anyone on this forum have a pic of the assault "rifle" used at Sandy Hook

Who cares about speed, its accuracy that defines good gun control.
OK. We will just redefine what is to be controlled. Any weopon designed as a military weopon. Any semi with a magazine of more than five shots. Any pistol with a magazine of more than six shots.

And, since you want to be difficult, we will now require that all guns be insured according to the ability of the weopon to inflict damage. You have multiple assault weopons, you have, maybe, and insurance bill equal to your paycheck.

You people continue to be part of the problem, instead of seeking to solve this plague of murder in our society, you will be ignored and ran right over.

Works for me!

30 shots in under ten seconds. 2 seconds to put in a new magazine. Perfect weopoon for cleaning out crowded malls or first and second grade school rooms.
If it only takes two seconds to change magazines, your hoped-for limitation of 10-round magazines really won't make much difference, will it?

Two seconds where someone can stop the shooter...

Which by the way, is EXACTLY how they tackled Loughner when he stopped to reload.

He didn't stop to reload...his gun jammed. (Which is common for oversized magazines.)
OK. We will just redefine what is to be controlled.

And this is why you folks need to stop arguing definitions. The Leftytoons know damn well what is and isn't an assault rifle. They just don't care because they want anything that goes bang gone.
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30 shots in under ten seconds. 2 seconds to put in a new magazine. Perfect weopoon for cleaning out crowded malls or first and second grade school rooms.

How exactly do you pull the trigger 30 times in under 10 ,seconds and on top of that, hit what you are aiming at. How about we stick to reality. ;)

I'm right at six aimed shots in three seconds with my Model 29 (which has a MUCH longer trigger pull than any rifle, being a revolver)...many people are much faster. My uncle has put six shots on a paint can at 100 yards in <2 seconds.

Not my fault your hand-eye coordination sucks rocks.

Note: six shots in less than half a second was done more than 80 years ago. It's simply a matter of practice.
Not my fault your hand-eye coordination sucks rocks.

Note: six shots in less than half a second was done more than 80 years ago. It's simply a matter of practice.

It was 5 shots in .45 of a second by Ed McGivern, who was phenomenal.
No, it wasn't, Joey. The AWB was a piece of feel-good fluff, a ban on mean-looking guns, no more and no less. But you knew that, of course...well, unless you really ARE as dumb as you act on here.

Right. People who pass laws really didn't intend for the law to work.

And you have the nerve to call other people stupid.

The Gun Manufacturers just redesigned the guns so they wouldn't meet the ban, then we tighten up the defintion.

If it isn't a revolver or a bolt-action rifle, it's an assault weapon and illegal. And posessing one is a crime. Period.

Works for me. And if you chucked out $1000.00 for one, it sucks to be you.

Problem solved.
No, it wasn't, Joey. The AWB was a piece of feel-good fluff, a ban on mean-looking guns, no more and no less. But you knew that, of course...well, unless you really ARE as dumb as you act on here.

Right. People who pass laws really didn't intend for the law to work.

And you have the nerve to call other people stupid.

The Gun Manufacturers just redesigned the guns so they wouldn't meet the ban, then we tighten up the defintion.

If it isn't a revolver or a bolt-action rifle, it's an assault weapon and illegal. And posessing one is a crime. Period.

Works for me. And if you chucked out $1000.00 for one, it sucks to be you.

Problem solved.
That leaves out lever actions and pumps. A pump shotgun in the hands of someone practiced in its use would be devastating in a school.
So looks like your ideas fail. Again. For the 10,000th time.
No, it wasn't, Joey. The AWB was a piece of feel-good fluff, a ban on mean-looking guns, no more and no less. But you knew that, of course...well, unless you really ARE as dumb as you act on here.

Right. People who pass laws really didn't intend for the law to work.

And you have the nerve to call other people stupid.

The Gun Manufacturers just redesigned the guns so they wouldn't meet the ban, then we tighten up the defintion.

If it isn't a revolver or a bolt-action rifle, it's an assault weapon and illegal. And possessing one is a crime. Period.

Works for me. And if you chucked out $1000.00 for one, it sucks to be you.

Problem solved.

Well...that answers that. You really ARE as dumb as a bag of hammers.

Then again, pretty much everyone except you already knew that.
That leaves out lever actions and pumps. A pump shotgun in the hands of someone practiced in its use would be devastating in a school.
So looks like your ideas fail. Again. For the 10,000th time.

You win. Ban all guns, no compensation... Jail time for anyone who refuses to turn his in.
That leaves out lever actions and pumps. A pump shotgun in the hands of someone practiced in its use would be devastating in a school.
So looks like your ideas fail. Again. For the 10,000th time.

You win. Ban all guns, no compensation... Jail time for anyone who refuses to turn his in.

How well did just registration work in Canada? What makes you think it will go over any better here, where we actually have the constitutional right?

Canada set to repeal registration of hunting rifles, shotguns - The Lakeland Times - Minocqua, Wisc.

Another Joe-fail.
But at least we've seen you don't give a shit about the Constitution. Like most liberals.
That leaves out lever actions and pumps. A pump shotgun in the hands of someone practiced in its use would be devastating in a school.
So looks like your ideas fail. Again. For the 10,000th time.

You win. Ban all guns, no compensation... Jail time for anyone who refuses to turn his in.

How well did just registration work in Canada? What makes you think it will go over any better here, where we actually have the constitutional right?

Canada set to repeal registration of hunting rifles, shotguns - The Lakeland Times - Minocqua, Wisc.

Another Joe-fail.
But at least we've seen you don't give a shit about the Constitution. Like most liberals.

I'm all for the constitution. I think WELL REGULATED MILITIA's are the way to go, dude.

Incidently Canada has vastly more restrictions on gun ownership than we have...
Canadian Gun Laws...

In Canada, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms, except those registered before 197850, handguns with a barrel of 105mm or less in length, and specifically modified handguns, rifles or shotguns51

Regulation of Automatic Assault Weapons
In Canada, private possession of fully automatic weapons is prohibited, except those registered before 197850 51

Regulation of Semiautomatic Assault Weapons
In Canada, private possession of semi-automatic assault weapons is prohibited with only narrow exemptions52 50 51

Regulation of Handguns
In Canada, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted, with an authorization to carry50 51 53 54
You win. Ban all guns, no compensation... Jail time for anyone who refuses to turn his in.

How well did just registration work in Canada? What makes you think it will go over any better here, where we actually have the constitutional right?

Canada set to repeal registration of hunting rifles, shotguns - The Lakeland Times - Minocqua, Wisc.

Another Joe-fail.
But at least we've seen you don't give a shit about the Constitution. Like most liberals.

I'm all for the constitution. I think WELL REGULATED MILITIA's are the way to go, dude.

Incidently Canada has vastly more restrictions on gun ownership than we have...

Yes, so does Mexico. How is that working out for them?

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