Anyone remember the full page ad in the NYT advocating AGAINST invading Iraq?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011

Too bad you people, such as [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & 10-20+/- other cons/repub drones on this board, keep saying that Iraq was a brilliant foreign policy move :rofl: , were too busy lapping-up what Dick, Condi, & Colin were spoon-feeding them :(

Heres just ONE POINT made in the full page ad run prior to Bu$h II's war:
26 September 2002 New York Times Advertisement
Even if we win easily, we have no plausible exit strategy. Iraq is a deeply divided society that the United States would have to occupy and police for many years to create a viable state.

This guy was a signatory and was interviewed on cspan. Needless to say, he pointed-out the obvious :up: Invading Iraq was a collossal foreign policy disaster that broke America's economic back.

Shibley Telhami
June 22, 2014
Sunni-Shiite Conflict in Iraq

Shibley Telhami talked about the history of Islamic sects in Iraq. Topics included the differences between Sunnis, Shias, and Kurd. He also discussed the history of sharia law and the region as it had been under the rule of Saddam Hussein.

TOLD YOU SO :boohoo: Thanks A LOT chickenhawks :thup:
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^ Here's Iraq after we removed Saddam


^Here's Iraq after Obama switch sides to support Islamic Jihad
you already played that card Frank57. Malaki is "our guy" is a FAIL strategy. "Keeping a lid on it", at GREAT cost in blood & treasure, due to our backing the aforementioned guy, is NOT a winning occupation strategy as well.

Care to try again?
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Are the Democrats who voted to go to war in Iraq anywhere to be found?

And if Iraq after being liberated from a tyrant can't find a way to run their country...
Well here we are.
How could you expect the right to listen to anything in the media when they've been told that only Rupert Murdoch tells them the "truth"?

How did you expect the right to listen to people from universities after being told that every university except the ones that are explicitly republican are liberal therefore wrong?

How did you expect the right to listen to people with opposing opinions about going to war when the right made the choice either "with us or against us"? I mean, how can you go against the US?
you already played that card Frank57. Malaki is our guy" is a FAIL strategy. "Keeping a lid on it", at GREAT cost in blood & treasure, due to our backing the aforementioned guy, is NOT a winning occupation strategy as well.

Care to try again?

Obama threw it all away when he switched side to support the Jihadists
Are the Democrats who voted to go to war in Iraq anywhere to be found?

And if Iraq after being liberated from a tyrant can't find a way to run their country...
Well here we are.

I love how you try to spread the blame around equally. The shooter, the getaway driver, the middle man and the person who drew up the plans all go down for murder one.

Except when its a success...
you already played that card Frank57. Malaki is our guy" is a FAIL strategy. "Keeping a lid on it", at GREAT cost in blood & treasure, due to our backing the aforementioned guy, is NOT a winning occupation strategy as well.

Care to try again?

Obama threw it all away when he switched side to support the Jihadists

you people and your rw hyperbole. :blahblah: How many decades of occupation do repub chickenhawks, like Cheney, need to win a war of choice? AND who is going to pay for it?

Too bad Condi didn't have the spine to stand up to Dick or at least resign instead of signing onto the biggest foreign policy disaster in a generation. :(
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Obama's been a blessing to Al Qaeda. I think he only killed AQ leaders who would not accept him and Val Jrrett as their new leaders

AQ is now far better off than even before the start of the GWOT because they have state sponsorship of the USA and Barack Hussein Obama
you already played that card Frank57. Malaki is our guy" is a FAIL strategy. "Keeping a lid on it", at GREAT cost in blood & treasure, due to our backing the aforementioned guy, is NOT a winning occupation strategy as well.

Care to try again?

Obama threw it all away when he switched side to support the Jihadists

you people and your rw hyperbole. How many decades of occupation do repub chickenhawks, like Cheney, need to win a war of choice? AND who is going to pay for it?

Too bad condi didn't have the spine to stand up to Dick or at least resign instead of signing onto the biggest foreign policy disaster in a generation. :(


^ Here's the Iraq that was entrusted to Obama


^ Here's Iraq under Obama and Al Qaeda
Obama's been a blessing to Al Qaeda. I think he only killed AQ leaders who would not accept him and Val Jrrett as their new leaders

AQ is now far better off than even before the start of the GWOT because they have state sponsorship of the USA and Barack Hussein Obama

I think you might be in the wrong sub-forum Frank57. :eusa_hand: The Rubber Room is that -> way

AGAIN, these scholars were right & Dick & Bush Jr ignored them:

(from OP source FROM 2002)
Even if we win easily, we have no plausible exit strategy. Iraq is a deeply divided society that the United States would have to occupy and police for many years to create a viable state.
Obama threw it all away when he switched side to support the Jihadists

you people and your rw hyperbole. How many decades of occupation do repub chickenhawks, like Cheney, need to win a war of choice? AND who is going to pay for it?

