Anyone Who Supports This Fascist Democrat Evil Is A Direct Threat To You, & Your Family!

Are you forgetting the great deal Hunter got? Before it was shot down by a sane judge?
You keep on confusing Biden with the DOJ or a judge. None of them are the same thing. The judge, ( as is the job of a judge.) identified a basic problem with the plea deal. When this was made clear, the prosecution decided to drop to plea deal and charge the suspect.

Fact. In the very least, Joe could disparage the prosecution, casting doubt on their honesty. Failing that, if Biden wanted his kid to get off, he could simply order the DOJ to drop the charges. If the AG refuses (as he should) simply fire the AG until he found someone willing. Failing that he could also simply pardon his son. Trump has done all these things in defense of himself and his political friends during his term.

In reality, Biden has not weighed in. Allowed the indictment to proceed and sure as hell hasn't pardoned him.
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They like throwing around that "fascist" label but obviously they don`t know what the word means.
Above cretin has opened itself to mockery, it implies, as do all fascist democrats, that the pro-American forces arrayed against them are fascist. See how it implies that "we do not know the meaning thereof?" Fascism is one party totalitarian rule over every fucking single aspect of a given society, how you think, how to vote, how to work, how to entertain, how to have sex, everything, no matter how trivial!

Fascism is exactly the definition of "woke," with woke being the chosen social weapon of fascists!

Fascism is total intolerance of any dissenting opinion, period, and they will kill you both figuratively (cancel) and literally for doing so!

Fascism is declaring evil good, and good evil!

Fascism is not necessarily comprised of a dictator, but most often by central committee!

Fascism is DEI, not merit!

Fascism is the state taking your children and perverting them, both politically and sexually, and then weaponizing them against their parents (Mao's cultural revolution)! Woke is Mao's cultural revolution, dressed up specifically for murdering western civilization!

Fascism is the medieval aristocracy dressed up for the modern area, you have no voice in anything,
they use the mob (all of the above) to shout you down, and murder you figuratively, or literally, with that mob remaining clueless that they are nothing more than a tool!

Nazi is an acronym for National Socialist Workers Party, and prior to WW II, those fascists, formed up a literal mutual admiration society with the fascist democrats across the pond from them, all Nazi ideas on eugenics were lifted directly from fascist democrat intelligentsia, HISTORICAL FACT!

Above cretins, all with sub-70 IQ's, think wikipedia is the definition of fascism, right, a fraudulent web dictionary, authored by fascists, declaring fascism! :laughing0301:

MAGA is pro-America, freedom for all, and small kept in its place government, equal justice under the law, merit-based ascension rather than party dictated ascension through school, and industry, wherein the latter will never place a deserving individual in a critical position, but always a the loudest one the party approves of!

You fucking cretins have no idea what you even are, you are menace to every man, women, and child on earth!
Above cretin has opened itself to mockery, it implies, as do all fascist democrats, that the pro-American forces arrayed against them are fascist. See how it implies that "we do not know the meaning thereof?" Fascism is one party totalitarian rule over every fucking single aspect of a given society, how you think, how to vote, how to work, how to entertain, how to have sex, everything, no matter how trivial!

Fascism is exactly the definition of "woke," with woke being the chosen social weapon of fascists!

Fascism is total intolerance of any dissenting opinion, period, and they will kill you both figuratively (cancel) and literally for doing so!

Fascism is declaring evil good, and good evil!

Fascism is not necessarily comprised of a dictator, but most often by central committee!

Fascism is DEI, not merit!

Fascism is the state taking your children and perverting them, both politically and sexually, and then weaponizing them against their parents (Mao's cultural revolution)! Woke is Mao's cultural revolution, dressed up specifically for murdering western civilization!

Fascism is the medieval aristocracy dressed up for the modern area, you have no voice in anything,
they use the mob (all of the above) to shout you down, and murder you figuratively, or literally, with that mob remaining clueless that they are nothing more than a tool!

Nazi is an acronym for National Workers Socialist Party, and prior to WW II, those fascists, formed up a literal mutual admiration society with the fascist democrats across the pond from them, all Nazi ideas on eugenics were lifted directly from fascist democrat intelligentsia, HISTORICAL FACT!

Above cretins, all with sub-70 IQ's, think wikipedia is the definition of fascism, right, a fraudulent web dictionary, authored by fascists, declaring fascism! :laughing0301:

MAGA is pro-America, freedom for all, and small kept in its place government, equal justice under the law, merit-based ascension rather than party dictated ascension through school, and industry, wherein the latter will never place a deserving individual in a critical position, but always a the loudest one the party approves of!

