Anyone Who Supports This Fascist Democrat Evil Is A Direct Threat To You, & Your Family!

The consequences for you fascists will be terminal, we will exterminate your political party & its machine, total eradication, no quarter given, you have no idea what you have called down, and down upon you its coming!

Lets fucking GO!
Notice how none of these communists address the validity of the show trial. They taunt and tease.

It is going up the backside soon enough with you.
TRY TO GET A GRAND JURY TO SIGN OFF ON AN INDICTMENT. It's claimed a prosecutor can get an indictment for a ham sandwich. Hillary, you had 4 years under Trump to charge. Same for Comey and McCabe. Guess what. I know for a fact that when a judge demanded charges being filed for McCabe, the DOJ under Trump dropped the case.

At what point do you accept that the lack of indictment means the case doesn't warrant an indictment? How many years do you need?

Your problem is that you live in your media bubble feeding you a whole lot of " this is what should happen" the problem is that no matter how many times reality don't fit those statements you will never question the original assertion, only the reason why reality doesn't fit your preconceptions.

hillary has been under the microscope (along with slick willy ) since the '90s, with whitewater. & don't forget even murder...

vince foster & seth rich ring any bells?

& nothing. zero has ever been proven about the ol' gal.

hillary has been under the microscope (along with slick willy ) since the '90s, with whitewater. & don't forget even murder...

vince foster & seth rich ring any bells?

& nothing. zero has ever been proven about the ol' gal.

hillary has been under the microscope (along with slick willy ) since the '90s, with whitewater. & don't forget even murder...

vince foster & seth rich ring any bells?

& nothing. zero has ever been proven about the ol' gal.


They have been after HRC for over 30-Years and jack shit to for. Four years under the Convicted Felon, Rapist and Traitor and nothing happened. Chants of "LOCK HER UP.....LOCK HER UP" came to nothing.

She has become the Great White Whale of the ReNaziKlan Party. They would do well to remember what happened to Captain Ahab.

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