Anyone Guessing It's Going To Be A 50/50 Vote, Then Pence Needs To Step In?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: This is what it looks like for now, If Manchin says says, and two red state Dem's also say yes, that should take us to 50/50, and thats assuming Moo Cowski and Collins vote no.
Is the suspense killing anyone yet?

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: This is what it looks like for now, If Manchin says says, and two red state Dem's also say yes, that should take us to 50/50, and thats assuming Moo Cowski and Collins vote no.
Is the suspense killing anyone yet?

/——/ democRATs need Kav on the court as a fundraiser and campaign issue for the midterms.
I don’t think that will happen I think Murkowski, Collins and Flake along with Democrats Manchin and Heitkamp will vote yes. They will put on a show and act like it was a really tough decision for them but they will do it this is based on the FBI finding no big bombshell which I don’t think they will.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: This is what it looks like for now, If Manchin says says, and two red state Dem's also say yes, that should take us to 50/50, and thats assuming Moo Cowski and Collins vote no.
Is the suspense killing anyone yet?


If anything it should show just how flawed a candidate Kavanaugh is. He can't hardly get a simple majority.
If there were still the filibuster rule, kavanaugh would have been gone a long time ago.
I don’t think that will happen I think Murkowski, Collins and Flake along with Democrats Manchin and Heitkamp will vote yes. They will put on a show and act like it was a really tough decision for them but they will do it this is based on the FBI finding no big bombshell which I don’t think they will.
According to hasty polls done last week, over half of Maine wants Collins to vote no. If she were a confirmed yes she would not be staging this hesitancy. Something is up with her. I don't know what.
I personally think if any Democrat wants to show they are a FAIR and HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY PERSON, the vote should be 60-40 for Kavanaugh after The FBI report comes out.

I say 60-40 when it should be 100-0 because at least 20 of the DemNazi Senators are just pure EVIL and just don't give a fuck about American values like truth or justice.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: This is what it looks like for now, If Manchin says says, and two red state Dem's also say yes, that should take us to 50/50, and thats assuming Moo Cowski and Collins vote no.
Is the suspense killing anyone yet?


If anything it should show just how flawed a candidate Kavanaugh is. He can't hardly get a simple majority.
If there were still the filibuster rule, kavanaugh would have been gone a long time ago.
But you cant ever tell us how flawed he is, can you?
I watched the Senate on the floor the other day and the Republican whip said that all Senators will be getting a general review of the official FBI report before voting.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: This is what it looks like for now, If Manchin says says, and two red state Dem's also say yes, that should take us to 50/50, and thats assuming Moo Cowski and Collins vote no.
Is the suspense killing anyone yet?


If anything it should show just how flawed a candidate Kavanaugh is. He can't hardly get a simple majority.
If there were still the filibuster rule, kavanaugh would have been gone a long time ago.
Say Thank You Harry Reid.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: This is what it looks like for now, If Manchin says says, and two red state Dem's also say yes, that should take us to 50/50, and thats assuming Moo Cowski and Collins vote no.
Is the suspense killing anyone yet?


If anything it should show just how flawed a candidate Kavanaugh is. He can't hardly get a simple majority.
If there were still the filibuster rule, kavanaugh would have been gone a long time ago.
That has nothing to do with Kavanaugh being a flawed candidate. It has everything to do with partisan politics and the democrat resistance to the SCOTUS swinging conservative.
I don’t think that will happen I think Murkowski, Collins and Flake along with Democrats Manchin and Heitkamp will vote yes. They will put on a show and act like it was a really tough decision for them but they will do it this is based on the FBI finding no big bombshell which I don’t think they will.
According to hasty polls done last week, over half of Maine wants Collins to vote no. If she were a confirmed yes she would not be staging this hesitancy. Something is up with her. I don't know what.
I have no doubt all five will act like they are undecided right up till the vote but unless the FBI delivers a shocker in their report I think all of them vote yes. We will see the norms have gone out the window here and aren’t likely to return.
I don’t think that will happen I think Murkowski, Collins and Flake along with Democrats Manchin and Heitkamp will vote yes. They will put on a show and act like it was a really tough decision for them but they will do it this is based on the FBI finding no big bombshell which I don’t think they will.
According to hasty polls done last week, over half of Maine wants Collins to vote no. If she were a confirmed yes she would not be staging this hesitancy. Something is up with her. I don't know what.

Would she be staging this hesitancy if she were a confirmed NO? If what you say is true about half of Maine wanting a YES vote and the other half wanting a NO vote, then I think you'd have to assume she's just waiting for the FBI Report to come out so she has some political cover to vote YES. Or NO if something damaging surfaces in the report against Kavanaugh. Or she's waiting for further developments that could shift her vote one way or the other. Probably the same thing with the other Senators who are on the fence. Hard for me to believe all 3 Repubs will go against their party, Flake might cuz he's retiring but the other two would be in serious trouble in their own party if they vote no. Then there's a few Senate Dems who are running tight races in Trump states, what are the odds they lose their re-election bid if they vote NO?

One other thought, when you have this kind of power that those 3 Repub Senators have, if not beyond the realm of possibility that they're using it against McConnell to get some concession of some kind. I vote for Kavanaugh and you give me this and that kind of thing. Not saying that's the case cuz I haven't heard the 1st whisper about anything like this, just that it's not out of the question.

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