Anyone Not North Korean Currently In The DPRK -


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
- is an idiot or a fool. Take your pick.

Here's the parade. Been going for four hours. Things may pop before Sunday.

- is an idiot or a fool. Take your pick.

Here's the parade. Been going for four hours. Things may pop before Sunday.

You're joking, right?

This stuff has been has been going on in the peninsula for more than 60 years. The region has been on the 'brink of war' more than a dozen times during that period.

DPRK provokes, we respond, they threaten, we de-escalate, and the North gets concessions.

This has been the pattern of the relationship with the North for decades.
Lil Kim always threatens then we send money and he shuts up until next time.

Surprise, we aren't sending money anymore.
- is an idiot or a fool. Take your pick.

Here's the parade. Been going for four hours. Things may pop before Sunday.

You're joking, right?

This stuff has been has been going on in the peninsula for more than 60 years. The region has been on the 'brink of war' more than a dozen times during that period.

Yes. I meant they'd been streaming it for four hours.

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