Anyone Watching "Scandalous" On Fox?, Wow, What A Time It Was, The Early 90's.

:2up: Tonight FOX aired the second installation of "Scandalous". Last week was the story of the Clintons leading up to 1992/93. You have to admit, you can only wish we could go back to the 1990 to 1995 era. Although most Americans did not approve of the Clintons, they sure made our lives interesting back then. If it wasnt for all of the scandals,,our lives would of been about 20% less exciting.
I believe next Sundays installment will be on the Monica Scandal. I can't wait !!!!
So do we all miss the 90's? Yes?
:afro: :banana: :boobies:
The Clintons the gift that keeps on giving... lol
If you believe a pile of BS and hate propaganda with no evidence, super dupe deplorable...
Only a fucking piece of shit respects the Clinton’s, You must suck a lot of Clinton Dick and drink the koolaid out of the Hildabeasts colostomy bag...
I had no idea all those years that there was a birth mystery over Chelsea

Was that in the show?
:2up: Tonight FOX aired the second installation of "Scandalous". Last week was the story of the Clintons leading up to 1992/93. You have to admit, you can only wish we could go back to the 1990 to 1995 era. Although most Americans did not approve of the Clintons, they sure made our lives interesting back then. If it wasnt for all of the scandals,,our lives would of been about 20% less exciting.
I believe next Sundays installment will be on the Monica Scandal. I can't wait !!!!
So do we all miss the 90's? Yes?
:afro: :banana: :boobies:
Just when the GOP hate BS character assassination propaganda machine was getting its start, and mainly phony just like your stupid Fox program, dupe.

I think you have forgotten or don't know about Randy Weaver and Waco.
You are the one watching this crap, not me. But maybe I'll try the rerun. It's fascinating how deplorable Fox news is...

I'm not watching it.
I'm watching Tesla's Death Ray
Well its over now.I would guess the rerun should be on now or at 12.
scandalous on fox? what shit is that hell no

sorry brother
:2up: Tonight FOX aired the second installation of "Scandalous". Last week was the story of the Clintons leading up to 1992/93. You have to admit, you can only wish we could go back to the 1990 to 1995 era. Although most Americans did not approve of the Clintons, they sure made our lives interesting back then. If it wasnt for all of the scandals,,our lives would of been about 20% less exciting.
I believe next Sundays installment will be on the Monica Scandal. I can't wait !!!!
So do we all miss the 90's? Yes?
:afro: :banana: :boobies:
Just when the GOP hate BS character assassination propaganda machine was getting its start, and mainly phony just like your stupid Fox program, dupe.

I think you have forgotten or don't know about Randy Weaver and Waco.
You are the one watching this crap, not me. But maybe I'll try the rerun. It's fascinating how deplorable Fox news is...

I'm not watching it.
I'm watching Tesla's Death Ray
Well its over now.I would guess the rerun should be on now or at 12.

Like I said before, I'm watching another show. :)
:2up: Tonight FOX aired the second installation of "Scandalous". Last week was the story of the Clintons leading up to 1992/93. You have to admit, you can only wish we could go back to the 1990 to 1995 era. Although most Americans did not approve of the Clintons, they sure made our lives interesting back then. If it wasnt for all of the scandals,,our lives would of been about 20% less exciting.
I believe next Sundays installment will be on the Monica Scandal. I can't wait !!!!
So do we all miss the 90's? Yes?
:afro: :banana: :boobies:
The Clintons the gift that keeps on giving... lol
If you believe a pile of BS and hate propaganda with no evidence, super dupe deplorable...
Only a fucking piece of shit respects the Clinton’s, You must suck a lot of Clinton Dick and drink the koolaid out of the Hildabeasts colostomy bag...
I had no idea all those years that there was a birth mystery over Chelsea

Was that in the show?
That was brought up in last weeks episode
The Clintons the gift that keeps on giving... lol
If you believe a pile of BS and hate propaganda with no evidence, super dupe deplorable...
Only a fucking piece of shit respects the Clinton’s, You must suck a lot of Clinton Dick and drink the koolaid out of the Hildabeasts colostomy bag...
I had no idea all those years that there was a birth mystery over Chelsea