You fucking cretins have no idea what you even are, you are menace to every man, women, and child on earth!
^^^ someone get this nutjob on a watch list
Oh look a little terrorist wannabe; eat shit little MAGA :itsok:
Are you a tough person? Most are not. Except Progs have a thing veneer of people willing to do riots/insurrections that the other side does not have. And frankly the Prog side is given free violence and carnage from the mostly controlled media/entertainment political class. The other side has many men who are well trained and can kill with quick results. Do not discount them. If they start protesting and worse in growing numbers, you will know it. Until them there are no martyrs dying for nothing.
Above cretin has opened itself to mockery, it implies, as do all fascist democrats, that the pro-American forces arrayed against them are fascist. See how it implies that "we do not know the meaning thereof?" Fascism is one party totalitarian rule over every fucking single aspect of a given society, how you think, how to vote, how to work, how to entertain, how to have sex, everything, no matter how trivial!

Fascism is exactly the definition of "woke," with being woke the chosen social weapon of fascists!

Fascism is total intolerance of any dissenting opinion, period, and they will kill you both figuratively (cancel) and literally for doing so!

Fascism is declaring evil good, and good evil!

Fascism is not necessarily comprised of a dictator, but most often by central committee!

Fascism is DEI, not merit!

Fascism is the state taking your children and perverting them, both politically and sexually, and then weaponizing them against their parents (Mao's cultural revolution)! Woke is Mao's cultural revolution, dressed up specifically for murdering western civilization!

Fascism is the medieval aristocracy dressed up for the modern area, you have no voice in anything,
they use the mob (all of the above) to shout you down, and murder you figuratively, or literally, with that mob remaining clueless that they are nothing more than a tool!

Nazi is an acronym for National Workers Socialist Party, and prior to WW II, those fascists, formed up a literal mutual admiration society with the fascist democrats across the pond from them, all Nazi ideas on eugenics were lifted directly from fascist democrat intelligentsia, HISTORICAL FACT!

Above cretins, all with sub-70 IQ's, think wikipedia is the definition of fascism, right, a fraudulent web dictionary, authored by fascists, declaring fascism! :laughing0301:

MAGA is pro-America, freedom for all, and small kept in its place government, equal justice under the law, merit-based ascension rather than party dictated ascension through school, and industry, wherein the latter will never place a deserving individual in a critical position, but always a the loudest one the party approves of!

You fucking cretins have no idea what you even are, you are menace to every man, women, and child on earth!
Ninja, quite honestly, I don't give a shit how you have sex. If you want to buttfuck your girlfriend by moonlight, screaming "I hate werewolf's", I won't tell you can't. if it's between consenting adults the only thing I can say is "have fun."

On the other hand, I'm always amazed how concerned you guys seem to be about other people having sex. "You can't do it when you are both female.", "you can't do it when you are both male."," You shouldn't do it when not married."," If you do it and get pregnant, you should have a baby, regardless of how you feel about it." All of these positions have substantial support within your party. NOT the Democrats.
Are you a tough person? Most are not. Except Progs have a thing veneer of people willing to do riots/insurrections that the other side does not have. And frankly the Prog side is given free violence and carnage from the mostly controlled media/entertainment political class. The other side has many men who are well trained and can kill with quick results. Do not discount them. If they start protesting and worse in growing numbers, you will know it. Until them there are no martyrs dying for nothing.
No need to fear a bunch of weak pussies :itsok:
The consequences for you fascists will be terminal, we will exterminate your political party & its machine, total eradication, no quarter given, you have no idea what you have called down, and down upon you its coming!

It warms my heart to see how this verdict has push you crazies over the edge into the totally bizarre range
No need to fear a bunch of weak pussies :itsok:
That is the history of the world. We are mostly followers. The new power elite will realize that most Prog women and anyone gay are useless to them in a society that they will fore hetero families to keep the people surviving in a less populated and less rich environment. Add the aged and the sickly and undereducated not needed for slave work, and we are making progress. So, I want to avoid that. And this is doable as human history teaches us in austere times. Watch the pussies then.
MAGA is pro-America, freedom for all, and small kept in its place government, equal justice under the law, merit-based ascension rather than party dictated ascension through school, and industry
Nice words, dip shit. :rolleyes: The fucking platitudes above you say your tribe supposedly 'stand for' are complete bullshit. You're for freedom when it suits you. Magaturds only want small government when it suits them. Equal justice? :auiqs.jpg:Get the fuck outta here. Merit based ascension? You mean when the orange bag O' shit appointed his children to positions in his own administration?

Everything a magaturd says is disingenuous. Everything. :rolleyes:
There will never be any to watch, because they don't actually have any convictions :itsok:
The powerful force people to their ways. Fascism reared its head in Europe growing from the late 1920's until WW2. Today we have had a longer socialist payout system to forestall or delay a War of pain. Ukraine proves there are gyrations going on again in the financial part of the world. There is no reason to side with Ukraine from the West. And yet here we are.
The consequences for you fascists will be terminal, we will exterminate your political party & its machine, total eradication, no quarter given, you have no idea what you have called down, and down upon you its coming!
HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaahaahaahaaahaaa.... oh god, stop, I can't breathe, I can't breathe...
Oh no! Not Tucker Carlson! We don't stand a chance!!!
Nice words, dip shit. :rolleyes: The fucking platitudes above you say your tribe supposedly 'stand for' are complete bullshit. You're for freedom when it suits you. Magaturds only want small government when it suits them. Equal justice? :auiqs.jpg:Get the fuck outta here. Merit based ascension? You mean when the orange bag O' shit appointed his children to positions in his own administration?

