Anyone want to justify 2A after todays events in Allen Texas? 05/06/2023

Cuz women need to be helpless,?right.
He won’t get what he wants.

“Women are among the fastest-growing group of gun owners in the country. Fox News Digital visited an all-female firearm training to find out why they're arming up.”
Guns aren’t going to be ‘banned,’ guns aren’t going to be ‘confiscated’ – these are lies propagated by the dishonest right in an effort to use unwarranted fear to deflect from the fact that Republican refuse to address the issue of gun crime and violence.
Pushing the big lie is called gas lighting
Which has nothing to do with the Second Amendment.

Indeed, there’s nothing in Second Amendment case law that prohibits addressing the problem of gun crime and violence – that’s a lack of political will in Washington and Republicans who lack the courage to consider solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

The Second Amendment wasn’t even incorporated to the states until 2010; prior to that the states were at complete liberty to regulate firearms as they saw fit – or not, the consequence of politics, not the Second Amendment.

Last, the Second Amendment could be used to facilitate addressing gun crime and violence, depending on how it’s interpreted by the courts.
The highest court in the land has already ruled. But states continue their fascist way of enacting restrictive unconstitutional gun laws.
Neighbor says to me "Slim, how many more have to die" I told him "well, let me ask the experts"

so there you go....

Experts, How many more must die?
How many? Well how many more violent criminals will you turn loose on us?
Guns aren’t going to be ‘banned,’ guns aren’t going to be ‘confiscated’ – these are lies propagated by the dishonest right in an effort to use unwarranted fear to deflect from the fact that Republican refuse to address the issue of gun crime and violence.
Come get us.
How many? Well how many more violent criminals will you turn loose on us?
Take those complaints to your leftist overlords. They’re the ones refusing to prosecute criminals and putting career criminals on the streets.
As if on cue…

The dishonest right lies about ‘banning’ guns instead of addressing the issue of gun crime and violence.

Then lets address the real issues.

- Violent Blacks
- Violent Muslims
- Taking God out of our schools
- Intentionally mal-educating our youth.
- Letting criminals out in minutes with no bail.
- Giving our free needles.
- A.D.D. and other psycho medications.
Take those complaints to your leftist overlords. They’re the ones refusing to prosecute criminals and putting career criminals on the streets.
That's why I asked a leftist pos and not you. I don't have any leftist overlords. All leftists need to be locked up.
download (12).png
That's why I asked a leftist pos and not you. I don't have any leftist overlords. All leftists need to be locked up.
My apologies. I replied to your post by mistake. I replied to your post intending to reply to that coming from the leftist, wannabe gun grabber.

Still working on my 3rd quart of morning coffee.
Looks like shooter was likely in a Latino prison gang:

They often get tattoos of the city they are affiliated with.
Guns aren’t going to be ‘banned,’ guns aren’t going to be ‘confiscated’ – these are lies propagated by the dishonest right in an effort to use unwarranted fear to deflect from the fact that Republican refuse to address the issue of gun crime and violence.
So what do you say about the new bill entered to not only ban the production of new suppressors, but to forbids the possession of them? There is no grandfather clause, so anyone with one will have to turn it in. That's a ban and the same tactic will be used against any weapon the liberals find offensive if they get away with this. It shows clear intent. How about California's Assault Weapons ban that forbids the sales or transfer of any "assault weapon". Sure you could keep one if you already owned one when the ban was passed, but you can't sell it or pass it to your survivors when you die. They have to turn it into the state. The only reason they added the grandfather clause was that the Republicans still had a presence in the legislature and the Democrats needed Republican votes to pass the bill.
Thousands. It's a shame that the victims are not just the kids of gun nuts, and gun nuts themselves
Oh the irony of that statement. We "gun nuts" have to protect ourselves from the vermin you let loose on us so we carry guns. The blind stupid of your remark will elude you forever.

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