Anyone Remember the ACA, a/k/a Obama Care?


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
There are a lot of crucial issues that are destined to be affected by the result of the Presidential election: judicial appointments to the Supreme Court, Circuit Courts of Appeal, and District Courts; the formulation and execution of foreign policy; national security; military funding and readiness; and fiscal policy.

There's now another important issue out there that our next President will have to deal with: Obama's ticking time bomb he is leaving behind known as Obama Care. It is on the precipice of a death spiral. As many of us predicted, this industry changing law is greatly increasing the risk pools and the degree of risk for insurers. They are losing money. This is not sustainable because young people in good health are not buying into it. The consequence is that the insurers are raising their premiums. They have to; they have no choice.

Being self employed I have to provide my own health and hospitalization coverage for my son and I. I purchased a policy years ago and it was grandfathered in so I did not lose it. There were no significant premium increases post ACA, to begin with. However, starting this year my premium spiked over 40% above what it was the prior year. I can afford it, but how much will it increase next year or the year after that? By the way, I cannot adjust my coverage in any way (eg, mitigating the premium increase by increasing the deductible) because any change I make will cause me to forfeit my grandfathered policy and cause me to have to buy an Obama Care policy. Hmmmm... Even though I like my policy I don't get to keep it, unless I pay through the nose for it. As an aside, am I really keeping MY policy that I like if it now costs me twice as much as it did before Obama started fiddling with health insurance? It is not really what I had before if it costs so much now, is it?

At this point it should go without saying that the ACA is designed to fail. It is, in pure Alinsky fashion, designed to create a crisis - a death spiral in the insurance industry. This will create a market need for another option. Enter the "single payer" system, a European socialist style system where we, the taxpayers, pay for 100% of everybody's medical care. The cost of this system? Increased wait times, rationed medical procedures, sub-par service and facilities, and complete loss of consumer CHOICE.

I don't have any reason to believe that any Republican nominee now in the running will allow this to happen. But Hillary? I have no doubt whatsoever that this Alinskyite will allow the insurance to die. Ushering in a European style of socialized medicine will be a hallmark of her legacy. She will love it. How about Bernie? Well, his chances of getting the nomination is, and always has been, a silly joke. But yes, he would love to see a single payer system.

Who is elected our next President absolutely will determine, or at the very least greatly influence, the future of our healthcare system. Granted, Congress has a role as well. But if Congress remains Republican and Hillary is elected, or if a Republican is elected President and the balance of power on the shill shifts so that Republicans no longer control both houses, then we face the possibility of gridlock. The result of gridlock is that nothing is done, and we have to sit here and watch the insurance industry go down the drain, your health coverage with it.

You voters better think long and hard about this. I can afford my coverage and my carrier is large and will not go out of business anytime soon. So I will probably maintain my coverage through the death spiral. Even if I do not then I will self pay for any treatment and care that my son and I need. But YOU will not. Do you really think that Hillary or Bernie can waive a magic wand and make everything immediately better? If our system collapses there is going to be a prolonged period of crisis in the industry. And right now, with inertia as the guiding political force, this is where we are headed.
Prior to the ACA, health ins cost have been rising and rising .

Do you think your plan would be fine without the ACA ever coming into play ??
Obamacare should be ruthlessly enforced until libs cry uncle...and then let them suffer awhile more so they never want to go back to it
Obamacare should be ruthlessly enforced until libs cry uncle...and then let them suffer awhile more so they never want to go back to it

Bla bla bla . Since 2010 the ACA has been the end of days ! Yet here we are.

Death panels anyone ???
Obamacare should be ruthlessly enforced until libs cry uncle...and then let them suffer awhile more so they never want to go back to it

Bla bla bla . Since 2010 the ACA has been the end of days ! Yet here we are.

Death panels anyone ???
Admitted to by libs

What's admitted to?

Look. I can't say if it's gonna work or not . All I know is what I can see . Cause there is so much misinformation over the ACA that I've given up believing anything .
Prior to the ACA, health ins cost have been rising and rising .

Do you think your plan would be fine without the ACA ever coming into play ??
Maybe health care costs would not have risen so much if Humans were not forced to cover the care for the taco eating sub human cockroaches that sneak across our border with the blessing of the liberals.
At this point it should go without saying that the ACA is designed to fail. It is, in pure Alinsky fashion, designed to create a crisis - a death spiral in the insurance industry. This will create a market need for another option. Enter the "single payer" system
This is what progressives do...they break the very thing they want to change so we will beg them to fix it. But "it" never gets fixed because basic rules of commerce and freedom totally escapes them.
At this point it should go without saying that the ACA is designed to fail. It is, in pure Alinsky fashion, designed to create a crisis - a death spiral in the insurance industry. This will create a market need for another option. Enter the "single payer" system
This is what progressives do...they break the very thing they want to change so we will beg them to fix it. But "it" never gets fixed because basic rules of commerce and freedom totally escapes them.
Thats not just the progressives. anytime either side of the government "fixes" something, they do it by breaking something else.
the only true fix they could initiate would be to totally get the government out of whatever is broken and let the industry fix itself.
Prior to the ACA, health ins cost have been rising and rising .

Do you think your plan would be fine without the ACA ever coming into play ??

I was too busy spending the $2500 I saved to worry about it.
Prior to the ACA, health ins cost have been rising and rising .

Do you think your plan would be fine without the ACA ever coming into play ??

It was not promised pre-Obamacare that the cost would decrease. Not sure if it went up 8 percent like it did last year and threatens to go up even more this year.
Thats not just the progressives. anytime either side of the government "fixes" something, they do it by breaking something else.
the only true fix they could initiate would be to totally get the government out of whatever is broken and let the industry fix itself

There was a time when one of the two major political parties wanted to do just that. At least that's what they stated. Now who knows?
Prior to the ACA, health ins cost have been rising and rising .

Do you think your plan would be fine without the ACA ever coming into play ??
Maybe health care costs would not have risen so much if Humans were not forced to cover the care for the taco eating sub human cockroaches that sneak across our border with the blessing of the liberals.

More like health tech has made leaps n bounds .

The old days, if antibiotics couldn't fix it , you be dead!!

Not so much anymore .
Prior to the ACA, health ins cost have been rising and rising .

Do you think your plan would be fine without the ACA ever coming into play ??

I was too busy spending the $2500 I saved to worry about it.

When I switched jobs (ten years ago) I looked at cobra . It was insane .

But let's alll compare . What do we pay ?

I earn a paycheck . Pay like $40 a week for ins, I do have a $250 deductable every year plus company's that vary . HMO.

I consider myself lucky .
Prior to the ACA, health ins cost have been rising and rising .

Do you think your plan would be fine without the ACA ever coming into play ??
The point is that the ACA altered the insurance industry fundamentally. Insurance is about risk allocation and valuation. When you, however, mandate coverage for certain things without regard to risk and require that pre-existing conditions be included in the risk pool, then it is no longer insurance. It is welfare.

Was the old system perfect? No. But that is not the point. THINK!
Obamacare should be ruthlessly enforced until libs cry uncle...and then let them suffer awhile more so they never want to go back to it

Bla bla bla . Since 2010 the ACA has been the end of days ! Yet here we are.

Death panels anyone ???
Admitted to by libs

What's admitted to?

Look. I can't say if it's gonna work or not . All I know is what I can see . Cause there is so much misinformation over the ACA that I've given up believing anything .
Yep, and you are doing your part to spread that misinformation, aren't you, numb nuts?

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