Everything a magaturd says is disingenuous. Everything. :rolleyes:
Exactly what I think.

"law and order". What does it mean for MAGA? Not supporting the rulings of judges. Doesn't mean accepting the verdict of juries either. It doesn't mean supporting police. They have no problem advocating for those who beat police up at Jan 6th. The FBI? Part of the "swamp." The only time they seem to support police is when that police chokes out a black guy. At that point the black guy deserves it.

"Election integrity." What does it mean for MAGA? It doesn't mean that you can't hide campaign donations. It doesn't mean you can't forge electoral votes. In fact, the only thing it does seem to mean is that a vote not for them is by definition illegal.

"Family values" What does it mean for MAGA? It seems it doesn't mean you can't cheat on your wife. It doesn't mean you can't rape woman. It doesn't mean you can't pay Porn stars to have sex with you. It doesn't mean you can't walk into girls dressing rooms.UNDERAGE girls. The only thing it seems to mean is that you can't have same sex sex, or abortions.

It would be funny, if any of them would see the irony in their positions.
Exactly what I think.

"law and order". What does it mean for MAGA? Not supporting the rulings of judges. Doesn't mean accepting the verdict of juries either. It doesn't mean supporting police. They have no problem advocating for those who beat police up at Jan 6th. The FBI? Part of the "swamp." The only time they seem to support police is when that police chokes out a black guy. At that point the black guy deserves it.

"Election integrity." What does it mean for MAGA? It doesn't mean that you can't hide campaign donations. It doesn't mean you can't forge electoral votes. In fact, the only thing it does seem to mean is that a vote not for them is by definition illegal.

"Family values" What does it mean for MAGA? It seems it doesn't mean you can't cheat on your wife. It doesn't mean you can't rape woman. It doesn't mean you can't pay Porn stars to have sex with you. It doesn't mean you can't walk into girls dressing rooms.UNDERAGE girls. The only thing it seems to mean is that you can't have same sex sex, or abortions.

It would be funny, if any of them would see the irony in their positions.
Why is Trump important enough to destroy this country over?
Exactly what I think.

"law and order". What does it mean for MAGA? Not supporting the rulings of judges. Doesn't mean accepting the verdict of juries either. It doesn't mean supporting police. They have no problem advocating for those who beat police up at Jan 6th. The FBI? Part of the "swamp." The only time they seem to support police is when that police chokes out a black guy. At that point the black guy deserves it.

"Election integrity." What does it mean for MAGA? It doesn't mean that you can't hide campaign donations. It doesn't mean you can't forge electoral votes. In fact, the only thing it does seem to mean is that a vote not for them is by definition illegal.

"Family values" What does it mean for MAGA? It seems it doesn't mean you can't cheat on your wife. It doesn't mean you can't rape woman. It doesn't mean you can't pay Porn stars to have sex with you. It doesn't mean you can't walk into girls dressing rooms.UNDERAGE girls. The only thing it seems to mean is that you can't have same sex sex, or abortions.

It would be funny, if any of them would see the irony in their positions.
Magaturds are irony deficient.
Why is Trump important enough to destroy this country over?
Because defense of Trump makes someone like you forget that you are supposed to have principles.

The fact of the matter is that being Republican is supposed to mean you respect "law and order" regardless of how you feel. A jury decided he's guilty. He had the chance to put up his defense. He will have the chance to appeal any conviction.

You guys have decided that you reject any verdict NOT favorable to Trump by default.

You reject the notion that Trump is trying to subvert Democracy. Although I've yet to see any of you actually arguing that he didn't on merit. None of you is disputing the fake elector scheme for example.

All of you seem to be applauding the notion of using the justice department for purely partisan reasons.

I'm sure you feel justified. but that's just because you reject a single notion out of hand. And assume that Democrats are corrupt.

"Trump is guilty".

There are 2 options in my opinion. There's a massive conspiracy causing Trump to be on the losing end of all these legal fights. It being civil, or criminal. Either at this time 100 plus randomly selected citizen's and something like 75 judges (counting all those ruling on election related cases in 2020) are wrong and/or corrupted. Or Trump is simply guilty.
The consequences for you fascists will be terminal, we will exterminate your political party & its machine, total eradication, no quarter given, you have no idea what you have called down, and down upon you its coming!

Blah hahahahaha. How's your day going? Hahahahahaha!

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