEVER get to retire?
Many of you have probably read my posts making reference to my older sister, who is the token leftist bully in my family (Mom has admitted that she fell on her head as a baby). This is a woman who threw an all-day screaming tantrum at our 80-year-old mother, threatening to throw her out of the house with nowhere to live, simply because Mom rather mildly defended Trump's Presidency. Everyone in the family basically avoids talking about politics or social issues anywhere that she might overhear, simply because we know that she'll immediately butt in and turn the event - whatever it might be - into an ugly screaming match, and no one considers the hassle to be worth it.

Well, no one until my oldest son, Nick.

My daughter, Nick's older sister, posted a shot of a Tweet on her Facebook, showing a chart with the differences between the two parties on certain subjects, obviously with a right-wing perspective.

Mind you, my daughter doesn't especially like my sister, and basically never talks to her, and never responds to anything she says or does on Facebook. This never stops my sister from feeling the need to interject into any politics-related post my daughter makes. This time, she felt the need to comment dismissively, about how it was all "kid information" (I assume this is in contrast to the deep, insightful analyses she posts about "Orange Man BAAAD!").

Nick happened to see this conversation (He's usually the only 24-year-old in North America who avoids Facebook). This was his response:

I feel it's very succinct. It's still important to the overall political sphere to remember what each side is advocating for outside of their presidential candidate, especially since Trump's saying the same things he's always said and nobody has any idea what Biden's actually saying.

Sis gave an almost boilerplate, hypocritical leftist answer:

The information given is not true or valid. It is skewed based on someone's misinterpretation and prejudice. There needs to be objectivity.

This from a woman who routinely re-posts attack articles from Vox.com.

Nick proceeded to write a lengthy essay back, basically telling my sister that she's a biased bully trying to silence anyone who disagrees with her bigoted perspective, and to back off of his "beloved older sister", as he put it. Now I'm just waiting for the family shit to hit the fan . . . although she may need a thesaurus to figure out that she's just been told. I didn't even know Facebook allowed posts that long. My favorite part was this:

And speaking of prejudices, this is coming from you, who responded to someone's post by referring to it as kid information, fundamentally devaluing them and their opinion by dismissing it off-hand as something you consider inferior and generally beneath you, and refuse to consider the position they find themselves in which leads them to believe that which they do as it objectively is. No, rather you refer to it as either idiocy or a malicious attempt to do exatly what you've just done to my beloved older sister, since you can't believe someone extremely intelligent and capable is able to view things in a different way than you view them.

Mind you, I'm proud of my kids, and I'm very proud that my son can verbally open up a can of whoop-ass on anyone, and that he's so energized AND thoughtful about the upcoming election. But . . . hoo BOY, is this about to get ugly.

Not sure any family fights quite the way mine does, but is anyone else's family re-enacting the Civil War over the upcoming election?
Your problems are in the mirror. Look at your behavior here with anyone who disagrees with you.

And examine your response....

First of all, Cornball, you people aren't my family. You aren't anyone at all, from where I sit.

Second of all, didn't ask your opinion about my family, and can't express how much I don't value your opinion on that, or anything else.

Your problem is in thinking you're a person. Please look into that.

See what I mean? Of course you don't.

I didn't mention your family.

But I can see why they are keeping their distance from you.

Actually, I see what you think you're saying, and I also see what you're actually conveying.

If you're quite finished stalking me and humping my leg now, perhaps you could go see if there's a thread where people care what you have to say.
Not my family blood is thicker than politics.

I'm guessing that means either your entire family thinks the same, or one side has managed to utterly bully and cow the other into silence.
I wouldn't expect anything less from a small mind it shows how you function when you can't fathom people who can love someone no matter who they vote for...

English still isn't your strong suit, I see.

The phrase you were looking for was "I wouldn't expect anything MORE . . ." If you had three whole digits in your IQ, you'd understand what the words mean and see why your misquote is making me laugh at you . . . again. Of course, if you had three whole digits in your IQ, you wouldn't have produced THIS sad attempt to finally feel good about yourself in response to my OP.

Don't worry, I wouldn't have expected anything MORE from a non-existence mind like yours.
Many of you have probably read my posts making reference to my older sister, who is the token leftist bully in my family (Mom has admitted that she fell on her head as a baby). This is a woman who threw an all-day screaming tantrum at our 80-year-old mother, threatening to throw her out of the house with nowhere to live, simply because Mom rather mildly defended Trump's Presidency. Everyone in the family basically avoids talking about politics or social issues anywhere that she might overhear, simply because we know that she'll immediately butt in and turn the event - whatever it might be - into an ugly screaming match, and no one considers the hassle to be worth it.

