Anyone notice how violent the left has gotten SINCE Obama became potus?


Suddenly it's like Gabby Giffords never happened.


The shooter of Giffords shared many of the radical Lefty views and violence you find throughout OWS tents and union shops, not Tea Party rallies.
liberals are by nature violent people, and the so called "peaceful" ones won't don't even have the spine to stand up and say stop the violence. did anyone hear bamie come out and admonish the union thugs? I didn't.
Well, the GOP is definately learning from 6Nov12. If you haven't alienated enough people to win that election, alienate some more. As it begins to seep through to a lot of working people just what the intentions of the GOP is concerning lowering workers wages through right to work laws, you will see a lot more participation in the electorial process by the people adversly affected by support of such laws. 2014!

It amazes me how so many people just aren't getting it. 2014 could get really ugly for the Republicans if they don't wake up soon.

2014 could get really ugly for Democrats if they keep up their childish gloating over the win of a thug, who, because of his (half) race was impervious and immune to any criticism.

2016 could and probably will get even uglier.

A winning party usually wears out its welcome after 8 years.
liberals are by nature violent people, and the so called "peaceful" ones won't don't even have the spine to stand up and say stop the violence. did anyone hear bamie come out and admonish the union thugs? I didn't.

I remember the '70's. Nobody was more hateful and violent towards the returning Viet Nam veterans than the peacenick Democrats/liberals/draft-dodgers, whose sons and daughters would be just as happy to spit on the returning Afganistan and Iraq veterans if it wasn't so politically incorrect.
Kochsuckers and teabaggers hate it when the left fights back. I love it...

I see it right now as WE are fighting back and YOU guys are LOSING!
That's what's pissing you off so much, we are fighting back, the unions are losing, and you guys are crying like babies!!! You know we're going to win this fight! Lol!

And how is your life going to get better, the more unions are weakened? Specifically.


1. People will realize that slackers CAN be fired.

2. People will realize that putting a screw in place every 5 minutes on an assembly line is NOT worth $50.00 an hour and will have the honesty to admit it.

3. People will realize that it is legal stealing that their pension is worth more than their earnings while "working" as in the case in California public sector "workers". And will have the honesty to admit it.

4. Consumers will realize that boozers and drug addicts can not go out in their lunch time, load up their bodies and minds with drugs and come back to "work" and build a quality product, and stop buying the government subsidized crap. Like Chrysler or GM.

5. Reasonable people will realize that for business and labor to co-exist peacefully and profitably is mutual respect, NOT confrontation and violence.

I could go on, but I hope you get the point.
Unionist logic:

The whole fight started when that right wing red neck hit back.
Some rightwingers start some fights in Michigan,

and the rightwing propaganda machine blames the violence on the Left.

...right out of the rightwing playbook.

ah yes, it's the OTHER person who started it, typical Union bully all should just MAN it is you who are the pussies


Some of us know better.

I'm glad I'm not the only person remembers that.
It's mind boggling. They win and they get MORE violent.

I dread what the next republican president will go through.

Hilary Clinton is a democrat.

4 more years of failed obama and he will be the last democrat president for 60 years or more. Who are you going to blame when obama cannot get the economy going?

No way. In four years the dependent class will be so huge, it will be impossible to overcome. Democrats don't care whether the economy gets going or not. It's the maximum amount of benefit to the maximum number of people. They carry that right up to the point of total paralysis.

"Steven Crowder, the Fox News contributor and Breitbart acolyte who admits he went to Lansing, Michigan union protests looking for trouble and is now touting, with a lot of help from Fox News, a highly-edited video showing him getting punched by “union thugs,” was on Hannity again tonight. But this time, there was another guest who accused Crowder of pushing the man to the ground first. Hannity denied that happened. But Crowder never did."

It's mind boggling. They win and they get MORE violent.

I dread what the next republican president will go through.

Yes i did notice how violent that ASS KICKING was for the republicans. It's mind boggling how far that donkey stuck it's foot up the republicans ass...... :lol::lol::lol:

I too dread what the next republican president will go through.
Does Chaos benefit you, SixtyOne? In what way?

No chaos don't benefit me dude, how about you? In what way?

Btw, if they can't and don't want a ass kicking they need to step out of the way. It was a violent thing to see that little donkey kick that Big Ol' Booty elephant ass....:lol:
No more violent or threatening than the TPM or Occupied. All have been and will be easily contained.

Gramps, we Americans are a violent people.

It's mind boggling. They win and they get MORE violent.

I dread what the next republican president will go through.
No sensible person believes anything coming out of the rightwing propaganda machine until objective factual evidence has proven it to be true beyond a reasonable doubt.

I think Jon Stewart correctly dubbed thee "Bullshit Mountain". Very fitting.

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