Anyone Think Dragon Day Could Happen?


Apr 22, 2007
Basically it's a more realistic Red Dawn. China takes over, due to our defaulting on our debt.
Could it happen? We will eventually default on our debt. It will be $20 Tril by 2016 and their hasn't been a balanced budget since the Gingrich led Congress.

[ame=]Dragon Day the movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
cyber attack and hold us hostage.
we will probably have.a NWO before that anyways..
cyber attack and hold us hostage.
we will probably have.a NWO before that anyways..

Chinese cyber attack using their Chinese made microchips. May be more reality than fiction. Except of course the Chinese wouldn't be to blame, it would be the JJJJOOOSSSS!!!

Articles: Dragon Day: Red Dawn for Intellectuals
While some might take comfort in the fact that this is "just a movie," according to Defense Tech, an American-designed, Chinese-made microchip used in defense applications was recently discovered to have a virus hardwired into it. The article states:

Basically, Chinese cyber spies can use the chip's built-in malware to decipher military passcodes and gain remote access to the chip and reprogram it to do their bidding; 'permitting a new and disturbing possibility of a large-scale Stuxnet-type attack via a network or the Internet on the silicon itself,'...

This discovery has led experts to worry that all Chinese manufactured chips may have similar vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the events depicted in the movie are almost indistinguishable from what would happen following an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. EMP is the result of either an unusually large solar storm or high altitude detonation of an atomic bomb. It roasts electrical circuitry. As in the movie, aircraft would fall from the sky, transportation would cease, and energy, food and water supplies would vanish. Iran has conducted missile tests believed to be test runs for EMP attacks.
cyber attack and hold us hostage.
we will probably have.a NWO before that anyways..

Chinese cyber attack using their Chinese made microchips. May be more reality than fiction. Except of course the Chinese wouldn't be to blame, it would be the JJJJOOOSSSS!!!

Articles: Dragon Day: Red Dawn for Intellectuals
While some might take comfort in the fact that this is "just a movie," according to Defense Tech, an American-designed, Chinese-made microchip used in defense applications was recently discovered to have a virus hardwired into it. The article states:

Basically, Chinese cyber spies can use the chip's built-in malware to decipher military passcodes and gain remote access to the chip and reprogram it to do their bidding; 'permitting a new and disturbing possibility of a large-scale Stuxnet-type attack via a network or the Internet on the silicon itself,'...

This discovery has led experts to worry that all Chinese manufactured chips may have similar vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the events depicted in the movie are almost indistinguishable from what would happen following an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. EMP is the result of either an unusually large solar storm or high altitude detonation of an atomic bomb. It roasts electrical circuitry. As in the movie, aircraft would fall from the sky, transportation would cease, and energy, food and water supplies would vanish. Iran has conducted missile tests believed to be test runs for EMP attacks.

If they thought they could pull it off, you bet. WHY would we contract with a chineese company to supply critical defense parts in the first place? Are we just that stupid?
The US has defaulted on its debt several times in the past and no one invaded. They don't have to. They just charge us higher interest rates.

The Dragon movie is not Red Dawn for intellectuals. It is porn for tea partiers.

We will default again through external devaluation.
The US has defaulted on its debt several times in the past and no one invaded. They don't have to. They just charge us higher interest rates.

The Dragon movie is not Red Dawn for intellectuals. It is porn for tea partiers.

We will default again through external devaluation.

And what about the virus? Is that porn too?
The US has defaulted on its debt several times in the past and no one invaded. They don't have to. They just charge us higher interest rates.

The Dragon movie is not Red Dawn for intellectuals. It is porn for tea partiers.

We will default again through external devaluation.

And what about the virus? Is that porn too?

The organization claiming there is a backdoor in the chips has not been peer reviewed and their results have not been reproduced.
Yeah t's Red Dawn Remake.
Why would China wipe out any possibility of getting repaid by destroying our infrastructure etc?
Yeah t's Red Dawn Remake.
Why would China wipe out any possibility of getting repaid by destroying our infrastructure etc?

Exactly. They are as dependent on us to buy their stuff as we are for them to loan us the money.
The United States defaulted big time when FDR changed the value of the dollar from 1/20 an ounce of gold to 1/35. That was a default on nearly half our debt, in total violation of the "gold clause" in debt contracts. Talk about abusing our power!

His action pissed off all of our debtors, including our allies.

But nobody invaded.

The United States defaulted again when Nixon converted the dollar into a fiat currency.

And nobody invaded.
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The United States defaulted big time when FDR changed the value of the dollar from 1/20 an ounce of gold to 1/35. That was a default on nearly half our debt. Talk about flexing Executive power!

