Anyone Seen the Ultimate Hate Site, DemocraticUnderground?

Be careful. A lot of the stupid Moon Bats that post on here are also members of that DU hate forum.

I know Rderp and Billy are mods.


I have never seen a discussion forum filled with more hate and stupidity than DU. It is a cesspool.

I know I got kicked off for telling the truth that poor people subsidize rich people's electric cars..

It used to be ok 5 years ago.

Just think, if Mob Boss Hillary had won, you would have been able to put him in prison for that....
Angelo has a dream for America...
What is your clueless yammering about ?
You think I'm a Hill-bot just for posting one old tyt clip?
Wikileaks reveals Hillary's emails got 20 CIA agents killed or imprisoned in China.

You were OUTRAGED, outraged I tells ya that a preacher could speak in tongues. Oh how it must pain you that Hillary lost, you would have the miscreant in prison for that under a Hillary regime...
Starting out the day 0-3 ....not too promising dude.
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Just think, if Mob Boss Hillary had won, you would have been able to put him in prison for that....
Angelo has a dream for America...
What is your clueless yammering about ?

You were OUTRAGED, outraged I tells ya that a preacher could speak in tongues. Oh how it must pain you that Hillary lost, you would have the miscreant in prison for that under a Hillary regime...
You were OUTRAGED, outraged I tells ya that a preacher could speak in tongues. Oh how it must pain you that Hillary lost, you would have the miscreant in prison for that under a Hillary regime...
That's along now, Mr clueless.:yapyapyapf:
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And what a hate-site it is! DU is the Internet's vilest bag of garbage that's so loathsome, so reprehensible, it's an exercise in the most leftist, exploding, violent, sadistic death/torture threats against anyone with even the slightest Republican inclinations. I can't imagine how many times the Secret Service and FBI have contacted the Webmaster for its cavalcade of bloodthirsty death threats against President Trump and anyone who supports him. If anyone thinks they've seen Trump Derangement Syndrome before, that DU e-gangrene will re-define the word for you. Name me a semi-literate, baby-tantrum website more odious. I can't even call is a "cyber trailer park" because that would insult the comparatively oh-so-intellectual Jerry Springer show.

What's also interesting is that in the non-political subforums, most DUer's are geriatric hippies with a morbidly-obese dirigible form of 300-400 pounds, and crippled with so many disastrous physical and mental health problems (which they wear as a badge of honor, per their victim mentality). And their own TDS keeps self-inducing their own godawful health to be that much worse; they're always raving about blood pressure problems, anxiety attacks, severe sleep disorders, drugged-out convulsions, etc., because Trump is president. It feels like these Morlockian, slithering, probably mangy-looking creatures are drinking a poison and expect President Trump to die from it. I've never seen an Internet community of clinical psychotics who create their own physical health problems out of NOTHING, due to TDS.
Back 20 years ago I was on DemocraticUnderground.....and was banned for saying that Muslims commit terrorist acts at times.

I haven't seen an echo-chamber website that's more censorship-happy (typical of liberals). If a person doesn't have a muslim penis in their mouth, they're gone instantly. Just like their little tin god Obama, if any entity expresses hatred for America, they immediately want to be best friends with it.
And what a hate-site it is! DU is the Internet's vilest bag of garbage that's so loathsome, so reprehensible, it's an exercise in the most leftist, exploding, violent, sadistic death/torture threats against anyone with even the slightest Republican inclinations. I can't imagine how many times the Secret Service and FBI have contacted the Webmaster for its cavalcade of bloodthirsty death threats against President Trump and anyone who supports him. If anyone thinks they've seen Trump Derangement Syndrome before, that DU e-gangrene will re-define the word for you. Name me a semi-literate, baby-tantrum website more odious. I can't even call is a "cyber trailer park" because that would insult the comparatively oh-so-intellectual Jerry Springer show.

What's also interesting is that in the non-political subforums, most DUer's are geriatric hippies with a morbidly-obese dirigible form of 300-400 pounds, and crippled with so many disastrous physical and mental health problems (which they wear as a badge of honor, per their victim mentality). And their own TDS keeps self-inducing their own godawful health to be that much worse; they're always raving about blood pressure problems, anxiety attacks, severe sleep disorders, drugged-out convulsions, etc., because Trump is president. It feels like these Morlockian, slithering, probably mangy-looking creatures are drinking a poison and expect President Trump to die from it. I've never seen an Internet community of clinical psychotics who create their own physical health problems out of NOTHING, due to TDS.
Cool. Thanks for the heads up on the excellent site.

Well, if you like a website that's all about spewing violent death threats at anyone who doesn't think like them, I assume you're an Antifa thug and have the morals of a sewer rat with syphilis. Enjoy your life of mindless animal violence.

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