Anyone remember this photo of Nancy Reagan?

There was a thread about it a couple months ago. She was nicknamed by Hollywood stars -Throat Goat.
Maybe it is what he missed... the other guy, come years later, the: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"...
Nancy Davis (Reagan) was known in her Hollywood days for giving the best blowjobs.

True story. If you don't believe me look it up yourself.
The source for this BS is Kitty Kelley's book, Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography.

Kitty Kelley is known for sensationalism in an attempt to earn a buck, kind of like a whore. She is not known for factual reporting...

Barbara Walters said books like Kelley's are more focused on salacious rather than factual content. The New York Times claimed that Kelley "just aims for the jugular." Time magazine reported that most journalists believe Kelley "too frequently fails to bring perspective or analysis to the fruits of her reporting and at times lards her work with dollops of questionable inferences and innuendos." Joe Klein described Kelley as a "professional sensationalist."

Michael Crowley of Slate magazine once called Kelley "the consummate gossip monger, a vehicle for all the rumor and innuendo surrounding her illustrious subjects"

Oh the things gullible people will believe when they are consumed by hatred.


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