Anyone notice the leftists are reporting conservatives more and more?

Yeah, you like Make America Great to break down in tears. You hate America don't you?
America is already great....why don't you think it is? Why are you running down America? Is it because it's not more like trump's fav, Russia?
MAGA goes on the base that we are not great now.
Southern invasion, food shortages, high gas prices, wars everywhere, fbi became gestapo, crime rampant, etc, etc. We didn't have that when the orange man was president.

Not to mention leaving billions in weapons, aircraft and other equipment over Afghanistan.
Fuck you, Lefty, how's that you broken down asshole

You assholes can't see the difference between Trump's America and your Dementia Ridden s Pedo?

You're too fcking stupid to live...and stay out of my messages
So very salty.
You always try to play the "what about game" but badly.

Before and after Trump the economy, unemployment, GDP, and the deficit were better.

Reagan better.
Bush better
Clinton much better.
Bush better.
Obama much better .
Biden better.

It's Bidum the Pedo and Trump. Who's America was better. Take your little time mod badge off and try being honest. I don't even like Trump but I'm honest.... you can't be and it shows
Define what is worse.

You should probably pay attention to whats happening in this country.
There have been at least three posts in this thread,one of them mine,telling you exactly whats wrong with this country.
You liberals always seem to lack in memory so I'll give you another quick rundown.
Insane gas prices,outrageous inflation,open borders,empty store shelves,no baby formula,giving billions to foreign countries when we desperately need that money here after biden fucked our economy up.
Dont ask again,because we know that you know whats wrong with bidens America.
You clowns use the same tactics over and over. Asking for info thats been repeated time and time again.
America is already great....why don't you think it is? Why are you running down America? Is it because it's not more like trump's fav, Russia?
Let's see, Democrats promoting transgendering for children, teaching kids whites are racist, highest fuel prices, rising food prices, Americans and America's friends abandoned in Afghanistan, POTUS saying half of the American voters are 'fascists,' bringing the DOJ down on a former POTUS for documents, taking money from our enemies for personal wealth, sicing the IRS on middle income folks.....Just to name a few things that DO NOT make America great.

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