Anyone Who Supports This Fascist Democrat Evil Is A Direct Threat To You, & Your Family!

It's a psychological need I suspect. They are defending someone they often can't defend on merit. So, the only defense they have left to consider themselves "the good guys" is the simple claim." The other side made us do it". It's not unlike an abusive husband claiming the wife "provoked him, to hit her."

Works exactly the same way.
Yep, could be. The way I see it, politics is just another organized sport to a magaturd. Whomever 'scores' a goal, even if said goal doesn't effect them directly in any way (like 99.9%), it's a 'win/loss' for their 'team'.

It's all quite silly.

trump baby bars.jpg
Yep, could be. The way I see it, politics is just another organized sport to a magaturd. Whomever 'scores' a goal, even if said goal doesn't effect them directly in any way (like 99.9%), it's a 'win/loss' for their 'team'.

It's all quite silly.
I wouldn't use silly at the moment.

It's quite dangerous. Trump has convinced a very substantial portion of the population that the very foundation on which the US is built is invalid.

Peaceful transfer of power, the entire foundation as to how a person is supposed to held to account. All irrevocably damaged in the eyes of his supporters. If something is invalid there's no objection to simply eliminating it.

There's still a significant chance he will win the presidency and he has a very extensive national party willing to go by his word and nothing else.

That's not silly, that's alarming.
If you're defense for me saying that you are betraying every principle you claim to hold is. "Well with an incestuous pervert in the White House." you aren't denying the premise. You are implying by excusing the lack of principle that you don't have any.

As for me being a hypocrite. You are absolutely welcome to try to claim he's an incestuous pervert. I've read the entry in that diary it says no such thing. Not at least in context. Even so. Try to make the case of you think you can make it stick. You can rest assured I will accept any verdict a jury comes up with on the charge. Perfectly illustrating the difference. I feel no need to defend Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton or whomever. If you think you can make an indictment stick, and it does. I will respect that verdict.

That's what being for "law and order" actually means. I can and do disagree with the verdicts of the judiciary often. But respecting the rule of law means that I will respect the verdict and go by the assumption it was reached in good faith.
If they respected the rule of law Killary, Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Clapper and Fauci would be in jail. I am sick of hearing that crap.
If they respected the rule of law Killary, Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Clapper and Fauci would be in jail. I am sick of hearing that crap.
TRY TO GET A GRAND JURY TO SIGN OFF ON AN INDICTMENT. It's claimed a prosecutor can get an indictment for a ham sandwich. Hillary, you had 4 years under Trump to charge. Same for Comey and McCabe. Guess what. I know for a fact that when a judge demanded charges being filed for McCabe, the DOJ under Trump dropped the case.

At what point do you accept that the lack of indictment means the case doesn't warrant an indictment? How many years do you need?

Your problem is that you live in your media bubble feeding you a whole lot of " this is what should happen" the problem is that no matter how many times reality don't fit those statements you will never question the original assertion, only the reason why reality doesn't fit your preconceptions.
I wouldn't use silly at the moment.

It's quite dangerous. Trump has convinced a very substantial portion of the population that the very foundation on which the US is built is invalid.

Peaceful transfer of power, the entire foundation as to how a person is supposed to held to account. All irrevocably damaged in the eyes of his supporters. If something is invalid there's no objection to simply eliminating it.

There's still a significant chance he will win the presidency and he has a very extensive national party willing to go by his word and nothing else.

That's not silly, that's alarming.
You have a political tribe (magaturds) that never actually wanted accountability for their own candidates, yet seem to demand it from others. That's what I mean by silly. The alarming and hypocritical part will be is if this gets the orange bag O' shit elected. That will mean standards have been erased across the board in our political system and power becomes blatantly corrupted. If agendas become too unpopular, just lie about them.

Now that's true Banana Republic shit.
You are absolutely welcome to try. First, get through the pretrial motions. Chances are you won't. On account of not being able to articulate an actual crime, for starters. Not having standing for another. If you get through that you have the opportunity to explain how the federal government can be held responsible for the crimes committed by someone who by definition came into the country illegally. And then you can explain how Joe Biden personally can be held responsible.

Good luck.
He's president. Under article 4 section 4 of the Constitution, he has engaged in dereliction of duty. He has facilitated illegal entry into the country. The result is actual harm to American citizens.
He's president. Under article 4 section 4 of the Constitution, he has engaged in dereliction of duty. He has facilitated illegal entry into the country. The result is actual harm to American citizens.
Good luck trying to present that as an argument in a criminal case, under the "beyond reasonable doubt standard", directed at Joe Biden specifically.

Here's my prediction. It will be dismissed out of hand.
TRY TO GET A GRAND JURY TO SIGN OFF ON AN INDICTMENT. It's claimed a prosecutor can get an indictment for a ham sandwich. Hillary, you had 4 years under Trump to charge. Same for Comey and McCabe. Guess what. I know for a fact that when a judge demanded charges being filed for McCabe, the DOJ under Trump dropped the case.

At what point do you accept that the lack of indictment means the case doesn't warrant an indictment? How many years do you need?

Your problem is that you live in your media bubble feeding you a whole lot of " this is what should happen" the problem is that no matter how many times reality don't fit those statements you will never question the original assertion, only the reason why reality doesn't fit your preconceptions.
ABOVE THE LAW. GFY with your excuses.
Good luck trying to present that as an argument in a criminal case, under the "beyond reasonable doubt standard", directed at Joe Biden specifically.

Here's my prediction. It will be dismissed out of hand.
That is the argument, however we are now under democrat tyranny. We are not suddenly a police state. We have suddenly recognized just how much of a police state we have become.
ABOVE THE LAW. GFY with your excuses.
I'm sure you made a point. Not exactly sure what it is?

Nobody is above the law. The law requires a Grand Jury to sign off on an indictment. After which a trial occurs. Which produces a verdict that can be appealed.

NONE OF THIS HAPPENED, although the President and the AG were Republican.

So again, why don't you accept the lack of charges as an indication no crimes were committed?

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