Too bad condi didn't have the spine to stand up to Dick or at least resign instead of signing onto the biggest foreign policy disaster in a generation. :(


^ Here's the Iraq that was entrusted to Obama


^ Here's Iraq under Obama and Al Qaeda


Ahh the good old Bush years when Contractor Pinata's were in season....Such a peaceful time
Iraq was standing. It might have been wobbly, but it was on the way when Bush left office.

The disaster came when obama took Iraq in a new direction. The current disaster in Iraq occurred because obama armed ISIS in Syria. Had that not happened, Assad would have put down that rebellion in days and there would never have been an ISIS.
Iraq was standing. It might have been wobbly, but it was on the way when Bush left office.

The disaster came when obama took Iraq in a new direction. The current disaster in Iraq occurred because obama armed ISIS in Syria. Had that not happened, Assad would have put down that rebellion in days and there would never have been an ISIS.

Great Success!

As of June 26, 2011, there have been 550 foreign private contractor deaths in Iraq as part of the Iraq war. Of those, 257 are Americans and 59 Britons.[2][3] 225 of those killed were private military contractors or PMC's.

In addition, at least 938 Iraqi private contractors have been killed for a total of 1,487 contractors dead.[4]

As of June 20, 2012, there have been 1569 U.S. private contractor deaths in Iraq

Like a Baws!
It is perfectly legitimate to recall the arguments against invatind Iraq and say, "I told you so."

On the other hand, Bush43 did go through the proper steps to get Congressional authorization, and he did get Congressional authorization, including the votes of many who now are trying to dissociate themselves from those votes. But of course life doesn't work like that. You make decisions on the best information you have at the time, even if it turns out later to have been incorrect or exaggerated.

Only a pussy looks back and says the decision was a "mistake," because later developments went against you. Be a fucking MAN and accept responsibility for your actions. Even if you are a woman and planning to run for President.

Not legitimate: claiming Bush 43 LIED to get us to invade. Congress had access to EXACTLY THE SAME intelligence as did Bush43. Each of them had the opportunity to evaluate the intelligence and decide whether it was reliable, and a majority of them concluded that it was.

Even Colin Powell's testimony in front of the UN. He never said, categorically, that Saddam had WMD's; he merely went over the evidence and said the U.S. was convinced. The idea that Saddam would intentionally pretend to have them was so inconceivable that it was not even considered.

Silly us.

Too bad you people, such as [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & 10-20+/- other cons/repub drones on this board, keep saying that Iraq was a brilliant foreign policy move :rofl: , were too busy lapping-up what Dick, Condi, & Colin were spoon-feeding them :(

Heres just ONE POINT made in the full page ad run prior to Bu$h II's war:
26 September 2002 New York Times Advertisement
Even if we win easily, we have no plausible exit strategy. Iraq is a deeply divided society that the United States would have to occupy and police for many years to create a viable state.

This guy was a signatory and was interviewed on cspan. Needless to say, he pointed-out the obvious :up: Invading Iraq was a collossal foreign policy disaster that broke America's economic back.

Shibley Telhami

Washington Journal Middle East History | Video |
June 22, 2014
Sunni-Shiite Conflict in Iraq

Shibley Telhami talked about the history of Islamic sects in Iraq. Topics included the differences between Sunnis, Shias, and Kurd. He also discussed the history of sharia law and the region as it had been under the rule of Saddam Hussein.

TOLD YOU SO :boohoo: Thanks A LOT chickenhawks :thup:

So the ad says we would have to have troops in Iraq for many years to create a stable society. Then why the hell didn't we? Why didnt Obama listen to those wise people and keep troops there? Why did he run like hell the first chance he got? Obama sacrificed Iraq on the altar of his political ambitions, like everything else.
Thanks to Obama, Al Qaeda now controls all the real estate from Aleppo, Syria to the gates of Baghdad.

Praise be his Holy Name!

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