His action pissed off all of our debtors, including our allies.

But nobody invaded.

The United States defaulted again when Nixon converted the dollar into a fiat currency.

And nobody invaded.

Well except a President does not have that power, only congress does so they must have gotten approval from said Congress.
The United States defaulted big time when FDR changed the value of the dollar from 1/20 an ounce of gold to 1/35. That was a default on nearly half our debt. Talk about flexing Executive power!

His action pissed off all of our debtors, including our allies.

But nobody invaded.

The United States defaulted again when Nixon converted the dollar into a fiat currency.

And nobody invaded.

Well except a President does not have that power, only congress does so they must have gotten approval from said Congress.
He did. And our debtors took Congress to court, but our Supreme Court ruled in Congress's favor in 1935.

So it was a united front of all three branches when we fucked over our debtors.
Yeah t's Red Dawn Remake.
Why would China wipe out any possibility of getting repaid by destroying our infrastructure etc?

Exactly. They are as dependent on us to buy their stuff as we are for them to loan us the money.

That makes no sense.

Even if American liberals don't see the nonsense in the Chinese giving us money to buy Chinese stuff, the Chinese know it's nonsense. It's like a store owner giving someone money, so the recipient can then buy things from the store.

The Chinese are dependent on people who have money to buy their stuff, WITHOUT first having the Chinese give them the money. That's a customer. The Chinese aren't at all interested in supporting a gigantic American welfare system that produces nothing.

The United States is devolving, shrinking, withdrawing. It would be more productive for the Chinese to invest in an emerging economy like India, or a stable economy like Germany or New Zealand than the United States.
Gold Clause Cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 abrogated gold clauses in government and private contracts and changed the value of the dollar in gold from $20.67 to $35 per ounce. This price remained until August 15, 1971 when President Richard Nixon, in what came to be known as the "Nixon Shock", announced that the United States would no longer convert dollars to gold at a fixed value even for foreign exchange purposes, thus abandoning the gold standard.

Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes wrote the opinion for each case, finding the government's power to regulate money a plenary power. As such, the abrogation of contractual gold clauses, both public and private, were within the reach of congressional authority when such clauses presented a threat to Congress's control of the monetary system.

The whole point of the gold clause in debt contracts was to prevent this exact kind of default!
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Yeah t's Red Dawn Remake.
Why would China wipe out any possibility of getting repaid by destroying our infrastructure etc?

Exactly. They are as dependent on us to buy their stuff as we are for them to loan us the money.

That makes no sense.

Even if American liberals don't see the nonsense in the Chinese giving us money to buy Chinese stuff, the Chinese know it's nonsense. It's like a store owner giving someone money, so the recipient can then buy things from the store.

What the heck do you think a Sears charge card is?

The Chinese are dependent on people who have money to buy their stuff, WITHOUT first having the Chinese give them the money. That's a customer. The Chinese aren't at all interested in supporting a gigantic American welfare system that produces nothing.

Where in the world did you get this idea? We are the biggest economy and biggest manufacturer in the world!

The United States is devolving, shrinking, withdrawing.

This is the kind of whiny pessimism Reagan slammed liberals into the wall for.
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Yeah t's Red Dawn Remake.
Why would China wipe out any possibility of getting repaid by destroying our infrastructure etc?

I think it's slim to none also, but say they do take us over and put us on virtual leashes. They could exploit out vast resources, coal, natural gas, oil, lush farm land, forest, factories etc. There would be economic reasons if it could be accomplished.

Also who would be their to prevent them from doing what they want. Mad at Japan, nuke them and call it a day. Etc.
Yeah t's Red Dawn Remake.
Why would China wipe out any possibility of getting repaid by destroying our infrastructure etc?

Exactly. They are as dependent on us to buy their stuff as we are for them to loan us the money.

That makes no sense.

Even if American liberals don't see the nonsense in the Chinese giving us money to buy Chinese stuff, the Chinese know it's nonsense. It's like a store owner giving someone money, so the recipient can then buy things from the store.

The Chinese are dependent on people who have money to buy their stuff, WITHOUT first having the Chinese give them the money. That's a customer. The Chinese aren't at all interested in supporting a gigantic American welfare system that produces nothing.

The United States is devolving, shrinking, withdrawing. It would be more productive for the Chinese to invest in an emerging economy like India, or a stable economy like Germany or New Zealand than the United States.

Isn't part of China's problem that they have so much surplus cash to invest that they have trouble finding somewhere to put it all?
The US would be one of the few economies big enough.

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