Was that in the show?
That was brought up in last weeks episode
Tonight was mostly about the Paula Jones debacle
go watch Alice in Wonderland

bloody hell ....
I really miss the early 90s...I'd give up pizza to go back to 1990

sure but are you :( :muahaha:

but the rest of they entertain themselves like that? whatching that %^& on TV??


just wonder.....with all wonder :dunno:
go watch Alice in Wonderland

bloody hell ....
I really miss the early 90s...I'd give up pizza to go back to 1990

sure but are you :( :muahaha:

but the rest of they entertain themselves like that? whatching that %^& on TV??


just wonder.....with all wonder :dunno:
I worked a lot during the first 4 years of the I didnt watch much idea of the 4 years of scandals.eventually I learned of them watching the Rush Limbaugh show. But what a time that was....1990 to 1995. Life was wonderful back then...then it totally sucked starting 2009
She got old happens to everyone sexist agist Pig... Dope.
yah,,,,,like day turning into night
Getting old for women is not about whether you want to get laid with them, sexist agist stupid man LOL. Time's up.
Now wait a second! I could of sworn I heard Hillary speaking in a strong southern accent a long time ago.but watching was gone....what the he'll happened?
That was one sentence that fox repeated thousands of times until you believe total b*******, Super Dupe. Lose a Point move on quickly, right, brainwashee? LOL!
And till this day....we still don't know why Vince foster shot himself
Nor have they found the bullet.
go watch Alice in Wonderland

bloody hell ....
I really miss the early 90s...I'd give up pizza to go back to 1990

sure but are you :( :muahaha:

but the rest of they entertain themselves like that? whatching that %^& on TV??


just wonder.....with all wonder :dunno:
I worked a lot during the first 4 years of the I didnt watch much idea of the 4 years of scandals.eventually I learned of them watching the Rush Limbaugh show. But what a time that was....1990 to 1995. Life was wonderful back then...then it totally sucked starting 2009
That was called a GOP corrupt World depression, second one. Or you are just a racist plenty of them around
yah,,,,,like day turning into night
Getting old for women is not about whether you want to get laid with them, sexist agist stupid man LOL. Time's up.
Now wait a second! I could of sworn I heard Hillary speaking in a strong southern accent a long time ago.but watching was gone....what the he'll happened?
That was one sentence that fox repeated thousands of times until you believe total b*******, Super Dupe. Lose a Point move on quickly, right, brainwashee? LOL!
And till this day....we still don't know why Vince foster shot himself
Nor have they found the bullet.
Of course they found the bullet and they had five investigations including one by starr. Only You GOP dupes don't know he was depressed about all the GOP b******* and hate propaganda duh duh. He was what is known as a nice guy or a Democrat. LOL
go watch Alice in Wonderland

bloody hell ....
I really miss the early 90s...I'd give up pizza to go back to 1990

sure but are you :( :muahaha:

but the rest of they entertain themselves like that? whatching that %^& on TV??


just wonder.....with all wonder :dunno:
I worked a lot during the first 4 years of the I didnt watch much idea of the 4 years of scandals.eventually I learned of them watching the Rush Limbaugh show. But what a time that was....1990 to 1995. Life was wonderful back then...then it totally sucked starting 2009
That was called a GOP corrupt World depression, second one. Or you are just a racist plenty of them around
What I really missed was the music. Loved top 40 back then!
So what was it that made Vince shoot himself?......something really bad was coming?...was he about to get embarrassed over something?
yah,,,,,like day turning into night
Getting old for women is not about whether you want to get laid with them, sexist agist stupid man LOL. Time's up.
Now wait a second! I could of sworn I heard Hillary speaking in a strong southern accent a long time ago.but watching was gone....what the he'll happened?
That was one sentence that fox repeated thousands of times until you believe total b*******, Super Dupe. Lose a Point move on quickly, right, brainwashee? LOL!
And till this day....we still don't know why Vince foster shot himself
Nor have they found the bullet.
That is pure b*******propaganda, super dupe. It was investigated five times all explained never any controversy. You are a conspiracy nut. Just like half the GOP. Who has no evidence nothing but a pile of crap
So what was it that made Vince shoot himself?......something really bad was coming?...was he about to get embarrassed over something?
He was sick of the GOP hate and lies and couldn't handle it. A country boy stupid a****** you that you are, super dupe.

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