Well, no one until my oldest son, Nick.

My daughter, Nick's older sister, posted a shot of a Tweet on her Facebook, showing a chart with the differences between the two parties on certain subjects, obviously with a right-wing perspective.

Mind you, my daughter doesn't especially like my sister, and basically never talks to her, and never responds to anything she says or does on Facebook. This never stops my sister from feeling the need to interject into any politics-related post my daughter makes. This time, she felt the need to comment dismissively, about how it was all "kid information" (I assume this is in contrast to the deep, insightful analyses she posts about "Orange Man BAAAD!").

Nick happened to see this conversation (He's usually the only 24-year-old in North America who avoids Facebook). This was his response:

I feel it's very succinct. It's still important to the overall political sphere to remember what each side is advocating for outside of their presidential candidate, especially since Trump's saying the same things he's always said and nobody has any idea what Biden's actually saying.

Sis gave an almost boilerplate, hypocritical leftist answer:

The information given is not true or valid. It is skewed based on someone's misinterpretation and prejudice. There needs to be objectivity.

This from a woman who routinely re-posts attack articles from Vox.com.

Nick proceeded to write a lengthy essay back, basically telling my sister that she's a biased bully trying to silence anyone who disagrees with her bigoted perspective, and to back off of his "beloved older sister", as he put it. Now I'm just waiting for the family shit to hit the fan . . . although she may need a thesaurus to figure out that she's just been told. I didn't even know Facebook allowed posts that long. My favorite part was this:

And speaking of prejudices, this is coming from you, who responded to someone's post by referring to it as kid information, fundamentally devaluing them and their opinion by dismissing it off-hand as something you consider inferior and generally beneath you, and refuse to consider the position they find themselves in which leads them to believe that which they do as it objectively is. No, rather you refer to it as either idiocy or a malicious attempt to do exatly what you've just done to my beloved older sister, since you can't believe someone extremely intelligent and capable is able to view things in a different way than you view them.

Mind you, I'm proud of my kids, and I'm very proud that my son can verbally open up a can of whoop-ass on anyone, and that he's so energized AND thoughtful about the upcoming election. But . . . hoo BOY, is this about to get ugly.

Not sure any family fights quite the way mine does, but is anyone else's family re-enacting the Civil War over the upcoming election?
Same here with my oldest son. Total leftist asshole.
Thankfully, everyone in my family are Trump supporters and will vote for him in the 2020 election. They rarely talk politics, and don't let the political craziness going on in Washington D.C. control their lives. ... :cool:

Everyone in my family is conservative, except my sister. Oh, if only she hadn't fallen off that bed when she was little.
Oscar Schindler comes immediately to mind.

Until Trump was elected, evangelicals said character was important. Now they don't.

Funny that.

Hey, wow, not the topic. Maybe you could go start your own thread about your subject, instead of trying to hijack mine . . . oh, that wouldn't work, because no one's interested in what you have to say. Sorry.
Odd that I never heard that one time from a right winger before the great orange pussy grabber was elected.

And though you go to sleep at night reciting this BS, none of it is true.

he was also a "Russian Colluder"....
his SCOTUS picks "rapists"....
"he relieved himself on prostitutes in germany"

NONE ever proven true....actually proven false....yet falsehoods you live and will die by.

If that is not insanity, never mind....it is

Please don't encourage the trolls in their attempts to make every thread about "I hate Trump, and the whole world has to be about how much I hate Trump!!"

The topic of the thread is family conflict due to the election. Did you have something to say about that, or did you want to have a discussion about hating President Trump somewhere other than here?
A part of my family is made up of right wing nut bags. They can calmly discuss how the new stop sign in town is a leftist/communist plot to take away their rights while talking about how their preacher's sermon on lying and adultery made allowances for grabbing pussy and birthers.

We are all sinners in the sight of God. That does not preclude a sinner from being a leader who does good things for people of faith.

Odd that I never heard that one time from a right winger before the great orange pussy grabber was elected.

Then you haven't paid attention.

Oscar Schindler comes immediately to mind.
You got something more recent? Or a republican? Perhaps someone less than 75 years ago?

You got something to say on the thread topic?
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